• Published 1st Nov 2015
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Path of Kindness and Blood - CommanderX5

Fluttershy was a very kind pureblood vampony who suffered a terrible tragedy. Will she find a place to call home in Ponyville? Will it be filled with friendship and acceptance, or will she face fear and hostility?

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Friends - Big Problem

Path of Kindness and Blood


Chapter 3

Part 1 - Big Problem

Four years before Nightmare Moon’s return

“And done,” Dash said as she ploughed through the last cloud, causing it to vanish into thin air. Placing her forelegs firmly on her sides, she raised her head proudly. “See, Cloudchaser, what did I tell you?”

“I must admit, you’re faster than me at clearing the sky, and you’re a good learner… at least when it comes to practice. Pity you're not as good when it comes to theory, though.”

Dash frowned. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, I’m just saying that you’re fast for such a young mare.” She smirked. “Though you are a bit young to give up on education and go straight to work, don’t you agree?”

“I have my reasons,” Dash said as she crossed her forelegs and looked to the side.

“I’m just kidding, loosen up a bit.” She flew closer and placed forehoof on Dash’s shoulder. “You have talent, and you’re matching up to more experienced pegasi in clearing the sky.” She chuckled. “Keep it up, learn more about managing weather, and you may become a leader one day.”

Dash smirked and said with pride, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Cloudchaser took out a small bag of bits from her saddlebag and gave it to the young worker. “Here’s your salary, and give our regards to Fluttershy.”

“Will do,” Dash said with a salute and flew towards the cottage, a pleasant wind flapping her mane and tail.

Everything‘s going great. Fluttershy’s happy, the cottage is finally restored, and I’ve gotta admit, the Apple family did a great job replacing the swamp with something useful. She patted her saddlebags. We both have jobs, the animals have a lot of space, and Bright Eyes and Twisty Vision are even finishing their work on my own cloud home! Things are finally looking bright.

Dash stopped herself in midair and descended, landing in front of a small bridge. I wonder, did they dig out a canal between the cottage and a nearby river to get the water here? Or is this some sort of drainage system to remove the underground water? Whatever, it still looks nice.

She walked over the bridge while admiring the area. She noticed several dens, either made by bunnies or filled with snakes, holes in trees for squirrels to live in, and nests on the branches that housed various birds. She carefully opened the door as to not make too much noise, her attention now on the several birdhouses filling the room and small holes in the walls for mice and rats to live in. Animals ran around without paying her any mind.

“Dash, is that you?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, were you expecting somepony else?” Dash asked as she turned to the source of voice, and walked towards the kitchen.

“We have a big problem.”

“Problem?” Dash asked as she entered the kitchen and looked around, quickly noticing her friend sitting against a wall. She turned to Fluttershy and had to look up, her mouth agape. The now proportionally smaller pegasus stood up on her rear hooves, the only way she could place her forehoof on top of her friend's head. “When you said 'big problem', you sure weren't kidding.”

Rainbow Dash sat in Fluttershy’s shadow and said, “Let me guess. The age-altering spell finally gave up?”

The taller pony nodded. “I’m afraid so… umm, what's so funny?”

“S-sorry Flutters.” She placed a forehoof on her mouth, trying restrain her chuckles, and took a calming breath. “It’s just that… you’re growing up so fast.”

She snorted and pointed at her friend, who stared back in confusion. “Keep it up and you’re going to put dragons to shame.” She smirked. “Whatever you’re eating, I want some of that.”

“What are you talking about?”

“What's the weather like up there?”

“Clear skies, I think? You’re the one working for Ponyville’s weather management, so you should know better than me,” Fluttershy responded.

Dash facehoofed. I swear, she has almost no sense of humor. I’d better bring my A-game. She took a deep breath and said, “Looks like now you can stay in Ponyville, and still feel like you are in Cloudsdale!”

Fluttershy grabbed her between her hooves and brought her up while glaring with all seriousness she could muster. “This is not a joking matter.”

Dash crossed her forelegs and said with a smug, “Yes, Mooom.” Her words got her released, and she fell on her flank.

“Stop, it isn't funny,” Fluttershy said with a firm stomp. “This is a serious situation.”

“Relax,” Dash said as she stood up to her hooves. “I’m just trying to lighten the mood.” She pointed at the slightly angered thestral. “You recovered your size and maturity, what’s wrong with that?”

She flew up and spread her legs, now hovering in mid-air. “Think of all the cool stuff you can do, no more restraints!”

She flew next to her friend and placed a foreleg around her neck. “You’re no longer a young mare, but a grown up pureblood vampo… thestral, ready to tackle the world. Think of all the possibilities.”

The response proved to be different than Dash expected, as her taller friend lowered her head and massaged her foreleg. She could see Fluttershy approach a sink and fill two cups with water, alongside a few herbs while silence overtook the kitchen. “Come on, Flutters, you can’t be that angry just because of a few jokes about your size,” Dash said while her friend ignored her, focusing on mixing the water in both cups with the tip of her wing.

Dash could do nothing but stare as her friend approached the table and placed the two cups she held in her wings atop it, before gesturing for her to join. With a hesitant nod, she approached the other side of the table and looked at Fluttershy nervously.

Much to Dash’s surprise, two fangs grew from Fluttershy’s teeth, who slowly raised her own foreleg and pierced it carefully, leaving two small wounds.

“Fluttershy, what are you doing? You’re kinda creeping me out.”

The disguised thestral didn’t answer, while her eyes flashed in red, and several drops of blood emerged from her wound, levitating towards both cups. In seconds, the water started boiling. Okay… now that’s beyond creepy. Dash thought as the blood returned into Fluttershy’s wound, closing it. Not a single drop was left mixed with the tea. Fluttershy took one teacup between her hooves and pushed another towards Dash with her wing.

“I… don’t feel thirsty,” Dash said, pushing the cup away.

Fluttershy raised the teacup gracefully up to her face and took a sip before speaking with closed eyes and a calm tone, “Pegasus magic and evolutionary traits are truly fascinating.” She took another sip. “Did you know that besides controlling weather in numerous ways, they can heat and cool with a mere touch?”

Fluttershy took yet another sip and opened her eyes. “With some practice, you could heat up a teacup with your hoof alone.” She placed the cup on the table and shot her friend a relaxed smile. “Surely you aren’t disturbed by the fact that I did something similar, except by using my own blood instead?”

Dash stared at her own teacup and gulped. After a few failed attempts to drink it, she looked to the side.

“Is something wrong with my so called, ‘cool powers’? I thought you would be more impressed than that.” Fluttershy kept her voice perfectly neutral.

“Yeah… it was kind of cool.” Dash rubbed the back of her neck, avoiding eye contact with her taller friend. I feel as if I just stepped into a minefield. One wrong word..., she thought while forcing a smile. “But I really don’t feel comfortable drinking something that had blood in it.”

“Fair enough,” Fluttershy said before raising her forehoof in a lecturing gesture. “Now please answer this: if as my friend, who has known my secret for many years, you still find my abilities disturbing...” Dash bit her lips, as her friend placed a forehoof on her own chest. “How do you think ponies would react after seeing me like this?”

Dash’s pupils shrank. Ponyfeathers! She chuckled nervously. “Oh… right. You can always say that, umm… that you hit a growth spurt.”

Noticing how her friend crossed her forelegs and raised an eyebrow, she said, “What’s wrong with that? Some ponies grow up quite fast.”

“In only one year?” Fluttershy asked. “I doubt I can convince everypony that I grew so much ever since Pinkie’s party because of that.” She sighed and lowered her head. “My only option is to stay inside this cottage for a year or two and avoid others.”

“Seriously?” Dash asked. “Can’t you use like… an illusion or something?”

“I can hide my appearance, but not my size,” Fluttershy said with a shake of her head. She continued with a depressed tone, “But it’s fine… I don’t feel safe among other ponies anyway. It’s… better this way.”

Dash crossed her own forelegs, mimicking Fluttershy while shooting her a firm stare. “You’re forgetting about one hole in your plan.” Noticing her growing curiosity, she finished, “Pinkie Pie.”

Much to Dash’s surprise, her friend smirked. "Wait, you already planned for that?"

Pinkie Pie stood several meters away from the cottage, trembling. Her forehead was covered in sweat, her eyes and ears twitching uncontrollably, “Don’t you dare, Pinkie, keep yourself in check.” She started biting her own hooves nervously as she fought against her own nature with all her will.

Remember, Pinkie, Fluttershy needs some long-term privacy because of personal embarrassing issues. She begged you to not come near her until she dealt with them. It is very important, Dashie's words echoed in Pinkie’s mind as she remembered them as if they were said yesterday, which in a sense was true.

Will do, Dashie. If Fluttershy needs some time alone, than I will give it to her. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I Pinkie Promise, the memory continued.

Pinkie Pie paced back and forth, occasionally glancing at the cottage as her curiosity tried to get the best of her. “Bad Pinkie, bad Pinkie, keep your promise!” She turned back to the cottage and continued, “Whatever problem it may be, I don’t need to know the details… I don’t need to help… for days… weeks… months...”

As it finally became too much for her, she knelt and shouted while slamming her forehooves against the ground. “What have I done?!”

Author's Note:

List of editors:
Word Worthy

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