• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 7,432 Views, 1,095 Comments

Path of Kindness and Blood - CommanderX5

Fluttershy was a very kind pureblood vampony who suffered a terrible tragedy. Will she find a place to call home in Ponyville? Will it be filled with friendship and acceptance, or will she face fear and hostility?

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Epilogue Part 2 - The Oncoming Darkness

Path of Kindness and Blood



Part 2 - The Oncoming Darkness

The moon and stars shined brightly over a grave between the cottage and the Everfree Forest, no longer blocked by stormclouds as the funeral had long since ended. Instead of the grieving friends and guests paying respect, a group of grave robbers made their way towards Fluttershy’s resting place.

Shackles led the way as three earth ponies followed in silent procession. Applejack glared at him in anger, quickly hiding it each time the pegasus glanced back at her. As much as the farm mare wished to kick his flank, she kept her emotions in check.

Unbeknownst to the high-ranking hunter, Applejack looked at the nearby trees, awaiting the arrival of Fancy Pants as she remembered his last words.

”And what about Shackles?” Applejack asked, looking up into the eyes of the thestral lord. “He knows ‘bout Flutters and kept silent in exchange for info. It won’t take long before he digs up her body or somethin’. Ah figure no illusion‘ll fool him for long.”

"That is exactly what I am counting on." Fancy Pants rubbed Applejack’s head condescendingly, once again treating her like a young filly. “Just leave it to me.”

“But what will ya do?”

“Just trust me, I have my ways.”

Applejack murmured to herself, “Whatever yer plannin’, Ah hope ya’ll hurry up.”

“What did you say, Miss Applejack?” Shackles asked.

“N-nothin’.” She bit her lip as her pupils rapidly shifted to the sides of her eyes.

Shackles stopped in front of the grave, looking around to make sure there were no witnesses besides a few critters. He pointed at the grave and said, “Alright, Pie sisters, Applejack, get to digging.”

Maud Pie and Limestone did as they were told, sinking their hooves into dirt as they dug themselves into the earth. Applejack keeping off to the sidelines.

“Is something wrong? I gave you an order,” Shackles said with annoyed expression.

“Ah just… don’t get why ya want her body.”

Shackles facehooved. “To get the reward, how is it so hard to figure out?” He pointed at the farm mare accusingly. “If you hadn't failed to keep her safe, she would have become a worthy trophy for my son in the future. Because of your incompetence, I now need to salvage her dead body.” He paused, glancing quickly at the trees as he noticed a shadowy figure moving between the bushes.

He kept staring at it while continuing, “The only reason why I don’t punish you or your family is because I am aware that you put a lot of effort into keeping her safe, as per my orders.” He pointed at the hole in the ground. “However, I may change my mind if you won’t dirty your hooves and help dig out her grave.”

“Not so fast!”

Shackles looked at the speaker, as did Applejack, while the heads of the Pie sisters peeked from the hole in the ground. He chuckled and spoke, “Well, if it isn’t Vinyl the Undying. Has boredom driven you here?”

“Kinda,” Vinyl said, shrugging. “Although it’s only one of the reasons why I’m here.” She stepped to the side, pointing at a hooded figure, outlined through the darkness by the glowing runes inscribed into the hood. “My former boss isn’t happy with what you’re doing here, and wants to give you a peace of his mind.”

“Is that so?” Shackles said, grinning. “Maud, Limestone, it seems we have a welcoming party. Do your jobs.”

Both earth ponies jumped from the hole and threw open their saddlebags, slipping their hooves into clawed silver bracers. They galloped towards both thestrals as a cloud of dust trailed close.

Red eyes flashed from under the hood as dark crystals rained upon the charging ponies, leaving only barely noticeable scratches under their fur. Their silver claws failing to endure the attack as they shattered to pieces. Not slowing down, both earth ponies jumped, diving towards the stallion, who stood on his rear hooves while raising his forehooves.

Maud and Limestone swung their forelegs, delivering a devastating blow as their attack collided with the forehooves of the stallion. The ground cracked under the sheer force of the impact as he sank into the soil. Dirt and grass shooting in every direction.

Both mares bounced off, landing on the ground, still facing the stallion, whose forelegs had been torn from his body, a pool of blood beginning to form in the grass. Despite his wounds still gushing blood, the mysterious thestral did not scream.

Vinyl chuckled. “Hey boss, it seems you’ve been… disarmed.

The mysterious stallion responded with disappointment, “Really? Is that the best pun you could come up with?”

Vinyl rubbed her chin before grinning. “I’ve heard rumours that mares can disarm you with their charm, but didn’t think they meant it literally.”

Fancy Pants sighed before looking at the charging mares, his eyes flashing red once again as he summoned large wall of dark crystals, which shattered from strikes of their hooves. The blood returning into his body while pulling the forelegs, reversing the damage in an instant. Two trees shot from the ground and levitated at the earth ponies, swinging like a bat trying to hit a ball. Both mares evaded the hit before uppercutting the trees, breaking them in half.

Applejack could only stare in amazement with her mouth agape. Unable to believe her own eyes.

“Miss Applejack. May I suggest you to attack as well?” Shackles said calmly.

“Are ya crazy?! That there thestral is a pureblood, he’ll kick mah flank in no time,” she responded.

Shackles frowned before observing the battlefield, his gaze focused on parts of the trees that had started swirling like a tornado. Despite their attempts to evade or fight back, both earth ponies ended up unable to press forward.

Confused and distracted, Maud failed to notice a tree hurling towards her with great force, flattening her against the ground. With a struggle, she stood up on her trembling legs, lifting the tree on her back before it was levitated once again, only to hit her with greater force than before. She bounced on the ground towards Shackles while her saddlebag and all its contents were broken, her once mighty hunting equipment lying scattered on the ground.

It wasn’t long before Limestone meet the same fate.

Both mares stood up despite their injuries, their bones hardened from years of harsh work; not even fractured despite the powerful impact.

“Stop fighting!” Shackles ordered, gesturing with his hoof for his bodyguards to stand down. “Who are you and what do you want?”

Vinyl stepped ahead and said, “My boss would prefer to not reveal his identity. Even his voice was changed by my spell. All you need to know is that you’re facing a pureblood over nine centuries old. In other words, you’re boned.”

Shackles grit his teeth as sweat formed on his forehead. He felt a surge of fear.

The pureblood slowly approached as the tension filled the air. “I must praise your bodyguards. If not for the fact that I destroyed their silver weapons, their strength and agility would cause me serious harm.”

Shackles stood his ground and raised his head arrogantly. “Which is why I hired them. Earth ponies possess incredible strength, endurance and stamina, and stallions with outstanding strength are not difficult to find.” He frowned, trying to buy himself more time with talking while searching for a way out of the situation. “However stallions, while strong enough to pull a train from one town to another, lack flexibility, being big targets and easy to hit. Mares are smaller and more agile, though their strength is not as great.”

He pointed at his bodyguards, who didn’t show being in pain despite multiple cuts and bruises. “However a mare with great speed and agility, while having strength and endurance of a tall stallion, now that’s a rare talent I couldn’t overlook.” He chuckled. “I’ve even learned of a filly living in Ponyville possessing incredible strength, though I am loathe to admit it will take a decade before I can recruit her as well.”

Fancy Pants stopped. “I must admit, you chosen perfect bodyguards. However,” He shrugged, “tt is clear that they lack proper training. Maybe after a year or two, they will become great hunters, but for now they are not much of a threat against a pureblood such as myself.” He looked at the farm mare, who refused to look him back in the eyes. “And the young huntress beside you, she isn’t strong enough to even make a difference.”

Applejack frowned, but refused to let her prideful nature surface.

Shackles grit his teeth. His wings spread in fear as he realized his comfortable life was suddenly in jeopardy.

“Why so silent?” Fancy Pants asked.

“I bet he’s just dying to learn why you are here,” Vinyl joked.

The pureblood chuckled. “Let’s just say that Miss Fluttershy –whose grave you are trying to dig up– had two parents.” His tone darkened. “Who were also my friends.”

Shackles took a step back, gulping.

“I will be honest. Just like them, I am not a fan of violence, and the idea of turning this peaceful town into a battlefield between thestrals and hunters isn’t very inviting.” He stomped, his hoof sank into the ground. “However unlike them, I am not afraid to take lives, and torturing you is very tempting.”

Shackles felt as if his heart was about to escape his chest. It was not the first time he took a risk when gambling with fate, but this time his life was on the table, and his cards didn’t look good. In his hooves, he had two powerful but untrained earth ponies, and one young huntress, while in front of him was a nearly millennium old pureblood. His luck had finally ran out.

“And yet…”

A ray of hope flashed as his ears perked upward, listening with rapt attention.

“As a hunter, it is your responsibility to kill thestrals, especially purebloods. Yet twice you have spared Fluttershy’s life. Even if your motive was of pure greed, it doesn’t change the outcome.”

“T-that’s right...!” Shackles shouted, sweating. “I sp-spared her, surely I deserve mercy…”

Fancy Pants sighed. “You like making deals, don’t you?”

The pegasus nodded.

“Killing you won’t bring my friends back, and revenge will leave this town in ruin, so I will give you an offer you cannot refuse.” He pointed at the hole in the ground and continued, “You will not touch Fluttershy’s grave, nor her body. Forget about earning the reward while lying that you had been the one that killed her, and in return, your life shall be spared.”

Applejack looked at the hooded Fancy Pants with mixed feelings. On one hoof, she wished he would just kill Shackles, but on another, she didn’t want for Ponyville to suffer. Deep inside, she wished Fancy would at least punish the greedy featherbrain for his actions.

Shackles nodded before asking, “That’s very merciful of you, but what’s the catch?”

“I see you understand how it works, good,” Fancy said before pointing at him and his bodyguards. “Aside from leaving Fluttershy’s body alone, I will take forty percent of the blood from you and your bodyguards’ bodies. Let’s just say that my wife is training very hard everyday, and she loves to drink the blood of athletes. Blood from you and your strong personal guards will satisfy her greatly.”

“Y-yes, of course…” Shackles said before pointing at Applejack. “Would you also like to have some blood of the apple farmer?”

Fancy Pants shook his forehoof. “She is too weak I fear. My wife has standards.”

Applejack’s cheeks became red from anger, feeling as if Fancy Pants actually enjoyed humiliating her on every occasion.

“And don’t think of trying to fool me,” Fancy Pants warned. “If I find out that you relocated the body, and trust me, I will know… Your life will be forfeit. Is that clear?”

“Of course, good sir,” Shackles said nervously, rubbing his foreleg. “Anything else?”

Fancy Pants shook his head. “That will be everything, unless you cross me again, then the price for your life will go up drastically. Now, let’s begin the blood extraction.” His eyes flashed red as three black crystals grew from the ground, pulsating in dark magic. Vinyl opened her saddlebag and levitated three large empty bottles, barely visible in the darkness of the night.

Three crystals turned their sharp point towards the ponies ahead and levitated with great speed, one piercing Shackless’s foreleg as stream of blood escaped the wound, filling one of the big bottles in an instant. Whimpers of pain escaped his mouth as he felt weaker and weaker. Unable to resist, he accepted his punishment, losing balance as the result.

Two other crystals shattered into pieces, failing to penetrate the hardened bodies of the Pie sisters. Fancy Pants chuckled before summoning two other crystals, filling them with greater magic before creating more open wounds. Blood filling the other bottles as both mares gritted their teeth, occasionally yelping.

Applejack’s cheeks became green. Exploiting Pinkie Pie’s sisters wasn’t part of the agreement, but she couldn’t argue about it now or else her cover would be blown.

“Thank you kindly,” Fancy Pants said, closing the wounds with his magic before examining the full bottles. Luckily Vinyl had a few more empty bottles hidden behind a tree in advance, or else the ones in her saddlebag wouldn’t have been enough. “Farm filly, would you be so kind as to escort your master and his guards? After the blood loss, their bodies are likely very weak.”

Applejack nodded while wondering how Fancy Pants could close wounds without licking them, assuming it was the result of a power that was beyond Fluttershy.

Fancy Pants looked at Shackles and added, “On a side note, I believe your guards deserve some compensation for the blood they lost in protecting you, wouldn't you agree?” The moment he noticed a nod, as well as a gulp from the officer, he went towards a line of trees, disappearing out of sight.

Vinyl fixed her glasses and said, “That was… interesting.” Her horn lit as she aimed her spell at a weakened Shackles. “You got off the hook very easily, so I’ll add a little gift from me. And if somepony asks why your voice sounds weird, just tell them you encountered some poison joke in the Everfree Forest. Have fun with your new voice.”

Shackles observed as both thestrals finally left, feeling nearly exhausted as he took a moment to calm down. A laugh left his mouth several seconds later as he couldn’t believe his luck. Despite the pain he felt, he shouted, “I am alive!”

Applejack and the Pie sisters giggled at the voice that left his mouth, a very squeaky female voice.


Fancy Pants kept walking deeper into the forest, heading towards his well-guarded chariot, only to notice all of his guards were lying scattered and unconscious. His senses confirming that they were still alive.

“Long time no see, old friend.”

Fancy Pants looked to the source of the voice, half closing his eyes in annoyance. “I am no friend of yours, Moon Shadow. Especially after your trials cost the lives of my friends.” The powerful pureblood emerged from a black puddle on the ground, his wings spread.

Both lords glared at each other as Fancy Pants examined Moon Shadow’s features. His fur was grey and his mane black, a magical rune glowing red on the dark cape that covered his back, a similar but much smaller rune also being present on his foreleg. A full moon with a red bat flying over it as his cutie mark. In terms of size, both were equal while fangs were visible on Moon Shadow’s grinning face

“They were weak and would only weigh us down,” Moon Shadow responded. “Should our kind attempt to befriend the lesser races, your friends would accomplish nothing but hiding in their little mansion. Their overprotectiveness kept Flutterbat from ever spreading her wings.”

Fancy Pants stomped. “So I have heard, and yet, after all the hardship you put Fluttershy through to turn her into an emissary of peace, she now sleeps in her coffin for who knows how long.”

“So I have learned,” Moon Shadow responded with a weak nod. “She tried to capture my assassin as I predicted, yet she went far beyond what I have planned for her, trying to free him from my influence. Her early rest wasn’t part of my plan.” He smirked. “Though becoming more powerful is always a good thing for a pureblood.”

“I disagree. Your attempt to train her backfired. I cannot predict if she will wake up before the return of our honorable princess,” Fancy Pants said with an annoyed tone. He fixed his monocle and asked, “Still, I cannot shake my curiosity. Why did you come here in person rather than sending your servants?”

“To learn why I lost control over one of my subordinates, and once I found out what happened, I stayed to ensure that Fluttershy's body remained in her coffin. But I assume you took care of it already,” Moon Shadow said, receiving a firm nod in return. “You have my gratitude.”

The moment Vinyl arrived on the scene, Fancy Pants gestured for her to keep her distance, before asking, “And what about Hawkeye? Are you here to capture and turn him back into your brainwashed assassin?”

Moon Shadow shook his head before closing his wings. “Nothing of that sort. He has fulfilled his role, and if Miss Fluttershy wishes him to be free, then I shall respect that.” His eyes half closed as he looked at Fancy Pants with a serious glare. “Now, allow me to ask you a question. Do you have a proper replacement for Fluttershy, should she fail to wake up before Nightmare Moon’s return?”

Fancy Pants gritted his teeth before looking to the side. “I don’t…” He sighed. “With Fluttershy’s parents dead, I don’t have any purebloods under my command who could replace her. The only candidates would be either my son, my wife or I.”

Shadow Moon chuckled and turned around. “If that’s the case, as leaders, we both should talk with the princess upon her return.”

“And if she refuses to lead us either to peace or war?” Fancy asked.

Moon Shadow chuckled. “Then we shall take our future into our own hooves.” He pointed at Fancy Pants and said with a challenging tone, “We need but one leader. If the Princess of the Night won’t agree to lead us or assign one of us as leader of all clans, we shall fight each other for that position.” He pointed at himself, forehoof now nearly touching his own chest. “Should I win, I will lead us to battle against Celestia, and once she is killed or captured, we will conquer Equestria.”

Fancy Pants nodded. “And if I will win, we shall negotiate with Princess Celestia, seeking an alliance with her instead.” He raised his forehoof in a questioning gesture. “Still, I cannot help but point out that a duel would put me in a very disadvantageous situation.” He made a half bow. “You already declared a challenge, so allow me to scale the odds.”

“Interesting,” Moon Shadow said, rubbing his chin. “What do you have in mind?”

“We both can choose a champion, a pureblood who will fight by our side. I wish for my wife to fight alongside me.”

“Agreed,” Moon Shadow said, returning the half-bow before walking away. “Since the situation here has been resolved and a suitable Plan B was forged, let us depart.” The wind turned wild around the powerful pureblood as a black tornado formed around him.

Fancy Pants kept his composure, not distracted by the wind in the least. Slowly, the dark tornado vanished, alongside the caster.

With his nemesis now far away, Fancy Pants approached his guards and woke them up, one at a time while thinking deeply. The situation doesn’t look bright. I better make some precautions… He glanced at the approaching thestral and said, “Vinyl Scratch, bring me a scroll. We have a letter to send.”

A scroll, ink and a feather levitated in front of Vinyl. “Already on it.”

The royal bedchamber, a quiet room with a bed sizeable enough to bring comfort to a tall alicorn. A well decorated sanctuary where Princess Celestia could take a break from ruling her subjects, putting aside interactions with the nobility and the endless piles of paperwork. A place where she could lie comfortable and relax.

Today, however, relaxing next to a fireplace was the last thing on her mind, her eyes focused on a scroll lying in the center of her bed.

She slowly approached, taking the scroll with her levitation while taking a moment to think. It wasn’t the first time she received a message as her mysterious ally has been updating her with various bits of information, far more detailed and useful than what she could learn from her spies.

After taking a comfortable position, sinking into her bed with a half-filled teacup by her side, she unrolled the letter, now reading it with her full attention.

The letter dropped a minute later as Celestia’s eyes opened widely. Her breathing and heart-beating vastly increased. “F-Fluttershy… is dead…” Her ears drooped as she looked at the floor. Her plan on saving her sister from the corruption with the Elements was now out of her reach.

Even since witnessing a sonic rainboom, which helped Twilight Sparkle unleash her true potential and gain her cutie mark, Celestia suspected that the Elements of Harmony were behind it, most likely causing this impossible feat to spread through Equestria. Searching for worthy bearers that would one day wield them.

At first, she believed that the candidates would be lured near by their location, gathered together so they could become friends and represent qualities each Element personifies.

Her theory however turned into a ray of hope after more mysterious letters showed up, alongside pictures of five mares that now lived in Ponyville. She had no reason to distrust them as for centuries, those mysterious allies would bypass her guards and leave letters with beneficial information, which were always accurate.

However, now with one potential bearer being dead, she would have no choice but to imprison her sister and seek to cure her by other means. As painful as it would be, defeating Nightmare Moon wouldn’t prove too difficult as they both were equally matched, and with Cadence and Shining Armor leading the guard, she would gain a huge advantage.

Celestia resumed reading, now curious more than ever. Her depression only grew with each word. She slowly lowered the scroll before her head followed suit, pressing against a big pillow. It seems saving my sister from corruption is the least of my worries with the well-being of all of Equestria at risk… She sighed as the pillow slowly become wet from her tears. If what the letter said was true, she would soon need to face more than just one shadow from her past.

Author's Note:

And here it is, part 2 of the Epilogue. I won't upload part 3 ( the last one) until I will upload the sequel, so I can place link to the sequel in Epilogue part 3, simple.

I know that many of you were curious about Celestia's status in all this mess, and even more wanted for Shackles to die slowly and painfully. I hope that punishment Fancy Pants delivered wasn't too dissapointing. While small scene with Celestia was enough to give some small clues about her situation.
I am looking forward to your feedback, as well as your predictions what may happen in the sequel.

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