• Published 1st Nov 2015
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Path of Kindness and Blood - CommanderX5

Fluttershy was a very kind pureblood vampony who suffered a terrible tragedy. Will she find a place to call home in Ponyville? Will it be filled with friendship and acceptance, or will she face fear and hostility?

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Final Confrontation - Challenge

Path of Kindness and Blood


Chapter 10

Final Confrontation

Part 1 - Challenge

“What does it say, what does it say?” Pinkie asked as she hopped in place. Everypony except Twisty Vision and Bright Eyes, who were busy fixing the damage caused by their daughter, sat in front of the Fluttershy as she read the scroll inside of the cottage.

Fluttershy placed the scroll on the table and said, “It’s a challenge.”

“Challenge?” Applejack asked as she stepped ahead of the group.

Fluttershy nodded. “He appointed a location and time for our confrontation.”

Rarity asked, “Does it say if you should come alone?”

“Well…” Fluttershy started. “It says that I can bring my followers with me, however, unless I confront him in combat alone, I will never learn the truth behind his attacks.”

“So what he is trying to say is that…” Rarity asked, “if we ambush and overpower him with numbers, he will either run away or fight to the death?”

“That’s a possibility,” Fluttershy said. “At least by facing him on my own, there’s a chance I can resolve this conflict with words.”

Applejack stomped firmly, causing a crack in the clean floor and Angel to frown at the damage she caused. “Ya plan on facin’ him alone? Ya can smell that it’s a trap from over a mile away.”

Fluttershy hissed, exposing her fangs and spreading her wings, making Octavia and Rarity take a step back. “I’m no longer going to play by the rules of others.”

Vinyl stood on her hear hooves and placed forehooves on her sides. “Cool, so what’s the plan?”

The pureblood sat and took a calming breath before closing her wings. “I will face him alone while trying to negotiate and learn the reason behind his attacks, but I won’t be alone.” She pointed at her friends while speaking their names. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Vinyl, Ditzy, would you accompany me as my escort?”

They nodded.

She pointed at Vinyl. “I need you to look around the meeting area in search of traps or a possible ambush.”

“You want me to do the recon? But that’s the most boring part...”

Octavia said firmly, “Vinyl Scratch, your task is very important and you were given an order. Watch your manners when speaking with Mistress Fluttershy.”

“Yes, Mooom.”

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy interrupted, hiding a blush behind her wing. “I may be in charge here, but I would prefer if we were all acting like friends… not like subordinates and a master.”

“I like this idea,” Pinkie said, her head emerging from behind Octavia.

After reasserting herself, Fluttershy spoke, “When I faced that assassin for the first time, I found out that he’s a turned earth pony, far less experienced and powerful than Sharp Eye, but unlike him, he’s more careful and not as overconfident.” She pointed at her escort. “I should be able to defeat him on my own, but in case it’s a trap, or if he has backup, I’m counting on your support.”

Ditzy flapped her wings excitedly. “Finally, I can put my clumsiness to good use.”

Rarity raised her head gracefully. “As much as I would like to give him a piece of my mind for what he did to me and how he tried to hurt Sweetie Belle, I suppose I can let you have the honors.”

Rainbow Dash hovered in mid air and made a few jabs. “Fine, but if something goes wrong, I’ll rush in and save the day, got it?”

Applejack crossed her forelegs. “Ah don’t like it, but Ah will stay in reserve.” She grinned. “Just promise me to give him a few punches with mah name on it.”

“I promise,” Fluttershy said. “I suppose now is a good time to take a rest. Let’s meet here tomorrow before heading towards the marked spot.”

Applejack raised her forehoof. “May Ah give a suggestion?”

“Please do.”

“Ah have lots of weapons made of silver. We can use those as an ace in the hole,” Applejack explained.

Fluttershy flapped her wings and smiled. “That sounds like a great idea. Besides, if my foe has similar weapons while facing me, it’s better to be prepared.”

“Great. Meet me in mah house tomorrow night. Ah’ll make sure mah family’s busy.”

Everypony nodded, their faces filled with determination before they left the cottage, one pony at a time. As the crowd vanished, one pony was left to meet the cottage owner with pleading eyes.

“Pinkie, is something wrong?”

“Why I can’t participate? Is this because I told that mean pony that you made a clan, is that it?”

Fluttershy sighed before placing her wing on the party mare. “Pinkie. You’re the best at bringing smiles and making other ponies happy, but not at hurting. Please, just stay away from this one.”

Pinkie Pie rubbed the floor, her ears drooped and her voice filled with disappointment. “Alright...”

Now left alone with her animal servants and Angel, she gave the bunny a firm stare. “Sorry Angel, but I need you to stay here and hold the fort. I don’t want my animals to be used as hostages if I can help it.”

Angel whistled and commanded the critters to return to their homes before saluting.

Fluttershy lowered her tired head and walked upstairs before sinking into the comfort of her bed, not bothering to enter her secret chamber so she could sleep in her coffin. A difficult day was awaiting her tomorrow.

Fluttershy walked nervously as she followed Applejack into her home. It wasn’t the first time she was invited inside as she often foalsat Apple Bloom, but this time she was about to see inside a secret room filled with weapons designed for her destruction. Not that thestrals didn’t use silver weapons against each other, but they always found it shameful, preferring to face each other with skills and power to maintain their honor.

As they entered the basement area, barrels meant for apple cider caught their attention. Almost all most likely empty, though it didn’t stop Rainbow Dash from licking her lips.

“Is this what I think it is?” the pegasus asked.

“It sure is! After we beat that evil thestral, Ah’ll see if Ah can find some leftover cider for us to celebrate,” Applejack responded.

Fluttershy sensed the increasing heartbeat of her friend while noticing the rapidly flapping wings and saliva dripping from her mouth. “Calm down before you cause too much noise,” she said, pulling her friend by the tail.

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and closed her wings, barely containing her excitement.

Fluttershy looked away from her friend, once again focusing on Applejack who pushed one of the barrels to the side, which in turn opened a secret shaft that lead downwards. “Ah’ll get a lamp with fireflies, feel free to look around.”

Following her friend’s suggestion, Fluttershy descended into the darkness with the help of her wings. The rest used a ladder to follow her, easily noticing the sets of hunting gear in the spacious room. On her left were a few crossbows attached to the wall with boxes filled with bolts under it, something that caught Rarity’s eye as she stepped from the ladder and approached, examining each bolt’s quality.

On the right were claws, knives and blades attached to metal bracers, Rainbow Dash being the first to fly over with Vinyl joining a moment later.

Behind Fluttershy by the wall were several types of gems filled with all kinds of magic, as well as a wide range of bombs; from explosive to smoke. Fluttershy bit her lip upon seeing Ditzy’s attempt to grab one, but released a sigh of relief when Rarity’s magic pulled the clumsy mare away. The fashionista gave Ditzy a disapproving stare before taking a closer look at the gems.

Fluttershy bent her legs and curled as she walked backward, the very look of the objects that could cause lethal wounds filling her with anxiety. She flinched the moment her flank bumped into a combat outfit. After picking it with her wings and examining it, she quickly recognized the camouflaged outfits from her confrontation with Applejack. The flameproof boots from it were lying nearby while the pair of goggles were hanging from a wall mounted peg.

The outfit was suddenly pulled from Fluttershy’s wings and examined by Rarity, her attention focused on several poorly done patches and stitches visible on the surface. “This is dreadful, just dreadful.” Her pupils kept flashing red in the darkness as she half-closed her eyes and stomped. “There should be a law separating the Apple family from needles and threads.”

“Ya try findin' a pony to sew yer stuff while yer keepin’ up appearances,” Applejack said as she stepped from the ladder, a lamp with fireflies held by her tail lighting the room. “Ah couldn’t just come to ya and ask ya to sew these without bein’ suspicious.”

Rarity raised her head arrogantly. “I do not want to hear it. What is important is that from now, I will be fixing all your combat outfits, hats and costumes.” She gave Applejack a challenging stare.

Both mares kept staring at each other before Applejack sighed. “Fine. Ah didn’t like sewin’ anyway.”

With a source of light, Rainbow Dash picked up two metal bracers equipped with silver claws and attached them to her hooves. “Your stuff’s really neat, AJ. I’m glad they aren’t aimed at Fluttershy.”

Rarity approached and levitated over a crossbow. “I believe this weapon would be more suitable, giving you the ability to attack while staying at a safe distance.”

The pegasus pushed away the levitated weapon and shook her head. “Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer the direct approach.” She raised her head proudly. “I’m all speed. A crossbow would slow me down.”

The fashionista nodded. “Suit yourself, Rainbow Dash. I will use the crossbow.” She levitated over three magical gems. “And those as well. I always knew that gems could possess or store magic, but to see a gem with a rune holding an offensive magical spell is a rare treat.” She looked at Applejack and asked, “May I use those, darling?”

“Sure. Pick whatever strikes yer fancy.”

Rarity looked around as her eyes examined the area in search for something. After failing to find what she’s hoped for, she looked at Applejack and asked, “Do you have either a rapier or an épée with a silver edge by any chance?” Upon seeing a shake of farm mare’s head, she looked back at the range weapon. “I always thought a fencing sword to be the most elegant weapon, but I suppose the crossbow will have to do.”

Vinyl levitated over five throwing knives, which seemed to be made of magically enhanced steel, edges being the only part coated in silver. “You sure have a huge variety of cool stuff, and here I thought you were an inexperienced low ranking softie, considering how easy it was to beat you.”

Applejack sighed as her ears drooped. “Those were… mah parents tools.”

Fluttershy examined each weapon in search for the most suitable tool for a fight against an expert in close combat. She stopped immediately upon hearing Applejack’s words as she approached and placed her forehoof on the huntress’ shoulder. “I know how much it does hurts… but grieving over your loss will not bring your family back.”

“Ah know, Sugarcube… Ah know,” Applejack said before gesturing at pictures on the wall displaying her proud ancestors. Her hoof stopping on a picture of her family.

“Snow Sweet was swift and stealthy. Crossbows and camouflaged gear were her favorites,” Applejack said as she pointed at her mother in the family picture. A mare with a light yellow coat, blond mane, and a half-cut red apple for her cutie mark.

“Mah dad’s name was Hawkeye Delicious. He was almost as strong and tough as mah big brother is now, but could rival mah agility. This dangerous combo struck fear into any monster or thestrals that faced his blades,” Applejack said as Fluttershy examined the features presented on the picture.

Red coat, light brown mane, if one added a scar across his left eye… Fluttershy gasped, nearly losing her balance. This can’t be. She took a few steps forward to take a closer look. The resemblance… Can this really be…

“Is something wrong, Flutters?” Rainbow Dash asked as she landed next to Fluttershy. “You look as if you saw a ghost.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes, now deep in thought. This can’t be true… is Applejack’s father really… She slowly opened her eyes and looked at back of Applejack, who kept staring at the picture. I can’t let her face him until I am sure…

“Ummm… Applejack.”

“Yes?” the farm mare turned to the side as she now stared back.

“I know you may not like it… but I think you shouldn’t accompany us tonight.”

“What?” Applejack asked in confusion as she turned and approached Fluttershy, as did the others. “Why not?”

Rainbow Dash flew up a few centimeters and hovered above the floor, her forelegs crossed. “Yeah… why not? After training with you for past two months, she got really good at kicking thestral flanks… No offence.”

Fluttershy looked to the side as she had to agree with her friend. While she got better at self-defense and improved her skills, Applejack got the opportunity to train in thestral-hunting combat first-hoof. No other hunter had the privilege to practice on a pureblood and live to talk about it. The only exception being those who attacked her family and survived thanks to her parents’ mercy.

“I must agree with Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said with a raised forehoof. “At this point, Applejack will be far more useful in combat than her.”

“Hey!” Dash frowned.

Vinyl threw and caught a knife playfully. “That huntress just gave us lots of good tools, and you want to keep her from attending the party? Not cool.”

Fluttershy rubbed her foreleg nervously. “Applejack… I don’t doubt your skills… but I really really think you shouldn’t face this one thestral… even from the sidelines.”

“But why?” Applejack said, her voice filled with disappointment.

“I’m sorry but I can’t tell… at least not yet,” Fluttershy said before gulping. She took a deep breath and looked her friend in the eyes. “There’s something I need to confirm while I will face him. If my suspicions are correct, it would be best if you stay away from him as far as possible.”

Applejack took a moment of thinking as her ears drooped. She glared in anger as she sat and crossed her forelegs. “Well, too bad, cause Ah ain’t stayin’.”

“But… you said you trusted me,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Ah trust ya, alright, but Ah expect some trust in return. Ah’m not goin’ to stay behind when ya face the creep who tried to hurt Apple Bloom without a good reason.”

Fluttershy turned back to her friends and thought deeply. If I use my authority and order Applejack to stay behind… her trust in me would crumble, and I shouldn’t risk our friendship like that. If I will tell her my suspicions, it’ll distract her from the task at hoof, and if I’m wrong, I would put her through unnecessary stress and open old wounds. If I will bring her along without giving many details and my suspicions are proven true… what she will see will cause her nothing but grief. Awww… what should I do?

“Sooo?” Applejack asked impatiently. Her stare stern.

Fluttershy took a deep calming breath before turning to Applejack, her face showing signs of sadness. “Applejack… right now I have only suspicions, but I think there is a high chance that the assassin we’re facing… is somepony you really wouldn’t want to face. If I’m right… this encounter will open some of your past emotional wounds.”

She closed her friend’s mouth with feathery wing before she could answer. “If you’re determined to come along, I won’t stop you, but please, consider staying behind. If my suspicions are correct, staying here would spare you a great deal of pain.”

Applejack pushed the wing away and shook her head. “Ah appreciate yer concern, but Ah’ll be fine.”

Fluttershy sighed and lowered her head. “Alright… but if what I fear is true… you’ll wish you didn’t come along.” She approached and picked two small bottles filled with water enchanted with light magic and placed it inside of her armored saddlebag.

“Ah’ll be the judge of that.”


Slowly, the group approached the appointed location as the sky was filled with stars and clouds, occasional lightning adding tension to the atmosphere.

Unlike yesterday when Fluttershy was filled with confidence, the minutes before the encounter made her steps shaky as her mind was distracted and hesitant. What she felt wasn’t fear for herself as for the first time in many years, she felt confident in her skills and her friends. This time power and numbers were on her side as she was prepared to face the threat.

What haunted her mind were fears about the coming fate of her enemy and the mental state of her friend.

It didn’t come as a surprise that the meeting spot was in the ruins in the Everfree Forest. Being separated from civilization and the sight of the princess’s controlled territory, filled with wild creatures and magic that scared ponies away, turned the ruins into an attractive location for thestrals. A good hiding spot, meeting location and a fighting ground. A perfect place to make a mansion, should she ever decided to expand.

Fluttershy gave a quick glance at Applejack, who kept giving her a confused look ever since their last conversation. Each look at the farm made her wonder if she should just warn Applejack that the assassin may be her father with the risk she could’ve been wrong.

Vinyl left the group and galloped into the line of trees as she started her recon.

Each step became heavier as Fluttershy lead the group upstairs to the exact same location where Lord Fancy Pants organized his grand gathering. Slowly leaving the stairs and entering a spacious area without a roof, Fluttershy’s senses kicked in as she looked up at the stallion hiding behind a gargoyle statue.

Fluttershy’s feathery wings spread as she stopped the group and pointed at the hiding thestral. “You can come out now, I know you’re there.” Upon not receiving any response, she grabbed a small stone with her wing and threw it at the statue.

“So ya found mah hidin’ spot from such a distance,” said the stallion as he emerged and jumped down with a loud thump, casually stepping towards the middle of the room. Not wearing anything besides a saddlebag and hoof bracers. “Yer senses are sharper than ever.”

Fluttershy shook her head and spoke aloud, “I could feel your presence two months before you caused an earthquake to harm me, and this feeling kept returning from time to time, but I couldn’t put my hoof on what caused it.” She pointed at the stallion accusingly. “Now I know, and I’m not going to be caught off guard.”

“Ah see ya’ve decided to win by numbers,” the stallion commented, glancing over her company.

“I didn’t,” Fluttershy said before her eyes flashed, her body quickly shifting into her thestral form. “I brought my friends so they can see to it that our duel is fair.” She bent her legs, taking the stance of a panther preparing to hunt. “No traps, no ambushes, no trickstery.”

“Wise…” the stallion said before raising his hoof as a silver blade emerged from his right bracer. “I hope silver gear ain’t cheatin’ in yer eyes.”

Fluttershy shook her head and next patted her armored saddlebag. “I predicted you would use hunting gear against me, so I have some of my own.”

“Ya keep impressin’, no wonder mah master sees potential in ya.”

“Potential... in me?” Fluttershy said as she pressed forehoof against her own chest. “What do you mean? Why your master is targeting me?”

“If ya want answers, earn them!”


Applejack’s mouth was agape as she struggled to say a word, but kept failing. Her throat quickly turned dry. Are my eyes an’ ears foolin’ me? she thought, wondering if it wasn’t just a trick. It has to be an illusion… mah father’s dead! Her attention shifted to his silver blades, the exact same weapon type she used against Fluttershy… which belonged to her father.

As she observed the events with Rarity and Ditzy by her sides, she could see the stallion galloping at Fluttershy, leaving a large cloud of dust behind him before jumping, his blade failing to slice his target as the pureblood flew into air. The dusty floor trembled from the impact caused by stallion’s hooves.

Those movements, that fightin’ technique…

Fluttershy let out a sonic scream at her foe before diving at the stallion. Her wings leaving a cut on his foreleg. She turned around and went for another strike, only to change her direction before two large hooves made contact with her head.

That applebuckin’ kick...

As she observed the fight, Applejack noticed that in terms of agility and mobility, her friend had the upper hoof, outmaneuvering the stallion on every occasion. Their training definitely helped as the pacifist pureblood didn’t hesitate from delivering blows. The stallion however seemed far more experienced in combat, managing to keep up with Fluttershy despite his lack of speed and greater size. His blade strikes rivaling in accuracy with only the best hunters. In terms of strength, he exceeded Big Macintosh as his attempt to jump at Fluttershy ended up with him shattering a dusty pillar, spreading rubble all over the room.

He’s even faster and stronger than mah Pa was… but how…? Suddenly Fluttershy’s words went through her mind as she put the puzzle together. Did Fluttershy recognize him from the picture… so that’s what she meant… oh horse-apples. Applejack grit her teeth. If her friend was correct in her assumptions, the assassin who nearly killed Rarity and tried to hurt Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle was in fact, her father. A proud Class A hunter turned into a thestral.

Applejack’s legs trembled and her ears drooped as she looked at the floor, unable to look at the battle in front of her. Now it all make sense. Fluttershy knows the pain of loss, and she knows that seein’ one of mah parents bein’ alive, only to see them die again will hurt far more if Ah thought they were dead…

“Is something wrong?” Rarity asked, her voice calm. “Applejack, what is wrong?”

The farm mare didn’t answer as she rubbed a stone with a hoof while feeling butterflies in her stomach. She restrained tears from dropping from her eyes, but inside she felt like crying. Ah should’ve listened to Fluttershy… Ah should’ve trusted her… and now Ah’m payin’ the price. The sounds of battle filled her with sadness as she blinked tightly with each noise of a strike or a yelp of pain. The idea of her new friend who protected her family fighting against her turned father being unbearable.


Sweat dripped down Fluttershy’s face as she stared down at the enemy, her wings flapping slowly but steadily as she kept a few meters distance. I can’t get close to him, he’s too skilled.

“You can do it, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash cheered loudly. “You’ve been training so hard, there’s no way you can lose!” She took a deep breath and shouted, “Kick his huge flank!”

Fluttershy gave Dash a quick glance before focusing on the silver blades. Easier said than done, she thought while considering her options. While her friend wasn’t wrong as she could easily overcome him by giving into her instincts… but it would come at a great cost. She needed a plan.

“Is somethin’ wron’? Is this thestral to much to handle? Yer older and a pureblood, why’re ya so afraid?”

Fluttershy ignored the obvious taunt and kept considering her options. She smirked as a plan formed itself. With a quick dive, she flew at the stallion and opened her mouth, sending out sound waves as even her friends pressed their hooves against their ears.

“Ya think pullin’ the same old trick will work? Think again,” he said before turning around and raising his hind legs, struggling to ignore the harmful noise.

Remembering a flying lesson from Rainbow Dash she had two weeks ago, she swiftly rounded the stallion, staying out of his attack range until her wing struck the bracer on his right foreleg, leaving a big cut visible on the metal surface while tripping the assassin off balance.

The moment his legs pressed against the ground for support, Fluttershy dashed into his chest and pushed him towards a wall, slamming him against it as the stone cracked under his weight.

I didn’t expect wrestling a bear would teach me something practical, she chuckled before hitting the damaged bracer with a hoof, shattering the metal while the damaged blade fell to the floor. Remembering her wrestling with the bear and training with Applejack, she evaded a hoof strike from the pinned stallion and countered with an aerial kick towards his muzzle. With the head of her enemy now deeper in the stone, she landed on her forelegs and raised hind legs before delivering a direct blow to the stallion’s stomach, throwing him through the wall onto the green fields outside the castle.

“Way to go, Flutters!” Dash cheered.

“You were even more destructive than me,” Ditzy said, stomping her hooves in applause.

“It was astonishing,” Rarity said before poking the farm mare. “Are not you proud, Applejack? She performed your technique perfectly.”

Applejack raised her head to look at Rarity, before slowly turning it towards Fluttershy. “Oh… s-sure, eeyup.”

Fluttershy looked back at the huntress. While one could see hints of depression and doubt, she could sense far more. She could only imagine how it would feel if she found out that her own father was alive, only to fight against both her and her friends. She sighed and spread her wings before following the stallion through the hole in the wall, her determination waning.


As she followed the trail left on the ground by the rolling stallion who weighed nearly as much as Big Mac’s, she noticed hoofsteps leading towards the trees. Her fear that the enemy had escaped vanished the moment vines shot from under the ground, wrapping around her hind legs and wings. Unable to fly, she was slammed into the ground, her face and muzzle now stuck in it.

With a weak push, she raised her head and spat the dirt from her mouth before noticing more vines coming from the Everfree Forest. Before she could react, she felt thorns pierce deep into her skin as the vines tightened their hold against all of her legs, neck and belly. She yelped in pain before gritting her teeth, blood dripping from between the vines.

“Yer speed’s impressive,” the stallion said as he emerged from behind a tree and slowly approached her. His hooves pulsating with dark magic with each step as the aggressive plants responded to his command. His saddlebag slightly damaged but in one piece. “However, I have ways to deal with fast chickens like ya. Both the plants and magic of this forest make mah spells so much stronger.”

“W-why are you doing this?”

The stallion sat in front of her, ignoring Dash and Ditzy, who helped Rarity and Applejack by transporting them from the castle floor onto the ground.

“What did Ah say about questions? Ya need to earn them by beatin’ me.”

“F-fine… have it your way…” she struggled an answer as her eyes flashed red, causing the blood on the vines to boil, destroying them as if it became acid. She added in an angered tone, “But if you don’t give up soon… you’re going to regret it.”

The stallion took a step back before gritting his teeth and swinging his left bracer, his silver blade going for Fluttershy’s stomach. Before his strike connected, a bit of blood levitated towards his eyes. Feeling the burning sensation across his face, his attack missed as he started wiping the blood with a hoof.

With a burst of strength, Fluttershy pulled the vines, tearing them off at points that were damaged by her deadly blood before looking at her armored saddlebag, noticing a few dents and cuts. Not wasting a moment, she opened it and picked up a reinforced bottle, luckily undamaged. With the bottle now in her hoof, she threw it at the blinded stallion, splashing the water filled with white magic as it started to burn his fur.

She threw two more bottles before dropping her saddlebag as it hit the ground with a loud thump. Suddenly feeling lighter, she flew at the stallion filled with agony and delivered an aerial kick against his left bracer before destroying it with slice of her wing.

“Consider this a warning. Surrender now or it will only get worse from here,” she said before landing four cuts with her wings. If she learned anything by listening to Applejack’s advice, it was to press on when she had the advantage. The blood retreated from the vines and stallion’s face, right into her wounds before closing them. “You no longer have your weapons, I’ve won.”

The assassin was breathing heavily, his face turning from angered to furious. “Mah weapons are broken, but yer out of magical water. It’s not over yet.”

Fluttershy spread her wings treatengly. “It is over. Without silver weapons, we both can rely only on our strength, speed and power. As a pureblood, I can heal my wounds in an instant as long as I have enough magic. Your body may heal fast, but I have a clear advantage.”

“Alright…” He sighed. “Ya proved yerself. As much as Ah’d like to keep fightin’, Ah’ve gotta defeat.”

Fluttershy closed her wings and approached, her guard still up. “So… are you going to answer my questions?”

He nodded.


Fluttershy sat two meters away from the enemy, her friends sitting by her sides.

“Whoa, Fluttershy, that was awesome,” Dash said as she examined her for injuries. “You had me worried for a second there when those vines caught you.”

Ditzy interrupted, “Actually, Fluttershy’s victory was assured. Purebloods will always have the advantage over a common thestral, especially against a younger one. This fight was as good as won.”

Dash looked at the eye-crossed mare and asked, “Really? She had a victory in her grasp from the start?”

“She did. The question wasn’t if she could win, but how much blood and magic she would lose during the battle,” Ditzy said before looking at the the defeated enemy’s damaged saddlebag, “or if he had any secret weapons.”

Applejack joined in. “When Ah faced Fluttershy for the first time, as shameful as this sound, Ah left many deep injuries with mah blades.” She pointed at the stallion. “This one was stronger and more skilled than Ah was, yet Fluttershy did far better.”

Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. “Cool.”

Fluttershy waited for her friends to finish talking before taking a deep breath and asking, “First, would you introduce yourself?”

“Hawkeye Delicious,” he said, causing Applejack’s eyes to open widely, before she lowered her head. “Ah wish Ah could say it was a pleasure meetin’ ya, but that would be a lie.”

“Why were you targeting me… what’s your goal?” Fluttershy asked with growing curiosity.

“To test yer resolve, skills and determination. To see if ya’d face the challenge or break into pieces.”

“But why… why would your master want to test me? Why am I targeted?” Fluttershy paused upon noticing a chuckle leaving the stallion’s mouth. “Did I say something funny?”

Hawkeye pointed his hoof at Fluttershy and asked, “Do ya truly believe ya were the only target? That’s a laugh.” He stood on his shaking legs and spread his forelegs. “Mah master send his pawns to test pure blooded thestrals all over Equestria. Preparin’ them, putting trials in their way, decidin’ which ones deserve to die. Yer just a small part of a big picture.”

Fluttershy’s mouth opened agape as her mind was overwhelmed by this new information.

“Oh my…” Rarity said, hoof raised up to her mouth. “But why would your master do such a thing? What is he preparing them for?”

Hawkeye sat and frowned. “Ah’m approved to answer only the questions of a pureblood, not her worthless pawns.”

“Pawns!” Rarity stood to her four legs, her movement was quickly restrained by Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Just give me ten seconds and I will show you what this worthless pawn is capable of!”

Fluttershy raised her trembling foreleg, gesturing for Rarity to calm down before asking, “So if I understand correctly, your master sent you to Ponyville with the mission to turn my life into a nightmare to both test and train me?”

“Mah master wished to cull the weak from the herd. He believes that what doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger,” Hawkeye said calmly before shaking his head. “And no, Ah wasn’t sent here to test ya. Mah master thought ya died alongside yer family after he manipulated hunters to attack their mansion.”

Fluttershy took a step back, her heart suddenly beating at rapid speed as she pressed hoof against her chest. So that attack… those rumours that led hunters to my parents’ home. It was all part of some stupid test!? She felt butterflies in her belly as tears started to form in her eyes. Her depression quickly turned into anger at the stallion's next words.

“One of mah lord’s servants was sent to Cloudsdale to spread rumours, leading the hunters to believe that thestrals were living in a mansion on a mountain. Yer parents at their age and power should’ve been victorious, and yet they died.” He massaged his forehead. “Weaklings, fools. To die on the very first trial...“ He pointed at her. “But yer different. Ya made a friend who helped ya survive, yer friend’s family gave ya shelter till ya moved to Ponyville.”

Fluttershy grit her teeth. Her attention focused on a nearby tree as she wished for nothing more but to rip it apart, if only to unload some steam.

“When Ah was sent to this little town, mah mission was to kill the family of hunters,” he said as Applejack raised her head and stared at him as if he was a ghost. “During mah mission, Ah found out ya were still alive. When Ah reported ‘bout it to mah master, he changed mah mission to continue yer trials. To see if ya’d succeed where yer parents failed.”

“Shut up!” Fluttershy shouted, hissing, her ears raised upward and wings spread.

“Yeah! Shut up!” Dash shouted. Now hovering next to her friend.

Applejack walked ahead of the group and took off her hat, now holding it against her chest. “Why… Pa… why did ya agree to kill us, yer own family?”

The stallion blinked and tilted his head in confusion. “Family?”

“Yes, we’re family for Celestia’s sake!” Applejack said as tears started to stream down her cheeks. “Yer Hawkeye Delicious, a member of the Apple family. Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Ah are yer children. Don’t ya remember?”

The stallion massaged his head as a sudden headache struck him. After a moment, he raised his head and shook it. “Unfortunately… Ah don’t.” He stomped. “Now get outta mah way. Ah need to inform yer mistress about her role and answer her questions. Ah’ve got no time for yer trickstery.”

Applejack felt as if her heart was broken to pieces, put together, and then smashed into dust. She placed her hat on the ground and walked back to the group, sitting next to Ditzy, who placed a wing on her back. Rarity joining in by placing a forehoof on her shoulder.

Fluttershy took a few calming breaths. It seems that he was brainwashed, or that his memories were erased. That would explain why he can’t remember anything. After a moment of thinking, she asked, “Many purebloods died during those trials, but for what purpose?”

The stallion smirked. “Ah believe mah master would like to answer that by using mah mouth.” He opened his saddlebag and grabbed a bottle of blood surrounded by dark crystals.

Ditzy spread her wings and flew against the stallion, bypassing the confused mares as she tried to stop him from drinking.

Fluttershy could see dust spread around the area, her senses detecting the mare lying atop of the stallion who still held the bottle in his hoof.

“Get off me!” Hawkeye shouted before pushing Ditzy off his back and drinking the blood. His eyes turned black.

“Derpy, are you okay?” Dash asked as she flew over towards the dizzy half-breed thestral. “Why did you charge like that?”

“I tried… to stop him from drinking that blood, but the bottle didn’t shatter.”

Fluttershy flew over and said, “It must be protected by dark magic. No wonder the bottle didn’t break in that saddlebag during our fight.” She looked at the stallion the moment the dust had settled, who now stared back with black, lifeless eyes.

“Greetings, Miss Fluttershy. It is a pleasure to speak with you, even if not in person, but through the mouth of my pawn,” Hawkeye spoke with a half-bow, his voice suddenly different as a grin formed on his face.

Author's Note:

And here it is; last chapter of the story, but also the longest one.
In this part it turns out that Fluttershy wasn't the only target. A mysterious and powerful pureblood is testing purebloods from all Equestira. While Fluttershy so far passed his trials, her parrents paid their lives for their failure.
If only Shackles knew he and the guild were manipulated as pawns on a chessboard, I am sure he would burst in anger.
The story is slowly reaching it is end. The time for answer has came. As always, I am looking forward to your feedback.

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