• Published 1st Nov 2015
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Path of Kindness and Blood - CommanderX5

Fluttershy was a very kind pureblood vampony who suffered a terrible tragedy. Will she find a place to call home in Ponyville? Will it be filled with friendship and acceptance, or will she face fear and hostility?

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The Birth of New Fluttershy - Tea Party

Path of Kindness and Blood


Chapter 9

The Birth of New Fluttershy

Part 3 - Tea Party

Dear Sunflower

It may be a shocking news to you, but your friend you knew as Flutterbat is still alive and that the funeral you participated in was a fake.

I’m attaching pictures of your friend who is currently residing in Ponyville under the alias of “Fluttershy.”

The elderly mare fixed her glasses before taking a closer look at the pictures of a yellow mare filled with youth and vigor. She dropped the letters as if it caught on fire, her mouth agape.

After taking a few deep breaths while holding forehoof on her chest. She knelt and picked up the letter from the cloud and took another look. Besides a different cutie mark, the features were nearly identical to a younger version of her dead friend. Aside from the yellow mare, there were many animals in the numerous pictures, from a small snow-white bunny, to a big brown bear.

The last picture caused a shake of her wing; a picture of a yellow pegasus exiting an open coffin. The dress identical to the one Flutterbat was wearing the very day of her own funeral.

Please, don’t let her young appearance deceive you. Your friend has been hiding a secret from you for a long time. I cannot stand how she is hiding the truth from her friends.

Suddenly moving to a new location, exchanging letters, faking a funeral. I was there.

I’ve found out the truth, and if you wish to discover it for yourself, please visit Ponyville and ask about a pony named Fluttershy.

I will understand if you will not believe me and ignore this letter. But in the end, you have nothing to lose from visiting Fluttershy in Ponyville, and you’ll find the truth about your friend.

Please, consider my suggestion. Sincerely, one of Fluttershy’s tricked “friends”.

Many questions arose in Sunflower’s head. After a moment of silent contemplation inside of her house, she decided to talk with Little Seed before making any decision. Her husband was Flutterbat’s friend as much as she was after all.

Applejack was breathing heavily while sweat was dripping onto the ground, her body was covered in minor bruises and at least a dozen of closed cuts. As of almost everyday recently, in front of her stood a determined Fluttershy as they both were locked in an intense training, hidden from the sun and prying eyes in the shadow of trees from the Everfree Forest.

She glanced at her silver blades she started using two weeks ago, similar to those she used again Fluttershy in the past. As much as she dreaded upon the idea of using silver against her friend, without them, she wouldn’t be much of a challenge.

Applejack raised her head and focused on her friend, on the new Fluttershy.

Once her opponent flew into the air with one strong flap of her wings, Applejack stood on her rear hooves and kept both blades raised protectively, not taking her sight away from the pureblood who flew behind a line of trees in attempt to ambush her.

The moment her target vanished, Applejack’s ears straightened, desperately trying to pick up on any sound, but all she heard was the sound of leaves flapping in the wind and the occasional bird tweeting. She turned in all directions while maintaining her defensive stance. Suddenly, she felt a foreleg grabbing her neck in a vice grip, two hind legs squeezing her belly, and two wings wrapping around her forelegs, thestral wings proving as flexible as the wings of a pegasus. Despite the new weight anchored against her, she kept her balance.

After a moment of struggling, Applejack swung her head against the muzzle of the attacker with little effect as only a moment later she felt two fangs sink into her neck. In desperation, she bit one of the wings between her teeth and freed one of her forelegs. With the help of her silver blade, she struck against the other wing, and next both legs that were wrapped around her belly.

The teeth escaped her neck and a lick followed a second before she swung her right blade, leaving only a small cut on Fluttershy’s chest who licked the blood from her fangs and took a fighting stance.

“Veil of darkness, huh?” Applejack asked as she pointed her blade at Fluttershy accusingly. Only one week of training being enough to show the importance of maintaining balance on her two legs, especially when using two blades for defense.

“Correct. It’s very draining and impractical in combat… unless used for a very short period of time for a quick ambush. The blood I drank from you recovered whatever magic I lost while using it,” Fluttershy explained, her lecturing hoof raised above the ground while a smile appeared on her face.

Applejack smiled proudly. “Ah must say, yer gettin’ really good at it.” Her words causing a blush to form on Fluttershy's cheeks. “Ya no longer hesitate to inflict injuries upon me, no matter how deep, and yet still find the time to heal them in the middle of combat.” She retreated both blades and placed forelegs on her sides. “Color me impressed.”

Fluttershy rubbed the dirt with her forehoof. “To be honest, I don’t wish to hurt you… While I heal each wound I inflict upon you, it still causes you pain…” She raised her head as her determined stare returned. “But I know how much is on the line, I can’t hesitate.” She smiled warmly. “Oh… and thank you so much for enduring our training sessions. I know it must be hard to do chores on your farm, only to practice with me after dinner.”

“Ah shucks,” Applejack said, waving her forehoof dismissively. “It ain’t that hard, Sugarcube. Besides, yer helpin’ me with farm chores whenever ya find the time. Apple Bloom is helpin’ too.”

“What about Big Macintosh?” Fluttershy asked.

“Mah big brother? That big softie has a heart of gold. When Ah explained to him Ah’m practicing how to defend against vamp… thestrals, he took some work off mah back.”

“Glad to hear,” Fluttershy said calmly before pointing at the path leading out of the forest. “You look tired. Care for a break and some tea?”

“No can do, Sugarcube,” Applejack said, wiping sweat from her forehead. Her breathing stabilized. “We’re not done yet. Ya showed me yer offensive. Now time to see yer defense.”

Fluttershy’s expression turned into a serious one as she spread her wings. Eyes half-closed.

Applejack smirked before galloping at her trainee. She jumped and activated the silver blade in her bracer, which she aimed at Flutteshy’s neck. The thestral jumped to the side to evade the blow while her sharp wing swung against Applejack’s hind leg. The huntress used her other blade to deflect the strike before landing on her foreleg. With a sharp turn, she raised her hind legs and delivered a double kick against Fluttershy, who countered it by imitating Applejack’s apple bucking technique. Both kicks collided as the farm mare ended up pushed further away than Fluttershy.

Not wasting a moment, Applejack turned around and galloped before standing on her hind legs as she swung her blades at Fluttershy, who evaded each hit, using her wings only as a last resort. Them hardened wings can deflect blows, but with enough strength, silver can damage them. Fluttershy’s getting the hang of it, Applejack thought before jumping. Her blade delivering a piercing strike.

Much to Applejack’s confusion, Fluttershy exposed her foreleg and allowed the strike to collide with it, before piercing her other foreleg against the second blade. Applejack stared at her friend in shock, unable to understand why she would do that until realization struck her. Both her weapons were stuck. Before she could retreat the blades from her friend's flesh, she felt two wings slice her forelegs before two hind legs struck her belly.

“Say uncle,” Fluttershy said as she exposed her fangs.

“Uncle, uncle,” Applejack cried out. As prideful and stubborn as she was, countless clashes with Fluttershy taught her when to quit, either from fear of losing too much blood, or just not wanting to cause her friend any more pain.

After carefully retreating the blades from her friend's forelegs, she could see Fluttershy grit her teeth, yet she refused to scream in pain.

“Fluttershy,” Applejack said, now having two pink-red pupils stare at her. “Ah understand yer tryin’ to act tough, but we’re friends. No need to hide yer pain from me.”

Fluttershy’s eyes flashed as blood returned into her wound and closed it, before she attended to the cuts on Applejack’s legs. After taking a tired breath, she said, “Please don’t worry about my physical pain, I’m used to it.” She lowered her head and closed her eyes, only now revealing her weakness.

Applejack sighed before sitting next to her friend and placing a forehoof on her shoulder. “Listen, Sugarcube. Ya said it many times that yer kind can adapt to pain, but ya never said ya didn’t feel any.” Much to her surprise, Fluttershy pressed her tired head into her chest. “It must… it must be tough to get hurt an’ heal yer wounds, only to get hurt over and over. If it gets to be too much to handle, don’t try to hide it and just tell me. Alright?”

“Alright, Mom…” Fluttershy said before flinching, her eyes opening sharply, “I mean… Applejack. Sorry!” She hid her blushing face behind her mane.

The farm mare blinked in confusion. “What was that?”

Fluttershy bit her lip before saying quietly, “Sorry… it’s just…” After taking a deep breath, she looked at Applejack sternly and spoke, “ My mom said something similar when she taught me how to heal my wounds, but I can’t think about it now.” She walked towards the forest’s exit, bypassing a confused Applejack. “We’re both tired. Let’s return to the cottage.”

Applejack nodded before following. Every group needs a leader, and if Fluttershy was in charge, she shouldn’t hesitate to follow her lead.

After walking towards the cottage by Fluttershy’s side for two minutes as the moon slowly rose in the darkening sky, she asked, “Is somethin’ on yer mind?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy responded, still looking ahead. “It’s been two months since the unannounced visit from Shackles, and yet no attack’s followed.”

“Well… Shackles became a big deal among the hunters. Maybe that bad guy ya told me about is afraid to hurt ya with him in the picture?”

“It is a possibility,” Fluttershy said hesitantly. “Regardless, I asked my other friends to pay me a visit today so we can discuss the situation. I feel we’ve been working a bit too separately from each other, but it will change today.”

Applejack chuckled. “Strength in numbers, heh. Ah can dig that.”


A few more minutes has passed as both Fluttershy and Applejack entered the cottage. Angel, wearing a little black cape and tiny bowtie, was already waiting for them while sitting on a large food-filled table with critters sitting on the floor in two lines. A red carpet with two golden stripes on the sides was lying across the floor between the door and the table.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ah get the idea we’ll be havin’ a group meetin’, but isn’t this a bit… over the top?”

Fluttershy chuckled cheerfully before taking a seat on one of ten pillow before inviting Applejack to do the same. “To be honest, Angel found my change to being a new Fluttershy… satisfying… and now he’s putting efforts to make me more presentable as a pureblood.”

The bunny nodded before whistling. A falcon with a bowtie on his neck and a napkin in his talons flew over, carefully placing said napkin next to a glass filled with blood in front of Fluttershy.

Applejack’s ears straightened at the sound of strong steps coming from outside, quickly noticing a bear in similar uniform waving at her before closing the entrance door. She looked at Angel and said, “Animal servants and butlers. Ah take it yer following the - ‘if life gives ya apples, make an apple cider’ sayin’?”

Angel smirked before jumping from the table, only to pick up something and jump back on it. He carefully presented a badge with Fluttershy’s cutie mark to Applejack.

Upon closer examination, she noticed text saying: ‘Applejack, Fluttershy’s Personal Bodyguard.’ She rolled her eyes before throwing the badge into the corner.

“Angel, stop that,” Fluttershy called in ordering tone. “No fur and bone melting magic allowed.”

The bunny dispelled the dark aura around his paws and frowned.

After both mares took a sip from their cups as Applejack no longer felt disgusted by the fact that her friend was drinking blood, the noise of a bear’s roar filled the room. Both mares looked at the opening door, revealing a white unicorn wearing purple glasses. Next to said unicorn was a grey earth pony with a black mane wearing a pink bow tie.

“Sup, Flutters?” Vinyl said as she casually walked inside, trotting on the elegant carpet. “Wow, a red carpet. I’m really diggin’ the superstar welcome.”

“Calm yourself, Vinyl,” said the earth pony as she half-bowed. “May we enter?”

“Oh, of course. Make yourself at home,” Fluttershy said calmly with an inviting smile.

Octavia nodded before stepping in gracefully, head raised.

Vinyl looked at her roommate before glancing at the table, only to focus her attention on the farm mare. “Oh, hey AJ. Nice of you to join the dark side. I see you’re already enjoying some homemade cookies,” she said before grabbing a cookie and throwing it upward. She opened her mouth and caught it with her teeth.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Nice to meet ya too. So yer the big-mouthed thestral who can’t keep her mouth shut.”

“That’s totally me alright, but you forgot to add ‘cool’,” Vinyl said before taking a seat next to Applejack. “By the way. Sorry about the whole... slicing you a bit back in the Everfree Forest. I tried to cut that mask of yours without hurting the muzzle. No hard feelings?”

“There’s nothin’ to apologize for,” Applejack said with shake of her head. “You were tryin’ to protect a friend. Ah can get behind that.” Not two seconds passed before Vinyl’s foreleg shot out and pulled her close to her chest.

“Come here, buddy,” Vinyl said as she pressed Applejack’s side against her shoulder, and next rubbed top of her head. “We’re going to be best buds in no time.”

“S-sure…” Applejack said hesitantly as she pushed herself out from Vinyl’s strong grip and chuckled awkwardly. If three months ago somepony told her she would be having a tea party with a young pureblood thestral in the company of animal servants, a bunny with dark powers and a musician thestral with a big mouth, not bothered by blood drinking while enjoying herself in a cheerful atmosphere, she would kick said pony all the way to a padded room in the nearest funny farm.

On the one hoof, she felt a bit uncomfortable, as if she was an apple among oranges, or being a sugar cube in a bitter dish. On another, she was slowly starting to enjoy the friendly atmosphere. As weird as it seemed, she felt no different than when having a family reunion while meeting some of her more crazy cousins.

“Please forgive Vinyl. She tends to be very open with her emotions and gets excited easily,” Octavia said before gracefully taking a sip of tea.

“Ya don’t say.”

“My name is Octavia Melody, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Applejack,” Octavia said as she raised her foreleg and smiled. “If even a huntress can make a friend with Fluttershy, then I believe there is hope for all races to live together in peace.”

“Ah'm startin' to believe so too,” Applejack responded as she shook Octavia’s hoof energetically.

Another roar echoed as opened door revealed a family: A pegasus stallion with grey fur and a bronze mane, tree bricks as his cutie mark. To Applejack’s confusion, he still wore a belt filled with repair tools attached to his waist, an odd thing considering he was going to participate in a meeting. Next to the stallion stood a midnight blue pegasus with a golden mane and a hammer crossed with a wrench for a cutie mark. In front of them stood a grey mare with a golden mane and bubbles for her cutie mark, goggles hanging from her neck.

“We came as quickly as possible. Is your home in need of emergency repairs?” the stallion asked, slightly worried.

Fluttershy shook her head. “Not at all, but the reason behind this meeting is indeed very dire.” She smiled warmly and gestured for the family to enter. “Thank you for coming. Please take a seat.”

Applejack’s stare focused on the grey pegasus, a clumsy mare that more than once crashed into her apple trees.

“Applejack, please meet Bright Eyes,” Fluttershy said as she pointed at the grown mare, who gracefully half-bowed, “Mr. Vision,” the stallion nodded, “and Miss Ditzy,” the younger pegasus smiled warmly, exposing her shining teeth as she flapped her wings energetically.

Applejack shook her forehoof. “Oh, we know each other. Ah hired them to rebuild mah family’s barn.”

Ditzy stood on her rear hooves before flapping her wings, which made her hover in mid air. “Destroying your old barn was so much fun. I can’t wait to do it again.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Yeah… fun… Ah’ll make sure to tell ya if Ah need it destroyed again.”

Ditzy placed forehooves on her cheeks and squealed with joy before landing on the floor.

“I bet your business is going great, Twisty,” Vinyl said.

“It’s going well,” the stallion responded before taking a seat, his wife and daughter sitting on his sides, opposite to Vinyl and Applejack. “It turns out that ponies in Ponyville are quite destructive, not to mention occasional attacks from creatures from the Everfree Forest. Our repairing and building skills turned out to be very valuable for this little community.”

Vision’s wife spoke, “Personally, I find this place to be much more charming than Cloudsdale, and working here is quite satisfying.” She rubbed her daughter’s head. “As for Ditzy, while she has problems at her part-time job in the postal service, the ponies here are impressively forgiving. And it’s a good distraction until somepony require her demolishing services.”

“I love Ponyville,” Ditzy said before nuzzling her mother.

Applejack looked at the mother embracing her daughter before raising a hoof. “Ummm… so which one of ya is the thestral?”

Octavia chuckled. “A huntress using the word thestral instead of vampony. You are making great progress, Miss Applejack.”

Vinyl stood to her hind legs and said repeatedly, “I am, I am.”

“We know!” everypony said in unison.

Octavia cleared her throat and said, “As for me, I am just a donor and Vinyl’s caretaker.”

Twisty Vision pressed forehoof against his chest and said, “I am a donor too. Word ‘donor’ is what thestrals call ponies who know about their existence and are friends with them.” He looked at Bright Eyes and nuzzled her. “Though sometimes, we’re more than that.”

The mare blushed before pushing away the muzzle of her husband. “Not in front of everypony, dear.” She looked back at Applejack and continued, “I’m a thestral married to a pegasus, and we’re happy together.”

Ditzy supported her forehooves against the table. “And I am a half-thestral. My Mom says that being a mixed breed is the reason behind my sight issues, but it also makes me very tough.” She looked at Fluttershy apologetically as her ears drooped. “Also, I’m really sorry, Miss Fluttershy.”

“Sorry, whatever for?”

“For not finding out that Applejack was a huntress. When I met her on a few occasions, she seemed to be a very nice pony with a strong connection to the family, aside from a dangerously high amount of pride and stubbornness,” Applejack frowned and crossed her forelegs. Ditzy continued, “I believed that a honorable hard working pony with a desire to help those around her would never try to hurt you.” She paused. “Well… maybe she would hurt you if you tried to eat an apple from her orchard without paying first, insulted her family, or tried to cheat during a trading transaction.”

“Hey!” Applejack protested with a slam of her hoof, breaking off a small part of the table. “Ah’m not that shallow.”

Bright Eyes’ eyes flashed as the broken part merged with the table, returning it to it's former glory.

Ditzy rubbed back of her neck nervously. “Actually, you are a little bit. While your good traits outnumber the bad ones, when it comes to business, you sometimes let greed get the best of you. Your pride and stubbornness are also the causes of many of your mistakes.” She shrugged. “Oh well, the charming part about life’s that no pony is perfect. Perfection is something we can chase by improving ourselves and learning from our mistakes. It can be chased, but never be reached.”

Vinyl fixed her glasses and said, “Wow… that’s deep, buddy. Like… middle of the sea deep.”

Ditzy blushed while Bright Eyes spoke, “Please, forgive our daughter. Her special talent is reading other's character and she just can’t stop talking about what she learned when she’s excited.”

Vinyl raised her forehoof and pointed at herself. “Do me, do me!”

The grey half-pegasus nodded. “Well… I didn’t have many opportunities to learn much about you, but from what I gathered, you’re a very carefree and energetic pony. You let your emotions get the best of you and speak without a second thought, kind of like Pinkie Pie.”

Octavia looked at Ditzy with bored expression. “Oh please, it is hardly difficult to figure this out. Tell us something we do not learn after spending one hour in her presence.”

“Alright.” Ditzy nodded before clearing her throat. She spoke with a firm tone, “She’s sheltering herself from the evil of this world with her carefree attitude, facing even the most cruel situations with a smile, but she hides a big secret.”

Vinyl stood from her pillow and took a step back.

“While she’s never taking anything seriously, I would pity anypony that would make her take something seriously, because if she does,” Ditzy paused, pointing at the white thestral accusingly, “nothing will be able to stop her from achieving her goal.”

Vinyl looked to the side, away from everypony’s eyes. “Can… we change the topic… please?”

Octavia blinked in confusion. “Is this true?”

“Sorry Octy… I don’t want to talk about it.”

The suddenly grim atmosphere was interrupted by another roar as all the ponies looked at the entrance, now seeing a blue pegasus and another white unicorn.

Rainbow Dash flew in first and wiped some sweat from her forehead, her breathing heavy. “Sorry for the hold up… I had… a long trip to check on my parents.” Rarity stood at the entrance with raised foreleg, stunned.

“Are they alright?” Fluttershy asked, concern clear in her voice.

“They sure are. It seems that after the princess ordered the relocation of Cloudsdale closer to her castle, the fights calmed down for at least for two years.”

“About that,” Applejack said, getting everypony’s attention, “Ah’m curious, do thestrals really fear the princess so much they’d stop their brawl?”

Fluttershy’s ears drooped as she answered hesitantly, “From what my parents told me, one thousand years ago, Princess Celestia started hunting down all purebloods over the age of five hundred, killing them one by one to ensure that our kind wouldn’t be a threat.” She sighed. “Though sometimes I wonder… If she wanted to, she could slaughter our entire kind… instead, she eliminated only those who could pose a threat, but spared others. Our kind has been living in hiding from the public sight ever since.”

Octavia added, “I also found it odd. Princess Celestia hid thestrals’ existence from the public and didn’t interfere whenever a pureblood turned a pony into a thestral. From what other thestrals told me, she acted only when the situation escalated.”

Fluttershy took over, “I like to believe that the princess thinks of my kind as her subjects… and that she’s trying to find a compromise between letting us live while ensuring that we won’t go too far.”

Rainbow Dash landed on a pillow between Fluttershy and Vinyl and spoke, “Back to the topic at hoof, my parents said that they didn’t notice anything odd. It seems that Shackles and that mysterious assassin aren’t tracking them, or at least I hope so.”

Applejack looked away from Rainbow Dash and focused her attention on Rarity, who still stood immobile at the entrance. “Hey Rares, are ya comin’ in or not?”

The fashionista slowly stepped in and stared back at Applejack nervously, a large purple hat and pink dress now in the line of sight.

“Ah take it yer a donor. When did ya learn that Fluttershy is a pureblood?”

Rarity chuckled nervously, “Well… about that...”

Vinyl interrupted, “She isn’t a donor, but the thestral that picked up your crossbow and shot your leg. You know, back in the Everfree Forest where you fought Fluttershy.”

Rarity facehooved. “Thanks a lot, Vinyl.”

“No biggy.”

Applejack stared at Rarity, who rubbed her foreleg nervously. “When and why?”

“Excuse me?”

“When did Fluttershy turn ya and why did she do it?”

Rarity kept silent, occasionally opening her mouth to speak, but closing it a moment later. Noticing it, Rainbow Dash spoke, “You remember that spa incident when that assassin tried to hurt Fluttershy? Well, Rarity ended up in the crossfire. The only way to save her life was to turn her into a thestral.”

“Ah see,” Applejack said, crossing her forelegs. After a few more seconds of staring at the nervous fashionista, she spoke calmly, “Listen, Sugarcube. At this point, Ah couldn’t care less if yer a thestral or a werepony and Ah don’t care that ya shot me since ya were protecting yer friend.”

Rarity relaxed her tensed muscles and approached the table, sitting between Fluttershy and Twisty Vision.

Applejack continued, “We’re all in this ship together, and if we don't work together, evil thestrals and greedy hunters will sink it. So how about it?” She straightened her forehoof to Rarity, “Friends?”

Rarity’s mouth was agape as she slowly shook Applejack’s forehoof. “S-sure… friends.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pinkie shouted as she trotted inside from the kitchen and took a seat.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie!? Yer in this too?”

“I sure am, cake?”

Applejack nodded as a plate with slice of a cake landed in front of her.

Octavia spoke, “She knows thanks to Vinyl’s big mouth.”

“You can thank me anytime you want,” Vinyl said cheerfully. “By the way, Pinkie, remember to not let Fluttershy drink your blood after she drink Dashie’s.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie said before pointing at Applejack. “And what would happen if she drank mine and Applejack’s?”

Vinyl shrugged, “Beats me.”

“Um… excuse me,” Fluttershy said, clearly ignored. “Since we’re all here… can we start this meeting?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before whispering, “Come on, Flutters. Put more volume into it.”

Fluttershy nodded before taking a deep breath and speaking firmly, “Excuse me!” With the crowd silenced, she continued, “Since everyone is here, may I suggest we start this important meeting?”

Dash patted her on the back. “Now that’s what I am talking about.”


Fluttershy looked at the silent group, fighting against her stage fright as she looked in each pony’s eyes. On her right she could see Rainbow Dash sitting besides her. Next to Dash was Vinyl, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. On her left sat Rarity, Ditzy’s family and Octavia. Ten pillows, ten ponies. Angel sat on the table in front of her and gave an encouraging smile.

“One of the main reasons why I gathered you all today is to inform you that from this day forward, I’m starting my own clan.”

Murmurs filled the room as she received encouraging nods from Ditzy’s family. Vinyl, Rainbow Dash and Octavia clapped their hooves while Applejack and Rarity looked at each other with doubts.

With her attention on Bright Eyes, Fluttershy asked, “Is there any news from former members of my family’s clan… that survived?”

Bright Eyes nodded. “I made a few visits to Cloudsdale since your meeting with Fancy Pants. The news of your survival was spreading quickly and your image suffered since you spared a hunter’s family.” She took a quick breath. “While those who served under Mistress Clean Mouth and Master Sample Taker were more understanding, I can’t guarantee that all of them will be willing to move to Ponyville and join you.”

Fluttershy nodded before asking, “I understand, which raises a question, would you be willing to join my clan, Bright Eyes? You and your family have already done so much for me, so I would understand if you chose to refuse.”

The mare rubbed her chin before smiling. “Of course I do. You’ve changed a lot ever since you moved to Ponyville, Mistress Fluttershy, and I will always follow policy where our kind lives with other races in peace.”

Ditzy hopped energetically. “And if you want me to demolish something that belongs to bad ponies and mean thestrals, I’m the mare for the job.” Her ears drooped. “I may spy on other ponies as well… but to be honest… I don’t really like it.”

Twisty Vision said, “I may not be a thestral, but I’ll always follow my family, count me in.”

Fluttershy looked at Rarity.

“Of course I will join your clan, darling.”

Rainbow Dash hovered in mid air. “You don’t even need to ask me. We’re a team to the very end.”

Applejack sighed. “Ah’ll join… not really a big fan of it, but we’re in this crazy boat together… just don’t turn me into a thestral without mah permission.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She tapped her hooves together. “Still… what if you were dying and unconscious and this would be the only cure?”

The huntress rubbed her chin thoughtfully before giving Rarity a curious glance, who nodded encouragingly and said, “It is not as bad as it sound. I had my doubts at first, but between death and a different way of living, I would choose the latter.”

“Fine… Ah suppose ya can turn me under those circumstances.”

Vinyl and Pinkie jumped onto the table and said aloud, “Count us in!”

Octavia raised her eyebrow. “And what about Lord Fancy Pants?”

Vinyl shrugged before returning to her seat. “He kicked me out, so his loss.”

Octavia chuckled while holding a hoof close to her mouth. “I wonder how long it will take before Mistress Fluttershy will kick you out.” She looked at the pureblood and nodded. “Anyway, I cannot leave Vinyl alone, so I suppose joining is the proper course of action.”

Fluttershy felt a warmness in her heart. While her parents respectfully turned only a limited number of ponies, and only those who were willing to join while erasing memories of those who refused. Even they would never manage to gather a group as unique as she did.

With her attention on Bright Eyes, she asked, “Would you like to accept the recruiting task and see if former members from my family’s clan would like to move to Ponyville and join?”

The mare saluted. “Consider it done.”

She looked at Rainbow Dash, Vinyl and Rarity. “Any news on the turned earth pony assassin?” They all shook their heads.

Applejack asked, “Does anypony have any idea why he stopped targeting us? Ah mean, the only thing he did was cause an earthquake at the spa and attack on Apple Bloom to provoke a fight.”

Rarity spoke, “Do not forget about Sweetie Belle, but yes, if he wanted Fluttershy dead, he would not limit himself to just those two attacks. What are his goals?”

Rainbow Dash spoke up, “Well, I sat on his tail for a bit, so it may be the case, but if he was powerful enough to send living trees into fight, why he didn’t fight me?”

“I am not sure, but I have a theory,” Fluttershy spoke, now the center of attention. “When I talked with him for a short moment, he called himself a mere pawn, that his master ordered him to test if I deserve to live and stay on the chessboard.”

“Meaning?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe he stopped his attacks because I started training. Maybe he’s giving me time to prepare before some sort of test or challenge.”

“Agreed,” Vinyl said with crossed forelegs. “This sounds like the evil pony’s testing the hero for some kind of job. It fits since purebloods like playing games of chess, often making alliances or manipulating others.”

Pinkie hopped around the table in excitement. “Oh, so we’re slowly reaching the part where the evil pony is going to reveal his evil plans. Oh, I can’t wait!”

Fluttershy rubbed her chin thoughtfully while waiting for Pinkie to return to her seat. “I hope you’re right, Pinkie, because at this point all we can do is to prepare ourselves for his next move.” She looked at Applejack and asked, “What about Shackles? Was he satisfied with the information about the reason behind the fights in Cloudsdale?”

The farm mare nodded. “He sure was. He’s like a business pony. As long as we give him profitable information from time to time, he won’t bother us. As of right now, he’s looking to see if any of the young purebloods fightin’ for the territory are easy prey.”

Fluttershy stomped firmly as her ears straightened upwards, picking up a sound from outside the cottage. “Then it’s decided. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Vinyl Scratch, I wish for you three to train with me for the coming confrontation. We need to be in good shape as we wait for the assassin’s next move.”

Ditzy asked, “Can I join in?”

“Only if your parents agree,” Fluttershy responded.

Bright Eyes smirked. “But of course. My daughter may not be a fighter, but her destructive talents may be very helpful.”

“I can be helpful, yaaay!”

“What about me?” Pinkie asked.

Fluttershy pointed at the energetic pony. “Would you keep an eye on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and occasionally check on the Apple family when Applejack is away from the farm to make sure they aren’t being targeted? Your… unique abilities seem perfect for the job.” She looked to the side. “Also… providing us with a bit of your energetic blood would be appreciated.”

“So, like spying on the spy? I’m on it,” Pinkie said with a salute.

“Does everypony agree with my decisions?” Fluttershy asked, quickly noticing several nods. “Any objections?” Everypony shook their heads. “Since we’re now much more organized, there’s one more thing to take care of.”

In the shadow of the night from on top of a tree, a hooded figure was observing the cottage while keeping his distance. The stars and moon were covering the sky while a weak wind flapped the leaves.


Yes mah lord. It seems that mah target’s gettin’ more organized. She’s invited all her companions for a meetin’.

Interesting. Can you find out the reason behind their meeting?

Mah deepest apologies, but she’s bein’ too vigilant. Ah can’t come close without bein’ detected.

A minute long silence lasted in the assassin's mind as he awaited a response from his master. First your attack on two fillies forced her to defend them, only a day later she was visited by the very pony who killed her parents, but instead of breaking apart, she took her life into her hooves. This is something I expect from every pureblood.


Combat training, gathering allies. I believe that Miss Fluttershy is ready to learn about her role on the chessboard. The turned earth pony felt a sudden urge to look up, his eyes forcefully focusing on the moon at his master’s command, or rather on the shape displayed on it. The return of the two-faced princess is drawing near, as foretold in the prophecy. Her arrival will change the world. Will she decide to lead us on the road of peace, or will it be a path of conquest? Whichever the road she will take, every pureblood will need to be ready to support her.

So mah job was to prepare mah target to assist the princess on the road of peace? Or kill her if she wasn’t worthy of that honor?

Correct. Now, is her final test ready?

Ah sent the letter to her friends, but they haven’t arrived yet, the assassin thought. Should Ah inform Miss Fluttershy about her role?

Yes, but don’t make it easy for her. The voice in his head paused as a bubble of dark aura formed in front of him, only to reveal a rolled scroll. Deliver this letter and prepare to face her. She has grown stronger, so I will lend you a little bit of my blood to even the odds.

The assassin grabbed the scroll and placed it into his saddlebag before jumping from the tree, landing with a loud thump while his legs didn’t bend. And what ‘bout mah original target? Ah’ve been delayed with killin’ the Apple family to spy on Fluttershy.

Forget about them, they are now part of Fluttershy’s strength. Preparing a pureblood for the world changing event is far more important than killing some low lifes.

As ya command, mah lord.

The mental discussion between servant and master was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the cottage as a grey pegasus with a golden mane flew through the roof, which crumbled as the result.

“My bad.”

The assassin blinked in confusion before retreating deeper into the forest, only to feel his flank bumping into something.

“Hi there.”

Out of reflex, he jumped, making a turn in mid air before his eyes focused on a pink mare’s head emerging from behind a tree. “How’d ya bypass my senses? How’d ya know about my hidin’ spot?”

“Oh, that’s really simple,” Pinkie said before supporting herself against a tree. “Fluttershy sensed your presence, and since she appointed me to keep an eye on those you may spy on, the moment she told us where you were, I decided to do my job by spying on you.”


“Yes. As a member of Fluttershy’s clan, it’s my job to make sure you don’t do anything mean,” Pinkie said before puffing her chest. “As for how I passed your senses, I have my ways.” She pointed at the cottage. “It seems that Derpy… Ditzy decided to look for you as well,” she giggled, “though deciding to fly through the roof probably wasn’t the best idea.”

“Ah see,” the stallion said before taking out a scroll from his saddlebag and throwing it to Pinkie’s hooves. “Please, deliver this to yer master, and my deepest gratitude for telling me she’s formed a clan.”

Pinkie placed her forehooves on her mouth, suddenly realizing she’d said something she shouldn’t have.

The eyes of the stallion flashed in red as puddle of dark magic merged with the earth as he slowly sunk into it. “And tell yer new master she should ensure discipline among her pawns.” A moment later the puddle shrank in size, leaving only a hood.

Author's Note:

Quite a lot of events happen for a part titled as a "tea party." As promissed, I gave you a very large update, as well as some foreshadowing and development for the assasin. I am expecting some serious feedback, because there sure is a lot to talk about.

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