• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 350 Views, 4 Comments

The equestrian civil war - Trilingualpony

Celestia tries to change equestria into a communist state, but luna isn't of the same opinion.

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chapter 1: A new idea

It was late, and in a small village, east of canterlot, just one house was still had light in it. In this house lived and old pony, Marx Kolskat. He just Finished, after years, he had just finished his book: "Social revolution". In his book, Marx Kolskat, explaines his suffering, and he denounces the social system in equestria, were poor ponies don't have any chance to get rich, and rich ponies will always stay rich.He also gives ideas to make the system better, having all ponies born equal, and die equal, all ponies having the same rights, the same chance to get a job, and the same pay, a system were there is no proprety anymore, were only work will give someting, were all ponies are equal in job, pay and rights, a system he calls "communism". A day later, the book is published, and is on everypony's lips, everyone is talking about it. Twilight invites her friends in her castle for a little party. Quickly the subject of the book is brought up by rainbow dash:

"So did you guys hear about that book, Social revolution? everypony is talking about it!" Her friends quickly node, confirming they heard about it. twilight then starts talking:

"i personaly agree with the ideas in the book, many ponies are poor, and they can't really do anything about it, i think it is time for change." Rainbow dash responds quickly:

"I totally agree with you twi, it's time for change, i see ponies strugeling to survive everyday, and not because they are lazy, but because our social system is failing." Rarity responds as well:

"What are you two talking about? Our social system is working just fine, just look outside, ponies are happy and in good condition." Applejack doesn't wait to add her opinions to the discussion:

Ah' think rarity's right, everything is workin' fine, and there's no need for any change." RD then shout's furiously:

" Are you two crazy or what? Equestria does have a problem, and you can't deny it!"Rarity doesn't wait to argue, starting to sound a bit angered too:

" Darling, don't be ridiculous, equstria is going fine i tell you!" fluttershy just barely get's out a small sound from her mouth:

"Girls!" but the rest just ignores her, and twilight add's, sounding a bit angry too:

" No it isn't going fine, we must do something about this twisted system, and now!" fluttershy tries to speak up a bit:

"Girls!" but the other ponies still ignore her. Aj, now sounding very angry says this:

" From what ah' heard, this book proposes to eliminate private proprety of land, wich would mean that ah' would not have sweet apple acres anymore, a farm ah' worked in all my life, and were my familly worked all their life since the founding of ponyville! Ah' will not give sweet apple acres!"Flutershy now shout's:
" Girls!", everypony stops speaking and look's at her, she then says:

" don't let such a dissagrement create a rift between all of you, just calm down, eat cake, and talk peacfully, just look at pinkie pie, she as been doing just that during the whole time!" All the four ponies that were argumenting only a second ago, stop and do as fluthershy said. The subject of the book is not brought up anymore, but the tense atmosphere stays until everypony goes home the evening. Rarity picks up the newpaper two days later, she quickly notices what is written on the front page:

"Princess celestia confirmed in an interview yesterday she had read the new book "social revolution" and she added that she will follow the ideas of the book" Rarity proceeds to read the whole article, wich confirms what rarity was fearing. She is getting angrier every second while reading the article, until she finds a segment that reads:

" While celestia does confirm that is the route she want's equestria to follow, rumors are already spreading that princess luna greatly dissagres with her sister, an interview is planned later today, and will be published in the newpaper tomorow." Rarity wait's until the next day and the newpaper confirms what she had hoped, the front page being occupied by these letters:

" Princess luna denounces celestia for following the rules of the book "social revolution" and says what she thinks about it!" rarity's proced's to read like she did the day before, and once again what she hoped was confirmed, the article was talking about princess luna's anger after she heard of the interview her sister gave, but also about the fact that luna dissagrees with the book completly.Rarity then tinks for herself "this is far from being finished".

And she was right, princess celestia created a new law the next day. The law forces all towns to give at least five percent of their cultivated land to the state, and ponies without a job would automaticly be assigned to work on these new state owned farms, protests quickly erupted all over equestria, but mostly in ponyville, as it was the town with the most cultivated land. Luna organised a conference the next day, in wich she proposed to create a new political movement in equestria, this movement would be called "The new lunar republic" and would oppose the ideas of communism directly. Rarity and applejack didn't wait to join the movement. Already They were ponies printing the flag of the NLR, that luna had proposed in the conference. And while going back home rarity was stoped by a mailmare pony saying:

"Miss Rarity? I've got mail mail for you!" the strange looking mailmare then gave rarity a letter by princess luna reading:

"Dear rarity, i know you suport the NLR movement, as i saw you cheering during the conference today when i proposed it, and i was gonna ask you perssonaly, but i have a few things to prepapre, could you design an official outfit for supporters of the NLR? It would be great if you could, and i am ready to pay a great amount of money for it. Send me a letter with you're response, the lovely mailmare thar brouhgt you this message has been instructed to bring me the letter as fast as possible, she is a friends of mine, and a supporter of the NLR, so i trust hern despite the fact that she might look disoriented because of her eyes and her particular perssonality. i am waiting for you answer." Rarity doesn't wait and responds. she agrees to work on them, for no money. She then heads home and start working on them, her work is interupted by the knocking on her door. Rarity opens the door and see's twlight. Rarity remebered twlight was suposed to pick up a dress for somepony. They then head upstairs, twilight admiring the dresses that are everywere. As rarity started to pick up the dress she had been working on these last few days, twilight started to bring up the subject of the NLR:

"So rarity, i heard you went to luna's conference. is that true?" rarity first sighs, and then says:

" Yes, twlilight, i did. and i am designing an official outfit for supporter of the NLR. if you've got a problem with that, then tell me." twilight doesn't say anything and just takes the dress, and leaves without say anything. Rarity know now's for sure that this will go very far.

Comments ( 4 )

Good evening Trilingualpony!
Wow, that's an amazing idear! It's something new, something catchy! But, please, check your grammar. I know it's hard to always keep the grammar in mind but please try.
Hope a new chapter is in working process!
Fluddy Pirate

6332793 Dear fluddy pirate, first of all thank you for liking the story, and yes i am aware that my grammar isn't the best, i am french and i only had 4 years of english. And yes i am working on the next chapter, but it will take a bit of time as i want to make it much longer then the first one.

Take your time. Good things need time.
I'm not an english either. I'm from Germany.
With which programm do you write your story? Maybe you can search for that programm an english corrector that can correct your work. :twilightsmile:
Have a nice day!
Fluddy Pirate

6335470 i will try to find an english correcter. And you're german? i live in the german border region of france so i can speak german so that's cool. good evening to you too, even if at the time of me writing thid message it's like 11 am.

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