• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 16,549 Views, 712 Comments

Reformation Buddies - Metool Bard

Can former villains learn from one another without driving each other and everyone else insane? Discord seems to think so. Sunset Shimmer, however, has her doubts. And the Sirens aren't helping matters, either.

  • ...

A Deal with the Draconequus

Sunset Shimmer felt uncomfortable.

It wasn't because she was walking around the empty corridors of Canterlot High wearing nothing but her pajamas. After living in the school for so long, she had gotten used to that. No, her discomfort came from the fact that she was all alone. Darkness enveloped her like a shroud, with only her small flashlight providing any source of illumination. The only sounds she heard were her own breathing and the pitter-patter of bare feet on cold tile. Not even the custodian was around and about; he had already gone home for the day.

But for Sunset, Canterlot High was her home. And that was a sad truth she contended with every night.

"I can't keep living like this," she mumbled to herself. "It's just so, lonely at night. I should really consider moving in with one of my friends. But who? Would the others get upset because I didn't ask one of them? And would their parents allow me to stay even though I don't have that much money? I mean, I wouldn't want to cause them any trouble or anything. I'm not like that anymore."

She continued to voice her thoughts aloud as she approached a small, out-of-the-way supply closet that was marked off with a "Caution: Keep Out" sign. Back when she first arrived in this world, this was her base of operations. It was a secret clubhouse where she would draft her sinister schemes and brief her cohorts, Snips and Snails. But now, it was simply her bedroom.

She opened the door with a creak, revealing a simple sleeping bag, a Rainbooms poster designed by Rarity, and a black stand that held her v-neck guitar. With a heavy sigh, she slung her backpack from her shoulder and took out a simple brown book with her symbol engraved on the cover. She absently flipped through the pages and sighed again.

"No response yet," she mused. "Then again, she must be pretty busy, what with her royal duties and all. And it's not like she's forgotten to write to me." She sighed once more as she put her book away and laid down on top of her sleeping bag. "I just wish I had someone to talk to tonight."

"Wish granted."

A sly, sinister-sounding voice rang in Sunset's right ear. Confused, she got up and turned to see who it was. The sight before her caused her to let out a shriek. Floating in the middle of her makeshift bedroom was a creature she was all-too-familiar with. The head of a pony; the body of all different kinds of animals. It was none other than Discord, the infamous Master of Chaos.

"N-no. Th-this is impossible," she muttered, crawling up against the wall. "Th-there's no way this is real. I-it can't be."

Discord tilted his head. "Hmm. That's, not exactly the reaction I was expecting. Are you alright?"

Sunset didn't answer. She simply continued muttering to herself. "I-it's probably just a bad dream. Yeah, that's it. I just conked out in the library or something. I should be waking up any moment nOW!"

She flinched as she felt a sharp pain in her right arm. Looking over, she saw the fluffy end of Discord's snake tail take the form of a pair of pinching fingers. A dark chill went up her spine, and she began to hyperventilate.

"Oh no. Oh no oh no! Th-this is terrible!" she stammered. "D-Discord has gotten free! H-he's probably already taken over Equestria! I-I have to—"

"Whoa, whoa, wait! Back up, hold your horses," said Discord, cutting across Sunset. "You're Sunset Shimmer, right?"

Sunset gasped. "H-how do you know my name?"

Discord shrugged. "Well, you did cause quite a stir when you stole the Element of Magic a few moons back. How could I not know about you?"

"W-wait, how do you know about that?!" Sunset yelled. "Y-you were encased in stone!"

Discord raised an eyebrow. "You mean, Twilight never told you?"

Sunset blinked. "Never told me what?"

"Why, that I've been reformed, of course. It was Celestia's idea, surprisingly enough."

Sunset's fear slowly gave way to indignation as she glowered at Discord. "Y-you really expect me to believe that? Princess Celestia would never agree to free you. You're a dangerous monster who spreads chaos and disharmony wherever he goes."

"It's true, though. And what's more, I can prove it," said Discord. With a snap of his fingers, Sunset's magic book appeared on her lap. "Twilight knows all about it. Write her a letter; she can vouch for me."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, or you'll just rearrange the letters to make it look like she's vouching for you."

"Maybe the old Discord would've done that, but not me," said Discord. "In fact, I can take you to Equestria right now, if you want. That should prove to you that it's still standing."

"And as soon as I see that it's not, you'll trap me there or probably corrupt me," said Sunset, a surge of determination seeping into her voice. She got to her feet and pointed an accusing finger at the draconequus. "I won't fall for your tricks, Discord."

Discord pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay, you're seriously making this far more difficult than it needs to be."

"So what do you expect me to do, play along and bow down to your will?" Sunset asked, folding her arms. "Sorry, but that's not happening. You might've been able to take over Equestria, but my friends and I will make sure you don't do the same to our world!"

"But I don't want to conquer this world, or Equestria for that matter," Discord insisted. "I promise, I haven't changed a single, solitary thing since I got here."

"Oh yeah? Well, why did you come here, then?"

"Well, isn't it obvious? I want to be your friend."

Sunset did a double take. "Huh wha?"

"Just as I said, my dear Sunny," said Discord, brushing Sunset's cheek with his paw. "Do you mind if I call you Sunny? I'm gonna call you Sunny."

Sunset scowled. "As a matter of fact, I do mi—"

"Up bup bup! I haven't finished explaining myself yet," said Discord, placing a finger to Sunset's lips. "Now, as I was saying, it's come to my attention that you and I share some common ground. As such, I thought to myself: 'Hey, I could use a friend who gets me, so why not take a vacation from Equestria and go meet her?' And well, here I am!"

He then struck a pose and caused confetti to rain from the ceiling. Sunset, however, continued giving him the evil eye.

"You really must think I'm stupid," she spat. "I know all about you, Discord. You stand against friendship and harmony. You manipulate ponies to turn on one another so that the world can be your own personal playpen. And now you break out of your stone prison somehow, come all the way here, and spout off this ridiculous nonsense about you being reformed and that you want to be my friend?"

Discord twiddled his fingers. "Well, yes. Everything you just said is correct."

"Uh-huh. And how am I supposed to believe that?" Sunset asked rhetorically.

Discord shrugged. "I don't know. How are you? I mean, I could really use the info to bond with you properly like good friends should."

As he spoke, his elongated body coiled around Sunset as he placed his lion arm around her shoulder. Sunset growled and wiggled out of his grip.

"We are not friends, Discord," she snarled. "Not now, not ever."

Discord's expression drooped. "Aw, why not? We have so much in common."

"No, we don't," Sunset proclaimed. "I'm not like you."

"See, I must disagree with you vehemently there, Sunny," said Discord. "I mean, think about it. I tried to conquer Equestria; you tried to conquer Equestria. I was defeated by the Elements of Harmony; you were defeated by the Elements of Harmony. I changed my ways; you changed your ways..."

"I acted out of jealousy and spite; you're just insane," said Sunset in a flat monotone.

Discord deadpanned. "Very true, but let's try to focus on the similarities, shall we?"

"Let's not," said Sunset, reaching into her backpack and pulling out her cellphone. "In fact, I'm going to call my friends right now so that we can put you back in stone where you belong!"

"Whoa, hey now!" exclaimed Discord, waving his arms frantically. "Th-there's no need for that, Sunny."

"Don't try to play innocent, you tyrant. I will not let you lure me away from my new path," Sunset spat. "I'm happy with where I am now. My friends are there for me, I have a mentor looking out for me, and it's gotten to the point where my classmates actually smile at me instead of giving me disapproving glares. I don't know how you managed to get free or what your game is, but I refuse to let you take that away from me."

"And I don't want to," Discord insisted. "It's what makes us alike. Heck, if you came to me with the same offer, and I knew about every atrocity you've done, I'd still be your friend."

Sunset drew in a short breath and flinched. "S-stop trying to compare us. I-I won't be taken by your lies."

Discord's face clouded with worry. "It seems I hit a nerve with that one. Are you okay, Sunny?"

Sunset opened her mouth to respond, but something suddenly began to sink in. She rubbed her arm and cast her eyes downward.

What if he is telling the truth? she wondered. What if he really was reformed like I was? I'd be no better than the other students at CHS if I turned him down. No, no! I-I can't let him trick me. H-he's just putting on an act. Isn't he? I mean, I know I haven't been to Equestria for a long time, but would Celestia really want to reform someone like him? Th-that's just ludicrous. B-but...

After a long pause, she looked up at Discord. "How come Twilight never told me about this?"

"Search me," said Discord with a shrug. "Then again, she was trying to tell me something before I departed, but I didn't listen. I was just so excited to meet you and become your friend."

Sunset folded her arms. "I-I still have my doubts about that. You and friendship have always been like oil and water. Why, then, would you want to be anyone's friend, let alone mine? It makes no sense."

Discord arched an eyebrow. "Since when have I ever made sense, Sunny? And just FYI, I once thought the same way you did. I didn't think I needed friends to be happy, but I was wrong. I'm sure you know how it is."

Sunset didn't want to admit it, but deep down, she saw Discord's point. Even so, she stood her ground.

"Y-yeah. My friends are special. And they are important to me," she said firmly. "Which is why I won't let you take them away."

Discord sighed. "This really isn't getting us anywhere. I travelled through ten dimensions to meet you, Sunset Shimmer. I'm not going home empty-pawed or taloned."

"Wait, ten dimensions?" asked Sunset. "Couldn't you have just teleported straight here?"

"What can I say? I like taking the scenic route," said Discord. "Listen, Sunny. I'll tell you what I'll do. You doubt my words, right? Well, what if I could prove to you that I was a good friend? And I mean prove it to you in a way that cannot be misconstrued for any of my tricks."

Sunset stroked her chin. "I, guess that sounds fair. But how would you do it?"

Discord opened his mouth to reply, but he closed it again and began stroking his goatee.

"Hmm. I actually haven't thought about that part yet," he admitted. "But if you give me a chance, I'll hopefully figure something out."

He then summoned a calculator and began punching in random numbers. "So, here's what I propose. I'll stay in this world for, lessee, carry the seven, by the square root of pi... What time is it now?"

Sunset blinked and checked her phone. "Um, I have nine thirty."

"Right, thank you," said Discord, entering this information into his calculations. "As I was saying, I'll stay here for, twenty hours, forty-two minutes, and thirty-seven seconds, starting now. If I can't earn your friendship in that time, I'll go back to Equestria, and you'll never see me again. Does that sound fair?"

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "How do I know you'll keep to that promise?"

Discord smiled. "I guess you don't."

Sunset mulled it over for a few seconds. "You're sure you won't leave otherwise."

"I didn't come all this way for nothing."

Sunset sighed. "Alright, fine. I suppose I should take the high road and give you a chance. But if you go back on your word, my friends and I will show you no mercy. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," said Discord, his skin becoming transparent and crystalline. He then reverted back to normal and stretched out his paw. "Let's shake on it, friend."

Sunset tentatively reached out her own hand, eventually accepting Discord's gesture. But as soon as she gripped his paw, his entire body went into convulsions, with sparks flying out of him every which way. Sunset would've recoiled in shock had Discord not been holding her hand so tightly. When he finally did let go, he was laughing.

"Ha ha! Good one, Sunny!" he guffawed. "I do so love a friend with a sense of humor."

Puzzled, Sunset looked at her hand. She was surprised to discover that a hand buzzer that wasn't there before had manifested itself. She looked back at Discord with a blank stare of confusion. "Why did you—?"

"Well, it was too obvious for you to be the victim of the gag. I don't do 'obvious,'" said Discord with a chuckle. "Besides, I thought it might be a good way to show you that I'm not such a bad guy now. Well, I'd better let you get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. Sweet dreams!"

With a snap of his fingers, he donned a blue nightgown and cap, and a lit candle appeared in his talon. When he blew the candle out, he seemingly disappeared into the inky darkness. Sunset continued to stare into space, trying to figure out what just happened.

"What did I just do?" she mumbled. "And, was it right?"

"Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we?"

Sunset looked up to see Discord still floating in front of her. She arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, right! Sorry, you're supposed to be sleeping now," said Discord with a sheepish snicker. "Right, I'll just, find my own place to get some shut-eye. Goodnight."

With that, he disappeared in a flash of light. Sunset let out a groan and crawled into her sleeping bag.

There's only one thing I know for certain, she thought. Whether he's telling the truth or not, it's going to be a loooong day tomorrow...