• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 16,533 Views, 712 Comments

Reformation Buddies - Metool Bard

Can former villains learn from one another without driving each other and everyone else insane? Discord seems to think so. Sunset Shimmer, however, has her doubts. And the Sirens aren't helping matters, either.

  • ...

Adaptable Adagio

So, it seems my first gift wasn't enough to appease him. I'm going to need to think of something else.

The wheels in Adagio's mind were spinning as fast as ever as she crossed the barren outdoor campus. She was supposed to be in Ms. Cheerilee's Library class, but just like every day before, she decided to skip out. Normally, the other Sirens would join her in playing hooky, as none of them cared about their grades all that much. This time, however, she was glad to be alone with her thoughts. She needed to focus on achieving an alliance with Discord, and as far as she was concerned, Sonata and Aria would simply get in her way.

She sat down on a small patch of grass that was specifically marked with a "Do Not Walk on the Grass" sign and rested her chin on the back of her fist. Her brow crinkled as her mind worked furiously, trying to plan her next move. As she pondered, she became aware of a presence casting a shadow over her. She opened one eye and snarled.

"Beat it, buddy," she snapped. "You're in my li—"

When she turned to face the offender, her jaw dropped. Sitting right next to her was none other than Discord, who also appeared to be deep in thought. Discord turned his head to Adagio and smirked.

"Adagio Dazzle, I presume?"

Adagio quickly shook herself and got to her feet. "D-Discord. I-It is an honor to finally meet you in person," she said with a bow.

"You as well," said Discord, returning the bow. "I must say, I have missed your havoc-creating melodies for many a moon."

Adagio let out an awkward chuckle. "Y-you're quite a flatterer, milord."

Discord laughed. "Oh, you're mistaken, my dear. I haven't been a lord in quite some time."

"Well, what else would I call someone as powerful as you?" said Adagio in a sultry tone. "After all, you are a legend back in Equestria."

"Yes, I suppose I get that a lot," said Discord, brushing his paw against his chest. "So, might I ask what you're doing out here?"

Adagio smiled. "Funny you should ask that, milord. See, I don't know if you remember, but you appeared before me last night, and—"

"Ah, yes! That. I thought you looked familiar," said Discord with a nod. "Although to be honest, you're more recognizable as a fish than a mammal."

Just then, Adagio felt as though her legs had been turned to jelly. When she looked down at herself, she saw that a long fish tail with sparkling red scales had replaced her legs. She fell over from shock, but instead of hitting solid ground, there was a small splash. She bolted upright and sputtered, discovering that the grassy knoll she was sitting on was now a pool of salt water. She gave Discord a confused look while he smiled at his handiwork.

"There. Now you look like a proper Siren," Discord chortled.

Adagio chuckled nervously along with him. "V-very funny, milord. Quite humorous," she said, clearing her throat. "Anyway, as I was saying. When I saw you last night, I knew that it was my destiny to help you achieve your desires."

Discord arched an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that require knowing what my desires are?"

"Well, of course I know what your desires are. Doesn't everyone?" said Adagio with a shrug.

Discord sighed. "Not everyone, I'm afraid. And that's a big problem I have right now."

"I see," said Adagio, swimming up to Discord. She then started tracing her finger along Discord's side. "Well, why don't you tell me all about it, and I'll see what I can do to help."

Discord gave Adagio a quizzical look. "You'd really do that for me? I thought you girls were frightened by my presence."

"Oh, you're probably just thinking about Sonata," said Adagio with a laugh. "Don't mind her. She's an idiot."

Discord opened his mouth to question this, but thought better of it. "I'd rather not ask. You probably know her better than I do."

"You have no idea," Adagio purred. She rested her head against Discord's body and walked her fingers along its length. "So, what has been troubling you, milord?"

"Tell me, Adagio. Are you familiar with Sunset Shimmer?" Discord inquired.

Adagio grinned from ear to ear. "Indeed I am, milord. She has quite a reputation here at Canterlot High."

"Yes, I'm abundantly aware of that," Discord sighed, staring off into the distance. "And that's why she's being so, difficult. I mean, here I am, trying to earn her trust, and she just keeps resisting me no matter what I do."

"That does sound quite discouraging," Adagio cooed. "But remember, you are Discord, the Master of Chaos. Nothing is beyond your grasp."

Discord chortled sheepishly. "Okay, now who's the flatterer?" he said mockingly.

"I merely speak the truth, milord," said Adagio with a simple shrug.

Discord wagged an admonishing talon at Adagio. "Don't give me that, missy. I know all about your sea pony wiles."

Adagio gasped. "Why, milord! I'm appalled that you'd even think that! All I wish to do is serve your will."

Discord folded his arms. "Ms. Dazzle, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?"

Adagio flinched and fell into the water with a loud splash. When she emerged, her cheeks were bright red. "Wh-what? I-I—"

She was interrupted by Discord doubling over with laughter. "Y-you should see your face right now. It's priceless," he snickered.

Adagio took a moment to process this. Once she realized what happened, she forced out a laugh of her own. "H-ha ha. G-got me again, milord. Masterfully done."

"Well, I try," said Discord. He then wiped a tear from his eye and sobered up. "I actually wish that Sunny was more like you."

Adagio tilted her head. "How so?"

"Well, aside from the fancy title and such, you're actually willing to hear me out," Discord explained. "You have no misgivings with having a nice chat with the Master of Chaos. The same cannot be said for Sunny. She thinks I'm up to no good, and I have to convince her that I'm not."

A sinister gleam flashed in Adagio's eyes. Oh, you are an evil one, Discord, she thought, wringing her hands. You put on a nice little show for Sunset Shimmer; show her that you're in the right. And when the time finally comes, whoosh! You pull the rug right out from under her! And before she can go back to her friends, it'll be too late! Fiendish!

"Um, are you alright there, Adagio?" asked Discord, raising an eyebrow.

Adagio quickly snapped out of her devilish glee and hastily cleared her throat. "F-fine, milord! J-just fine!"

Discord shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so," he said. "Anyway, where was I?"

"You were talking about earning Sunset Shimmer's trust, milord."

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Adagio," said Discord with a nod. "Now, as I was saying, she hasn't been very receptive to my attempts. In fact, just this morning, her locker was booby-trapped, and what does she do? Blame me, of course. Yes, never mind the fact that I was the one who cleaned her up; I'm just here to cause trouble because that's what I do."

Adagio's face lost all color. Shoot! My present backfired! How was I supposed to know it would go against his plans?! she thought, taking a few deep breaths. Okay, Adagio. Keep it cool. No need to let him know that was you. Just make the best of a bad situation.

"W-well, what happened after that?" she asked.

"We had a bit of a discussion about what to do with the culprit," Discord answered. "See, I thought Sunny had every right to strike back, but she's afraid that it would give off the wrong impression. So then, I suggested that I would advocate for her if she couldn't do it herself."

Adagio beamed. "That's a wonderful idea, milord. Show her how trustworthy you really are by taking up her banner."

"Exactly," said Discord. "Although she's even hesitant about that, if you can believe it." He sighed and shook his head. "Tsk tsk. There is simply no pleasing that girl."

Adagio nuzzled up to Discord once again. "Since when has something as petty as that ever stopped you, milord? Remember, your power is unparalleled to any other force in any dimension."

"Except the Elements of Harmony," Discord corrected.

"Yes, there is that," said Adagio, furrowing her brow. "However, that's all the more reason you should act now and get Sunset Shimmer on your side. She may object at first, but she'll come to respect your way of thinking in time. You just need to give her the proper shove in the right direction."

A lightbulb appeared over Discord's head as he stroked his goatee in thought. After a pregnant pause, it lit up, and he smiled.

"You're right, my dear Adagio. If I'm careful enough about this, I can break Sunny's rigid mentality and show her my side of things." He rose into the air and dusted himself off. "Now, what are those hooligans' names again? Hoops and Dumb-bell, I believe?"

As Discord pondered this, the wheels in Adagio's head went into overdrive. It seems he still doesn't fully realize the danger he's in from the Rainbooms, she thought. If he's going to conquer this world, he needs to do so in a way that'll render them useless. I can't stop advising him now!

"Actually, milord, I know who you should go after," she said.

Discord turned to Adagio and leaned in eagerly. "You have my attention."

"It's the one they call Applejack," said Adagio. "The hay came from her farm, after all. She's the one who must be dealt with."

Discord arched an eyebrow. "Are we, talking about the same Applejack here?" he asked. He then paused and smacked his own forehead. "Oh, wait. We're not. Heh, silly me." His self-mocking smile faded as he straightened out his goatee with his paw. "Still, though. I find it hard to believe that she'd do something like that to a good friend like Sunny."

"That's why you have to punish her," said Adagio coyly. "You have to show Sunset Shimmer who her real friends are by exposing her fake friends."

"That's only if she is a fake friend like you claim," Discord mused. "No, Adagio. Outright punishment would just raise too many questions. This calls for a proper investigation."

He snapped his fingers and created a bright flash. When the flash had disappeared, Adagio was standing on her feet again and wearing a dirty green trench coat, a red tie, and a pen in her ear. Discord, meanwhile, was sporting a magenta business suit with a frilly white cravat.

"Don't go slacking on me now, Faithful Assistant," said Discord, tapping his forehead with a single talon. "We must uncover the truth!"

With that, he disappeared, and the grassy knoll reverted to normal. Adagio quickly discarded the costume Discord provided for her and dusted herself off

"He certainly is an odd one," she pondered aloud. "I'm not sure why he's taking this roundabout tactic to conquer this world." She then smiled mischievously. "But that doesn't matter. Soon, Sunset Shimmer will be like putty in his hands, and he'll have me to thank. And after that, he will return my powers to me in gratitude, and the world will adore me once again. Everything's going according to plan. Mmm hmm hmm hmm heh ha ha ha..."


While the outdoor campus itself was devoid of students and faculty, Sonata and Aria managed to stumble upon Discord and Adagio's conversation while looking for their self-proclaimed leader. Sonata gasped in horror while a small grin formed on Aria's face.

"I-is that what I think it is?" Sonata whimpered.

"Yep. Looks like Adagio is going completely gaga over Discord," Aria scoffed, shaking her head. "Seriously, why doesn't she just propose to him already?"

Sonata began to hyperventilate. "Th-this is bad, Aria. This is, like, super duper bad. Discord's luring Adagio right into his trap!"

"Yeah, and I'm gonna have a good laugh about it once she figures that out," said Aria with a shrug. "What exactly is the problem here?"

"Don't you see? He's gonna use her to make this world worse than the worst!" Sonata wailed. "It's all part of his master plan! It has to be!"

"Sure, like he really wants someone like Adagio to do his bidding," Aria said sardonically. "He's probably just gonna keep stringing her along and turn her into his personal puppet for his amusement. And if that happens, she has no one to blame but herself."

Sonata gasped. "You're seriously just gonna let that happen to her?! After everything we've been through together?! Don't you care?!"

Aria deadpanned. "Please tell me you didn't just ask me that."

Sonata blinked. "Why? You already know I did."

Aria palmed her face. "Look, I'm just gonna head over to the cafeteria and get some lunch. Have fun with your pointless panic attack, Sonata."

Sonata's eyes widened. "Wait, that's it! I promised Rainbow Dash that I'd be meeting the Rainbooms for lunch! Then I can warn them about Discord, and they'll make him go away!"

She then dashed past Aria at full speed. Aria snickered.

"Well, I'm certainly getting a front-row seat for this show," she said, walking after Sonata. "There's no way those stupid Rainblossoms are gonna take Sonata seriously. And it looks like she has to learn that the hard way. Heh, this oughta be good..."