• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,438 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, instantly she knew she was back in Equestria, as she sat up she felt a stabbing sensation in her stomach as her muscles burned. As she looked to her left she saw a blurred mass of colours that she knew were her friends. Dashie cringed, expecting her view to be nothing but hateful glares but instead, when her vision cleared she saw all her friends looking at her with wide heart-warming smiles spread across their faces.

Dash tried to sit up again but this time Twilight held her down.

“It’s okay Dash. You’re safe. It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry. …. *Hic!* …. I had to.”

“We know.” Applejack said stepping forward, placing a hoof on Rainbows shoulder.

“Y-you know?”

Dash then saw The Doctor, now covered in scuffs and bruises push between the two ponies.

“*Ahem* Well I knew that your friends would look for me once you disappeared. And I knew that I was gonna get a clobbering, so when I tinkered with you element I also installed as Visiocurrentizer.”

“Viziawhat?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“Visiocurr- *Sigh* It allows us to see everything from your perspective.”

“You. …. Watched?”

“Yes we did.” Twilight started. “We understand why you did what you did. You were so brave. And so was he.”

“Bish! Where is he?! Is h-”

“He’s still hanging on. …. He’s over there. Help her up girls.”

The rest of the mane six helped Rainbow Dash to her feet, the Pegasus then saw that she was on a train. She then saw the Captain laid on his back still breathing, Rainbow Dash felt relived, as she was carried towards him she could feel her legs getting their strength back.

“I will say one thing.” Twilight said helping Rainbow Dash onto a seat. “Your friends has heart for what he’s done for you. Nopony should have to go through what you did.”

“W-where are we going?”

“Canterlot, Princess Celestia is aware of the situation as is waiting with the elements of harmony.”

“W-we can bring him back?”

“The elements can’t bring back the dead Rainbow. But they can heal him if he’s still alive, that’s why we’re taking the train. Teleporting again would most probably finish him off. His body has already gone through enough.”

Dash laid next to the captain, looking up at her friends as they smiled back.

“Thank you. I can’t thank you guys enough.”

Applejack stepped forward.

“Any friend of Rainbow’s is a friend of ours.”


As the train pulled into the station of Canterlot Rainbow Dash looked out the window, seeing a line of loyal guards along the station before seeing princess Celestia, waiting for them. The doors opened, Rainbow stayed close to Bishop as he was carried out of the train by Celestia’s guards.

“It’s okay Bishop. …. Just hang on. Just hang on.”

Rainbow looked around the town as Bishop was carried through it, seeing the peculiar stares as they looked at the wounded giant being carried through their town. Rainbow looked up at the castle, see in princess Celestia stood in the tallest tower, waiting.

She looked back, her friends were right beside her as she felt her legs growing weaker, and they helped her along every step of the way as they were soon walking on the grounds of Celestia’s castle. Twilight stood in front before using her magic to open the large door, allowing the guards to walk in.

Rainbow Dash looked forward, both Princess Celestia and her sister Luna were present as the mane 6 followed Bishop’s beaten body. Rainbow didn’t take her eyes off Bishop for a moment, watching his breathing, making sure he stayed alive for those few precious minutes.

Like a statue made of glass, the guards carefully placed the wounded soldier on the ground before backing away, letting the 6 ponies walk by to their leaders.

As they all bowed in her presence the Alicorn opened the enchanted door, the large golden structure divided into two, revealing the small jewel encrusted crate. Princess Luna then used her magic to unlock the small chest before taking the remaining 5 elements out of it, quickly passing them to the mane 6 who were gathered in a circular formation around the Captain.

But then Rainbow noticed an irregularity in Bishop’s breathing, his chest started moving more irregularly.

“Bishop? Something’s wrong!” Rainbow shouted.

Twilight already spotted this, her eyes widened she began to panic.

“He’s not got long left. We have to hurry.”

All the elements were passed to their owners, first Twilight, then Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and then Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash was already wearing hers.

“Alright girls.” Twilight announced. “This is it. Now focus everypony. This could be life or death.”

Rainbow then saw Bishop’s chest no longer moving up or down, he now laid flat on the ground, lifeless. Dash heart jumped into her throat, she felt tears forming in her eyes, she kept her focus, nothing was going to distract her.

Twilight’s horn began to glow, creating a large aura of magic, hovering over the Captain before consuming him. Dash watched as the soldier floated within the glowing bubble, she felt herself growing light, she was now being lifted into the air herself.

The rest of the main six were now hovering off the ground as Princess Celestia, Luna and their loyal guards watched. A sudden burst of energy then sent a small shockwave across the room, almost knocking everypony off their feet. Twilight’s eyes then opened up, showing the blinding glow blooming from her eyes. Rainbow looked around, the same thing was happening to the others, she could see Applejack squirm as she felt the noticeable pain in her head before her eyes also began to glow a ghostly white.

Rainbow Dash then felt the same thing happen to her, her vision began to turn white as she focused on nothing else but Bishop. Feeling the determination, Twilight then gathered all her strength before blasting a huge beam of pure energy into Bishop’s heart. Everypony stood watching felt their jaws drop as they watched the spectacle, Bishop’s body shook violently, all his muscles convulsed under his skin as his body was being restored.

Scars began to recede his wounds slowly closed up, suddenly the mane six were bombarded with the hideous memories of Bishop’s past as they began to struggle to keep their focus. The explosions, the blood, all the gore, the mane six were experiencing the captains’ most despised memories. Fluttershy felt herself letting go, she began to lower to the ground, Twilight used her magic to lift the Pegasus back up again. Pinkie Pie was next to start falling to the ground, he mane deflated as she was devastated with shock as she saw more of Bishop’s past.

Twilight then focused her attention on Rainbow, watching as she held her head in her hooves, being forced to experience all those horrifying memories again. She began to scream in anguish as it was all coming back to her, all of a sudden there was a second Twilight looked down, Bishop looked to be conscious as the light began to shine out of his eyes. His tortured roar sent a chill down everyponys spine. He chest heaved into the has he began to thrash wildly, Twilight was losing her focus, she began to fall to the ground, as her hooves touched the floor she saw Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all on the ground shaking, desperately trying to prolong the link for as long as possible.

But one pony was missing, in the air Rainbow Dash was still floating almost as if she was consuming all the power of the six elements. Her wails matched the ones of Bishop and a drop of blood fell from her nose. With one last roar Rainbow Dash used all her might to channel as much of the power her body would allow before she finally let go.

Almost three stories high she started falling to the ground, two Pegasus guards were quick to catch her as Rainbow fell limply in their hooves.

“Hot! Hot! Hot!!”

Rainbow Dash pulled off her element, throwing it to the ground, the remaining elements laid exhausted on the floor as Rainbow Dash was put on her hooves. The Pegasus fell, quickly dismissing the guards as she insisted on walking by herself. The whole room fell silent as Rainbow Dash limped towards Bishop, still lying motionless on the floor.

She felt a deep burning in her chest as she rubbed the burns on her neck, she was stood next to the soldier, she recoiled at the sight. Bishop looked to be younger, a lot younger, more like he was in his early 30’s instead of his late 40’s look she grew used to.

She stood closer, looking at his completely refurbished body, no scars, wounds or even wrinkles. He looked like he had been completely reborn, but then Dash looked down, his chest was still not moving.

She placed her hooves on his shoulders, shaking him gently, salty tears burning in her eyes as she began to sob louder and louder.

“No. …. Come on!! No!! …. This can’t be it!! …. You can’t be dead!! NO!!!”

Rainbow Dash laid her head on top of Bishop’s body as she wailed, beating furiously at his chest as she felt her heart slowly tear into two pieces. All the other ponies could do was watch as the mare grieved.

Rainbow Dash lost all her strength, she laid still, gritting her teeth, she then heard something. She pressed her ear against Bishop’s chest. She heard. …. A heartb-


The captain bolted up, seeing Rainbow Dash in front of him, he grasped her tightly before standing up in a defensive stance, out of breath, his eyes scanning the room as he struggled to breath. The whole room stayed quiet, the captain looked, confused to see so many different coloured Rainbow Dash’s in one room. ‘Wait, what room?’ He thought to himself as he searched his surroundings. Slowly, he began to calm himself down before holding the cyan Pegasus in front of his view, her eyes, streaming with tears of joy.

“R-Rainbow Dash.”


As he embraced the Pegasus he caught a glimpse of his hands, now completely smooth, feeling his face he tried to process what was happening, he could have sworn that two seconds ago he was about to kiss the nose cone of a Japanese shell.

“W-what’s going on? …. What happened to me? …. Am. …. Am I dead?”

Rainbow Dash then squeezed Bishop tighter, unable to say anything that wouldn’t be just babbling nonsense. Bishop sighed, a tear falling from his eye, it was all too real, closing his eyes he began to openly sob with Rainbow Dash as everypony watched teary eyed.