• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 1,059 Views, 32 Comments

Bad Apples - Rox

Applejack discovers her parent's journal in the attic, where she learns the fantastic truth about the life of the two most infamous outlaws of recent history

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The Farmer's Daughter

November 11

Mostly at my insistence, we're going to be taking a bit of a vacation from our side business abroad. Big Mac hadn't been easy for Lily and I can't help but think we might deal with the same problems with this one and I don't want to take any chances on that even if Lily says it makes us more likely to actually get caught once should we start up again.

Oh well. Pearl's looking well, though Lily tells me she's complaining already that she'll never get rid of the baby fat. I don't know anything about that because Lily still looks the same as ever even after one kid. But maybe doing all that farming and exercise otherwise took care of that or something.

Wow. Did I really just write about baby fat? I'm gonna stop writing now and go challenge Magnum to something.

October 25

I'm thinking that this baby isn't going to be any easier than Big Mac. Lily's already getting a bunch of morning sickness and she's really tired all the time. But I still have to practically force her to stop doing orchard work, she's always so stubborn that way. Big Mac's still way too young to do any help either, so for now it's just me and Ma.

Speaking of which she's getting pretty old herself, and I don't think she's gonna be apple bucking much anymore. But she still helps me out on the buckets and barrels and insists that she'll be doing at least that much for a hundred years. The way she looks when she says that makes me believe her. For a city girl she's more than great at apple farming.

And Big Mac seems to be getting bigger everyday, though he's still a little scrawnier than we'd like. Lily wonders if we ain't been feeding him enough, which I would contest seeing as he chows through at least four meals a day plus snacks. Ma agrees, saying we're just being "dunder-headed" and that he'll grow up fine and that I was the same way.

December 18

I'm afraid I'm writing this from a bed in Ponyville hospital, and I was quite sick of staring at these walls so I had Red sneak our journal over here to give me something to do for at least a little while. The doctors aren't sure if I'm just having complications or if I've contracted some virus so they're keeping me overnight until they figure that out. I'm not really worried about me, but I am worried about the foal. Red says that Ma says if it's hard that means the baby will grow strong and I hope she's right. This anxiety can't be good for any of us either.

I've been cared for wonderfully here. There's a young nurse assigned to me, Nurse Redheart. I'm her first full-time patient fresh out of nursing school and she has been such a dear. She checks in on me frequently enough to feel like a filly being doted on by Mom, even though she's younger than I am.

But I'm still starting to go a little stir crazy even if I feel like my stomach wants to jump out of my throat and my head feels like it's been pounded by a hammer over and over again. Red stops by two or three times a day with Mac on his back. Don't think I've ever seen him so scared, and keep in mind I've seen him get arrows shot at him and jump off a rainbow-fall. I keep telling him I'll be fine. Big Mac gives me sloppy kisses each time they leave. He's learned to say "I love you" and Red makes sure to coax it out of him each time too before adding his own. I don't think I could live without my two men.

January 3

We visited Pearl in the maternity ward today. As you might guess, she finally had their little foal, a beautiful white filly with very thick, purple hair. Ever the romantic, Pearl named her little bundle Rarity. It was quite funny to see Magnum acting just like Red did when Big Mac was born, in this very confused protective mode. I think it was even more so with Magnum because it was a little girl. I know first hoof how Dads are with their daughters. It will be nice for us to have a child so close in age to theirs, to make sure our child always has a friend.

We didn't stay too long though, leaving them to rest and honestly to get away from the Hospital. My two and a half week stay there had been more than enough for me until summer comes around for my turn in the ward. The plan was originally to just have a home birth again, but the doctors are just a bit nervous, and once Red heard that it was all the convincing he needed. But the important thing is that I'm walking around right now. No more beds for me right now, knock on wood. Which, by the way, Red Apple is just coming home from doing, so I'm going to go down and make him some supper.

March 1

Lily's on bed rest again, and she ain't happy about it. And when I suggested writing she threw something at me and said she didn't wanna do it because she'd have nothing new to write about. Just one of those moods I guess. I've been busy. We had a Zap Apple harvest this last week. I even had to get help from Magnum and Carrot just to get in the harvest this time, and Ma's been making jam non-stop for the last two days. Filthy Rich came by and purchased the first 100 jars right then and there. It was nice to have no drama surrounding the Rich family this time, Filthy being quite fair. I haven't seen his father much lately. Been hearing a rumor that the old stallion's been sick.

Big Mac seems to have a pretty good memory for such a young colt. I think he senses that his birthday is coming up even though he's only ever had one. With Lily being sick so often her mother has been over a lot, and she's been spoiling Mac just a mite. Just earlier today I ended chasing him around the house for an hour before I could finally catch him, and the cookie crumbs in his mane lead me to suspect that granny had something to do with that.

The news has noticed our absence from the scene so to speak. I got a paper recently with this article titled "The Sundance Colt and Calamity Mane: Dead or Alive?" Sort of a play on words where they were wondering if maybe we had retired, or maybe we had already been caught and the authorities weren't saying about it. And there was this one theory that maybe we'd died in some desert somewhere. I guess ponies who think that may or may not get a big shock later.

June 20

Magnum and Pearl visited Lily Bloom and I today for dinner. Big Mac looked more curious than a cat over little Rarity. I tried explaining to him that he'll soon be getting a little brother or sister of his own, but I don't think he'll get it until the baby comes along. Lily is looking big, and for once she isn't sick and she was able to stay with me the whole night.

I'm not quite as good a cook as Ma or Lily, but I do make some pretty good Apple Fritters. So I went to the market and but some hayburgers for dinner but we did have a dang good desert. Magnum and Lily didn't complain at all, and I don't blame them. I've had Pearl's cooking and, though I'd never tell Magnum, she's terrible. She burnt ice cream. How in tarnation do you burn ice cream!? Maybe when we babysit Rarity Lily Bloom will have to give her some cooking tips.

I had that itch again after the dinner was over, though. As I was putting up my hat I found my black one again. Must resist a while longer, partially because Lily would kill me if I went off without her.

July 7

Today is our third anniversary, and as I was reading back I realized that this is the first time that we've had an anniversary where something crazy hadn't happened around it. I suppose being as big as a cow with foal ready to be born any day now prevents such a thing from happening this time. Though Red's already thinking about maybe moving me over to the hospital again just to be ready, and I'm running out of excuses. I haven't had any of the contractions yet, but I know that this baby's coming whether we want it to or not within a few days.

So, I think I'll give in and let him take me in the morning. He and Mackie have been building a cart that we could pull me in if it was an emergency, like a little ambulance. Well, I guess Red's been doing all the real work but there's a collection of bent nails on the left side that show Big Mac's contribution. He's only two but he acts three or four, and seems to be ready for the baby to come. Every time he overhears us talking about it he says, "Yep."

July 9

At 10 o clock this morning, Lily Bloom gave birth to our second child. And I'm having a hard time deciding if she or Lily is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. We named her Applejack. She has this perfect, orange coat and Lily's sandy mane color. She's also got these adorable little freckles and big, beautiful green eyes. She looks so much like her mother it's uncanny. That nurse Redheart had to practically pry her away from me when it was time for her to eat.

Ma Smith brought Big Mac along in the afternoon to meet his younger sister, and I'm proud to say he took to her right away like a big brother should. Our family has grown again! You know, before Big Mac was born I was a little nervous. I loved Lily so much that I didn't think I'd be able to give enough to him. But from the minute he was born he proved me wrong. I for some reason had the same worry this time too, and Applejack proved me wrong again.

I love all three of them so much I could burst!

August 10

Having two little ones demanding attention at the same time is something I'd call joyful pain. I love being a mother, love the little things they do, and I love them both to death. But they are running me ragged! Red Apple has been giving the best help he can while still keeping Sweet Apple Acres running. The first Applebucking season is coming up so it's going to be even busier than before. I'll be helping as much as I can this time, and Ma Smith insists she can take care of Applejack and Big Mac. Red says he'll keep Big Mac with him to start showing him the ropes, but I made him promise that he won't do any bucking. I think he's still a little too young and might hurt himself.

Applejack is growing fast and strong. I'm glad all my silly sickness didn't seem to hurt her. She's bright eyed and curious, already scurrying every which way she can. And I thought Big Mac was all over the place! By comparison he was quite tame.

September 15

Family Reunion time! It's finally come around again, and it was Lily's first time as an Apple. It was good to see everypony again. Apple Leaves is back in town with our little nephew, and she told us she's gone and gotten pregnant again too! At the rate she's going she's gonna have 8 foals by the time she's done. We had a good old time at this reunion.

Ma and her cousins are still working on that dang quilt they started way back when. I have a betting pool with Happy Trails and Uncle Fritter about whether or not they'll actually finish it. I spent most of the day cooking up the fritters (the deserts, not my uncle), though we turned around for one second and found that a whole platter had gone missing. When my cousin looked under the table, he found Applejack had downed every last one of them! She has her momma's looks, but she sure got my appetite.

We had seven legged races, a relaxing hay ride, and just plain good times. These just get better and better every time. We of course finished with a photo in front of the barn for Ma's scrapbook. Everypony's gone now, headed back for home. There's nothing quite like being a member of the Apple Family.

November 2

The strangest, most surreal moment we've had in a long time happened today. Red and I were discussing the finances of Sweet Apple Acres for the winter, Cider Season being done and all, when Ma Smith walks in on the conversation.

"Well, why don't ya go on one of them business trips? They worked well before!"

That caught both of us by surprise. It had been so long and we'd been so busy with Applejack and Big Mac that we hadn't even thought about it for a while.

"But Ma, ya sure you could watch the kids on your own?" Red asked.

"Now listen here! I raised you n' Apple Leaves just fine right? Now you go on and plan a trip, we need the extra bits to get us through the winter."

She obviously didn't know that we still had quite the treasure left over and hidden away, though we hadn't used it yet because we hadn't thought of an excuse that she'd believe. But this actually might be perfect. I know I've been dreaming about getting back to it a lot lately, and I think Red Apple might have been too. So we agreed with Ma Smith and when we went to bed that night we talked about where to go this time.

"We need to convince her we got a big sale so we can use that stash we have, so what's the richest town we can think of?" Red wondered quietly. It only took a moment for both of us to realize where we needed to go: Canterlot.

November 5

We just returned from yet another high-adrenaline adventure of the Sundance Colt and Calamity Mane. Back on the third, we packed up our gear and several bushels of apples and boarded the train to the shining castle capital. We checked into a hotel and actually spent most of the first day selling the apples at a market stand. There are so many unicorns in Canterlot! I've never seen so many of them in one place before.

After we sold all but about a bushel of our apples, we called it a day and made a pass at the bank we had picked out. It wasn't quite as grand as the Royal Treasury, but Canterlot didn't seem to know the meaning of the word small. But we knew right away the real problem would be the escape. There's a lot more guards there than anywhere else, so getting away would be very difficult and require us to be fast. Or scary.

So yesterday, we got up with the sun, deciding the early morning would be the best time when there were fewer ponies around, and also fewer guards. We went into town still carrying our bushel of apples so that we wouldn't draw suspicion until we were nearly there. Then, we ducked into a back alley and changed out into our costumes. Lily complained hers was a little tight. Guess she hadn't quite gotten rid of the baby weight.

Then we snuck around the corner, made sure nopony saw us go in, then walked through the doors. We decided to take a slightly different approach this time because of how big the place was. We just walked quietly forward like we were normal customers, even though we were dressed just like, well, us, right up until we were at the counter and the teller looked up. He got quite the fright when he saw us standing there just smirking at him.

"C'mon, you know who we are, and we'd like to withdraw from our account," Lily laughed. I wanted to laugh too just because it was all just so silly. The teller stammered, "Y-yes ma'am" and backed into the vault. He came rushing out with all the bags the little unicorn could carry and we snatched them up. It's about right then that one of the guards finally noticed what was going on.

"Hey! Halt!" he yelled.

"Nope! I think I won't!" I yelled back, warding him off with my grandpa's little crossbow.

"Time to go sweetie!" Lily called. We tossed the loot into our bags and bolted out the door. We were out and back around the alley corner before the guards even made it back out the door, and the alarm bells started ringing. We changed quickly enough, but neither of us felt safe. Thing was, there weren't many red and yellow earth pony couples in that town.

I don't think I've seen so many guards flying and running around in my life! We walked briskly, because Lily said if we go too slow or too fast we'll attract attention, but I think we were getting it anyway. So, without waiting to ask, I shoved Lily gently into the suburbs, deciding that maybe we should try to lose them in there.

But it didn't seem to be working. We could still here shouts for them searching. That's when Lily got a bright idea. Just as a squad came down the street, she pushed me up the steps to the door of a house. She shushed me when I asked what we were doing and knocked politely on the door. After a few seconds, a white unicorn with purple streaks in her mane answered.

"Hello ma'am, we're going around the neighborhood selling the finest apples in all of Equestria!" Lily said, bumping the bushel off her back to show her. It was brilliant!

"You can try one if you like," I said when I noticed she looked unsure. "Sweet Apple Acres apples are the best in the world, and that's an Apple Family guarantee!"

It sounded corny, but that actually peaked her interest. The Apple Family was well known because we were the best apple growers in the country. She accepted one, took a bite, and said, "Mmm! These are delicious. Night Light! Shiny! Come here!"

Her husband, a dark blue unicorn, and their colt, a young white unicorn a few years older than Big Mac came to the door. The husband was also carrying a little purple foal with a bottle. Once we saw that, Lily knew exactly what to talk about as they sampled the apples. She talked about our own little Applejack and they exchanged baby stories. All the while I watched out of the corner of my eye as the guards took a look at us, but then passed right on by. We were safe.

"What happened out there?" Night Light asked.

"I dunno. Something crazy just started happening all at once downtown and before we knew it guards were everywhere," I said.

"Huh. Well, if you're selling these I'd love to take them off you hooves," said the mare, named Twilight or something like that. So we did. We sold what we had left for 9 bits and went on our way. We stayed at the hotel until our train left this morning. There were a lot of guards there, but they must have been tired or just given up on catching us because they let us right on back to home. We showed off the money we "made" in Canterlot to Ma and she was giddy as a fruit bat on harvest day.

Though I think the funniest part of the day was when we found a copy of the Ponyville Express, and the headline simply read "THEY'RE BACK! Outlaws pull daring raid on Canterlot!" It's good to be back.

December 25

Today was little Applejack's first Hearth's Warming Eve. Big Mac decided to make it extra sweet, the adorable little guy wanted to get her a gift so Red took him to down. Of course all he could think of was candy, but I let it through anyway because it was so sweet of him and he didn't eat any of it on the way home.

We joined the town's holiday party this year, deciding to interact with all our friends and do as little cooking as possible. Only a couple of apple pies or us this time around. It was delightful to see everypony in one place again even if it was blustering cold. Applejack and Rarity looked like little fuzzballs with how may layers of clothes we swaddled them in. Big Mac refused to wear much else than a scarf. He seems to like things wrapped around his neck, like neckerchiefs and scarves.

Really Rich isn't looking too good, even though he came out with the town. We didn't say much between each other, but the old stallion has definitely lost a lot of weight. The Kickers and Doos each looked great though, and those two little rascals Flitter and Cloudchaser are growing up fast. A few families moved in recently and there's been some construction lately. Seems Ponyville is growing as well.

Well, Applejack's making a fuss and Red is sleeping like a log so I better go take care of her.

February 10

We made another "business trip," and there is a story behind this one. Red brought home the paper as usual after he went to town and we saw the strangest headline.

"Sundance Colt and Calamity Mane: Caught?" it read. That sure caught our attention. Turns out is was a bit of a false headline, saying that a couple claiming to be our personas tried to rob a bank in Seaddle. However, they didn't make a clean getaway and were caught only a couple of blocks away by police. However even the author said they were most likely copycats, which of course they were, seeing as their coat colors weren't the same as previous descriptions.

Still made for an interesting story. It's possible, I suppose, that we could have left it at that and hoped that our own charges would be brought on those poor saps instead. But I guess Red and I do have a sense of pride when it comes to our trips. So we decided to head to Seaddle to remove any doubt.

When we got there it was a wonder they failed so badly. There were so many escape routes leading away from the bank that it should have been easy, but according to the story going around the town they had juts taken the money and run down main street. But the local sheriff and his deputies were right there to tackle them and incarcerate them.

Though it seemed the bank had forgotten what had just happened, or they really believed that the infamous outlaws had been caught, because there was no more security than usual. I wish a camera could have caught the look on their faces when he burst through the door. The guard actually tried to make a move, but he just was a few years past his prime and all I had to do was trip him up. I didn't want to hurt the old guy so I left it at that while Red collected the bits.

"NOW you've been robbed by the Sundance Colt and Calamity Mane," Red hollered once he had gotten the bags he asked for.

"Have a nice day ya'll!" I added with a flourish. Then we ducked out the door and vanished down an alleyway. We changed out, and just because we were there, we went straight from there and visited that big needle building in the middle of town. It was quite a spectacular view, the mountains are green and lovely out there.

And now we have enough money to buy an extra delivery cart.

March 13

Big Macintosh turned 3 today, and all he wanted for his birthday was for me to teach him how to applebuck. Seems that working an orchard is in that boy's blood. So that's what I did. He's not quite strong enough the buck a whole tree loose, but he's picking up the technique much faster than I thought he would. He must have been watching me and Lily a lot closer than I thought.

He's got a lot of power behind his scrawny limbs, and by the end of the training he was knocking three apples out every time. Had to get him to pace himself though and stopped him before he wore himself out too much. He protested, but when I got him home he took a nap until it was time for his little party. He still likes making a mess of the cake.

June 11

San Flanksisco is a nice town, and though the ponies are rather eccentric they're nice enough too. But I gotta say robbing the San Flanksisco Bank and Loan was the strangest experience of my entire life. I knew that we were celebrity and was vaguely aware of a sort of fan following, but I never knew just how crazy some of them were.

We burst through the door, just expecting it to go as normal. Nothing too fancy planned this time. At first I wondered what was wrong because nopony moved for several seconds, but they just stared at us like they couldn't believe it. Then suddenly they cheered.

"Look! Look! You must be here to rob us!" the teller said, smiling like it was the best day of his life.

"I knew they would come eventually!" another hollered.

Honestly I was so flabbergasted that if somepony had just called the cops right then I might not have had the presence of mind to run. The tellers, without any prompting, grabbed bags full of bits and brought them around the counter to us. Then one of them walks up to Red and asks:

"Can I get your autograph?"

Red and I just stared at him for a second.

"Are you crazy?" he asked, voicing exactly what I was thinking.

"Just do it and let's get out of here," I whispered quickly, just wanting to appease them and get out. Red shrugged and scribbled out the Sundance Colt as fast as he could.

"Now, let's go!" I said once he finished, and we bolted out of that nuthouse as fast as we could.

"Alright! Go get 'em!" and "They are sooo cool" were just a couple of things I heard them cheering as we left. I'm not even sure they rang the alarm, but I don't think it mattered. I do believe that was the fastest we ever made a getaway, and we weren't even being chased!

July 9

Applejack's first birthday! You know how we were worrying about Big Mac not eating enough? No such worries with my baby girl. Half the cake is in her belly, and the rest is just about everywhere else. Maybe Carrot Cake is getting better. I keep telling him he should get on the dating scene but the man just is too focused on work. It's a balance, and I did alright don't you think?

She seems to get along with Magnum's kid just fine. They brought her over for the little party we threw. With how fast Applejack's growing I sometimes forget that Rarity is about, what, six months older? She's sort of a petite kind of thing. Nothing wrong with that I guess, though curlier locks I have never seen.

Found a friend for Big Mac in town too recently. He's kinda shy so it's a bit surprising that he did. A new family moved in and they have a little pegasus the same age as him, an adventurous rascal named Thunderlane. Lily said she already learned the hard way not to leave those two in a room alone together. I spent the better part of last weekend rebuilding the stair railing and curtain rods.

It's hard to believe it's already been a year. It seems just yesterday that I held Applejack for the first time. Please tell me it doesn't all goes this fast. I don't wanna let go ever!

Applejack swallowed hard, willing herself not to cry about something as silly as this. Her emotions were so confused over what she had been reading that she simply didn't know how to react. She wanted to be mad, to be hurt. But right now...

All she wanted was to hug Dad again.

Author's Note:

Finally got around to this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.

The family continues to grow, but time is running out. What's gonna happen to our two beloved bandits? The answer to that mystery and more is coming up soon....

Comments ( 3 )

Wow. That was adorable. I'm glad you wrote about the Apple kids getting some friends.


I love this story. I've read from beginning to end and its a blast reading. Hoping more chapters will be coming soon.

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