• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,458 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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Prologue (Edited)

It was a beautiful normal day in Billings, Montana. It was the first of September, and the sun rose up on a bright Monday morning. In a little suburbia known as "Pine Cone homes" there lived a young six year old boy named Colin Fraser, who was fast asleep in his bed in his room, wearing his pajamas. Today was his sixth birthday All of a sudden, something gently shook him

"Colin sweetie, it's time for school." said a very feminine voice. It was Colin's mother, Evelyn Fraser, with her long, beautiful black hair going down her back.

"M- mommy?" said Colin as he woke up.

"Happy birthday, sweetie." said Evelyn

"Thanks. A- am I late?" he began to worry about being late for school

Evelyn giggled and said "Of course not, honey. You might want to get in the shower."

"Okay, mommy." said Colin. He ran into the shower with a clean pair of underwear, and turned the water on. He took his pajamas off and hopped in the bathtub. He began scrubbing his small body with his soap, and then washed his dark brown, yet kind of long hair.


Colin rinsed himself off with a towel, and put on his clean pair of new underwear. He got into his drawer, and got himself a light blue shirt, and a small pair of jeans. After he put his clothes on, he went downstairs, with his backpack on his back, and saw his breakfast on the dinner table. It was two eggs, and two bacon strips, in the shape of a smiley face.

"Ah, good morning, Son. Happy birthday" said a very manly voice. It was Benjamin Fraser, Colin's dad. "Did you sleep okay last night?"

"Yes, daddy." said Colin softly. "I slept fine."

Benjamin gave him a warm smile and said "I'm glad." Benjamin gave his son a gentle pat on the back. "Are you going to have a good day like you always do?"

"Yeah! I always have a good day." said Colin cheerfully.

"Awesome!" said Benjamin. "And don't worry, you will have the best birthday of your life. I am about to make you a cake for when you come home from school."

"Yay! Thanks, daddy!" said Colin, giving Benjamin a hug. Benjamin hugged him. "I love you, daddy." Colin said

"I love you too, son." Benjamin replied

After Colin ate his breakfast, His mother gave him his lunch box and his black sweat-shirt. "Her you go, Colin." she said in a sweet voice. "Have a good day, sweetie."

"Thanks, mommy. I will." said Colin. He opened the front door, zipped his jacket on, and walked his way to school.

"Bye, son!" said Benjamin

"Bye, daddy!" Colin called back to him. His parents waved at him through the front door, as he continued to walk to his school. Luckily, it was only around the corner in "Pine-cone homes".


Colin made it too his school, and looked at the other kids around him, as he stepped into the classroom, all of the kids were looking at him.

"Ah, good morning, Colin." said his first grade teacher, Mrs. Claire

"Good Morning, Mrs. Clair." Colin replied

"Have a seat." she said, while pointing to his seat.

"Okay, class. Let's began." said Mrs. Claire.


3:00 in the afternoon

It was already cloudy, with an overcast covering the sky, and Colin was walking back home from school. He turned around to the street next to his, when he saw a big cloud of smoke in the air. He began to wonder where it came from, when suddenly he saw a firetruck with it's sirens going off. "Weird. it looks like it's heading to where my house is." he said out loud to himself. All of a sudden, he saw that the smoke was coming from his house. He began to pace-walk, and then began to run back home when he saw his house, in flames, with a few firetrucks spraying their hoses onto it. He also saw some of his neighbors gathering around the house to see what was happening. He was absolutely shocked to see that his house was actually on fire. "Oh No!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. His screamed drew the attention of the firefighters and the rest of the crowd

"Colin!" said a male voice. It was Jonah, his elderly friend and neighbor. "Thank goodness your okay!" He said, while tightly hugging Colin.

"What happened?!" said Colin, about to shed a tear

"Your house. It caught on fire." said Jonah

"Why- why did it caught on fire?!" Colin shouted

"I...I don't know." Admitted Jonah.

"I think I can clarify that one." said a firefighter with a mustache. "It was a lit-up candle for a birthday cake that was accidentally tipped over onto one of the window curtains."

Colin could not believed what the firefighter just said "What- what about mommy and daddy?!" said Colin, who had just begun to shed a tear from his eye.

Jonah and the Firefighter bowed their heads in sadness.

"I'm sorry, kid." said the firefighter. "They're dead."

Colin looked at the house. Everything of value he had ever owned, with the exception of his backpack. He watched as almost all of his clothes, and his toys, were lost forever in the flames. At last, Colin couldn't hold no longer. He hugged Jonah, and began to cry into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Colin."

"It's...it's my fault." said Colin as he was weeping.

"No it's not." said Jonah in a comforting voice. "It was not your fault."

"Yes it is." said Colin. Tears came pouring down Jonah's shirt. "Thanks to my birthday, they made a cake for me, and a stupid candle set the house on fire. Thanks to me, I'm all alone."

"Don't say, that." said Jonah. "It was not your fault, I promise." Colin was still crying himself out into Jonah's shoulder. "Look. Can't your older brother help you out?"

"N- no. He's in College, far away from here." Admitted Colin

Jonah looked the other way, trying to think of how to help the poor boy be happy, and make sure that he is safe. "Why don't you stay with me for a little while?" said Jonah

Colin stopped his sobbing for a moment and said "R- really?"

"Of course." said Jonah. "You're more than welcome to live with me."

Colin looked at the burnt house, and saw that the fire was out, but the emotional pain did not stop.

"Okay, the fire's out." said the Firefighter. Jonah gave a sigh of relief, while young Colin however, was still sobbing in his despair and his great loss. Jonah looked at him and it almost felt like his heart is literally breaking.

"Don't worry, Colin. Everything will be okay." said Jonah reassuringly.

"I... I..." Colin couldn't let out his whole sentence, "I...hope so." He finally said

Jonah gave out a sigh and said "I hope so too." He let Colin go from his hug, and said "Let's go."

"W-wait!" said Colin. "I want to see if there is anything that didn't caught on fire."

The firefighter got a look of remembrance. "Oh! I just remembered!" he exclaimed. He pulled out his pocket, and reached out his hand, showing a necklace with a silver locket, which had a picture of his mother on one, and his father on the other. "We also found this." he said. Another fireman came from behind him, and had a white sweater. On the back of it stiched "We Love you, or precious little boy. Mommy and daddy."

Colin felt happy, sad, and relieved all at once. Jonah knelt down, and said "Are you alright, Colin?"

"I- I'm fine, Jonah." Colin lied. He stopped looking at his sweater and said to the fireman "Can I at least see my mommy and daddy?"

"Look, kid, You wouldn't want to see your parents right now. You wouldn't be able to handle the truth." said the Fireman

"He's right, Colin. It would be to sad." Jonah added

Colin covered his eyes with his hands and said "Okay."

"Come on now, we should probably get you to my house." said Jonah

"Alright." said Colin depressed. He, and Jonah made their way to the neighbor's home, and it began to rain, as the two felt drops of water on themselves, and could already hear the sound of thunder.


The two arrived at Jonah's house, and Colin went to sit on the bed, and took his shoes off.

Jonah sat next to Colin and said "you alright, Colin?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Colin lied

"Are you sure?" Asked Jonah

Toby gave out a sigh and said. "No. I'm not okay. I lost everything, my mommy and daddy, my house. Everything. And it's all my fault." Colin bowed his head in sadness

"Stop saying that." Said Jonah. "It was not your fault. The fire had nothing to do with you."

"Can...can you keep me here?" Said Colin.

"Oh boy. I would love to keep you like a kid to me, but I can't. I have to work, and I can't leave you all alone." Jonah said

"Oh. Where will I go?" Said a really bummed Colin

"I don't know. But don't worry, I will figure out something. I promise." Jonah answered. "Meantime, would you like some dinner?"


Jonah sat up from his bed, and went to fix Colin dinner, but he was stopped

"Wait! Where do I sleep?" Asked Colin

"You can sleep on the couch." Jonah answered


Jonah then went to the kitchen to fix Colin his dinner


Colin was just sitting on the couch, with the pajamas that belonged to Jonah's grandson. He hand his fist on his cheek, resting his elbow on the sofa, still being depressed. Meanwhile, Jonah decided to go to bed early, and was already snoring. Colin had a thought. "If Jonah can't take care of me, then I will find who it will be." He thought out loud. He got up, and took a pencil with a piece of paper. It wrote

Dear Jonah

i am so sorry you can't take care of me. If you read this letter, then that means I am not here, and I am running away. I am so sorry if you are worried, but please don't find me. I don't deserve to be here anymore.

Colin Fraser

He set his letter on the inside of his front door, so that Jonah could see it. He got his shoes, and jacket on, and had his backpack that contained his sweater, and his necklace with the locket. He went out the door, and saw that it was pouring. However, he saw something bright, running through the sky. "A shooting star!" Exclaimed Colin. He had an idea. He sat on the couch and said out loud, ]Starlight, starbright, the first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I wish... For a new family that will always love me, and will always be there for me. after that, he went out the door with tears in his eyes.


Colin was alone In the forest, outside of the suburbia of "Pine Cone Homes" surrounded by many trees, and heard the sound of pouring rain. He was already tired and had nowhere else to go. He saw the night sky, and thought of his parents again. He sobbed into his legs, as he covered himself with his arms. "I'm sorry, mommy and daddy. I'm so sorry." He said while sobbing. "This was all my fault." He looked back up and looked for any shelter from the falling rain. All of a sudden, he saw a cave and ran towards it. Once inside. It wasn't very cozy, not to mention very warm, but at least he was out of the rain. "Looks like I'll be sleeping here for the night." He said to himself.

After thirty long minutes, he was already fast asleep. All of a sudden, some type of aura moved around him, and it teleported him somewhere else into thin air. He was teleported under a bridge, and a squirrel saw him. The squirrel climbed up and made chittering noises o someone. A gasp filled the silence after the chittering. "Oh my goodness." Said the voice. It was a light yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane and tail, and three butterflies on her flanks. She flew down under the bridge and examined Colin. Oh this poor little thing. I'd better get him inside, stat." Her voice was a very soft one, and a very high one as well, in fact it sounded adorable. She gently picked up Colin and got her inside her house and sat him down on her bed, to keep him out of the rain.