• Published 9th Apr 2012
  • 10,806 Views, 471 Comments

Lost Tales from the Silmareillion: Morgoth in Equestria - Imperius

The Dark Lord is defeated and given a chance at redemption by Ilúvatar

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Sleepover at Twilight's

Morgoth had once been the Master of Fate and as such he generally had a good feel for how events would turn out, be they for ill or good. Right now he was reasonably sure that the coming days would be the worst he’d ever lived through. Maybe if he was lucky he wouldn’t survive them at all.

Strangely enough it was at this exact moment that he was suddenly thrown from his seat as the train rocked violently on its tracks. He hit the floor of the train and was knocked nearly senseless. The only thing his dazed mind managed to register was the continued rocking of the train and the panicked screams of the ponies on board. There was another violent shake and a sense of weightlessness overcame him; something had hurled the train into the air.

As suddenly as it began, the feeling ceased as the train finally hit the ground and Morgoth was thrown about the compartment like a rag doll along with all of the other ponies on board. Finally the train came to a rest on its side somewhere far away from the tracks, the only noises he managed to hear through his pain induced haze were the groans and screams of injured ponies. The sound would have been music to his ears if he himself weren’t in such blinding pain.

Morgoth attempted to get to his feet but no sooner had he tried than the whole train began to shudder again as it was lifted into the air. What in the name of the Allfather was happening? He weakly glanced out a window and saw that the train was encompassed by some manner of colossal black claw.

Suddenly the side of his compartment was shorn away and he found himself facing an eye the size of a house and he froze in fear to behold it. The eye looked straight at him and a menacing growling was heard. He idly thought that perhaps he shouldn’t have wished so fervently for death after all. The monster holding the train moved it away from its eye and the entire creature came into focus: it was a dragon. A damned dragon was trying to kill him. How ironic.

As more of the creature became visible he felt his fear begin to give way to curiosity, this creature looked familiar, he felt he should remember it. A black dragon of that size should have been something he remembered. Then all at once it came to him.

“... Ancalagon?” Morgoth whispered, hardly daring to hope.

In response the dragon simply held out a claw before the train, prompting him to walk out to it. Hesitantly he stepped onto Ancalagon’s claw and watched as it idly tossed the train away, trailing the screams of ponies which were abruptly silenced as it impacted the ground with a mighty explosion. Slowly the dragon lifted Morgoth up to the top of its head where yet another welcomed sight awaited him.

“It would seem as though my timing could not have been better, my king.”

Sauron stood perched atop Ancalagon’s head bearing Morgoth’s black shield and the warhammer, Grond. Sensing his master’s confusion Sauron continued.

“When I learned of your fate I worked as fast as I could, I resurrected Ancalagon and together we flew through the Void to this world to bring you much needed aid.” he explained.

When he finished speaking Sauron held out his hand, upon which he wore a golden ring. The ring shone with power and Morgoth felt his form shift and twist until he once again stood as he did in Arda, though he was still bound in the damnable rainbow chain Angainor. But with another flash from Sauron’s ring the chain shattered and Morgoth was restored. As he basked in the feeling of his returning power, Sauron held out the shield and mace for him.

He took the weapons and grinned down at Sauron.

“Truly there is no other face I would be more glad to see. Come Sauron, greatest of my friends, a new world awaits ripe for the taking!” he exclaimed.

“It would be an honor, my king.” Sauron said.

Turning to face forward, he thrust Grond into the air and gave a mighty cry. “Onward, Ancalagon! Let us bring ruin and woe to this peaceful world! The skies shall rain fire and the oceans shall run red with blood! The stars themselves shall drown in it!”

With a flap of his mighty wings, Ancalagon rose into the air, casting a shadow of death over the land of Equestria. The trio then flew off into the sunset, raining death and fire upon the peaceful land of the ponies, laughing like madmen the entire way.

And then he woke up.

Morgoth looked around, startled at the sudden change in scenery. He looked down at his body and saw to his utter dismay that he was once again a pony. It had all been a dream, a damned dream! He slumped back in his seat and despaired.

He absently looks out the window and noticed the sun was starting to go down. He had left Canterlot early that morning and the train had made good time, nearing Ponyville by the hour of twilight. This served only to remind him of the very pony he was now to be enslaved to.

He recalled all of their names from the first meeting and shuddered as he spoke each one to himself. The only word he deemed at least remotely adequate for describing them all was sickening. He actually felt physically ill at the prospect of having to interact with these horrid abominations in a manner that didn’t ultimately lead to their deaths. And that only served to make him hate the weakness of this frail pony body even more. The sooner he was finished with this damnable trial the better. Though it appeared that this may very well be something he would be unable to scheme his way out of. All of his attempted machinations had been either casually rebuffed or simply disregarded, and of course there was the matter of his unbreakable oath. All things considered it seemed as though he would actually have to go through with the trial.

But even this presented its own problems. Celestia had assured him that Discord was already imprisoned and wouldn’t be escaping any time soon. That simply couldn’t be right though, Eru himself had told him he would have a hand in bringing about the fallen Vala’s defeat. He took a moment to think about Discord, he’d never seemed truly evil, even as taken as he was by Morgoth’s song. He couldn’t imagine what the Ainu must have done to earn being sealed away for eternity, even he had been released after three ages in the halls of Mandos. Surely this was not the same Amanaišal he remembered from the Music, he never would have have done anything so terrible. But it would explain why his name was abandoned by the ponies in favor of another just as his was in Arda. Perhaps he was no longer Amanaišal just as Morgoth was no longer Melkor.

The train started to pull into the station at Ponyville and Morgoth braced himself for the coming torture. The train came to a halt and passengers began to disembark, Morgoth, however, waited as long as he could before getting off the train. As the last of the passengers filtered by, Morgoth gathered his willpower and followed along with them and disembarked the train. Making his way onto the platform he was greeted by the sight of the same group of ponies he’d encountered the other day waiting on the platform for him. They had yet to notice him though, so he still had a few precious moments to savor what remained of his life.

Then he noticed that he had miscounted, there were not six, but five ponies awaiting him. Which one was missing? He counted them all again and realized which one it was; the infernal pink one was not among th-

“Hi there!” a voice chirped in his ear.

Morgoth slowly turned to meet the smiling face of the speaker to find to his utter dismay that it was the pink party pony. He made the mistake of making eye contact and he felt as if he were staring into some fathomless, unknowable hell. There were few things in Ea which could claim to hold the ability to frighten the once Dark Lord, but as it turned out this pony happened to be one of those things. The rainbow one could wait, this... this thing had to be destroyed post haste.

“So you gonna stand there staring all day od are we gonna party?” she exclaimed, drawing the attention of the other five. Recognizing him, the group trotted over to him, smiles on their faces.

“Hi again, Mr. Shadowfax!” Twilight said excitedly. “I got the princess’s letter and I hope you’re as excited as I am! Oh gosh, a student of my own, this is going to be so much fun!”

She was practically bouncing on the spot and with each little bounce Morgoth felt some of his resolve slip away until only grim resignation remained. As Twilight prattled on he could only hope that Eru was enjoying himself as he watched the fate of his greatest son unfold.

“Now the princess didn’t say anything about living accommodations so I just figured you could stay with me while you’re in Ponyville.”

Morgoth bowed his head in thanks to her. “Thy mentor’s words have done thee justice then. Turly thou art possessed of a most generous heart to open thy home to a stranger.”

Twilight waved him off with a blush. “Oh don’t think anything of it, it’s nothing. Plus I’m not even the Element of Generosity, that’s Rarity. She’s the most generous pony you’ll ever meet.”

At the mention of “Element” Morgoth’s interest piqued. “Element of Generosity?” he repeated. “Wouldst that have anything to do with the Elements of Harmony that Celestia hath spoken of?”

“Oh, the princess told you about those?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, that’s exactly what it means. Rarity’s the Element of Generosity, Applejack here is the Element of Honesty, Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, Fluttershy is the Element of Kindness, Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, and I’m the Element of Magic.”

Morgoth’s eye twitched. This sounded far too convenient to be anything but deliberate. Loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, and laughter; these sounded to be exactly the virtues that Ilúvatar wished him to learn. There could be no doubt, the god had intended for Morgoth to be tutored by these very ponies. He wasn’t too sure about Twilight, though, for he was Morgoth, the greatest being to exist in all of Ea save for Ilúvatar himself and as such magic was in his blood. It could even be said that magic was his blood. He was unsure of what this Twilight Sparkle could teach him of magic that he did not already know.

“Very well then, shalst we begin my lessons? I am eager to learn anything that thou might have to teach.” Morgoth said.

Twilight shook her head. “Oh gosh no. It’s way too late for anything like that, everypony’s going to be going to bed soon. We can start first thing in the morning.”

Morgoth felt a surge of irritation, he had forgotten that these creatures required sleep. He had also forgotten, or maybe just ignored, the fact that he, too, required sleep. That would easily double the length of this infuriating trial. Valuable time he could spend muscling his way through whatever damnable lessons these ponies would have to teach him would instead be wasted doing literally nothing. However he made sure to keep any hint of his true feelings from showing.

“Well since we’re not gonna be doing any work we may as well party!” Pinkie exclaimed, producing what Morgoth assumed was some form of artillery weapon.

Twilight sighed. “Pinkie, if it’s too late to help Shadowfax then it’s probably too late for partying.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash agreed. “As much as I love your parties, Pinks, it’s a little late.”

For the briefest of moments Morgoth swore the pink one’s mane seemed to deflate. Just as suddenly, though, the change reversed itself and Pinkie was right back to her jolly self. “Oh that’s fine! We can just have a slumber party then!” she exclaimed.

What was this? These creatures were so taken with the infirmity of sleep that they even celebrated the damnable thing?

Twilight hummed to herself for a moment. “Well I guess that sounds alright. Especially since I never got to finish everything in my slumber party book when Applejack and Rarity slept over. Does that sound okay with you, Shadowfax?”

Not really sure what to say, Morgoth simply nodded his assent. “Very well, if it is the local custom then I shall happily join thee in thy celebration of slumber.”

“Hurray, slumber party!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“If I may inquire, what wouldst be the purpose of this substance?” Morgoth inquired, a mask of green mud adorning his face.

“Yeah, I’d like to know that too,” Rainbow huffed. “Why do we have this stuff all over our faces?”

“Oh silly,” Rarity tittered. “It’s to refresh and rejuvenate one’s complexion!”

Morgoth pondered her words for a moment, trying to make sense of them. “Dost thou mean to say it grants youth eternal?” he asked incredulously.

“It better do something pretty impressive for me to be doing this.” Rainbow said.

Rarity giggled into her hoof. “Oh no you sillies, it refreshes one’s skin and helps to retain the appearance of youth is all.”

“And the cucumbers?” Rainbow deadpanned.

“Aye, I agree with the rainbow one. Why doth sliced gourds adorn our eyes? In what way dost it aid us?”

“To reduce the puffiness around one’s eyes of course!” Rarity continued.

“Don’t worry, y’all, iff’n it’s not yer thing then ya can just eat em. Cucumbers’re good eats!” Applejack said through a mouth full of cucumber. Rarity spared the cowpony an irritated glance and sighed, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

“This seems a strange ritual.” Morgoth remarked. “Nowhere in Arda can I think of were such practices undertaken. Yours is an odd land.”

“Time for curlers!” Twilight exclaimed, her trusty book of sleepover activities hovering at her side.

Morgoth simply shrugged and prepared for whatever strangeness was to come next. Rainbow Dash, however, came to the aid of the unknowing stallion.

“Uh, Twi’? I don’t think colts are supposed to get curlers. I’m pretty sure colts aren’t actually supposed to even do makeovers.” she said.

“Oh nonsense, Dash! We have to have makeovers! It says so right here in the book!” Twilight insisted.

As Morgoth listened to the two ponies debate the inclusion of males in the strange makeover ritual, he had the distinct and infuriating feeling that someone was laughing at him, but he couldn’t fathom why.

Deep within the Void, Túrin, Beren, and Fëanor were in the throes of booming laughter as they bore witness to Morgoth’s predicament. Lúthien smiled to herself and giggled occasionally at the situation. Húrin just stood there, utterly stunned by what he was seeing; The Black Foe of the World, the very one who had destroyed his life and taken all he loved from him just sitting there, surrounded by creatures straight out of a small girl’s storybook, and engaged in a makeover. He almost felt that this was repayment enough for all the wrongs the Vala had committed against him.

“Behold the mighty Morgoth!” Fëanor exclaimed. “Slayer of kings, father of dragons, lord of fate, and master of makeovers!”

“And to think Fingon thought he was some great and powerful enemy! It is no wonder I so easily stole a Silmaril from his very crown. Likely I caught him deep in his fantasies of frolicing with elf maidens!”

“Friends!” Túrin boomed. “I believe we may have discovered the reason behind all of the Black Foe’s actions upon Arda! It is said that there is no fury such as that of a woman scorned, Morgoth’s lover must have left for a far prettier girl indeed if the atrocities he committed are of any evidence!”

The laughter of the ghosts echoed endlessly throughout the Void, some of it even reaching Morgoth, giving him the distinct feeling that he was the butt of some unknown joke.

Twilight and Fluttershy cowered behind a wall of fluffy white pillows, taking a brief respite from the battle that waged hotly within the library. Yells, shouts, screams, crashes, and maniacal laughter were the only sounds to be heard from the other side of their cover.

“Um, T-Twilight? I th-think we c-could have j-just skipped th-this step.” Fluttershy stammered out.

Twilight spared a glance at her book of slumber party activities before answering. “I think you might be right, Fluttershy.”

On the other side of the wall of pillows raged a battle the likes of which nopony had ever seen before. Morgoth stood atop a mound of pillows reared up on his hind legs, his left foreleg jammed down the case of a pillow, wearing it as a shield, while in his right hoof he gripped another pillow, brandishing it like a mace.

With a shout Applejack broke from her cover and raced up the mound towards Morgoth from behind, a pillow clamped between her teeth. She reached the top and brought her weapon down with all her might, but Morgoth had anticipated the attack and had turned just in time to catch her pillow on his own pillow shield. Then with a mighty roar he whirled around, bringing his own pillow up under her chin and throwing her across the room with the force of the blow.

With one opponent down, Morgoth turned to scan for more threats. As he searched, he came to behold Rarity, dozens of pillows alight with the aura of her telekinesis hovering around her and a smug grin upon her face. Morgoth gritted his teeth, held his shield up before him, and charged. The hail of feather filled projectiles was nearly enough to stop his charge, but he weathered the storm and pressed on. Rarity, in her desperation, picked up just about every pillow in the room and in but a moment brought their combined weight crashing down upon the enraged Vala.

For a brief moment all was still. Rarity felt a grin grow on her face as she felt her victory solidify. Fluttershy peeked over her remaining cover.

“Is... is it over?” she asked hesitantly.

Rarity nodded. “I think it very well may be, my dear. Not everypony can be as-”

None of them ever found out what not everypony could be as the mountain of pillows entombing Morgoth exploded outwards. Rarity and the others shielded their eyes as the storm of fabric and feathers raged about the library. With a roar, a pillow clenched in a hoof struck Rarity in the side of the head, sending her crashing into yet another mound of the things, her eyes rolling independently of each other as she landed.


“I wonder what must be going through his head right now.” Twilight muttered to herself.

The Gates of Angband. Battle raged on throughout what seemed to be all of Beleriand. Morgoth stood before the gates of his great fortress, ready to defend it from the foolish Children of Ilúvatar who thought to unseat him. He had struck down challenger after challenger, yet still they came. But it worried him naught; with his shield on his arm and Grond in his hand he was unbeatable.

But then there was a blur and pain blossomed along his side. Whirling around, he sought to find the fool that dared injure him. His gaze eventually came to rest upon a figure that deigned to let itself be seen for a moment. Him.

Before Morgoth stood that foolish elf. The king who sought to defeat him in single combat! Fingolfin! The fool must have survived their last encounter somehow. Or perhaps Mandos allowed him to return to the land of the living. It mattered not, the fool could return a thousand times and a thousand times Morgoth would send him back to the Halls of Mandos. Roaring a challenge, Morgoth thundered towards the elf king, bringing his great hammer down upon the small figure.

As Grond struck the king darted off, his speed so great he seemed to vanish. The great hammer struck the ground, opening up a great crater and calling a bolt of lightning to strike the area. It was in vain though, the elf was already gone. Pain once again wracked Morgoth’s form as the elf delivered a quick strike to his leg. Furious, the fallen Vala struck again, and again the elf vanished in a blur of speed.

Again and again the Black Foe stuck and again and again the Elda proved too fast. Craters ravaged the ground but not a single strike had found its mark. Morgoth’s rage reached apocalyptic levels as the elf delivered blow after blow to him. He was weakening, the blows were not altogether great, but the number of times he’d been struck made up for it. He could feel the wounds sapping his strength, he had to strike now and end it.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Fingolfin coming at him. He attempted to turn to face his oncoming adversary but knew he would not be fast enough. Amazingly, though, it seemed as if fate was on his side. A piece of rubble from the explosive strikes his hammer made against the ground tripped the elf king and threw him off balance. Seeing an opportunity, Morgoth brought Grond around and up in an underhand swing, catching Fingolfin in the stomach. The force of the blow lifted the Elda up into the air and sent him flying through the air. Eventually he faded from sight and Morgoth felt the feeling of his victory surge through him. He raised his armaments to the heavens and roared his victory.

Rainbow Dash’s head stuck through the wall of pillows that Twilight and Fluttershy had been using for cover, lodged there by Morgoth’s last strike against her.

“I think we can check this one off the list now.” she said warily, as Morgoth screamed his victory behind them.

“Yeah, I think so too.” Twilight agreed.

Twilight’s Library was dark, the only light emanating from the glow of a small jar filled with fireflies. All the ponies sat huddled around the jar, a few of them shaking in their seats in terror, a few wearing looks of utter boredom.

Twilight stood in the center dramatically finishing up her telling of a ghost story. This was probably her favorite part of a slumber party, she’d read just about every single good ghost story there was.

“... and just when the last pony thought she was safe, there standing right behind her, just inches away was... THE HEADLESS HORSE!” Lightning flashed and suddenly where Twilight had been standing was now a headless pony.

Rarity and Applejack screamed and grabbed hold of each other, Fluttershy fell limp to the ground, unconscious, and Pinkie Pie fell over laughing as if it had been some hilarious joke. Rainbow Dash and Morgoth just sat there, their faces completely emotionless.

Suddenly the lights flicked back on and Twilight took the blanket off her head. “Oh man, I can’t believe I got you girls with that again!” she exclaimed.

“Well what can Ah say?” Applejack said. “Ya spin a pretty good yarn there, Twi’.”

Morgoth was bored out of his mind. They considered this to be frightening? Perhaps he should simply recount to them an average day walking through the halls of Angband. Such a telling would likely result in some kind of horrible psychological trauma for the ponies, even the ever stoic rainbow one who had attempted to prove she was as hardy as he.

“So does anypony else have a ghost story they wanna tell?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, somepony other than Twi’ should tell a story for once. I’m up for a change from The Legend of the Headless Horse.” Applejack agreed.

“So long as it doesn’t involve spiders, of course.” Rarity added.

“Ew, yuck, I hate spiders!” Pinkie said.

“Ugh, me too!” Twilight agreed. “They’re so nasty and scary and they’ve got all those eyes and that hair!”

A smile began to spread across Morgoth’s face. An evil, malicious smile. Slowly it grew and grew until it split his face ear to ear. They wanted a story? He would give them a story. He would be a kind Vala and free these ponies from their slavery to the tyranny of sleep.

“If thou wouldst permit it, I think perhaps I have a tale that thou wouldst enjoy.” Morgoth said.

“Go for it!” Twilight said.

Morgoth cleared his throat and tried as valiantly as he could to keep the smile from his face and the mirth from his voice. “Hast thou ever been told the tale of Melkor and Ungoliant?”