• Published 18th Jun 2014
  • 1,360 Views, 138 Comments

Twilight's Adventure - wille179

Inspired by "Twitch Plays Pokemon." Only YOU, the Bronies, can help Twilight reunite with her friends. Twilight's life is now dictated by the comments on this story.

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0 - The Rules of the Game

Well, this is embarrassing. There was supposed to be a story here...

"Hello? Is somepony out there? Please, anypony, please let me out!" Twilight pounded her hoof against the stone that obstructed her freedom.

...but Twilight seems to be stuck in a cave due to my writers block. See the metaphor?

"Shut up! You're not helping," she snapped. If there was something she could have glared at in this darkness, she would have glared it to death.

Ah, yes... Did I mention that she can hear all of us? And by all of us, I mean that she can hear the every single comment posted on every single piece of content on the entirety of the internet.

Curious, Twilight asked, "What's the internet?"

A human, err... monkey thing... Nothing you need to worry about, dear Twilight. Now, my explanation of what's going on here. In this not-quite-a-story, Discord broke free from his prison nearly three decade earlier than in canon. As a result, the elements of harmony were never found.

"The elements of what?" Twilight asked, and then shook her head. "Never mind. Can you just tell me how to get out of here?"

The elements of harmony. They are important, but that will be your only clue for now. You're a smart mare, Twilight, find that out yourself. And no, I can't help you yet.

Anyway, Nightmare Moon, weakened from her extended stay on the moon, was defeated by Princess Celestia upon her return, and was thus restored to her former glory as Princess Luna. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's prized student, was sent with Spike to the rock island that Ponyville was on in order to aid in the reconstruction from their latest disaster.

Oh, wait, I forgot that part. See, the entire planet has been torn apart into countless fragments that float through the sky. Airships, cloud-hopping, and rope bridges are the only way to cross from island to island, but navigating is next to impossible, given that the islands keep moving and chaos monsters patrol the skies and regularly sink ships or attack towns.

Anyway, once Twilight had managed to make it to Ponyville, she and Spike met their best friends, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Together, the seven friends faced many hardships in their ever-changing world.

A week ago, tragedy struck Twilight Sparkle. One morning, she woke up on a little rock in the sky, Ponyville nowhere in sight. Eventually, she managed to wander to a larger island, where she is now. Two days ago, she started hearing voices in her head.

Twilight snorted, annoyed. "Like you?"

No, not like me. They never actually spoke to Twilight, and were generally much quieter than me, so Twilight could generally ignore them. But YOU are just a bit too loud for her to ignore.

"Who are you talking to?"

All in due time, Twilight Sparkle. You see, YOU are actually a bit more influential in this world. But beware, Twilight, for THEY are just as influential...

Ok, Twilight can't hear me when I write to YOU this way. Here's the deal: this is a COMMENT DRIVEN STORY. I will write a short segment of Twilight Sparkle's adventure. At the end of each chapter, either Twilight and Company will ask YOU for advice, I will suggest courses of action for which the group could take, or there will be a need for some object. Then YOU, in the comments, will decide what happens next.

For example, I might ask what tool is in a bag. If enough people say "taffy-puller," then there will be a taffy-puller in that bag, even if it makes absolutely no sense. YOU have minor reality warping powers, but only if enough people agree on the same option.

So, twenty-four hours after each chapter is posted, I will tally up all the comments and direct the next chapter based on the replies.

However, we can't have Twilight's adventure be too easy for her. Thus, I will have THEM serve as an antagonist group, much like YOU, to hinder Twilight's adventure.

Are you confused? Don't worry, I'll give you a sample of what to expect below. Ready?

"Use Telekinesis to clear the rubble from the cave exit."

"Oh, that makes sense." Twilight nodded and set her horn ablaze with lavender light. Piece by piece, the rubble was slowly dug away. She lifted one rock away and was momentarily blinded by a beam of sunlight.

The sun, under Discord's control, promptly set once more, leaving Twilight again in the dark. However brief it may have been, that little light gave the mare hope for freedom. Gathering her magic, she released a pulse from her horn that blasted the remaining rubble from her path. Pine scented air greeted her nose. Twilight smiled; freedom was hers.

"SuMmOn AnGrY kInG cObRa."

Upon speaking, THEIR malicious words came true. There was a loud hiss behind Twilight. She whirled around and saw a king cobra slithering out of the cave. It reared up, flared its hood, and hissed again at Twilight.

"Aaaaahhh!" Twilight screamed. She jumped back just as the enraged serpent struck, causing it to miss her. The mare turned to run, but only made it a few steps before she tripped on some of the rubble that she had blasted from the cave. The snake slithered closer to her prone form, ready to strike.

"Use ally: Tom the Bashful."

Twilight's horn lit up with magic. She grasped a large boulder and threw it at the snake. It missed, but the resulting boom from its impact scared off the snake anyway.

"TwIgHlIgHt SpArKlE fOrGeTs AlL aDvAnCeD mAgIc."

"What? How could I forget... Oh no oh no oh no no no no! It's gone! All my knowledge is gone! I can't remember anything! Years of studying, gone! No no no no no no no...."

Twilight, calm down!

The hyperventilating unicorn glared at the sky. Her mane started fizzing up in response to her stress. "Calm! How can you tell me to be calm at a time like this? This is a disaster! THEY took my magic!"

Well, not all of it. You still have Telekinesis...

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Thanks..." she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ok, do YOU get it? YOU will help Twilight while she will be hurt by THEM. Now, I should mention one last rule. Anything done by YOU or THEM cannot be directly undone by the other group. Basically, you cannot give her magic back, but you could help her find spell books and such, and she can relearn it herself. Also, every time YOU make a decision, THEY can do one thing to attempt to counteract it, even if it doesn't work.

Meanwhile, I will be maintaining a list of Twilight and her party's items and powers for you to reference. I will link it at the end of each chapter, so YOU know what Twilight has access to. Got it? Good. Now, I'm going to shut up and Twilight is going to do her thing.

Twilight stood up and shook off the dust from her coat. She set off at a trot, intent on examining her current location. She didn't remember entering a cave, and in fact could not recall a cave even existing on the island before. Obviously, she had been transported while she was asleep, but Twilight could not fathom why.

The island she found herself on was a rocky, barren place. Few plants grew aside from the occasional thorny bush or patch of dried grass. A river arched through the sky overhead, but it was probably too far for the lavender unicorn to jump to, and possibly too fast to swim even if she could. There were clouds around the edge of the island, but without the cloud-walking spell, she could not cross them.

Up on the hill, there was an shack. From where Twilight stood, she could not tell if it were occupied or not. It was not too run down, but there were no lights on inside.

Continuing around the island, Twilight stumbled upon an old airship. Twilight doubted that it could even sail, though she figured that she might be able to patch it up if she could find the materials. Though, assuming she could get it to fly, as soon as she found a better craft, Twilight would abandon this one.

There was more to to this island that Twilight had yet to explore, but she doubted that there was anything else of value here. Still, it could not hurt to check.

What should Twilight do?

Option A: Investigate the cabin.
Option B: Investigate the airship.
Option C: Explore the island.
Option D: Attempt to jump into the sky river and swim to another island.
Option E: Find food and water.
Option F: Do something else (specify).

Author's Note:

Click here to see Twilight's information.

F.Y.I., most chapters will not look like this. Instead, they will look like any other fimfiction story.

Also, as you may have guessed, there is absolutely NO FOURTH WALL. Well, only for Twilight, that is. She will "hear" every comment posted, so keep it PG and don't post stupid things, lest ye be insulted by Twilight Snarkle.

Otherwise, I hope you have fun. Expect frequent updates with very short chapters.