• Published 30th May 2014
  • 4,112 Views, 186 Comments

Soarin and Rainbow Dash - Ugly-Duckling123

A Wonder/Shadowbolt fic on Shakespere's Romeo and Juilet

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Chap 8

After flying for half an hour Rainbow Dash spotted an apple orchard and landed in one of the trees and curled up on one of the high branches and let out some more tears.

'Why can't I have love and a family?' she asked herself.

"But sis, why can't I buck trees yet?" a high voice called out somewhere below Rainbow "Mac's hurt and you learnt last year you can't do it by yourself."

"Because your too young Apple Bloom." a older voice said in reply "Your back legs aren't strong enough to shake the tree to get the apples off it yet."

Slowly Rainbow Dash looked down and saw two farm pony Earth Ponies coming toward the tree she was hiding in.

The older had her mane and tail tied at the end and was wearing a very old looking hat. The younger one had a big red ribbon tied into her mane.

Seeing them together reminded Rainbow of Scootaloo.


"What was that?" the older farm pony asked looking around.

"Over there!" the younger said pointing to a orange filly Pegasus who had just crashed out of exhaustion.

"You alright Sugarcube?" the older said.

"HEY! Get away from my sister!" Rainbow Dash said flying out of the tree and over Scootaloo.

"Rainbow!" Scootaloo cried jumping to her big sister crying into her neck.

"Who are you?" the younger farmer asked from behind the older one. "What were you doing in our tree?"

"I'm Rainbow Dash, and this is my sister Scootaloo, we are, well I was until a few minutes ago, daughters of Spectrum Dash and Firefly of the Shadowbolts."

"So why aren't you now, if you don't mind us asking." the older asked.

"Because she fell in love with the Wonderbolts son and for some reason that goes back to Luna and Celestia our families hate each other." Scootaloo said hugging Rainbow tightly.

"So why are you here now?" the older farmer said.

"I said to my father, If I can't have him and still be a Shadow," Rainbow said taking in a deep breath "Then I choose him. And because the only home I've ever know is the dusty old castle in the Everfree, I'm looking for a new one."

"And you were going to take refuge in one of our trees?"

"I was just taking a break ok."

"I'm joking," the older one said holding up her hooves "But if you'd like a better place to stay we have some free rooms back at the house." she said turning and inviting the two to follow her. "I'm Applejack by the way, and this is my sister Apple Bloom."

"Will your parents be alright with us being here Miss Applejack?" Scootaloo asked timidly.

"Well, there not exactly around anymore honey, but I know Granny and Mac won't mind." Applejack said after a slight pause "One of the things we Apples are good at and known for is being friendly. And it's just Applejack sweetheart."

With that the four of them journeyed back to the house in silence.

"Granny, Mac. We found some new friends in the orchard." Applejack called from the door once they were in the house.

"What was that child?" an old voice asked as a very old and wrinkly green pony came into the kitchen followed by a big red stallion who had bandages around his waist.

"We found Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo in the apple orchard Granny." Apple Bloom said bouncing a big smile on her face. "They say that they're Shadowbolts."

"Well I'm not really one anymore. I've dropped that side of me less than an hour ago." Rainbow said tears at the corners of her eyes.

"My dear, the only thing I know of for anypony to drop a title of some kind is love." Granny Smith said smiling. "It may be hard to believe, but I've been around a long time and know the battle of the sky your family has with the Wonderbolts."

At this Scootaloo had to put a hoof over her mouth to stop herself from laughing getting a slight glare from Rainbow Dash.

"Unfortunately I don't know what started it but I have a feeling deep down in my old bones that you and Soarin are going to finish it."

"Thanks Granny," Rainbow said feeling a bit better.

"You're welcome dear," Granny Smith said happily "Now lets get you to a room and some food into the both of ya."

With that Mac, Applejack, and Apple Bloom started getting dinner ready while Granny Smith showed the two sisters to their room.

In Cloudsdale, Soarin was trying really hard to teach Fleet Foot the show that they would be doing for Canterlot in less than two weeks.

"Ok Fleet," he said trying to ignore Spitfire off to the side. "Lets try it again. Remember: Straight up, split apart, 'at the same time' we do five loops, and come back. That's all you and I have to do." he said placing his goggles over his eyes.

"Ok Soarin," Fleet Foot said pulling hers down and stood next to him in the starting position.

Spitfire sounded the horn telling them to start.

"Ok," she said under her breath "Straight up, good. Split, good. Now five loops together, one two three," with each loop Spitfire's smile grew but then Fleet Foot got faster. No she wasn't going faster Soarin was slowing down. Groaning she sounded the horn telling them that something was wrong.

Both Soarin and Fleet Foot came back in Fleet Foot looking worried and winced when Spitfire was coming over but was shocked to see her go to Soarin and smacked his cheek.

"Get her out of your head Soarin!" she cried "I know you like her but she's putting you off your work. You've only known her for three days and she's already in there so much she's making you slow down in your performances! Get Rainbow Dash out of your mind!"

"I thought you said you were going to stay with me in this. To 'follow your heart Soarin'." Soarin said back ripping his goggles off and hood down.

"Wait did Spitfire just say Rainbow Dash?" Fleet Foot asked carefully. "Soarin why would she be in your head?"

"Just leave it." he said looking away. "Training's over for today I'm going for a lone flight." With that Soarin turned and headed to Whitetail Wood.

"Um... is he alright Spitfire?" Fleet Foot asked as the two girls started heading back.

"That depends on how you mean 'alright'." Spitfire answered but got nothing in return and they both walked in silence back to the Wonderbolts Head Quarters to wait for him to come back.

As Soarin got to the clearing in the woods, the first thing he saw was a purple uniform and yellow goggles by one of the entrances.

Going over to it he looked at the label and saw it was Rainbow Dashes.

Confused he turned and flew off to Ponyville to start looking for her, for he knew if somepony left their uniform in the dirt that means they've dropped out of their groups.

But before he left the clearing he was ambushed by ten Shadowbolts all pinning him down. Spectrum Dash and Firefly came out and walked up to him.

"So, we meet again Wonderbolt." Spectrum Dash said stepping forward a bit

"I have a name you know sir," Soarin said back resulting with a punch to the stomach to make him shut up.

"I don't remember asking you to speak." Spectrum said glaring down at the stallion in blue and yellow. "Now. Where are our daughters?"


"Well?" he asked.

"I'd like to say sir," Soarin said knowing he would get hurt for this "But one, I don't know and two, I didn't know you wanted me to talk." earning him another kick to the stomach and a hoof in the face starting a bloody nose.

"It seems your parents didn't teach you any manners Wonderbolt." Spectrum said glaring down. "How our Rainbow could like someone like you Luna knows."

"Maybe it's because I treated her like a girl instead of a solider in a flying team she didn't even want to be in?" Soarin asked struggling to get up.

Spectrum Dash couldn't take any more. Slowly he left Firefly and walked up to the downed Soarin, after telling the Shadow's that were by his sides to open the stallion's wings, he raised his hooves and with all the strength brought them down onto them earning loud 'CRACKS' and cries from the Wonderbolt in question.

After the bones were broken, and the cries were let out Soarin lost his consensus due to the pain and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Yeah I'm messing it up now I know :twilightsheepish:

Hope you're still liking it, and that I slipped AJ and her family in there.