• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,344 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Elesa was waiting for them as Seth and his friends exited the forest and once they emerged, she ran straight over to them.

“Where have you guys been?” She cried worriedly. “You’ve been gone all day!”

“Well I didn’t think the walk there was going to take so long,” Seth replied. “But, I did bring back a little souvenir for you~”

Before Elesa could ask what the hell he was talking about, Zebstrika and Emolga stepped out from the trees and Elesa’s eyes widened.

“Is… is that?” She couldn’t believe her eyes, it was her precious Pokémon. The Zebstrika and the Emolga looked a little dubious at first, but on the walk back, Seth had explained that their trainer was now a cute little Flaffy. In exchange for taking care of their trainer, Zebstrika had offered to teach Seth how to control his electric attacks better.

“It’s good to see you Miss Elesa,” Zebstrika said. “I was worried that you weren’t here.”

“Which was why we were on our way to meet Arceus!” Emolga butted in, the little electric/flying type was as hyper as ever. “We were gonna ask ‘im if he knew where you were, then we met Sethy’s Charizard and then Seth appears out of nowhere and now he’s a smexy Luxray and I nearly had a heart attack and then he told us you were okay and then-“

“OKAY! I think they get the idea Emolga.” Zebstrika interrupted. He’d had to deal with this for days now and his nerves were beginning to feel the stain.

“Heh heh, it’s alright.” Elesa wiped the tears from her eyes as she hugged her Pokémon. “I missed you guys too!”

“Well aint that sweet~” Apple Fritter cooed. “But ah reckon that little flyin one’s a bit of a chatterbox.”

Elesa agreed. “Yeah, Emolga’s always been a bit excitable but I think a lot of that is because she’s an electric type. You’d be surprised how much a type will affect a Pokémon’s personality.”

“Really?” Apple Fritter was interested in hearing more. “It’s pretty common to think that Pegasi have rather… flighty natures, Unicorns are snooty and Earth Ponies are stubborn.”

“I guess you get that sort of thing… every…where?” It took a moment, but Elesa realised that Apple Fritter could understand her. “Wait, what?”

“We were a bit surprised too,” Seth explained. “At first we thought that Arceus cast some translation spell on us Pokémon, but it would seem that he used it on Fritter instead.”

“And ah intend to enjoy this while it lasts!” Fritter smiled. “Oh yeah, don’t we all have some shindig to get to?”

“Can we go back to the farm first?” Seth said. “I’m feeling a little tired…” As he headed off towards Sweet Apple Acres, Rika and Selena watched him leave and sighed.

“I guess he’s more upset than we thought huh?” Rika knew that having Ignis leave him was hard, but he had seemed okay on the walk back.

“Seth’s always worn his heart on his sleeve,” Selena said. “It’s a rather admirable trait of his, but it leaves him open to get hurt easily.”

“Which is why we should get him to the party!” Apple Fritter replied. “It might be just what he needs to unwind and relax.”

“And if it a Pinkie Pie Party, then there ain’t no way he won’t leave smilin’.” The unknown voice caused everyone to turn and see an orange Earth Pony mare wearing a Stetson hat.

“Cousin Applejack!” Apple Fritter ran over to her and hugged her. “Y’all are back?”

“Got back this morning, when ah got home, ah heard that ah only just missed ya!” Applejack winced under the bone crushing embrace. Little Apple Fritter was the only mare in the Apple family whose strength out matched AJ’s.

“To be honest, with all this here Pokémon stuff goin’ on, ah didn’t expect you to still show up Fritter.”

Fritter snorted and shook her head. “What sorta kin would I be if I didn’t help out family?”

“True enough,” Applejack laughed. “Well c’mon, let’s go get your friend and drag his flank to that party!”


Seth slowly walked down the dusty path to Ponyville. He had just wanted to spend to night by himself, but his friends were going to have none of that it would seem and Apple Fritter had threatened to hogtie him and drag him by force if need be. Well there was no way he was going to turn up trussed up like a Christmas dinner, and he did say that he would meet Gene and Belle there.

He could already hear the music from what must be a massive party, and they had seen dozens of Pokémon, probably hiding in the Everfree, making their way there also.

“Ah reckon this is gonna be one doozy of a party!” Applejack laughed. She looked at their Pokémon companions and smiled. “Seein’ as how none o’ y’all ain’t ever have been to a Pinkie Party, yer in fer one heck of a night!”

Rika looked at her master, whose eyes hadn’t really left the ground in front of him. She walked next to him, draping a ribbon over his shoulder. “Hey, try and cheer up okay? Who knows, maybe Ignis will be at the party too?”

“Yeah, maybe,” Seth muttered. Seeing Ignis right now would probably only make him feel even more frustrated though. He had bumped into Korrina again, back at the farm. But when the Lucario had tried to talk to him, Seth had simply ignored her. He felt bad about it now though, and he figured that it would be best to find her and apologise.

As it turns out, Applejack may have been wrong. The party itself was huge, but there weren’t too many guests present. Maybe most Pokémon just weren’t the partying type.

As Seth looked around, he saw Gene and Belle, accompanied by a Houndoom and a Flygon… more of gene’s Pokémon perhaps? The Gallade offered a friendly wave when he saw Seth, who returned the gesture.

Korrina showed up not too long after Seth and his friends did, greeted by a Vaporeon and a Delphox. More friends of hers perhaps? Seth figured now was as good a time as any so he walked up to the former Gym Leader, clearing his throat to make his presence known.

“Hmm?” The Delphox was the first to notice. “Friend of yours Korrina?”

Korrina turned and after a moment’s pause, nodded slightly. “We only met the other day, his name is Seth Crescent, a former trainer like us.”

“Nice to meet you,” Seth bowed his head.

“Nice to meet you as well,” The Delphox smiled. “My name is May, and this here is Misty.”

“Misty?” Where had he heard that name before…? Oh? Right! “You’re the Cerulean Gym Leader!”

Former Gym Leader,” Misty sighed. “But yeah, that’s me.”

“So what did you want?” Korrina asked curtly, causing Seth to flinch and May to shake her head.

“Oh, well. I just wanted to, apologise for earlier,” Seth said quietly. “The talk with Arceus was… well, some things didn’t go as I expected.”

“Let me guess, you wanna be human and he said no?” Just thinking about that made Korrina’s fur bristle with irritation.

Seth shook his head, “No, nothing like that. I’m kinda getting used to being a Luxray…” He sighed and looked down at the ground. “As I left, I bumped into one of my old partners, a Charizard named Ignis.” Tears stung the corner of his eyes as the sadness he had been feeling came flooding back. “But he didn’t come back with me, I’m a Pokémon now… and no longer his trainer… I guess he thinks that I can’t fulfil our dream of becoming stronger together anymore.”

Korrina’s expression softened and she bowed her head. “Oh… I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” Being stuck like this was hard enough, but if she didn’t have Lucario with her? Korrina doubted that she could handle it.

May leaned down, offering Seth a hug. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“S’alright, we’re still friends and I’m sure I’ll meet him again one day… It’s hard though.”

Before Korrina or the others could respond, Pinkie burst out of nowhere and grabbed Seth.
“I’m sensing a Level 5 sadness field in this vicinity! We have to apply cupcakes and upside-down frowns to this patient. STAT!” And without another word, she dragged Seth deeper into the party.

Misty tilted her head. “Um…wat?”


Soon enough, the party was really rocking with dozens of Pokémon showing up, some with other ponies while others had come from deep within the Everfree. Though Ignis was nowhere to be seen, Arceus had appeared, along with several other Legendary Pokémon.

He had been talking with a winged unicorn, who Apple Fritter said was someone named Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the princess seemed to be having some heated words with the god Pokémon. Once they had parted, he watched some smaller legendary Pokémon fly off, but he didn’t know their names. Arceus spotted Seth and walked over, offering a nod and a greeting.

“So you came after all?” he smiled. “Enjoying yourself?”

Seth gave a small nod, but it would probably be a while before he would bounce back. “What about you? That princess seemed to be a little hostile.”

“Princess Twilight? Oh, I wouldn’t worry. It’s just me in particular that she seems to distrust.”

“Well, best of luck with that.” Seth replied, taking a sip of apple juice. He had dearly wished that the bartender had brought something stronger… ah well.

“I heard about your friend Ignis… I could have a word with him if you want to?”

Seth shook his head, “No, he made his decision and we parted on good terms…”

“As you wish.” Arceus sighed inwardly as the bartender suddenly got drenched with her own beverages… it had Hoopa written all over it. “So what are your plans after tonight?”

“Well, the whole reason we came here was that Apple Fritter wants to help her family with something tomorrow, and we’ll be returning to Canterlot the day after… After that? Well, I don’t really know.” He still had to find Heath, but he didn’t have the slightest clue on where to start.

“Lord Arceus?”


“Should you come across a Sandshrew named Heath, I don’t suppose you could mention where I am to him?”

Arceus nodded and Seth smiled, for the first time in a while. “Thank you.”

Selena and Rika sat at the bar a few feet away, sipping at their own drinks and listening in on the conversation.

“So, why don’t you go for it?” Selena asked.

“Go for what?” Rika replied, sipping her drink.

“Ask Seth out.” That reply caused Rika to have a violent coughing fit, spraying her drink with an impressive spit-take. Pinkie, Hoopa and Discord appeared behind the bar, holding up cardboard signs with the number ten written on them, but a quick glare from Selena made them run for it.

“I-I-I don’t k-know what you’re talking about!” Rika replied after recovering. “Why would I do something like that!?”

“Oh c’mon, you’ve only been pining after him since, forever!” Selena said, calmly taking another drink. “And now he’s a Pokémon, what’s stopping you? You’re even in the same egg group; lots of little Eevees could be in your future.”

Rika turned a stunning shade of crimson as ‘those’ kinds of thoughts entered her head. “B-but I… I don’t know if I…” She wished that she could just melt away, Vaporeon’s ability to meld with water would be great right now.

“Or perhaps you’d let the competition move in?” Okay, now that comment caught Rika’s attention.

“What competition? You don’t mean you-“

“Oh hells no!” Selena paused as she thought about the Pokémon that made her heart flutter… not that she’d admit it. She pointed towards Seth, and the green-maned mare that was dragging him to the dance floor. “I’m talking about her.”

Rika followed her gaze and her mouth fell open wide enough to catch Mothim.

“Apple Fritter!?”

True enough, the Earth Pony had taken Seth and was dancing with him amidst a group of Pokémon and ponies… and they seemed to be having fun.

Selena closed the fairy Pokémon’s mouth. “Well, they could just be friends… but who knows? She is pretty cute, has a reliable business and income, and from what I’ve heard, Earth Ponies have pretty impressive stamina…

“Ahhh I don’t wanna hear it!” Rika cried. “B-but, she’s still a pony and I’m a Pokémon.”

“So?” Selena took another swig on her drink and ordered another. “Neither of you are human. And it’s not like he’d have a great deal of choice now. Pony or Pokémon, that’s it.”

Rika shook her head and a look of determination crossed her face. “I’m not going to lose!”
Selena just nodded as Berry served her another drink. “This should entertain me for a while.”


Seth had to admit, Apple Fritter was a pretty good dancer. Though in comparison to his dancing, which looked more like he was having a seizure, standing still would’ve looked better.

“Years of line dancin’ at the family reunions!” Fritter said. “One tends to get pretty good after a while.”

Seth hit the ground once again and Fritter laughed. “Buuut, maybe we should stop fer a while, til yer face stops kissin’ the ground.”

“Very funny!” Seth snarked. “I’ve only been a quadruped for a few days and I happen to think I’m doing pretty well.”

“Okay, okay. You wanna get something to eat?”

Seth nodded and as they made their way to the food tables, Seth picked up a scent that he thought he’d never smell here in Equestria.

“Is, is that… bacon!?” Turning to look at where the smell was coming from, he saw a table full of meaty foods. “Oh. My. Arceus… MEAT!”

Fritter could only watch as the Luxray dived at the table, his eyes gleaming at the prospect of eating bacon once more. And as it turned out, bacon was indeed delicious as the Pokémon made nomming noises.

“Ah, sooo gooooood~” Seth was in meaty heaven as he devoured bacon, steak and chicken. Given that ponies were sapient, he’d figured that other possibly edible creatures would be too. And the fact that he was a Pokémon now, he wasn’t fond of the idea of eating something that talked back.

He was really going to miss Basculin.

“Er, wow…” Apple Fritter had no words for what she witnessed. She had guessed that his sharp teeth were made for eating meat, but since he hadn’t tried before, she just guessed that he wasn’t fond of it.

“Well, lotsa critters eat meat. Dragons, Gryphons, even Pegasi eat fish…” The fact that he ate meat didn’t bother her… but he still looking pretty predatory right now. What if he wanted to eat her? Sneaking into her bedroom at night, wanting to nibble at her, get a taste for warm Apple Fritter?

WHOA! Okay, where the heck was that train of thought heading?

Apple Fritter shook her head and stomped her hoof. “Eenope, ain’t gonna go there.”

“Go where?” Seth asked, causing the mare to yelp with surprise. She was so lost in thought that she hadn’t seen him sneak up on her.

“Ah, nowhere…” She lied about as well as the rest of the Apple Family, lucky Seth was denser than lead.

“Oh, well, sorry ‘bout that,” he smiled, licking his chops. “I guess I got a little carried away. Wanna get something a little more… palatable for you?”

“That’d be nice,” Fritter smiled back, slowing her rapidly beating heart.

Seth gave her a puzzled look. “Are you okay? I didn’t freak you out by eating meat did I? Oh, I really don’t hope that I’ll eat you. Cause I won’t, please believe me!”

Apple Fritter watched his panicked flailing and suddenly burst out laughing. If he’d know what she was really thinking about, well an unmarried mare shouldn’t have thoughts like that. Heck, Fritter wondered if married mares had thought like that.

“Aw don’t worry about it; ah’m jus’ being a silly pony. C’mon, let go grab some grub!”

Despite how he’d felt previously, Seth found himself having a lot of fun at the party. He’d gotten to speak to Gene and Belle again, and Gene introduced him to the rest of his team, including a Mismagius that he’d reunited with only a few minutes ago. Seth spotted Korrina, who seemed to be perking up a bit, and a group of small foals running around with the starter Pokémon one would receive in the Kanto region.

Arceus also introduced him to his children, Mew was positively adorable, like sugar and rainbows given form. And the Pokémon he’d failed to recognise earlier turned out to be the Lake Trio, Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie.

It was nearly midnight by the time the party started to wrap up. A lot of ponies had left already, mostly the ones who had foals to look after.

Applejack had Applebloom and a Bulbasuar asleep on her back, while Rarity and Rainbow Dash had already left, taking their own little sisters home. It had turned out to be a good night after all, but Seth wondered why Rika was constantly shooting strange glances at Apple Fritter.

Seth yawned and stretched. “Phew, I’m pretty tired.”

“Ye~ah” Rika yawned herself, it was way past her usual bedtime. “But I had fun though.”

“Same here,” Selena agreed. “It was too bad Elesa didn’t come though.”

“She wanted to catch up with her Pokémon…” He tried not to think about it, but Ignis couldn’t help but pop up in his memories. But, they didn’t make him as sad anymore.

Apple Fritter leaned against him, her eyes drooping. “Well ah’m plum tuckered out, an’ a gotta get up early too…” Oh right, there was that farm thing she had to help with tomorrow.

“Well, I could help out if you want?” Seth offered, earning a tired smile from the Earth Pony.

“That’d be real nice of ya, thanks Seth.”

The Luxray nodded and the group of friends walked back to the farm in silence. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


The sound of a rooster crowing was enough to send some angry sparks coursing through Seth’s fur.

“Too. Damn. Early!” He muttered, noting that the sun was only just peeking over the horizon. “Whose big idea was it to get up so early?”

“Shut uuuup~” Elesa groaned, lying not too far away. “Some people are trying to sleep.”

Seth stood up, shaking the hay from his fur. The Apple Family barn was actually quite comfortable to sleep in. And the fact that it was housing quite a few Pokémon now was something else. Along with Seth and his Pokémon, you also had Elesa and her two partners and a Vespiquen hive, which mostly stuck to sleeping in the rafters. Apple Fritter had also slept out here, since Korrina and Lucario had taken the guest room in the main house. Korrina had offered to give up the room to the Earth Pony, but Apple Fritter refused, insisting she was fine with the barn and that she wouldn’t be here long anyway.

Seth looked around the spacious barn, but he couldn’t see Fritter anywhere. Did she get up already? He quietly made his way out of the barn and headed towards the farmhouse, but it occurred to him that they may not be awake yet, having stayed at that party so late.

“Well now what, everyone else is asleep.” A sound caught his sensitive ears and he headed around the farmhouse to the south fields. It was there that he saw Apple Fritter pulling a large plough, its gleaming steel blade shone in the morning light. Along with Big Macintosh pulling a second one, they paced back and forth along a massive section of land.

“Phew, ah think that’d might do it fer now Maccy!” Fritter said, wiping her brow. “What’a ya say to some breakfast?”

“Eeyup!” the huge stallion replied. He noticed Seth watching them and gave a polite nod.

“Huh?” Fritter turned around and saw her friend. “Oh, heya Seth!”

“Hey yourself, working hard already?”

“Yep, oh hey, that translator spell is still workin!” She gazed out at the field. “Mac an’ I thought that we’d get a bit of an early start.” She unhitched herself from the plough and shook herself off. “You still wanna help out?”

Seth nodded, “Yeah, of course I do.”

“Sounds good ta me!” Big Mac talking was always something that caught everypony off guard.
“Ah welcome any help ya want to give.”

“Thanks Mac!” Seth blushed when his stomach gave a loud rumble, causing the two Earth Ponies to laugh.

“Well then, breakfast it is!”


After breakfast, Granny had sent Applejack into Ponyville to pick up some supplies and lunch. Meanwhile, Fritter and Mac headed back to the field to continue their work, some of the Pokémon offering to help.

“Can I try the plough?” Seth asked, causing Apple Fritter to stare at him.

“Um, you sure about that?”

Seth nodded and against the better wishes of Fritter, he hitched himself up to the heavy device.

“Alright! Here I go!!” And as he tried to pull the blade, it stuck firmly in the earth and Seth’s face soon joined with the ground. “Ow.”

“Look, Sugarcube. Ah appreciate the help but-“

Seth jumped back to his paws and pulled with all his might, but the plough refused to move. He grunted and after a few minutes of going nowhere, he gave up and collapsed to the ground, panting heavily.

“What…hah… the hell?” Seth looked back at the offending object as Fritter burst out laughing.

“Well, you tried anyway.” Fritter said, wiping away a tear. “How about ah do this and you can help with the planting?”

“Yeah,” Seth removed the harness and sighed. “You’re pretty strong if you can pull this thing Fritter.”

“That I am!” Fritter thumped her barrel. “Strongest mare in the Apple Family!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac nodded, but somepony else disagreed.

“Nuh-uh, Applejack is waay stronger!” Applebloom replied, Bulbasuar by her side. “No way and no how is anypony stronger than Applejack!”

To be truthful, Applejack and Apple Fritter had never ‘officially’ competed to see who was stronger, Applejack always said that Fritter was the stronger one, but she was also a pretty modest mare, nothing like her rainbow-maned friend.

It wasn’t too long before they’d finished. With Big Mac and Fritter ploughing, the Pokémon followed closely behind, planting small trees in the freshly upturned earth. It was actually quite relaxing; stick a paw in the ground to make a hole, plant the tree and then pat down the soil. Rinse and repeat.

“SOUP’S ON EVERYPONY!!” Granny shouted from the main house, ringing a loud bell.

Rika planted the final tree and wiped her brow. “Phew! It’s finally finished.”

“An in record time too,” Elesa swooned as Big Mac spoke. He may have been a pony, but he had the voice of an Adonis.

“Oh, I bet he could sing like nothing else!” Elesa giggled to herself, imagining the broad stallion singing a wonderful ballad with that deep, baritone voice of his.

“Hey Ellie, you coming?” Seth waved a paw in front of the spaced out sheep.

“Huh? Oh, yeah.”


As it turns out, there was going to be a race between some mare named Rainbow Dash and Latias after lunch.

“So who do you think will win?” Rika asked. “Cause I highly doubt any pony could beat Latias in a race.”

“Hmm, taking bets are we?” Selena had a slightly crazed smile. It was a little known fact that she liked to gamble… because she usually won. “I’m interested.”

“Except none of us have any money,” Seth pointed out. “So what do we bet?”

Selena thought for a moment. “Well, how about… well first, who’s gonna place a bet?”

“I’m in,” Seth responded first. “Um, I guess I’ll bet on Latias, I don’t really see a pony outracing a Pokémon that can fly as fast as a jet.”

“Well it looks like none ‘o you know Rainbow Dash,” Apple Fritter said. “Ah’ll put mah bits on her.”

“Hmpf, I’m going with Seth,” Rika huffed. “Place my bet on Latias!”

Elesa raised a paw, “Count me out, I’m not a gambling woman.”

“Well, alright then. I’ll bet on Rainbow Dash.” Selena nodded. “So two on the pony and two on the Pokémon. “This should prove to be interesting.”

“So what’s the bet?” Seth asked, “You haven’t told us yet.”

“That’s a secret~” Selena grinned. If everything turned out right, then she was going to have a lot of fun with this.


“There are… a lot of ponies here.” Seth whistled. The turnout was pretty impressive, over half the town must have been here.

“It’s a pretty big event when Dash races somepony!” Applejack waved at the group from her stand. “Ah’m real sorry that ah wasn’t able to help y’all at the farm… I feel bad about it.”

“Don’t worry about it cousin,” Fritter smiled. “The Pokémon showing up have kinda thrown everypony’s schedule. But all the Pokémon here chipped in an’ the whole fields already been planted!”

“The whole field!?” Applejack was impressed. She’d only needed Fritter help with ploughing, she hadn’t expected the planting to be done too.

“Yeah, we did what we did during Winter Wrap Up,” Fritter explained.“A line of ploughers, planters and waters. Applebloom was a big help as well, that filly’s really grown up.”

“Yeah, ah’m really proud of her, Cutie Mark or not.” Applejack turned to serve a customer, “Well this race should be a good one, but Dash’ll win, no doubt!”

She gave them each a helping of apple chips on the house and they took their seats in the stands. Seth spotted Mist and May, giving the ladies a polite wave.

Soon enough the race was about to begin. Seth watched Latias, having never seen the Legendary Pokémon before. Now that he thought about it, most people would go a lifetime without ever seeing one, now the Pokémon seemed to be as common as Rattata.

“Well I suppose when you don’t have to hide from Pokéballs, that’ll happen.”

Discord appeared, wearing a uniform that reminded Seth of a Pokémon battle referee. “Alright ladies, wanted to put booby traps along the path, and cotton candy clouds, but Pinkie and Fluttershy urged me to just set up the markers.” Dash rolled her eyes. “Anyway, blah, blah, blah, good clean race, no shoving, pushing, biting, burning, or vaporizing.”

He vanished, before re-appearing wearing a race starter’s uniform, a female one Seth noted. “On your marks, get set…”

The Pegasus and Pokémon readied themselves; the anticipation in the air was so thick that one didn’t even need the special ability to feel it. Seth glanced behind him to see an Eevee vibrating across the seat.

“GO!” Discord waved his flag as Rainbow and Latias shot forward like bullets, their speed was incredible.

“And they’re outta the gates!” Discord was now wearing a snappy suit and holding a microphone and a pair of binoculars. “Looks like they’re neck and neck folks!”

“Whoa! I had no idea Pegasi were so fast!” Seth said with an awed tone. “Can all Pegasi fly like that?”

“Naw, aside from her and the Wonderbolts, ah ain’t ever seen a Pegasus fly that fast.” Apple Fritter explained. “We should go to the next Wonderbolts Derby in Canterlot, it’ll blow yer mind!”

The two racers were swapping between first and second, until Rainbow shot forward with a burst of speed, taking the lead.

“Well I’ll be damned,” Seth whistled. “Will Rainbow Dash actually win this?”

Latias suddenly began to glow and her body changed, from her cute red and white body, to a slightly larger form, with bigger wings and she was now a navy blue colour.

“No way!” Selena cried. “She Mega-evolved! How the hell did she Mega-evolve?!”

“That’s a Mega-evolution?” Seth asked. “But I thought you needed a trainer with a Keystone for that?”

“Apparently not,” Selena said. Was it possible that she could attain Mega-evolution once more?

“Um, has anyone noticed that we have two flyers approaching at Mach speeds?” Rika asked. Seth and Selena blinked and then panicked.

They didn’t even have time to move as the two racers blasted past the finish line, wiping out spectators and even the stands toppled. Seth and Selena caught several of the smaller Pokémon before they fell and hit the ground.

“Owie!” Rika whined, rubbing her backside. “What the heck? That was dangerous!”

“But, who won?” Seth said, crawling out from under his seat.

Meanwhile, the two fliers struggled to stop, having been going a bit too fast to control. It was only when they were halfway back to town that Latias and Rainbow Dash managed to stop... Only to immediately zoom back to the clearing... which was little more than a wreck now as both Ponies and Pokémon were crawling out from under the overturned seats. Amongst the wreckage, Pinkie Pie stood.

The party Pony saw the two arrive and gulped. “And the winner is...”

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