• Published 4th May 2014
  • 6,554 Views, 166 Comments

That's Not Quite How He Told It... - Calm Wind

Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tell hilariously conflicting versions of how their first date went.

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Chapter 1

(Timeline position: One week after the events of Weight of Responsibility)

(For timeline info, please visit my homepage)

“Cadance and I are heading out.” Twilight looked back into the library as she and Princess Cadance walked towards the front door. “Are you sure you two can handle cleaning up?” She addressed Spike and Shining Armor.

“No worries Twily,” Shining Armor bumped a hoof against his chest, “Just leave the library to Spike and me. Go have fun.” He smiled.

“I never thought I’d see the day my husband is eager do house cleaning.” Cadance laughed as Twilight remained skeptical of her brother’s ability to take care of the library.

“Hey, it’ll be a piece of cake!” Shining smiled and slung a hoof over Spike’s shoulder, “Go have some mare time.” He encouraged.

“Alright, just make sure you do everything on the list.” Twilight pointed to a scroll rolled up on the table. “We’ll be back in a few hours.” She smiled.

Twilight and Cadance left, leaving Shining and Spike alone in the library.

“Sheesh, I thought Twily would never leave. She needs to loosen up every once in a while.”

“I’ve gotten used to it.” Spike shrugged as the two turned to the mess in the library. Twilight had recently finished a large study on the stars. Books and papers were strewn everywhere and there wasn’t much room to maneuver. She was embarrassed when Shining Armor and Cadance visited suddenly, but Shining politely offered to help Spike clean up the place so Twilight and Cadance could spent some time together.

“So, Spike, buddy. What’s first?” Shining used his magic to hover the scroll over to him. He let it unroll, but his eyes widened as the list hit the floor and kept unrolling out across the floor, beneath his legs, and to the wall a few feet behind him. “Oh.”

“I really love it here.” Cadance said as she tipped her head back and let the gentle breeze blow in her long mane. “Ponyville is so peaceful and so normal. I can walk around without anypony yelling ‘there’s the Princess!’” She chuckled.

“Is it really like that all the time in the Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked as they approached a café.

“More often than not, yes.” Cadance rolled her eyes. “Sorry I sprung this on you so quickly. I just really needed some fresh air that wasn’t being shared by a crowd of ponies around me.”

“Well I’m always glad to spend time with my sister-in-law.” Twilight smiled as they entered the café, “I just hope Shining and Spike can handle cleaning up. I had a lot of stuff to do.” They walked over to a booth and sat down across from each other.

“Oh I’m sure they’ll manage, I also thought I could get you out of that library for a while. We’re both on a little vacation.” Cadance flashed a warm smile.

“I hope so…”

“Every day?!” Shining looked to Spike in disbelief as he carried a stack of books with his magic.

“Yep. Honestly this list is short compared to some of the one’s she makes.” Spikes commented with a chuckle.

“Jeez.” Shining looked through the stacks and carefully placed the book back where they belonged on the shelves alphabetically. “I guess it was good Cadance took her out then. Sounds like Twily could use a little sunshine herself.” Shining shook his head.

Spike sighed as he finished dusting off some of the shelves that had accumulated. He had been thinking a lot recently. For a while actually. Half a year to be exact. What was he dwelling on? When Rarity came to the door and was standing next to a fancy looking stallion. He didn’t get the details, but Rarity was clearly trying to make a very good impression with him. Spike had been trying to ask Rarity about it, but he chickened out every time.

“Something on your mind little guy?” Shining tapped him on the head as he trotted by, “You’ve been dusting the same spot for a whole minute.” Spike blinked and noticed that the part of the shelf he was dusting was practically sparkling.

“Oh, whoops, eh, just thinking about… Somepony.”

“Somepony?” Shining lifted an eyebrow and smirked. “Somepony special?” He nudged spike as he grabbed a broom. Spike didn’t answer. Instead he thought a little more before turning to Shining.

“Say Shining… When did you and Princess Cadance, well become a thing?” He asked out of the blue.

“Twily never told you the story?” He looked at Spike eagerly as he swept the floor. “Our first date was pretty nuts.” Shining caught spikes interest.

“No, she never told me.” Spike rubbed his chin, “It was strange?”

“A lot of interesting stuff happened, wanna hear about it?” Shining twirled the broom in his magic and set it beside him to lean on.

“Sure, we’ve got time while cleaning.” Spike was legitimately interested. Things were already weird with him being a dragon and having a crush on Rarity, a story about a weird first date sounded like something he might relate to some day.

“Alright, listen up little dragon, it all started when I finally decided it was time to ask Cadance out!” Shining grinned as he went back to sweeping.

“Thanks.” Twilight nodded a pony placed two cups of tea down on their table. Cadance took a sip and winced.

“Ooo! Hot!” She yelped and let her tongue hang out. Twilight giggled.

“They don’t make tea very hot in the Crystal Empire?” She asked. Cadance nodded while waving her hoof towards her mouth.

“We usually have chilled tea. It’s warm, but it’s not hot like this.” She explained as she softly blew air into her cup. Twilight glanced over to a nearby table and perked up when she saw Applejack sitting down. She waved over to her friend. Applejack spotted them and waved back. She looked like she was going to come over to their table but stopped and turned as Thunderlane walked into the café. Twilight watched as the two embraced before sitting down and taking orders.

Twilight smiled, and then sighed as she turned back to her tea, looking slightly down. Cadance noticed immediately. Twilight’s demeanor had changed quickly.

“Something wrong?” She tipped her head to the side. Twilight quickly looked up, then back down.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” She said plainly, her ears drooping.

“I know that look Twilight. You can’t fool your old foalsitter,” Cadance smiled, “What’s wrong?” She asked again. Twilight glanced over at the table with Applejack and Thunderlane before turning back to her tea.

“I dunno, I just feel a little lonely sometimes.” She said quietly. Cadance lifted an eyebrow.

“Lonely? You have lots of great friends Twilight!” She said in confusion.

“No, I mean…” Twilight paused as Cadance looked over to the table with Applejack and Thunderlane and caught on.

“Ohhhh.” She figured out.

“All of my friends have been finding love interests lately… Well not all of them. I don’t think Rarity is seeing Fancy Pants, I think he’s married. I’m sure Pinkie Pie and Braeburn are just good friends.” She looked over at the table with the couple again. “But Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have found good stallions.” She looked over to Applejack. “Even Applejack found one. I never thought I’d see her finding the time off the farm for one. I don’t really have any stallions to interact with, love or friend…”

Cadance listened as Twilight spilled her feelings. She looked again over at Thunderlane and Applejack before turning back to Twilight and smiling.

“Don’t worry so much about it Twilight. I’m sure there’s a stallion out there for you.” She assured her. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Kinda easy for you to say, you had my brother from the start.” She huffed. Cadance shook her head.

“Actually, not really.” She giggled, “You don’t always find love Twilight. Love has a funny way of finding you first.” She nodded. “I knew your brother for a long time before we got together, but it wasn’t until our first date that I knew I had a keeper.” She kept giggling to the point where she had to set down her tea. Twilight looked at her with interest.

“Shining has told me about your first date. I recall it being pretty interesting.” Twilight smiled. “I wanna hear it from your perspective.” She asked. Cadance finally stopped giggling.

“Oh it was such a strange night, but it was one I’ll never forget.” She leaned back. “It all started when he finally built up the courage to ask me out.”

That’s Not Quite How He Told It…
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 1:

(Shining Armor)

So there she was Spike, looking after my sister as always, and as usual looking as beautiful as can be. Even when she was younger she had beauty to match Celestia’s.

And there I was, young, determined, and my eyes locked on target. I had a genuine princess taking care of my little sister. Any stallion who passed up a chance like this would surely not be a true man.

I had a lot of good ways to ask, so many it was hard to pick which one she’d swoon the most at. But I had one in mind as I approached. She would love it, and there was no way she wouldn’t accept.


It was just another day of me taking care of you, Twilight. You were jumping around, yelling and playing full of energy as always. Shining had just come home and I knew something was up because he was standing around the corner of the wall, looking at me for a good five, maybe ten minutes. He wasn’t hiding very well, if that’s what he was trying to do.

This was a few months before Shining enlisted in the royal guard mind you. He hadn’t buffed up yet from all the training. He was also a tad clumsy, but always endearing and very friendly.

I was on the verge of looking over and telling him to come out of hiding, but he finally stepped out and walked towards me slowly. The poor thing looked scared to death, he was almost shaking.

(Shining Armor)

“Lovely Cadance,” I said as I approached. She was quickly drawn in, “Are you free tonight? I’m not, you’re beauty has me completely trapped.” I grabbed her hoof softly and held it up. She loved every word.

“Such a charmer Shining,” she said, “I most certainly am free.”

“Then how does dinner and a movie sound?” He wasted no time. Once you get ‘em hooked, Spike, you gotta reel ‘em in fast.

“I’d love to, handsome.”

I knew she’d say yes. It was a fine start indeed.


“Um… H-h-h-hey C-Cadance.” He stumbled over his words. His face was completely red. I had noticed for a while that he liked me. He was always a little nervous around me, even though I was always over at your house. I had a feeling something like a date was coming because he was having such a hard time speaking.

“Yes Shining?” I smiled warmly, and tried to look as friendly and welcoming as possible.

“Would you… Um, I was wondering… if we… I mean you… ah what I’m trying to say is…” he just couldn’t get the words out, he was so nervous I could almost feel him shaking from three feet away. He finally stopped and took a deep breath, “Would you like… to go out… with me? Sometime? Maybe… uh… dinner? Or a movie? Or…”

I got up, walked over to him, and lightly pressed my hoof over his mouth. I was sure he’d never stop if I hadn’t. He took it the wrong way though and pulled away, quickly turning and walking back the way he came, speaking a mile a minute.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to I understand I didn’t mean to bother you while you were taking care of twilight I’m sorry it won’t happen again I’ll just go upstairs now and…”

“Shining!” I yelled his name as I teleported in front of him. He froze solid when I appeared, but I was giggling. “I would love to.” I said with a smile. He tried to say something back, but his voice cracked higher than anything I’ve heard in my life.

(Shining Armor)

I was so ready for the night of our date. Finally: I had viewed such peerless beauty from across my living room for so long. It was time to make her mine. I had a nice reservation set up at one of the best restaurants in Canterlot and finally had a reason to use a nice suit I bought a while back for a special occasion.

The mares go crazy for a sharp dressed stallion. A good looking stallion and a nice fancy meal were on her schedule and I was ready to give her the best of both. As for the movie, there was a new horror film out at the time, “Nightmare Night 4”.

Take note Spike, a lady loves a man that can protect her. I planned to show off my steel nerves at the movie and comfort her if she got scared. Afterward I figured we could go for a nice walk before I took her home and ended it with a romantic kiss. It would be the perfect night.

The doorbell rang right on schedule as I pridefully made my way down the stairs. I took a quick shot of breath spray, pulled a rose out of the vase next to our front window, and answered the door promptly.

Man she was a sight. Her princess beauty accompanied by a dress fit for royalty. I swear she was emitting light because I had never seen a mare prettier in my life. All the more reason I had to make this the perfect night for her.

“Hey Cadance, you look beautiful tonight.” Always, always, ALWAYS, compliment their appearance first. Some mares put hours into looking their best. You want them to like you? Step one: acknowledge their incredibly long preparation. And boy she looked beautiful.

“Why thank you Shining.” She said while batting those pretty eyelashes in my direction. Her dress was mostly white, fitting nicely to her curves, and hanging all the way to just above her back hooves. She had a white laurel headpiece fastened around her head. I quickly plucked the flower of the rose I so conveniently had and fitted it beside her ear.

“We’ve got a long night ahead of us. Let’s be going.” I offered her my arm and our amazing night had officially begun.

(Princess Cadance)

I showed up right on time. I was pretty excited. I always thought your brother was cute, but he was always so timid. I never expected him to ask me out. I wore my favorite white dress and laurels. I didn’t know where we were going, but I wanted to look my very best for him.

I knocked on the door, and soon after heard a lot of bustling inside. It was a mixture of Shining yelling and your mother yelling back to him. After a minute, your father finally answered the door.

“Hello Cadance,” he greeted politely, “you better come on in, Shining is still getting ready.” He admitted.

“That’s quite alright.” I stepped inside and heard Shining’s voice coming from around the corner in the living room.

“Mom, it looks fine!” He said.

“No Shining, you have it all crooked! Here, let me fix it.” I heard your mother say. I peeked around the corner and saw your brother wearing a suit your father always wore. Your mother was helping him get the tie right, because as she said, it was terribly crooked. I backed away so as not to embarrass Shining. I couldn’t help but giggle a bit at it all. Your parents were in on it too. If he was getting so much help they must’ve known how badly Shining wanted to ask me out. I waited patiently as he finally came round the corner with a rose in his mouth.

“Er…” His jaw dropped when he saw me, letting the flower fall on the floor. “Um, uh… ehhhh HI!” He finally got out as he forced a smile and tried not to show nervousness.

“Hello Shining.” I greeted him with the same smile I always did. “You dropped your flower.” I added while laughing.

“Huh? OH! Right! Heheh!” Shining picked up the flower and handed it to me. “A… uh… pretty flower… for a pretty… mare?” He said clumsily and smiled very wide again.

“Why thank you.” I took it, plucked the tip of the rose and fastened it to my laurel head piece. “It’s lovely.”

“Yeah! It… uh, it is!” He agreed with me less than a second after I finished. This was going to be an interesting night indeed, but your brother was such a nice stallion. I didn’t care that he was overly nervous. It only meant he really liked me.

“You two better move it. Your reservation is in twenty minutes.” Your father suddenly said from the hallway.

“OH CRAP!” Shining yelled directly into my face. “AH! S-sorry! I mean… let’s be off then!” He showed me the door.

“Shining!” Your mother whispered loudly from the hall beside your father. She made a motion with her hoof, lifting up to her side. He blinked and flinched.

“Oh! Right.” He offered his arm to me. I took it with a smile. Suddenly you popped out from behind your parents and yelled,

“Big brother, are you and Cadance getting married?!” With the biggest and starriest filly eyes I have ever seen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pony’s face turn redder than your brother’s face did right then and there before quickly leading me out.

“Hmmm.” Twilight lifted an eyebrow as Cadance paused.

“What is it?” Cadance asked as she took a sip of her tea. Twilight shrugged.

“Oh nothing. Please continue.”

---To Be Continued---