• Published 10th Mar 2014
  • 8,537 Views, 867 Comments

Miss Sparkle, Psychopath - Adda le Blue

Twilight swears she had nothing to do with the love spell affecting Rainbow Dash, but ponies begin to question her honesty when more of her friends are found hoodwinked and brainwashed.

  • ...

Act II: Chapter 6

Princess Luna landed gracefully before the town hall. “I have done what I could for them,” she said tiredly to her sister. “The dragon shows no improvement, nor does dear Fluttershy, in spite of my attempts to assuage her fears. Pinkie Pie sleeps too deeply; I will not know whether I managed to strip the false visions from her eyes until she wakes.”

Her elder sister sighed. “I was able to find and remove the false memories that plagued Applejack. We may never know whether they took the place of any true memories or if she had drunk too much to remember that night, but at least she is no longer misled.”

“Well done, sister.” Luna's horn began to glow with the cobalt blue of her magic. She spread her hooves and wings and looked up to the sky. “What of the culprit, and the missing Element-bearers?” she asked as her aura crept along the circumference of the moon. “Have my stallions not returned?”

“They have,” Celestia frowned. “They didn't manage to find anypony.”

Luna watched pensively as her moon fell from the sky. “We will need to expand our search beyond the forest,” she advised. “They could have marched as far as Appleloosa by now. The pegasi could be anywhere.”

“Perhaps.” Celestia's light gold aura surrounded her horn. The two alicorns watched as the sun rose from the eastern horizon and took its place at the sky's peak, sharing a moment of silence as the sky shifted from black to orange to blue. “I sent my guards to search along Ghastly Gorge and check all of the inns in Appleloosa half an hour ago,” Celestia said finally. “I'm sure they will find some sign of their passage.”

“I hope that they will,” Luna muttered. “I fear for all of Equestria if this situation cannot be resolved peacefully.”

“Me too, sister.” The elder alicorn stepped close to the younger and the pair tenderly crossed necks. “Me too.”


Rainbow Dash glanced about, left into the canyon and right into the fields, forward and back along the road. “Do you think staying on the road is a good idea?” she asked. “This one goes the whole way to Las Pegasus. It's only a matter of time before somepony comes.”

Twilight smiled. “That's just what I'm waiting for.”

Rainbow cocked her head, her gaze as concerned as it was confused. “Why?”

The unicorn looked south and kept trotting. “Just tell me if you see anypony coming.”

Rainbow nodded her acceptance, but in spite of Twilight's confidence her nervousness only grew.

The road wound along the edge of Ghastly Gorge, far enough to avoid accidents but close enough to make a pony mindful of their speed. Twilight and Rainbow Dash cantered along at a brisk but manageable pace; after the numerous stops they'd made the day before for Twilight's sake, she was determined to pace herself to make their travels more optimal until their journey reached its end.

“How much farther?” Twilight asked suddenly.

Rainbow looked across the fields. “Huh?”

“How much farther south?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I don't know,” she admitted. “I think I'll know it when I see it.”

Twilight frowned. “Are you sure you don't remember anything at all?”

She twisted her neck around suspiciously. “I don't...” Rainbow's hooves faltered. “Huh.”

“What is it, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

The pegasus nodded behind her. “Well, you were right...”

Twilight jerked and spun, staring backward along the path. There on the horizon was the dark dot that marked a single pony sprinting toward them. “Who is it?” she asked.

“I don't know.” Rainbow held a hoof to her brow and squinted at the dot. “I can't make them out from this far away.”

Twilight tugged at her friend's shoulder and sped from the path. “Come on,” she said as she dove into the brush. “Hide!”

Rainbow followed immediately. “They already saw us!” she said as they nestled toghether in the bushes. “What are we hiding for?”

Twilight peered between the branches and set her horn alight. “They know we're here, which might make them reckless,” she explained quietly. “Even an extra second could cost them everything, especially if I can strike them from behind!”

Rainbow smiled wickedly. “Okay, you hit them first and then I'll fly out and get them while they're distracted!”

“Quickly, though,” Twilight advised. “Hit them and run. I'll keep them off you, you keep them off me. Got it?”

“Loud and clear,” she whispered. “I'll wait for your signal.”

Twilight watched the path with one ear cocked. The sound of racing hoofbeats had grown louder and louder. “Three...” she breathed. “Two...”

The pounding slowed, then stopped.

Twilight bent her neck to try and see through the brush. “One,” she said hesitantly.

I know you're out there!” Rarity shrieked.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat. She turned to Rainbow Dash, shocked to silence.

“We can't,” the pegasus mouthed. “Can we?” Twilight shook her head and stared through the leaves.

Rarity had walked into her line of sight and was glaring about much as Rainbow had been before. “You can't hide, Twilight Sparkle!” she yelled, bared teeth flashing in the sunlight. “I saw the two of you!”

“What do we do?” Rainbow hissed.

“I-I...” Twilight flinched as Rarity's eyes fell upon their cover, but they soon darted away as she took an uncertain step forward.

“Should we run for it?”

Twilight nodded. “Quietly,” she whispered. A hindleg stretched out behind her and touched down as gently as a snowflake landing upon a drift.

A twig crinkled beneath her hoof.

Rarity's head swiveled toward them. A flare of blue light like a torch in the darkness lashed out toward the brush surrounding them and chewed away each and every one of the leaves that hid them. Twilight and Rainbow Dash fell backward; Twilight lunged to cover the pegasus's hide with her own, but the flame died out before the mares were so much as scorched.

When they uncovered their eyes it was already too late. Rarity stood over them, staring down her nose with a wide smile and wider eyes. “There's nowhere to run, Twilight Sparkle,” she hissed. Her horn glowed a vicious blue, brighter than ever before.

“R-Rarity,” Twilight stammered, “please... Listen to me!”

She lowered her horn, sending sparks flying harmlessly into the grass. “Come back to Ponyville,” Rarity growled. “Now!”

“I can't!” she squeaked.

“You had best cooperate, Twilight,” she advised through gritted teeth. “If you ever want to see the sunlight again, you will cooperate. Things will only get worse once we find Zecora.”

“B-but she was already gone when we got there!” Rainbow shouted. “Whoever did this needed her out of the way.”

“Yes, I'm sure Miss Sparkle did!” Rarity exclaimed venomously.

Rainbow leaped upright and shielded her friend with her body. “Don't call her that!” she said angrily.

“Oh, now you want me to stop?” Rarity smirked. “It's too late to play innocent, Rainbow Dash.”

Sheltered behind her friend, Twilight held her hooves to her temples and rocked. “I know you're hurting, Rarity, but please,” Twilight begged, “calm down and think about this!”

Rarity fixed Rainbow Dash with a stare that would have staggered a weaker pony. “I've thought long and hard, Twilight. You are not acting the way an innocent pony acts. You wouldn't have fled from your prison cell if you'd thought the Princesses would believe you.”

“I only left because I was in danger!” she whined.

She chuckled. “You didn't leave quickly enough.”

“But I couldn't protect myself if the real cuplrit came for me in there and... and I can't prove my innocence if I'm locked away...”

“Stop.” Twilight's mouth snapped shut. A wall of blue force thrust Rainbow Dash to the side, presenting Rarity's prey to her. “I don't care anymore, Twilight,” Rarity said firmly. “Just be quiet and come with me or I will have to get violent.”

Rainbow pushed against the magic until it began to bend. “We can't!”

A manic glint appeared in the unicorn's eye. “I've already beaten you once, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity laughed, her voice shaky and soaring. “Best of three?” Rainbow's wings trembled violently with the urge to launch.

“Don't take the bait!” Twilight cried. “She's trying to separate us!”

“Nonsense,” she disagreed. “I'm only trying to help you, Rainbow Dash.” She turned a furious glare and an accusatory hoof on the other unicorn. “Your mistress is the one I take issue with!” Her twisted smile reappeared as she turned back to Rainbow Dash. “Help me help you, dear. Don't make me force you.”

“We have to keep going,” Rainbow insisted. “I know we'll find the answer if we keep heading south.”

Twilight stretched a hoof toward Rarity. “Come with us. You'll see!”

“No!” she barked. “You come with me!”

Sweat poured down her brow. “Rarity, please.” she said hopelessly.

Rarity spread her hooves. “You're coming whether you like it or not.”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow sneered. “Says who?”

Rarity's upper lip peeled back as she spun to face the prismatic pegasus once more. The light of her horn flared ever brighter as she swung her head back and gathered the energy for a bolt of arcane fire. “Says justice!”

Twilight leaped. She collided with the unicorn's shoulder and together they disappeared into the ether.

Rainbow took to the air, her muzzle set in the grim frown of determination. A puff of smoke to the north spat the two unicorns into the grass. One tumbled onto the path and the other dove into another cloud only to reappear far to the south. Rarity rolled gracefully onto her hooves and transferred her momentum into a headlong sprint after her. “I tried, Miss Sparkle, but if she wants to do this...” Rainbow Dash growled as she dove into the fray. “Then let's do this!” she screamed.

Twilight called up a dome shield as she ran. She could feel Rarity's fire bounce off of it to strike the plantlife around them, scorching leaves and snapping stems. “Get back he– ugh!” Rainbow Dash bulldozed into her opponent's ribs and sent her rolling into the rough embrace of a stout bush. “You...” Stones and pebbles lifted from the earth, shining in the haze of Rarity's magic. “Take this, you ungrateful dolt!” A rain of sapphires ten yards across sailed upward toward the pegasus.

Rainbow spiraled higher but couldn't avoid half a dozen of the larger pieces. Smooth chunks of limestone threatened to bruise her wings and a piece of shale sliced her deeply beneath her left foreleg. She let out a moan and snarled down at her attacker. “You think that'll stop us?” she cried. “You've got to try harder than that, Rarity!”

The unicorn tore a shrub from the earth and hefted it like a club. “Oh, I will!” She spun to keep an eye on her target and only her swift reflexes saved her from a blow to the head.

Twilight's bludgeon, a hefty stone pulled from the canyon wall, drifted hesitantly to her side. “I don't want to do this, Rarity,” Twilight whimpered. “Just leave us alone and we'll be on our way.”

“Don't even try it!” she said harshly, “or you'll soon be on your way to the Great Beyond!”

Twilight's jaw dropped. “You can't mean that!”

Rarity narrowed her eyes. “I'll do whatever I must to protect Equestria from you.” She lashed out with her makeshift club; Twilight ducked away from the stinging branches only for the trunk to slam her to the earth.

Twilight's aura surrounded it and jerked it out of Rarity's grasp. It went sailing into the canyon. “I'm trying to protect Equestria too,” she insisted as she stood, “from the same madness you've fallen victim to!”

“No more tricks,” she barked roughly. “No more lies!”

Rainbow landed softly beside Twilight. “No more out of you,” she growled as she limped forward. A thin trail of sticky red stained her armpit.

The unicorn growled right back and sent bolt after bolt toward them, a feral snarl upon her muzzle.

Twilight's shield reappeared but days of malnutrition and sleepless nights were wearing on her. She could feel the shield bending and crackling with each blow from her friend's arcane fire. “Rainbow, we have to do something!”

“Like what?” she cried.

“I don't know,” Twilight panted as she retreated from her friend's onslaught. “I don't want to hurt her!”

“I could take her, but it might get messy...” Rainbow glanced behind her and flinched. “Twi, look out!” She'd backed them up against the mouth of the gorge.

“Now I've got you,” Rarity smiled. She finally stopped unleashing her bolts upon the two mares. “Surrender!”

Rainbow looked from one unicorn to another and snarled under her breath. “Don't make us hurt you, Rarity!” she shouted uncertainly.

“You couldn't if you tried,” Rarity exclaimed. “I have too much to lose to allow you to escape now! Good will always triumph over evil!”

Twilight shook her head and the pink dome around them faded. “You've given me no choice, Rarity,” she breathed. Her horn flared noisily and swallowed up the light with a supersonic whine. “Forgive me.”

A pink beam of crackling energy darted forth from Twilight's horn and punched into Rarity's chest. Rarity immediately collapsed into the dirt, convulsing in agony. Her cry rang out over the fields and echoed down into the depths of the canyon for a split second before her throat closed.

Twilight held the spell for a count of five seconds before she released it with a heavy heart. The writhing unicorn's tortured grunting continued for twice as long before it dwindled to sobs of pain.

Rainbow looked from the twitching unicorn to Twilight with mouth gaping open and chest heaving. “What was that?” she asked in amazement.

“S-self-defense,” she said quietly. She trembled from from tip to tail. “Nonlethal.”

Rainbow lifted her front and wrapped Twilight in a hug. After a long moment Twilight hugged her back, albeit half-heartedly. “You did what you had to,” Rainbow said firmly. “You didn't have a choice.”

“We have to go,” Twilight mumbled.

Rainbow nodded. “Come on,” she said with a duck of her head. She took a few steps south. “She'll be alright, won't she?”

A blue beam of force knocked Rainbow head over hooves. She rolled limply to the lip of the gorge, wings twitching.

“Rainbow, no!” Twilight yelped. She darted to her friend's side. Rainbow Dash groaned and rolled onto her left side. Twilight glared at the unicorn in the grass...

She wasn't in the grass. She was a yard away and moving fast.

Rarity's horn sparked fitfully, but she was out of juice. Magic wouldn't save her; magic wouldn't save her friends. There was only one thing she could do.

“For Equestria!” she wept. She leaped into the air.

Twilight ducked and disappeared in a cloud of smoke, reappearing a split second later at Rainbow's other side.

Rarity's eyes widened as she soared through the vapor. Three of her hooves landed heavily on the shale and skidded beneath her; her left foreleg dangled over the canyon. She reared, putting her weight onto her hindlegs, but her momentum was too great.

“No,” she whispered.

The canyon took her into its embrace. She didn't have time to scream.

Twilight stretched a hoof over the canyon. “Rarity!” she shrieked. Her friend reached toward her from yards and yards below as she slid down the sandstone slopes on her belly, her mouth frozen in a shrill yell, until the wall bucked beneath her and sent her tumbling head over hooves into the maw of the earth.

Twilight reached out a shaking hoof as Rainbow Dash writhed and rolled onto her hooves. “A-a...” She took a deep breath, vaulted upward and landed sidesaddle on Rainbow's sore back, one hoof on her shoulder and one on her flank. “After her!” she cried. Rainbow sprang into the air with a groan.

The pegasus dove faster than the eye could follow, her belly mere inches from the rough wall of the canyon. Twilight nearly swallowed her heart as the world turned sideways beneath her, but she swallowed her fear instead and kept her half-closed eyes on the tumbling unicorn below, white and purple and brown and red. Closer and closer they fell, faster and faster; Twilight cried out each time her friend slammed into the rough sandstone as if she herself was the one tumbling to her demise.

“Grab her!” Rainbow cried as they fell to her level.

Twilight swiped at Rarity's body but she was still a pace out of reach. “Closer!”

“I can't!” she screamed, panic evident in her voice. “I'd kill us both!”

The unicorn's hooves kneaded at her friend's taut muscles. “Rarity...” Twilight made up her mind. “Thank you, Dashie,” she whimpered. She pushed with both hooves and soared alone into the canyon.

Miss Sparkle!

Twilight glided slowly toward her friend as they plummeted toward the dried-up riverbed. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Rarity...” She leveled out and stretched toward the other unicorn. “Don't leave me now...”

Her hoof brushed fur. Twilight closed her eyes and focused.

A faint cloud of smoke spread outward across the riverbed.

The two reappeared in midair just a few yards below the lip of the canyon. Rarity almost fell away from her as their descent was reversed into upward motion but Twilight pulled her closer into a tight and tender hug, a hug that spoke volumes; together they disappeared once more.

They tumbled into the brush beside the road to Las Pegasus. Rarity escaped Twilight's grasp and bounced away across the grass. Twilight skidded to a halt on her chin and knees just beside the road. She lay panting among the cool blades, tongue hanging from her mouth and chest heaving as the adrenaline coursed through her, and gasped out a little laugh – a survivor's laugh.

Rainbow's hooves lifted her head from the earth and began brushing the gravel out of the fur on her chin. “Jeez, Miss Sparkle! What were you thinking?” Twilight just groaned. “Well, hay. Good catch,” she cheered. “She's got to believe you now. I mean, you just saved her life!”

Twilight picked herself up and winced as her body told her brain of the three knees she'd scraped raw. She'd miscalculated when accounting for their momentum, but at least Rarity hadn't rolled far. “Is she okay?”

Rainbow gave a start. She hopped into the air and fluttered toward the other unicorn. “Um... She looks...” The pegasus froze. Her hoof reached out, retracted... She fell to her knees and crawled toward her old friend. “Rarity,” she breathed. Rainbow looked up at Twilight with pinched eyes. “She's... alive,” she said finally.

Twilight winced. It was never a good sign when even Rainbow couldn't make light of an injury. “How bad is it?”

“Um... It's bloody,” she said. Her voice was oddly flat. “Her eyes are bruising. Um... Scratch that; her everything's bruising. I think I can see a bone... um, yeah, her left foreleg is definitely broken.”

Twilight took a few tender steps forward.

“So's her left hindleg. Probably some ribs. Must've hit that side pretty hard...”

“How quickly is she losing blood?” Twilight interrupted.

Rainbow glanced up at her with a grim but determined frown. “She's okay for now, but...”

A band of pink magic wove tenderly around Rarity's snapped limbs and squeezed tightly. “My magic will act as a tourniquet.”

“But that won't do her any good,” Rainbow said sadly. “I don't think even you can help her now.”

“I know that!” Twilight snapped. “We need real medical supplies and a real doctor...” Twilight closed her eyes tight. “Rainbow, you have to get help,” she decided.

“What?” her friend exclaimed. “They'll find us!”

“I know,” she said glumly. “We don't have another option.”

Rainbow's frown carried the sorrow of a hundred ponies. “But Miss Sparkle, they won't wait for the Princesses this time.”

The unicorn showed no sign of having heard her. “I'll wait here. Fly back to Po... No. Fly east to Appleloosa as fast as you can and don't come back without a few more pairs of wings and enough rope to lessen the flow of blood to these limbs.”

Rainbow chewed her lip, but her wings carried her up and east in a blaze of color.

Twilight stared down at the prone unicorn lying at her hooves. Rarity was one of her best friends, no matter what she'd said and done, and Twilight was not going to lose her.

“Whatever it takes,” she declared. Her horn flared brightly.


Rainbow lay curled around her unicorn beside the blazing bonfire. She thought it was probably safe to light one this far southwest of the town, and Twilight didn't seem to care one way or the other. “She'll be alright, Miss Sparkle,” Rainbow promised.

Twilight was unable to sleep despite the late hour. She was huddled into herself, nose to tail once again. Her muzzle was buried in her forelegs. “We nearly killed her,” she mumbled dully.

“Hey,” Rainbow said softly. “She knew what she was trying to do. If you hadn't teleported away it would have been both of you.”

“How could it have come to this?” Twilight moaned into her hooves. “First you, then Spike, and Applejack and Fluttershy and Pinkie...” She sucked in a shuddering breath. “And now Rarity. Nopony is safe. I'm the only one left. I'm next.”

“Don't worry, Twilight.” Her hoof ruffled the fur along the unicorn's spine. “I'll protect you.”

“I can't even cry over her,” Twilight said, sounding as exasperated as she did sad. “I don't have it in me. I feel like I've cried more in the last few days than I have since the day I came to Ponyville!”

“It won't be much longer,” Rainbow promised.

“How do you know?” she muttered petulantly.

“You know that pony you were waiting for?” she asked. Twilight nodded. “Well, I... I remember him. He'll help us.”

“Then where is he?” she asked tiredly.

“He's here.”

Twilight's eyes narrowed and her upper lip trembled with fury. “What?” she whispered.

“Hello, girls!” a bright and cheerful voice hailed them.