• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,370 Views, 473 Comments

The Twin Students of the Sun. - Whiteeyes

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's personal students, are sent to the town of Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun celebration. What could go wrong? First fic of the Sunsetverse AU.

  • ...

Stupid Dreams.

Sunset Shimmer got up and stretched, blinking in the morning sunshine. Smiling at the birds singing in the tree outside her window, she went downstairs. "Moning Mom, morning Dad."

Her mother, Orange Cream, looked over from the oven where she was preparing breakfast. She was a very good cook, as her cream cake cutie mark clearly showed. "Oh good morning dear! Any big plans for today?"

"Nah, Celestia doesn't have any major plans for me today." Sunset noted, taking a seat and waiting for some of her mom's very berry waffles. Every Thursday was waffle day, best day of the week.

"So does that mean you're free this evening?" Scarlet Shimmer asked, looking over his newspaper. "That'll be nice, you usually spend a lot of time working as the Princess's student."

"Yeah well, she does dictate a lot of responsibility for smaller things to me, but that's because she trusts me. Plus, who else is she going to trust it to? It's not like she has another student laying around." Sunset pointed out, breaking into a smile as she got her customary stack of three waffles...don't judge her they're that good. Celestia herself had asked for the recipe.

"Well its just, you've been very busy lately. If you're free this afternoon I figured maybe we could do something together as a family. See if we can get tickets for a show or something." her dad elaborated, taking a moment to turn to the entertainment section. "Unless you already made plans with your friends, I know how popular you are."

Swallowing a mouthful of waffle, Sunset shook her head. "Nah, most of my friends aren't free on weekdays. I'd love to go to a show with you guys." Finishing up her breakfast over small talk, she said her goodbyes and teleported to the palace to start another great day.

Her name is Sunset Shimmer, and her life is perfect.


Twilight Sparkle, Grand High Mage, Graduate of Celestia, Mighty Mistress of Marvelous Magics (what can she say, she loved alliteration for her titles) was busy reading a tome of long lost knowledge. Well, lost until she had been able to discover the Long Lost Library of the Crystal Empire. That had been fun, she'd even run into Daring Doo for that adventure. ( They exchanged autographs, apparently the archeologist was a mutually appreciative fan.)

At present the Princess had no need for Twilight's advice or services, and none of the tomes seemed critically important (though a lot of them were culturally significant) she pondered maybe checking up on her good friends, the ones who had helped her the first time she saved the world. She ran through the list in her head.

Sunset Shimmer, her fellow graduate, would be very busy. It was a school holiday, meaning she'd be working with a lot of less fortunate children with her outreach community center. Twilight still felt like it was a bit of a waste of talent, but she couldn't fault Shimmer's heart; wanting to help less fortunate children lead a better life was an admirable ambition. Even though Twilight felt that it was a little personal on Shimmer's part when it came to her motivations, one could not deny the meaningful, positive impact she was having on those kids lives. Plus her fellow unicorn had really had her fill of adventure after the third time they saved the world, and deserved a chance to relax.

Rainbow Dash would be busy as District Coordinator for the Weather Bureau. After the whole Nightmare Moon incident, her career really took off. Twilight sometimes wondered if her fame had fast tracked things for the pegasus, but there was no denying Rainbow could do her job. Still, it was a very busy time with some upcoming complex weather systems, so Rainbow was definitely unavailable.

Masquerade was headlining a new show on Bridalway. She would probably be free after a show, and Twilight could even attend. Still, that should probably be a whole weekend trip, not just popping by for an afternoon.

Applejack was nice and all, but there was only so much time one could spend listening to her talk about apples with that accent of her's. Still, she was in Ponyville so she could make it a double visit and swing by to see Sweetie Drops, see how the planning is going for her big wedding. Twilight would have to remember to double check her calander, make sure the date was clear.

Having made up her mind, she called out "Spike! I'm taking the afternoon off to go see my friends in Ponyville. Will you be okay on your own for a while?"

"Yeah, no problem." Spike replied. "I'll just spend the time studying and doing chores, like always."

Flashing one last smile at HER student, Twilight teleported the distance from Canterlot to Ponyville. For somepony of her talents, it wasn't that great a challenge.

Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and her life is one of adventure and discovery.


Applejack wiped some sweat off her brow as she beamed with pride at all the baskets of apples she'd managed to buck. Another rewarding hard days work.

"Applejack!" her father called from the house. "Come on in! It's supper, don't keep you're ma waitin'!"

"Commin' Pa!" Applejack called back as she headed in to wash up before supper.

Her name is Applejack Apple, and her life is simple and fulfilling.


Masquerade Pantomime smiled a huge smile as she bowed again and again to the roaring applause of the crowds in the Canterlot Royal Opera. It was her third week performing there alongside her lifetime idol, the Great Poniachi. Even Princess Celestia, in attendance this night, was giving a standing ovation. Tears leaked from her emerald green eyes (a feature many a bold stalion had claimed was her most beautiful). As that moment, she felt on top of the world.

Her name is Masquerade Pantomime, and her life is one where dreams come true.


Rainbow Dash, Captain of the Wonderbolts, flew in formation with the others for the show. Down below the fans cheered, waving rainbow colored flags, wearing rainbow wigs, and various other things to show how much they loved her. Banners declared her the greatest Wonderbolt of all time. Frowning in concentration, Dash decided to show off a little and breaks formation, now flying literal circles around her teammates...while going backwards. The crowds are eating it up, and even the Wonderbolts are taking it in good cheer. They know she's the best and they don't mind.

Her name is Rainbow Miriam Dash, and her life is

"Lame." Rainbow says, abandoning the show and landing on a nearby cloud. "Really, that's the best you could do? You might as well come on out."

Everything stopped. Everything. Suspended in the moment. A shimmering cloud of blue energy appeared, before solidifying into a miniature copy of Nightmare Moon. Though she was slightly smaller than dash, she didn't seem worried at all. "So, how did you figure it out?"

"Because you suck at this." Dash explained, smirking at the outraged look the mini-nightmare shot at her. "First of all, I'm guessing you just got my general dream. That I want to be a Wonderbolt and had to build from there?" Seeing the seething look she received Rainbow broke out into an even bigger grin. "I knew it! That's why you totally got everything wrong. You thought I was some sort of glory seeking attention hound and that's why I want to be a member of Equestria's number one areal sports team. Wow, you are DUMB."

"Oh? Why don't you enlighten me then." Mini-Moon demanded. "What did I get wrong in that oh so shallow dream of yours?"

"Everything." Dash noted, adopting a serious look. "I can see why you'd think that way, you're some spell thingy made by a mare who was so jealous she had to get rid of the sun so everypony would have to pay attention to her. Of course you'd see a dream like mine in the most selfish light. Heck, I bet the other's are having dreams where they're on top of the world right? All their wants and dreams fulfilled, no hard work?"

"Indeed. If you are unhappy with your dream, perhaps I can make it more to your liking?"

"Wow, you really are bad at this." Dash sad, shaking her head sadly. "I don't want to be a Bolt to be declared the best flyer ever or something. I already know how good I am, I don't need my ego constantly fed. I want to do it to inspire a new generation the way I was inspired."

"I can give you that." Mini-Moon promised, eyes glittering with the promise of pleasure.

"Yaeh, but let me ask you a couple of questions. First of all, if I could get it without any hard work, what's the point? The struggle is half the reason to even try something like this. Second of all, do you know how I got my cutie mark?"

"No. Why is that even relevant?"

"Because it's the best and worst thing I ever did. See, I entered a race to help a good friend of mine, and I knocked her off a cloud at the starting line without even realizing it. I was so focused on winning, on proving I was the best, that I forgot why I was racing in the first place. To help a friend. I got so focused on me, that I hurt the very pony that I was supposed to be helping. She was okay in the end, but let me tell you it was a real eye opener, and now every time I look at my cutie mark I'm reminded of the fact that I used to be a colossal, selfish jerk. I have spent a lot of my life trying o make up for it and be a better pony."

Mini-Moon rolled her eyes. "That still doesn't explain what it has to do with anything."

"I'll tell you what it has to do with anything. It means you don't get anything about me." Dash turned on her, quite obviously angry. "Because there is one thing you didn't consider. No matter how good you made this dream, it would never be good enough. The are ponies all over Equestria counting on me and the others to stop Nightmare Moon and save the day...literally. If you think I'm going to wallow in some selfish, shallow dream while others need my help, you are dead wrong. Rainbow Dash always helps those who need it. And right now, the best way to help a lot of ponies is to kick your flank and wake everypony up so we can slam your boss back into the moon!"

The Mini-Moon stopped looking pleasant. And stopped being mini. Now standing twenty stories tall, crackling with energy, she bellowed. "Fool! I may be just a spell construct, but I am still the power of Nightmare Moon! What makes you think you can stand against me?"

"That brings me to my third question. Want to know how I knew this was a dream?" Rainbow asked. Seeing the Mega-Moon's hesitation, she smiled as she elaborated. "See I used to have nightmares as a kid, so my dad taught me this neat trick. It's called lucid dreaming. You find a flaw in the dream, realize you are dreaming, and then you have total control of the dream." Seeing her enemies look of horror, Dash smiled very cheekily. "But then again I guess it would make sense if you never heard of it. After all, you're just a magic potato."

And indeed it was just a normal potato. Suspended twenty stories in the air. "I hate you so much." the potato stated before it fell to splat on the ground. However, it was already starting to, very slowly, pull itself together. "You...fool! I...will not...be...beaten...so...easily! There is...nothing...you can do...to stop me! Nothing!"

"Oh really?" Dash asked as she flew upwards, gaining some serious air. "Fourth, and final, question. Want to see what I did to earn my cutie mark?" Rainbow Dash proceeded to dive at maximum velocity.

And then the sky exploded.


"I do."

The pastor nodded. "And do you, Sweetie Drops, take her in turn as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in good times in bad, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, in peace or giant monster attacks, till death do you part?"

Sweetie Drops was crying tears of joy. She always cried at weddings, and apparently her own was no exception. "I do."

"Then by the power invested in me by the Princess herself, I now proclaimed you wives. You may now kiss."

Sweetie leaned in for a passionate embrace...when some idiot decided to hit her upside the head.


"Ow!" Sweetie exclaimed, snapping awake. Looking around, she saw a rather apologetic looking "Rainbow Dash! I was having the most wonderful dream!"

"Yeah, sorry, but we all were." Dash explained. "Nightmare Moon trap. You're not the only one upset." She looked over her shoulder at the others. Twilight looked rather glum, scratching circles in the dirt. Masquerade looked quite down herself, her hoof drifting towards the gems she had instead of eyes a couple of times before she stopped herself. Applejack looked like somepony had run over her dog with a train, and Sunset, if anything, looked worse. Dash sighed, she had been afraid of this. "Look, guys. I'm sorry that you were happy, but we do not have time for this. The whole world is counting on us, we don't have time to just be thinking of ourselves."

"Right. Princess Celestia and everypony else is counting on us. We don't have time to be selfish." Twilight said, smiling weakly.

"Yeah, we should get back to saving everypony." Masquerade agreed, before glaring. "And also kick Nightmare Moon's flank for doing this to us."

"Agreed." AJ said with a grim nod. "Sunset, any way we can set it up so that she's constantly on fire while she's stuck in the moon?"

"After what she did to me? Fire would be letting her off easy." Sunset said, trying to stand up, before collapsing on her haunches, eyes streaming tears. "Stupid dreams."

Sweetie didn't know what dreams her friends had experienced, but one thing was sure. This was quite possibly the most evil thing that Alicorn could have done to her friends. "Oh, oh my. Rainbow, dear, I think everypony could use some hugs and moral support right now." See the pegasus's concerned look, she smiled. "My dream is readily doable. I think the others had better ones."

"My dream is...mostly doable." Masquerade admitted. "A couple details were overly exaggerated, but I can still do it someday. It's not likely, but if I work hard I can someday have something just as good." Her smile returned as she considered this.

"Same here." Twilight admitted. "Sure the details would be different, but the general idea? I'm well on track to be there in just a few years." Streightening herself up, she asked "What about you two?"

"Mine was...I can't do mine. Things were just...a bit different. Enough to make it better, but still not something I can control, ya know?" AJ admitted. "Still, other than that life's just as good as the dream I suppose. Sunset, what about you?"

"I had a mom and dad and they loved me." Sunset admitted. She soon found herself in a group hug, five ponies embracing her and giving her support as she cried it all out. "Stupid dreams."

Author's Note:

Well that is quite possibly a couple of the cruelest things I have ever written, please do not beat me with large sticks for making ponies cry by giving them fake loving parents. Also, this chapter is out a lot faster because I had it half written while I was stuck on the previous chapter.

Also, regarding where Twilight put her future friends, remember that it can only be based on what she knows. Hence, for example, why Dash is a high ranking bureaucrat.

*door smashed in*There he is! Get him!

Noooo! Not the large sticks! Ow! Augh! Gah! Ouch! My leg!