• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 21,504 Views, 3,397 Comments

Tales of the Oppressed - Terran34

Follow the journey of a young cynical man as his world is turned upside down. Without anywhere to turn, can he learn to set aside his preconceptions and learn to accept friendship for what it truly is?

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44. This Day is Going to be Perfect

Shit, how long has it been? An hour? Two hours? What time is it? Hell, I don't fucking know. I can't think. My heart is pounding in my chest. Part of me just wants to curl up and a ball and forget that any of this is happening.

I'm sitting on a chair in Cadance's private bedchambers, staring at the wall with an empty expression. Chrysalis is standing at the vanity, peering at the mirror. She's back in the likeness of Cadance, getting ready for tomorrow's dress rehearsal. She's giving me time to think over her offer, so she hasn't spoken to me the whole time I've been sitting here.

It's getting slightly harder to breathe. How can I make this kind of decision? Nobody should have this kind of power. No matter what I choose, I lose. Fucking...this isn't fair. Chrysalis, I wish you'd disappear. I wish you'd never have showed up and presented me with this awful choice. I think I was much better off thinking that I could never go home again. Fuck you, Chrysalis.

I want to go home. I really do. I said I'd give up anything to be able to go home. Hell, if Chrysalis hadn't said she would kill the Elements of Harmony, I'd have taken her offer in a second. Dammit. Dammit.

I start to tear up, slightly. This is an impossible decision. It makes me want to just lie down and cry. I'm not happy with either choice, so all I can do is sit here and curse my rotten luck. I know I'm running out of time. I've been here for so long; the dress rehearsal is bound to start soon.

“Your time is running out, Seth,” Chrysalis finally says, looking over at me with a neutral expression. “It is past four in the morning. You have a little over an hour.”

“Thank you,” I reply in a dead sounding voice. So this is it. I have to come up with a course of action and stick with it. I have to choose who to save.

The time passes excruciatingly slowly, but at the same time, much too quickly. Before I know it, the sun starts to peek over the horizon. Which means my time is up. “It is time,” Chrysalis announces, stalking over to me. “Make your decision.”

I stand up from the chair, feeling my emotions bubbling up inside of me. I can't handle this. The only thing I want to do right now is scream, as I juggle my two options in my head.

Finally, I let out a sob that shakes my whole body, holding up my head with one hand. “I'm sorry, Rainbow...” I choke, hating myself for this choice. “I can't...I want to go home.”

Chrysalis hears my words and allows a gleeful grin to grace her features. “Excellent! You made the right choice,” she praises, resting her hoof briefly on my shoulder. I make no response to her words. I...I know it's cliché...but I honestly feel like something inside of me just died. Rainbow's done so much for me...and now I'm going to let her die so I can go home.

“Come with me. It is time to go to the dress rehearsal. If you are not there, questions will be asked,” Chrysalis orders, unlocking and opening the door. I follow her out into the hallway lethargically, filled with self-loathing for what I've just done. I guess in the end, I really am a terrible person at heart. I'm sorry Rainbow, but you just can't change what humans are. “Rest assured, I will send you home once Canterlot is within my grasp.”

The two guards next to Cadance's door accompany us as we enter the main hallway. The guards lining the hall that were put on night shift salute to us as we pass. The halls are filled with the waking staff, as well as another set of guards to relieve the first. Everypony makes room for Chrysalis and I, even as they glance curiously at us, no doubt wondering why the human is walking with the bride-to-be. Let them wonder. They'll all be dead or enslaved soon, anyway.

We soon reach the hall where the wedding is going to take place. Judging by the voices I hear inside, most of the others are already here. Oh god, I'm not going to be able to look them in the eye at all. Fuck, I also hear Celestia's voice inside. That alone gets me to straighten up and at least attempt to look like I normally do. If she reads me, this whole thing is over, and I won't get to go home. Before we walk inside, Chrysalis turns to look at me. She nods once, and then she pushes the doors open with her magic.

“They'll be here soon enough...” Celestia is saying to Shining Armor and the five other ponies there with her. That would be Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. There's no sign of Twilight, for whatever reason, but Spike is here, sitting on the stairs. Not that it matters to me, anyway. “Ah! There they are. Good morning, Seth, niece.”

“Pardon our lateness. I was discussing a few things over with my new friend,” Chrysalis responds, , indicating me with a hoof. She's also adopted Cadance's voice once more. Celestia is totally fooled as well, as she nods. Of course, at Chrysalis's words, Rainbow looks at me oddly, with a hint of anger in her expression. “Shall we get started?”

“If you are ready, then absolutely,” Celestia responds. She looks down at the others. “Shining Armor, girls, are you ready to begin?”

“Not quite,” Rainbow snaps. She walks over to me, lifting her head and glaring at me. “Where the hay did you go last night? I was waiting for you!”

“Like it's any of your fucking business where I go,” I lash out at her viciously. Rainbow reels back as if she's been struck. Even the other four ponies, who know how close I am to Rainbow, look shocked.

“But, you said that we'd...” Rainbow starts, but I cut her off, determined to end this conversation here and now, before I have a chance to change my mind.

“No, you said that. Don't feel like I'm obligated to spend any time with you, just because you thought it would be a good idea,” I shoot back. Rainbow takes a few steps back, looking hurt. “Now how about you shut the fuck up and do your damn job, like we're being paid to do? Sound good? Good.”

Rainbow falls back in with her friends. Applejack rests a hoof on Rainbow's back, attempting to comfort the pegasus as she watches me, her feelings hurt. Shit, well, I got her to back off, but now all of the ponies that know me are watching me, appalled at my treatment of my friend. Even Celestia is eyeing me. I play it off by crossing my arms and looking at Chrysalis.

“Well. I suppose it would be best if we began,” Celestia says, breaking the silence. She wants to talk to me about that. I can tell by the way she's looking at me. “First, the ceremony will start with you standing right here, Shining Armor, in front of me.”

“Like this?” Shining Armor asks, moving to the position Celestia is pointing at.

“That's right. The best mare, will stand next to you,” Celestia continues, pointing at another spot, next to Shining Armor. “When Twilight arrives, I will explain that to her. Moving along, the orchestra will begin to play the traditional wedding piece.”

“Orchestra? Wasn't Fluttershy's bird choir or whatever providing the music?” I ask curiously. At that, Fluttershy looks down guiltily.

“That was the original plan, but my niece decided that I gave them far too little notice for them to properly perform the piece,” Celestia admits sheepishly. Next to me Chrysalis lifts her nose in an uppity fashion.

“I'm sorry, I tried so hard,” Fluttershy murmurs. This prompts Celestia to kneel down and nuzzle her lovingly.

“Don't be sorry. It was my fault. I know you did everything you could,” Celestia assures her. Her efforts earn a small smile out of Fluttershy.

“I'd always dreamed of having the Royal Canterlot Orchestra play at my wedding. A bird choir simply wouldn't have had the same effect,” Chrysalis proclaims. As spoiled as that sounds, it's her wedding day, and because of that the other ponies are nodding.

“Once the intro starts to play, I would like the five of you...” Celestia starts again, addressing Rainbow and the others. “...to walk up the center aisle in a straight, horizontal line. Go ahead and get in position, as if the wedding was taking place right now.”

Rainbow and the others pass me, not even sparing a glance at me. It seems like I pissed off the rest of them by being so vicious to Rainbow. Whatever. It won't matter in another four hours, anyway.

“Hold up, I thought the bridesmaids were supposed to come in before the bride herself?” I interrupt again.

“That is correct. These five were chosen by Cadance to be her new bridesmaids,” Celestia answers me, nodding at Chrysalis.

“New bridesmaids? What happened to Lyra and the rest of them?” I demand, looking at Chrysalis in particular. If Chrysalis had picked these five, that means she must have done something to the other three.

“Why, I replaced them, because I discovered their true reasons for being my bridesmaids. All they wanted was to be close to royalty,” Chrysalis scoffs, waving a hoof in disdain. “Inexcusable. Therefore, the three of them were...sent home.”

That pause in her answer causes me to shudder slightly. Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lyra...are likely dead. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. That's another pony dead because of me. But it's all for the sake of going home to Amaryllis and my family. I'll never be in this world again. It doesn't matter how many ponies die.

Celestia once again starts to direct the dress rehearsal. “As you're walking, make sure not to step out of line. Don't hurry, there's no rush. After that, Cadance will enter from the back. If you'll take your position, my lovely niece?”

Chrysalis nods, and walks back towards the entrance to the hall. Since I doubt I'll have a role in the wedding itself, I step aside and stand in the area where I assume the audience is going to be.

Once Chrysalis is behind the doors, Celestia opens them with her magic. “Walk forward to the altar, Cadance. Like I said to the girls, there's no hurry. Take your time to enjoy the occasion.” Celestia orders, her smile returning.

I guess I'll keep my mouth shut for the rest of this thing. I would have been better off not asking about the bridesmaids. Anyway, Chrysalis reaches the spot near Shining Armor, just in front of Celestia. She crosses horns lovingly with Shining Armor. Because apparently that's a thing unicorn couples do. “I'll say a few words, and then we'll start with the vows,” Celestia proceeds. “I assume you've both memorized them?”

“Absolutely,” Shining Armor declares proudly, and Chrysalis nods.”What happens next?”

“Then, Shining Armor, you will receive the ring from the best mare,” Celestia instructs, looking at the spot where the best mare should be.

“Hey, so has anypony seen Twilight this morning?” Shining Armor asks worriedly, probably figuring that his sister has been gone too long. She has, but it's not my problem anymore. None of this is my problem. I'm along for the ride, until I can go home.

Before anypony can answer, the doors to the hall open with a bang, revealing a very pissed off Twilight. “I'm here!” she snaps, stomping up to the altar. “But I'm not standing next to her! And neither should you, Shining Armor!”

As Shining Armor and the other ponies react in shock, I look over at Chrysalis to see if she's taken off guard. If Twilight has figured something out, her plan might go up in smoke right now. However, Chrysalis catches my eye, and gives me a small wink. Which tells me she knew this was coming, and has planned to take care of it. Well. I guess I'll just stand back and watch.

Shining Armor immediately turns to Chrysalis. “I'm so sorry. I don't know what she's thinking,” he says, dipping his head. Chrysalis pretends to look unsure...oh, I see what she's going to do.

Even Twilight's own friends don't like what she's doing. Fluttershy and Applejack approach her together, trying to get her to lay off. But Twilight just pushes past Fluttershy and uses her magic to move Applejack aside, while at the same time ignoring both of their words. “I have something to say! And all of you are going to listen to me!” Twilight declares, looking more determined than I've ever seen her. She immediately points at Chrysalis. “She's not who you think she is. She's evil!”

Oh shit. Has Twilight figured it out? Because it certainly seems like it. Chrysalis, however, puts on a shocked and appalled expression. As I thought, she's going to play the damsel. And since everypony here believes that she's Cadance, it will more than likely work. Yeah, see, now Shining Armor has stepped in front of Chrysalis protectively, as the other ponies talk amongst themselves in shocked undertones.

Twilight proceeds to list several reasons to back up her claim...most of which are true. Chrysalis has been pretty rude to most of them, she probably has killed her bridesmaids...and the last one (which is something about using a spell on Shining Armor) I'm not sure about. While Twilight is doing this, she's getting closer to Chrysalis, who acts terrified and backs up until she can't anymore. Finally, Chrysalis bursts into tears...very convincing ones, I might add. Probably has something to do with the fact that she's a changeling. I don't know.

“Why are you doing this to me!?” Chrysalis sobs, covering her eyes. She runs down the stairs and out the doors, chased by Twilight until she's out of sight. Well then. So this is happening right now.

When Twilight turns back around, Shining Armor is beyond pissed. “You want to know what that spell was that Cadance cast on me?” he demands. Oh dear, he's going to go on a rant. “Having to keep up a double barrier for this long causes magical exertion pains in the form of headaches. Cadance was healing me!”

I don't feel like writing down the rest. Suffice to say, it all ends up with Shining Armor leaving behind a very crushed Twilight, whose status as best mare, and even her invitation to the wedding, has just been rescinded. Fuck...what makes this all worse is that Twilight is absolutely right about everything.

“I believe it is best to put an end to this rehearsal now,” Celestia decides. She looks down at Twilight, anger and disappointment present in her face. “Let's go, everypony. Twilight has a lot to think about.”

None of Twilight's friends stay with her. Celestia, Spike, and the rest of them leave her behind, leaving the hall one by one. Rainbow glances back at me, but I avert my gaze, not looking up again until I'm certain that only Twilight is left in the room.

Twilight tearfully looks up at me, as I'm the only one left in the room. “Seth...do you...?” she begins.

“Don't look at me. I already said, I don't care,” I retort, putting my hands in my coat pockets. I guess it's time for me to go find Chrysalis and maybe get some sleep before the actual wedding happens. I didn't sleep at all last night.

My words cause Twilight to slump over and start crying. I do my best to ignore her, and the pangs of guilt filling my heart. I walk down the stairs, and I'm just about to leave, when I hear the sound of magic behind me.

Chrysalis is back, without her guards or any of the others. Her horn lights up an emerald green, and the doors to the hall shut and lock tightly. Oh shit...Twilight is dead, isn't she? And I have to be here to watch this?

“I'm so sorry, Cadance,” Twilight sobs as her soon-to-be killer approaches, her expression blank. Chrysalis kneels down with a compassionate smile, lifting Twilight's chin with a hoof. Her smile suddenly turns malicious.

“Goodbye, Twilight,” Chrysalis says to her in a sweet voice, and then her horn lights up a brilliant green once more, only this time, I can feel the malevolence. Twilight's eyes widen in shock as emerald flames spark into existence around her, quickly surrounding her and preventing her escape.

Twilight screams as the flames arc over her and meet, forming a dome that slowly sinks into the ground and disappears, leaving nothing behind except for a pile of ash.

Chrysalis runs a hoof through her mane, as if her act of murder was no big deal. “Well then. Shall we get going, Seth?” she asks, satisfaction evident in her voice. My eyes have been staring at the spot where Twilight used to be, in shock. That's...the first time I've seen something die in front of me. Oh my god, she just killed Twilight. That mare I shared tea with, exchanged debates over history and magical theory, and baked a pie with just died right in front of me...and I did nothing to stop her.

“You...just killed her,” I utter, my voice wavering. I take a few steps back. I turn my head to look at Chrysalis in horror. “Right in front of me...burnt her to ash...”

“Killed her? Of course not. I wouldn't want to kill her just yet,” Chrysalis replies with a malicious giggle. Oh...she's still alive. I let out a shuddering sigh. I don't know why I feel relieved though. She's just going to die later, at the wedding. “I want her to be there when I steal her brother from her, at my moment of triumph when I take down Celestia and become ruler of Equestria! Therefore, I only transported her to the crystal mines below the castle.”

“I...see...and you think she'll get out?” I inquire, slowly calming down.

“Of course she will. She's a brilliant little filly, as she saw through my ruse so easily. Getting out of that mine will be foal's play for her,” Chrysalis assures me, as confident as ever. “But, we have time before that. If everything goes as planned, she will be here in time for the wedding.”

“She'll bust you then, you know that, right?” I point out. As always Chrysalis is not fazed. Nothing seems to move her, even when her plans seem to be going awry. That can only mean that she's a genius tactician. If it came to a battle between her forces and the Canterlot Royal Guard, I'm not sure who would win.

“Of course she will. But I plan to reveal myself during the wedding nonetheless, so it won't matter in the end,” Chrysalis replies. Suddenly, she starts to grin, as if an idea had just come to her. “Seth, how would you like to be the best man for my wedding?”

“What!?” I utter, taken off guard by her seemingly random question. Chrysalis doesn't appear to be joking, as she looks like she's waiting for my reply. “Are you sure that would be a good idea? I have almost no connection to you and Shining Armor in reality except for circumstantial ties. If I were to suddenly become your best man, that would raise a few eyebrows.”

“Of course it would. But without Twilight, someone needs to fill in the role. Since you're the closest thing in this castle that resembles an ally, I would prefer it to be you,” Chrysalis expresses, lifting her hoof and running it down my cheek. I shy away from her touch, shuddering slightly. I can't help but remember what she looks like when she's not in disguise. Fucking nightmare material. “Don't worry about raising suspicious. It's too close to the wedding for anything to go wrong.”

“That seems irresponsible...but whatever. You've gotten this far, so I assume you know what you're doing,” I say, giving in with a sigh. “I'll do it. It won't matter in the end, anyway. I'll be going home, so I don't give a fuck what the ponies think. You just better not fail.”

“Me? Fail? Perish the thought. Rest assured, Canterlot is already mine. These foals just don't know it yet,” Chrysalis responds, pressing a hoof to her chest confidently. Then, she walks towards the exit of the hall, opening the doors again. “Now then, best man, shall we get moving?”

“Don't call me that,” I complain, but I do follow her. I'm just hoping that everything goes well for Chrysalis. Amaryllis is waiting for me, three thousand years ago.

We're only walking together for a few minutes before Chrysalis has another question for me. “Now, we have some time before the wedding. Would you like to return to the Elements? I'm sure they've been looking for you,” she asks.

“Return to...oh fuck no. I'm...done with them,” I answer, hesitating slightly. I still feel like the worst kind of person for abandoning my friend to her fate. “I...can't go back to them. They're all just dead ponies walking. I'm going to stay with you until the wedding.”

“A wonderful idea. Put some distance between you and them now, before their demise?” Chrysalis approves with a malicious cackle. Another pang of guilt shoots through me at her words. She's right...and I have no other choice but to keep going.

Just after we turn the corner, we stop in place, because Celestia herself is standing in the hallway, waiting for us. I freeze, looking over at Chrysalis. Thankfully, she doesn't look alarmed. Okay, let's see what she wants then.

“I'm sorry about all of that, Cadance,” Celestia says, dipping her head and nuzzling what she thinks is her niece. Chrysalis returns the display of affection, even though I know she probably hates every second of it. “I didn't anticipate Twilight giving such strong opposition to your union with her brother.”

“It's no trouble. I was taken aback, but...I think I can understand how she feels,” Chrysalis relates. I stand back and let them talk. Let's see what bullshit Chrysalis will spew now. “She wants to keep her brother close, and therefore her mind found ways to misconstrue me as being...'evil,' as she put it.”

“An astute observation. Exactly what I was thinking,” Celestia praises her. Goddamn, Chrysalis is good at what she does. Fooling Celestia? To me, that seems fucking impossible. Celestia turns her head to me next. “Seth, are you feeling all right? You seemed upset in the dress rehearsal.”

Shit. “Yeah. I just hate weddings in general,” I admit. If I'm going to stay this course, I'll need to tell the truth as much as I can, to avoid tipping off Celestia. Whew, easier said than done. Here goes. As Celestia opens her mouth, I interrupt her. “And don't pull some mind boggling bullshit to explain to me why I hate weddings.”

Celestia actually giggles at that. “I wasn't going to, but I can if you'd like,” she jokes, wearing a smug expression.

“Yeah, how about no?”

“I won't then. I was actually going to comment on the amount of time you're spending with Cadance,” Celestia explains. Uh-oh. Okay, I just have to play it cool. If I panic, it's over. “I didn't think the two of you were friends.”

“We weren't at first, unfortunately. Seth didn't trust me,” Chrysalis inputs. I see, she's going to do the lying for me. That makes this easier. “But we spent some time together over the course of the wedding preparations. I'd like to say that I know him a little better now.”

“She's annoying, but not too much so,” I add, playing off of Chrysalis's words. “That, and since she's having to work on most of the wedding herself, I feel like she needed some support.”

“Oh? A marvelous sentiment. It makes me happy to see you showing my niece the support she needs during a most stressful time,” Celestia replies, beaming at my answer. Huh, this is actually working. I don't know if I feel relieved or worried that Celestia isn't as infallible as she first appeared. “You're making progress, Seth.”

“Whatever,” I say, shrugging. Celestia turns back to Chrysalis, who looks pleased at what I've said. Okay, hopefully the rest will be easy going. As in, go the fuck away, Celestia. I'm not happy knowing that if Chrysalis slips up, we're both dead.

“Cadance, I wanted to let you know that I will be taking over the duties of best mare in Twilight's absence. I understand it's too close to the wedding to find another,” Celestia assures her.

“Thank you, but there's no need. You see, I've already picked another, though 'mare' would be inappropriate in this case,” Chrysalis responds, shaking her head. To Celestia's surprise, Chrysalis turns and indicates me with a hoof.

“Really? Seth is your best...man, I suppose the correct word would be?” Celestia questions, clearly not believing it. “Seth, I thought you said you hated weddings?”

“I do. I really do. But do you remember when Cadance got me the ticket to that concert we went to?” I ask, coming up with a clever lie on the spot. I only hope she doesn't read me like she's good at doing. Holy shit, I'm lying to the princess of the fucking sun. “Basically, the best mare fucking off this close to the wedding is a bit of a dick move, so I'm going to pay Cadance back by stepping in.”

“I see,” Celestia responds, seemingly buying the ruse. “In that case, during the wedding, you will accompany Shining Armor to the altar, with the bride's ring. After the vows, Shining Armor will take it from you.”

“Got it. Anything else I should know?” I remark, hating this idea with every fiber of my being. If it weren't for the fact that I'll be going home after this, I would be running very far away right about now.

“Nothing as important as what I just told you. There are a few other duties that need to be carried out during the reception and afterward, but those I can tell you about after the wedding is over,” Celestia explains. Oh, so a few duties that I won't have to give a fuck about, because there's not going to be a reception.

“I hate to interrupt, but can we hurry? I'd like to spend a little more time with my best man before I have to start getting ready,” Chrysalis inserts, batting her eyes at Celestia. Uh...what does that mean, Chrysalis?

“Of course. I have a few more preparations to make myself,” Celestia replies amiably, and then she bows her head slightly before turning and walking away. “I'll see you all at the wedding.”

I wait to let out the breath I'm holding until Celestia turns the corner and leaves our sight entirely. “Whew...goddamn, that could have ended badly.”

“You really must have more faith in me, Seth. I've had her fooled for a long time. I won't mess up now, so close to the culmination of my plan,” Chrysalis admonishes me, confidence oozing from her voice. “Though you did better than I expected. What concert were you talking about?”

“I met Cadance a long time before you took her place. She took me to a concert performed by the Royal Canterlot Orchestra. Which was the best damn thing ever,” I relate to her. Chrysalis puts on a thoughtful expression.

“Hm...I suppose I'll make sure to spare them, then. I don't mind a bit of music myself,” Chrysalis decides, causing me to look at her in awe. Did...did I just save Octavia's life by saying that? I think I did. While I feel slightly better than that, it doesn't help ease the cold claw of dread that's clasping my heart, caused by the knowledge that Rainbow is going to die because of me. “Now then, shall we return to my chambers?”

“What are we going to do there?” I ask suspiciously, even as I follow her through the halls. I hope she isn't going to try seducing me again. That was literally the most scarring thing that has happened to me since getting here.

“I have to get ready in an hour, of course. Do you know how much time it takes to get a wedding dress on?” Chrysalis complains. “That's not even counting the ridiculous manestyle that the incompetent hair dressers here have recommended.”

“I suppose. You're like me in that regard, I suppose,” I remark, running a hand through my hair. “Just let it run loose. It doesn't need a fucking style.”

“Agreed. You know, it pains me that you won't stay with the changelings. I feel I could learn a lot from you,” Chrysalis laments, looking at me with one eye.

“Nope,” is my only response. She sighs and keeps walking.

We walk through the doors to her room, which promptly shut and lock behind us. Chrysalis sheds her disguise and moans, clearly hating every second that she's not in her true form. “At last, an hour or two of rest. I am ready to reveal myself in this form to the world,” Chrysalis expressions, stretching out like a cat.

“I'm guessing you don't like being disguised?” I ask, to keep there from being a silence. I don't want the time to think. I feel like that would break me.

“Not particularly. It's fun at first, having a form other than your own. But as a changeling as large as myself, transforming into a smaller being, such as a pony or a timberwolf, it tends to get a little cramped,” Chrysalis explains. She grins, showing off all of her pointed teeth. “But I wouldn't give it up for anything. There's nothing more satisfying than walking amongst your worst enemy, knowing that their lives are entirely in your hooves.”

I shudder a bit at her words. Every time I talk to her, she continuously reminds me just who I'm dealing with. Over the time I've interacted with her, I've learned that Chrysalis is a sadistic psychopath with a little too much intelligence. It's lucky that I'm human. I think that's the only reason Chrysalis was willing to let me in on this plan.

“Right...so you can also turn into other animals besides ponies?” I inquire, remembering how she mentioned a diamond dog and now a timberwolf.

“Absolutely. There is nothing a skilled changeling can't become,” Chrysalis answers, delighting in a chance to talk about her own species. “If I wanted, I could become a dreaded Ursa Major, or even a dragon.”

“Shit! Well, if your army can all become dragons, the guard won't stand a fucking chance!” I emit in shock.

“I did not say my army could. You see, becoming larger and stronger animals has a catch to it. Simply by transforming into another being, you do not gain its power or experience,” Chrysalis explains. Suddenly, she transforms, becoming Celestia, even speaking with her voice. “For example, by becoming Celestia, I do not gain her overwhelming power, her immortality, or her perceptiveness.”

“Yeah, can you not take her form? My body feels like it should be having a heart attack right now,” I implore her, shaking slightly. Chrysalis giggles and takes her true form once more. “But this is somewhat interesting. So your abilities are mostly illusion?”

“Not quite. Some of the stronger changelings, my Infiltrators, are capable of becoming stronger beings. It takes time and training to adapt to a large body, but even then there are limitations. A changeling turned dragon will never be as strong as the real thing,” Chrysalis answers. She puts on a mischievous grin, and suddenly transforms again, only this time...oh my god, it's like I'm staring into a mirror.

“What the fuck?” I demand, gazing at another version of me, wearing the exactly same clothing and everything. “How did...what?”

“Surprised?” Chrysalis says in my voice, which is just creepy as hell. “Once I see something, I can imitate it. Even you.”

“Can you not? That's just...that's some doppelganger bullshit. Christ,” I tell her. Chrysalis sheds the disguise obligingly. “So gender isn't a limitation for you?”

“Not at all. All of life is mine to imitate,” Chrysalis proclaims. Okay, add a god complex onto the list of problems that she has. “Now then, I believe we've talked enough. I would like to sleep for a while until it's time to get ready.”

“I agree with that. I'll sleep on the floor,” I say with a nod, glancing down at the plush carpet. It doesn't look like it'll be too uncomfortable.

“There's no need for that. Why don't you come sleep on the bed with me?” Chrysalis offers, hopping on the bed and winking at me.

“No no, and no. I told you, I'm only attracted to humans...and no, that doesn't mean you can make a cross-gender version of me!” I snap at her. Chrysalis laughs merrily at that reaction.

“A shame. I would have liked to bed the last human to ever exist. It's not exactly an opportunity that I'll get again,” Chrysalis laments. She tilts her head at me. “Are you sure you won't reconsider? Not even once, if only for my sake?”

“Absolutely fucking not. Now I'm going to sleep,” I assert, laying down on the floor after hanging up my coat. Fucking...I knew she'd try to fuck me again. Good thing I'm so strong willed. Besides, I'd rather she not know that I'd have no idea what to do, even if in some parallel universe, I did take her offer. I've only had one relationship, and that one ended so badly I don't even want to think about it.

Chrysalis murmurs something in response, but I'm already falling asleep. Which is good...very good. I haven't had any sleep in the past 24 hours, so this should feel awesome.

With that thought in mind, I slowly fade out of consciousness.

I'm woken up far too soon by the sound of singing. Specifically, Cadance's singing. And by Cadance, I mean Chrysalis.

Surprisingly, I don't feel dead on my feet. That nap helped me a little. Even though my body wants me to go right back to sleep, I can still move and think. Good, I want to be fully aware for this wedding.

I stand up, listening to Chrysalis sing. She's not bad, even though she's using Cadance's voice. What is she even singing about, anyway?

Oh. It's literally just her putting her cackling into the form of a song. I thought that was a pony thing, but I guess it applies to changelings too. Or maybe just her. Hell, I don't care, I'm going home soon.

Chrysalis alternates between singing a small verse, and then humming the next as she runs a brush through her mane. Her dress is already half on, which means the wedding must be soon, and she let me sleep in a bit longer. I suppose I should be grateful for that.

I grab my coat from the wall where I hung it up and put it on, fastening the straps and zipping it up. Man, I love this thing...but the pony who made it for me is going to die very soon...because of a choice that I've made.

This is it. Chrysalis is just about fully dressed, which means it's just about time for the wedding to start.

Amaryllis...I'm going against everything that's right just to go back and be with you and my family. I'll keep this coat forever, as a memory of the life I once had here.

The life that I didn't want, but ultimately ended up enjoying. I'm just sorry it has to end this way. Goodbye, Apple Bloom. Goodbye, Vinyl. Goodbye, Rarity.

Goodbye, Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Yeah, chances are you finished the chapter as the song was playing. In that case, you can just sit there and listen. You can come read this note after you're done listening to Eurobeat Brony's awesomeness.

Okay. Now, Seth has made his choice. I bet you all expected him to pick Rainbow because of what story this is. Nope. I'm sorry, but as one of my commenters pointed out, he's had fun here, but that's no reason for him to give up his family and one friend.

Now then, I have no more chapters in backlog, so you'll have to wait for the next one. Fortunately, it shouldn't be that long, since I'm 3000 words into the next already. Which is good, because this is a cliffhanger.

Anyhow, leave me a comment and tell me what you think?

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