It was Monday in the middle of the fall season, after the "incident" at Canterlot High school during the Fall Formal. It was early morning, about 7 am when the sun was just starting to rise out of the sky. A young man was running down the street in a full on sprint. He had very dark blue/black hair, which was well kept. He had cyan skin, and wore a lime green hoodie, a shirt with a tower shield and scales of justice on it, dark blue jeans, and a simple pair of sneakers. He didn't stop running until the school was within vision, at which point he slowed to a walk and took a look at his wrist watch.
7:00 am
"Seven O' clock! How!? My alarm clock said it was 8!" the young man yelled in confusion. He tried to gather his thoughts until he figured out what happened, at the realization of which he gritted his teeth. He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed a number. The phone rung for a few seconds until a young female voice picked up on the other end.
"Hiya Big Bro! What's up!?" said an extreamley perky female voice at the other end of the line.
"Don't you What's up? me Scootaloo! I know it was you who changed the settings on my alarm!"
"What? Me? That's crazy bro." said the voice, obviously trying to conceal laughter.
"I know it was you Scoots!"
"Alright, alright, I was just trying to help my favorite big bro out!"
"How is waking me up an hour and a half early helping me out!?"
"Well, you've been really sick the past couple of days, and Rainbow Dash the best way to feel better is to get lots of exercise!"
"I think if Rainbow Dash told you that you could fly, you'd believe her."
"I would! Rainbow Dash is awesome! Anyways, have fun at school big bro! Mom's taking me, Applebloom, and Sweetie Bell out for doughnuts now, Bye!" said Scootaloo as she hung up her end of the phone. The young man sighed as he put his phone back in his pocket.
"I wanted a doughnut." said the young man as he walked onto school grounds. He walked up to the front of the school, and was shocked to see that the entire entryway into the school was blown apart, with piles of bricks, bags of cement, and construction tools lining the sides of the building. He paid so much attention to the demolished entryway that he almost walked right into the large crater in front of it. "What the hell?" the young man harshly whispered as he backed away from the crater.
"I swear, these Fall Formals get crazier every year." The young man turned around to see a teenager about his age behind him. This young man had tan skin and spiky blue hair. He was wearing a black jacket, a white t shirt that was torn on the collar that had the image of a lightning bolt on a blue shield , and slightly worn blue jeans.
"Flash, what the hell happened here? Did a bomb hit the school?" the young man asked in an awestruck tone.
"Nah Swift , It wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"With a hole this big put into the school, I think I'll believe anything."
"Alright then." said Flash as he then took in a large breath. "Sunset Shimmer tried to win the crown for Princess of the Fall Formal, but a transfer student named Twilight Sparkle beat her in the votes. At the night of the dance, Sunset took the crown and used it to become a fire demon, turned those lackeys of hers into demons, blasted a hole through the wall, and turned everyone who went to the dance into mindless zombies, and we were only saved by Twilight and five other girls who did a magical girl transformation,fired a rainbow at Sunset Demon, which caused the crater in the ground." said Flash as he took a deep breath.
Swift stared at Flash with an utterly dumbfounded look on his face until he gave a swift head shake. "Fine don't tell me, I'll just ask Thunderlane later." Flash and Swift then walked into the school to their lockers. It was now about 7:30 and students were starting to trickle into the school. The two didn't talk until they reached Flash's locker where he spoke up.
"So why are you here so early? You're usually not here until at least ten minutes before the first bell."
"My little sister sped up my alarm clock, so I had to make a mad dash to school in hopes of getting here in time! The little twerp, and just after I got over having the flu!"
"Aww, lighten up Swift! She's just having her fun, learn to take a joke!" Flash said as he gave Swift a playful punch to the arm. Flash and Swift got their supplies for the next class and made way to the stairway to the second floor of the school.
The two continued their conversation up the stairs of the school to get to first period, while walking up a small group of girls saw the two and all giggled.
"Hi Brad!" said the girls in unison, giggling as they quickly walked down the stairs.
"It's Flash! Flash Sentry!" Flash shouted down the stairs of the corridor to the girls, he then turned his head to Swift, who was holding his hand up to his mouth, doing a very poor job concealing his laughter. "It's not funny!" said Flash as he delivered a punch to Swift's arm.
"Aww, lighten up Brad! They're just having fun, learn to take a joke!" Swift teased as he gave the young man a big cheeky grin.
"It's your fault! You're the one who started calling me Brad in middle school, and now everyone thinks my name is Brad!"
"C'mon man, It's not that bad."
"Some of the teachers even think my name's Brad! I was considering wearing a name tag the first week of school!"
Swift laughed at this, which earned another punch from Flash. "I'm sorry! It's not my fault you look like a Brad!"
Flash rolled his eyes as they walked through the double doors that led to the hallway of their 1st period Chemistry class. They walked in to see a group of five girls that were sitting on a bench by the entrance to the guy's first class. They were far enough away that Flash and Swift couldn't hear what they were talking about. One girl was wearing a white blouse with a dark purple skirt that matched her admittibly luxurious curled hair. Another girl had very long light pink hair, and was wearing a sleeveless white top with a dark green skirt with butterflies on it. Next to here were two girls that were arguing about something, one was a rainbow haired girl wearing a dark blue short sleeved jacket that was zipped up, along with a pink and white stripped skirt. The girl she was arguing with was wearing cowgirl attire; complete with Stetson, flannel shirt, a jean skirt, and cowboy boots. Flash looked back at Swift, who's gaze was focused on a sole member of the group, a peppy girl with big poofy magenta hair. She was wearing a knee length pink skirt with three balloons on them, a blue cardigan, and a white t-shirt with a large purple heart on it. Flash then turned his gaze towards the group of girls, than back to Swift who had a dumb grin on his face. Flash smiled as he saw his opportunity to counter his embarrassment towards the Brad incident. He slowly leaned closer to Swift, and bumped his arm with his elbow.
"So Swift, I've been meaning to ask ya, when are you gonna ask Pinkie Pie out?"
Swift's dumb grin was immediately replaced with a look of flustered shock; "Wh-What!? Ask out Pinkie? Why are you bringing that up?, I thought we were still on the whole "Brad" issue!?"
"Oh, I think we can put that on the back burner for now." Flash assured Swift. "So c'mon man! Get some guts and ask Pinkie out!"
"No way! And why are you giving me the "go out with a girl" nudge? You haven't gone out with a girl since your breakup with Sunset Shimmer."
"Well, I did kinda have this thing for that transfer student that was here while you were gone." Flash admitted.
"Oh, you mean the one that doesn't exist?" Swift deadpanned.
"She was really here! Just ask anyone!" Flash retorted.
"Yeah, I don't believe this girl was here for a number of reasons, reason number 1- You told me she seemed like the bookish type, you only go for edgy, dangerous girls like Sunset Shimmer or Rainbow Dash over there. Reason #2- You said she had a talking dog with her. Reason #3, You said she was a "princess" and grew wings and used magic to stop a demonic Sunset Shimmer from taking over the school, You can see why I don't believe you right?"
"Well it really did happen." said Flash defensively.
"Mmhm." hummed Swift as he crossed his arms.
"Anyways, my point still stands, I'm starting to think you can't ask Pinkie out."
Swift looked away from Flash and the group of girls, who still hadn't noticed their presence, and blushed slightly. "I can ask Pinkie out whenever I want."
"Alright then, she's right there, ask her now." Flash said as he motioned his arms towards the group of girls.
Swift turned his head to face the group of girls, and then turned back to Flash. "Well....I can't now, She's with her friends."
"Chicken!" said Flash as he started to move his body like a chicken would, and making chicken noises.
"Alright fine! I'll ask Pinkie out, LATER!"
"Sounds good, tell me how it goes lover boy." said Flash as he walked ahead of Swift towards their next class.
--------Later that day
Flash was putting his books back into his bag, as he was about to leave school to head to band practice. He shut his locker door, and jumped when he saw Swift leaning against the other side, with a smug grin on his face.
"The deed is done." said Swift with a bit of suave in his voice.
Flash looked at Swift with a confused expression before realizing what his friend was talking about. "Really? You were actually able to ask Pinkie out on a date? What did she say?"
"I don't know yet." Swift replied in a confident tone with a cheeky grin.
"Wait, what?"
"I couldn't talk to her through the day, so I slid a letter into her locker asking her to go on a date with me sometime."
"Wow, really?"
"Yeah! Slipped it into Pinkie's locker, locker #1136!" Swift said proudly as he crossed his arms.
"Um Swift, I hate to burst your bubble, but that's not Pinkie's locker number."
Swift's eyes widened as his smug grin lowered. "What!? But you told me it was!"
"No, I told you Pinkie's locker was #11 sixty three, you got the numbers mixed up dude!" said Flash with a grin on his face.
Swift's former cockiness was destroyed, replaced with a frightened look on his face as he cringed back. "Well if it wasn't Pinkie's locker than who's was it!?"
As if those were the magic words, a deep voice spoke up from behind Swift and Flash. "Hey Justice, over here!" Swift felt a rock sink in his gut as he slowly pivoted to face the owner of the voice, It was a big guy, a reeeaarlllyyy big guy. He was white skinned, had a buzz cut, and was wearing a workout shirt and shorts that didn't help hide his bulging muscles. This guy was holding a white piece of paper with one hand, and motioned for Swift to come closer with his other hand. Swift was hesitant, but he slowly walked up to the large student.
Flash was far enough that he didn't hear the conversation the two were having, only noting that Swift wasn't getting his ass kicked, or wasn't begging on his knees for his life. It went on for a few minutes before the huge student nodded his head and walked away. Swift turned around and had a look that could only be described as a combo of shock, confusion, and disbelief. He walked at a zombie's pace as he followed Flash out the front door of the school.
"So what did Bulk Biceps want to talk about?" Flash asked with a smirk.
"That locker was his." said Swift who's stare never left the ground.
"Is he mad? Is he gonna pound your face in?" asked Flash with slightly more concern in his voice.
"No, actually we..... made plans to see a movie on Friday." Swift stated in a somber tone.
"Well at least you have a date with Bulk Biceps! That has to count for something right?" asked Flash as he snickered.
Swift shifted his head to meet Flash's eyes with a cold glance and uttered three words; "Shut up Brad."
Got a put a comma after a character addresses another charcter name, bro, see?
Not bad; not bad at all. I give you a fave and a like, but *ahem* NOW I NEED TO SEE MORE!
3936980 Hope you're enjoying it! can you tell me what you liked?
The relatibility factor of the whole thing; just the pressure of a friend causing one to make such a simple mistake lol.
I like this
3945442 Thank you! can you tell e what you liked about it? (Im also writing the next chapter as we speak btw)
3945449 The fact that it's EG, and I just...liked it, I can't really explain why I like something- but I like where this is going
3945456 Thanks! Hopefully next chapter or two will be up by the end of the day!
It's half decent. It's not "OMG MY SIDES' kind of comedy, but its good enough for a chuckle.
I lol'd. Dat Bulk Biceps date dough
I feel bad having not gotten around to reading this until just now. Now then...
Kudos on doing the impossible. You gave Brad(Flash)... a personality!!!!
You turned him from a bland, boring, rice cake, cardboard character into a bit of a smartass. Impressive.
I really like it so far
I agree, it does remind more of a comic book than a fanfiction.
I haven't even finished this chapter yet, and you have earned my 'Funniest Story moment of all TIme' award XD love this story already!
Can anyone fill me in on the Brad joke?
Ok, I was half expecting you to jump right in there with the locker being the the 'new girls' locker. Either way, what you really did had me cracking up.
I did something similar in middle school (Wrong locker and everything) and was so glad that I had forgotten to sign my name. I was one of those kids that everybody somehow knew the name of despite being the quiet kid in the back of the class that never talked, so if I had signed my name it would have immediately been recognized.
6781449 Before Equestria Girls came out a photo was posted that had a humanized (EG) Twilight and (At the time unnamed) Flash Sentry. Since he didn't have a name at the time the fandom started calling him Brad since he, apparently, looked like a Brad.
I got the information off of MLP Wikia by the way, didn't actually know myself. I only knew that people liked calling him Brad for some reason.
DYING OF LAUGHTER. Btw, sorry I haven't given this the proper read-through it deserves. I have a horrible habit of putting things in a read later list and then never reading them.
Better late than never, right?
Damn, good thing they arent in Equestria!