• Published 12th Feb 2014
  • 3,240 Views, 364 Comments

The Pie of my Eye - Azure_Shadow

Will Swift Justice be able to overcome his shyness and get the girl of his dreams without making a fool of himself? Probably not! Enter the Pie of my Eye!

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A Pinkie Pie Plan!

Twilight was sitting in the cafeteria during midday . She was sitting with five other girls. Their names were Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. They had only met about two weeks prior, thanks to Swift encouraging Twilight to meet them for lunch that one day in the Trigonometry room. She was glad she took Swift's advice. Even though she was nervous that first time eating lunch with them, the six hit it off and they all became fast friends. They were all for a brief moment quietly eating their lunches until Rarity spoke up.

"So Twilight darling, how are you settling in?"

"Oh I think I'm settling in ok." answered Twilight. "I've memorized my schedule, gotten up to date with all my homework, I've finally unpacked all of my stuff from home with a little help from my sister in law, and I've joined the writer's club!"

"That's great Twi!" said Applejack.

"Um...If you don't mind me asking, How's your dog doing?" quietly asked Fluttershy.

"Spike? He was really on edge the first two weeks since the move, but I think he's mellowed out by now. He doesn't whine for my mom or dad anymore, so that's good."

"Oh, well that's good. I'd be really sad too if I didn't see my mom and dad for two weeks and didn't know what happened to them." said Fluttershy.

"So Twilight, how do ya like it in Canterlot so far?" asked Applejack.

"I really like it here! Given I had a problem when I first got here, but now I think the whole video thing has simmered down. Everyone here seems really nice, and I like the change of scenery from my old school. Crystal Academy was in a huge city, and my family lived in one of those fancy apartment complexes, so I really like how Canterlot is more of a suburban area. I can't really explain it, but I'm getting a really homy feeling from this place."

As she was finishing her lunch, a sly grin began creeping across Rainbow Dash's voice. "So, you like the people here Twilight?" asked RD.

"Huh? Yeah Rainbow, they're all really nice as far as I can tell."

The smile grew wider and more sinister with each second. "So quick question Twilight." said RD

"What is it Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight.

"Are there any...guys....you like?"

The question stunned most of the girls who were sitting at the table.Even making Pinkie, who was devouring a cupcake she packed in her lunch, swallow her dessert in shock.

"R-Rainbow! that's quite a question to just drop on someone!" said Rarity with a shocked expression on her face.

"That's our little Dashie for ya, no matter what it is with her, you never see it coming." said Applejack who didn't even seem phased by the question.

"Well...I certainly never expected Rainbow Dash to ask that kind of question." said Fluttershy, who seemed rather uncomfortable about the question's topic.

All eyes at the table turned to Twilight, who was trying to think of something to say as her cheeks started to blush. "Um..well...I..uhh.... I'm not really sure.... I mean-"

Twilight's stammering was cut short by a loud GASP!!! that came from Pinkie Pie. "Oh. My. Gosh! There IS a guy you like! Whoisitwhoisitwhoisit!?!?" Pinkie asked excitedly as she started bouncing up and down in her chair at an almost vibrating speed.

Twilight's blush turned a full shade redder. "I...the-there's no guy I like!"

"Sugarcube I'm sorry, but you're a terrible liar." said Applejack as she slowly gained the same grin as Rainbow Dash.

"C'mon Twilight! tell us!" said an excited Rainbow Dash.

"Darling, they won't keep quiet until you give them an answer, and neither will I!" exclaimed Rarity as she too adopted the same grin as Applejack and RD.

Twilight, who's face was now as red as a rose, looked over to Fluttershy, who was also blushing, as she looked down at her salad, poking it with her fork quietly. After a few more seconds of pestering from her friends, she finally gave up. "Fine!" Twilight almost yelled in defeat. "I....kinda like this guy named Swift Justice." After the words left her mouth, RD's grin changed to a questioning look.

"Swift Who?"

"Rainbow, Swift Justice is Scootaloo's older brother." said Applejack.

"oh THAT Swift Justice! I help his little sister and her team practice for junior soccer!" explained RD. "He sometimes picks up Scoots from practice and the games, although I don't really know much about him, how about you girls?"

"Well, my little sister Sweetie Bell, and Applejack's little sister Applebloom are good friends with his younger sister. The three of them often have sleep overs at each of our houses. I've met him a few times, and from what I can tell, he's nothing short of a gentleman!" answered Rarity.

Applejack nodded."I agree with Rarity, I've met him a few times picking up Applebloom from his and Scootaloo's house and he seems like an ok fella to me. What do you think Fluttershy?"

"Oh, I don't know, I've never really talked to him. I remember a while ago he adopted a cat from the Canterlot Animal Shelter, and he and the cat looked really happy, so I think he might be a good person."

All eyes now turned to Pinkie Pie, who was biting her lower lip while tapping her chin with a pink rubber pencil. "Hmmmm, Swift Justice huh? I.... don't know anything about him!" Pinkie said, looking as if she was surprised by her own statement.

"Wow! Pinkie Pie, friend to everyone doesn't know anything about someone! This is a shock to me." said Rainbow Dash.

"I know! I surprised me too! I don't really know anything about Swift Justice because he never talks. Anytime I see him, he's always got his head down, or is talking to one if his friends in the distance. I tried talking to him about something once, but he only ever mumbled his words."

"So, what do you girls think I should do? Should I ask him if he likes me? Or would that be too forward? Should I wait if he asks me? Or would that take too long? Oh man, I hope there's a book about this." said Twilight as she put her head down on the table. Rarity reached out to give her new friend a re assuring pat on the back.

"It's alright darling! If this boy likes you, then he's sure to ask you out eventually. There was this boy I admired from afar a while back and I wasn't sure how to approach him. But that didn't matter because eventually he approached me! He said he thought I was cute, and asked me on a date to the little cafe by the school. We've been going out ever since."

"That reminds me Rarity, when will we get to meet this mystery boyfriend of yours?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, when I feel the time is right." Rarity said as she gave a little wink to Applejack.

"Girls please, I really need your help here, I'm lost." said Twilight.

Pinkie's eyes suddenly shot wide open; "I GOT IT!" shouted Pinkie as she jumped up from her chair. "Twilight, you can't wait for Swift to ask you out because he's super shy! Call it my Pinkie sense, but I have a hunch that this boy reeeeaaalllyyyy likes you, but he's too shy to do anything about it!"

"You think so Pinkie? He hasn't seemed very shy in the last few days." said Twilight as she remembered back to past instances of small talk with Swift either before Chemistry class or in the halls.

"Well of course If he likes you silly-billy! He's obviously trying to play it cool, but he can't work up the courage to ask you out! And I think all he needs, is a little push." said Pinkie as an idea had started to formulate in her head.

End of the school day

Swift Justice had just gotten his binders and folders packed as he zipped up his backpack. He slung his bag over his shoulder (like a boss as he'd say) and walked down the hallway. His locker was in to the main foyer of the school. He was alone today because most of his friends were either doing extracurriculars, detention, or in Flash's case, was too sick to go to school that day. Swift was about to enter the foyer, before a pink blur suddenly appeared before him. Swift focused his eye on the blur and eventually made it out to be none other than Pinkie Pie. She immediately stopped running a few inches in front of Swift.

"Hiya! You're Swift Justice right?"

It took a moment for Swift to realize what was happening, and once he realized Pinkie had just started talking to him, he froze up. Swift chocked out"Uh....I-uhh..umm.y--y-yeah th-that's..m-me..i think."

Pinkie giggled "Awesome! I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Uhh, I..think I've seen you before." Swift said as he tried moving any part of his body, which he couldn't.

"Really? Wow! You must have really good eyesight! Wait...what did I want to talk to you about again? Oh yeah! I have something I want to talk to you about, Swift!"

"T-talk...with..me?" asked Swift as he thought to himself. Good god man, get a grip! The girl you've had a massive crush on since freshman year is now talking to you! C'mon what would Flash say If he saw you like this? Remember what Thunderlane told you, play it cool! But how can I get cooler than frozen in place!?

While this stream of thoughts was running through Swift's head, Pinkie continued talking. "Well anyways, I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a double date with me and my friend Twilight Sparkle this Saturday! It'll be tons of fun! What do you think?"

Oh crap, hey idiot! Pinkie's talking, shut up and listen! All Swift heard from Pinkie was the words you, double date, me, Saturday. Needless to say, Swift was stunned by this sudden invitation. "Wait....a d-double date with you!?"

"Yeah, and my friend Twilight Sparkle! She's still new here, and I think a double date would be the perfect thing to show her how much fun Canterlot is! Whaddaya say Swift? Wanna have some fun?"

Without even thinking, Swift quickly blurted out "Y-YES! I'd love to go on a double date with you and Twilight! That'd be...."


"Y-yeah! What you said!'

"Okey Dokey Lokey! I'll go tell Twilight the good news! Illgiveyouthedetailslaterbye!!" Pinkie shouted quickly and excitedly as she ran super fast out of the foyer door to the outside. Swift was left at the end of the hallway, still frozen in place.

"I...have a date with Pinkie Pie....I have a date with Pinkie Pie.... I HAVE A DATE WITH PINKIE PIE!!" Swift repeated as he broke out of his frozen state and happily jumped up and clicked his heels together. This brief moment of happiness was brought to a stop when Swift realized one thing. 'Wait, did she say double date?"