It was the Monday of the next week, a few minutes before school started. As with their usual daily routine, Swift Justice and Brad..Whoops! Sorry, Flash Sentry were walking up the winding stairway to their first period Chemistry class as they were talking about their weekends.
"So Swift, how was your date with Bulk Biceps last Friday?" asked Flash with a sly grin on his face.
Swift returned Flash's smile with a small frown and glare. "Well actually, we had a nice time. we went to see that new spy movie starring Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis.. wait, IT WASN'T A DATE!"
"Really, because I thought that letter that you put in Bulk's locker clearly asked for a date." Swift was about to speak up, before Flash cut him off; "And don't think about blaming me for it! You're the idiot who put the note in the wrong locker, and accepted the date with Bulk in the first place!" Brad finished his sentence as Swift quickly closed his mouth and looked down to the floor.
"At least I got a date last week, unlike someone I know." Swift said in a soft grumble.
"Hey, I'm single by choice! I'm just waiting for that one special girl, ya know?"
"Oh yeah, that one winged imaginary princess girl." said Swift in a mocking tone.
"She was real! Didn't you see that video of those girls dancing around the cafeteria!?"
"Yeah, Thunderlane sent me a link to that! I can't believe six girls were prancing all around and dancing on cafeteria tables, and I wasn't there to see it!"
"She was that girl with the pink streak through her hair."
"A few girls prancing around a cafeteria isn't really hard evidence Flash."
Flash sighed; "Remind me why I'm friends with you."
"Because you love me." Swift said as he let out a chuckle.
The two continued to their Chemistry class as the bell was just about to ring. They waited for a few minutes at their desks, until the teacher called for the classes attention.
"Hello everyone, may I have your attention for a moment please?" asked the teacher as the students turned their heads towards him. "Before we start class today, We need to welcome a new transfer student into our class." The teacher made a "come here" motion with his hand towards the door. The door slowly opened, and in came a slim girl with strait hair with a pink streak running through it. She was wearing a button down blouse with a pink bow near the neck, and a dark purple skirt with a pink star on it. She looked at the class, and it was clear to see that she was nervous. "Class, I'd like you to meet our new student Twilight Sparkle, she just transferred here from Crystal Academy, so I want you all to do your best to make her feel welcome." All of the student in the class stared at Twilight in slight shock, Flash especially. The awkward silence continued for a few seconds until Twilight spoke up.
"Can..I sit down please?"
"Oh, yes I believe there's a spot next to Swift over there." said the teacher as he pointed to an empty desk by where Swift was sitting. Twilight quickly walked to the empty seat and quietly sat down. "Now, let's just dive right into Combined Gas Laws shall we? Now, If you'll look up at the board," Swift sighed at the thought of more chemistry work as he felt his phone in his pants pocket vibrate. Making sure the teacher was still focusing on the lesson, Swift took out his phone and hid it behind his chemistry textbook so he could still type on it.
1 New text from: Flash
Flash: OMG That's her!!!
Swift: Who?
Flash: The girl sitting next to you genius!
Swift: You can't be serious dude.
Flash:I am! Just look at her!
Swift turned his head to the right to look at the new student. She was staring intently at the board, absorbing everything the teacher was saying about combined gas whatever. Then the girl glanced to the side to make eye contact with Swift.
"Oh, uhh....hi" whispered Swift sheepishly.
"Um hello." said the girl who's name was apparently Twilight.
"So....welcome to Canterlot."
"Thank you, I kinda wanna pay attention to the lesson now."
"Oh sure, sorry." said Swift as he immediately turned back to his phone.
Swift: That's really her?
Flash: It's the girl from the video isn't it!?"
Swift:Yeah it is. What are you gonna do dude?
Flash: idk, ask her out probably.
After school had ended for the day, Swift and Flash met outside of the chemistry room.
"So that was your magical princess girl right?" asked Swift.
"Yeah! That's her, or at least the her of our world."
"Our world? What do you mean by that?"
"Oh well, the Twilight from the Fall Formal was really a princess from another dimension who came here through some sort of portal on our school's statue."
"May I say that you're doing a great job at convincing me that you're not currently insane."
Flash looked over his shoulder to see Twilight exit the chemistry room. He quickly took a comb out of his pocket and ran it through his hair. After that, he quickly checked is breath, which he thought didn't smell bad, but used a mint just to be safe.
"Swift, how do I look?"
"As white trash as ever my friend."
"Awesome!" said Flash as he took a deep breath and started walking towards Twilight. "Time to try out some of that patented Sentry charm." Swift rolled his eyes as Flash strode confidently over to Twilight who was looking at her new class schedule. Flash cleared his throat; "Hi there, Twilight right?" asked Flash.
Twilight looked up from her schedule to meet Flash's eyes. "Um yes, and you are?"
"The name's Sentry, Flash Sentry." said Flash with a smirk on his face.
"Hello Flash" said Twilight in a slightly off-put tone.
"Hey, so I know that you're new here, but would you like to hang out sometime?" asked Flash who now had a soft smile on his face.
Twilight stared at him for a few seconds before giving her answer; "No thank you, I'm really busy the next couple of days."
Flash was taken aback by this answer, but quickly regained his composure; "You sure? We could just ya know, see a movie, maybe just go to a fast food place or something."
"I'm sorry, I just moved here and I'm too busy to do anything at the moment." Twilight said rather bluntly.
"Oh..., um that's ok. Well I guess I'll see you later than." said a defeated Flash.
Twilight gave a small nod as she slowly walked away. Swift who was only a few feet away from this incident walked up to Flash.
"Swift, what just happened?" asked Flash who was still recovering from the shock of being rejected.
"I believe the correct term is that you got-" said Swift as he made a motion with his hands as if he was loading and firing a rifle. "shot down."
"Shot...down....Me?" said Flash as his face slowly turned from shock to a look of despair."B-But, I'm Flash Sentry, no girl has ever rejected me before."
Swift walked up to Flash and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I'm sorry man, I guess there's a first time for everything."
"" asked Flash as he slowly walked to a bench near where the two were standing and sat on it in a fetal position.
Swift stood in confusion as he watched his friend's confidence being shattered as Flash was muttering incoherent sentences.
"Um..Flash, are you ok? asked Swift out of concern. Flash was not answering as he was still apparently lost in his own thoughts.
"Hey Swift, what's wrong with Flashy boy?" asked a familiar voice. Swift looked behind him to see a student walk up to him and Flash. He had a wild light cyan grey hair with lighter streaks, and was wearing black jeans with a black denim jacket and a grey t-shirt with a picture of a thunderbolt protruding from a cloud on it.
"Hey Thunderlane, I think Flash is broken." said Swift as he poked Flash's forehead with no response.
"Here, let me try." said Thunderlane as he walked up to Flash. He bent down to eye level with him, gently raised Flash's head up, and then delivered a hard SMACK!! to Flash's cheek. "Snap out of it Flashy boy!" said Thunderlane as he grabbed Flash by the collar of his shirt and started to shake him. After three minutes of shacking, he lowered Flash back down to the bench, and he was still as distant and incoherent as he was before. Thunderlane scratched his head; "Ok, I give up, what happened to him?"
"He got shot down by the new girl, never even stood a chance." said Swift as he slowly shook his head from side to side.
"Owch! I think that's the first time that's ever happened."
"Yeah, he's taking it really bad, It's sad really." said Swift as he shrugged his shoulders.
As if he briefly regained his sanity, Flash managed to choke out; "It's really sad that you can't talk to Pinkie Pie to save your life." before returning to his previous state of self loathing and mumbling.
"Hey! That was uncalled for!" Swift said defensively.
"He's got a point dude, whenever Pinkie's close, you can barley speak one word, and I don't think you've ever so much as asked a girl out before." said Thunderlane.
Swift scratched the back of his head as he looked down at the floor; "Well....asking out girls is hard."
"Ya, that's because you haven't tried asking a girl out since what happened with.." Thunderlane immediately stopped himself but it was too late, Swift was now beginning to make the same face Flash made.
"Oh god, Swift I'm sorry, I forgot!"
Swift now had the same depressed look that Flash had. " It's ok Thunderlane, I think I'm gonna join Flash on the Bench of Depression for a bit." said Swift as he began to sit on the bench, only to have Thunderlane quickly grab him and shake him as he had with Flash.
"No Swift! Get a grip man! We gotta get you outta here!" yelled Thunderlane as he picked up Swift and carried him towards the hallway connected to the one they were currently in.
"No wait! We need to go back for Flash!" shouted Swift into Thunderlane's ear.
"We can't! He's too far gone into the realms of despair! We must go before you follow suit!" Thunderlane yelled back.
Thunderlane ran until they were out of the school, Thunderlane dropped Swift to the grass in front of the building. Swift stared at the school, standing tall like a mighty fortress.
"Thunderlane, what happened in there?"
"Forget it Swift, what matters now is that it's over." said Thunderlane who was now staring at the school as well.
"Will Flash be ok?"
"I think he'll just have a bruised ego, and he'll probably be on that bench until a janitor finds him."
"Oh, ok, wanna go to SugarCube Corner for a bite?"
"Meh, I can eat." said Thunderlane as the two friends started walking towards town to talk about the interesting moment that the the two of them and Flash experienced
"One last question Swift."
"Yeah Thunderlane?"
"About Flash getting rejected........did you videotape it?"
"I'll show it to you at S.C.Corner, The look on Flash's face in the beginning is hilarious!"
3946879 Yes please.
3946907 Can you tell me what you thought was funny?
LOL; REJECTED! I know the feeling there Flash, AND THAT IS WHY I AM GETTING HAMMERED TONIGHT. yay another drunk Valintines day, WOOHOO!
3946944 I hope you've enjoyed it.
3947145 I had fun writing the end of chapter 2, it came out of nowhere.
Those are often the best stories and chapters.
3947175 What do you mean?
I mean the chapters and stories that just suddenly come to you often times turn out to be great.
3947255 oh yeah! Did you like the end of chapter 2?
3947360 thanks! Hope to enjoyed it.
Now here's why I don't usually like Flash fics... characterization is all wrong. I'm gonna be real harsh, so as to let you know.
When he first bumped into Twilight in the movie, he played it cool. He was a little shy, and nervous, but he PLAYED IT COOL Not,
Yeah no. He didn't ask that the first time. In fact, they did dance in the end. If anything, if he saw Twilight again, he would rather be quite shocked to see. Then stunned that she doesnt know / recognise him. Not any of that above.
Yea I did lol; way to end a chapter .
3947431 ends like a war story
Thunderlane be like
4949268 bitch, did you just satirize one of the saddest moments of my childhood?
5682745 we all been there
It's insane that this world's Twilight went to Crystal Academy, when the actual human Twilight went to Crystal Prep. What are the chances?
Especially pretty girls. The you're really screwed,
Also, dude, I know we've talked about this before, but you're PSYCHIC about EG!Twilight being from a Crystal Empire-derivative school.