It was the week after the arrival of the transfer student Twilight Sparkle. Things in Canterlot High were as calm as ever. It was the middle of the school day, and Swift Justice, Flash Sentry and Thunderlane were eating lunch.
"Jeez, was it just me, or was that Trig. test super hard?" asked Thunderlane who was eating his burger while he was talking.
"Yeah, I just barley finished before time was up, I didn't even get a chance to check my work. Although, It probably wouldn't have done any good. Trigonometry is my worst subject. " Swift replied with a sigh. Both of them looked towards Flash, who was lost in thought as her stared at the rice on his tray while poking at it with his fork.
"You ok Flashy boy?" asked Thunderlane. Flash didn't respond. "HEY FLASHY BOY, YOU OK?" asked Thunderlane in a louder voice as he hit his hand on the part of the table in front of Flash. Flash snapped out of his trance and looked up at his friends.
"Huh? What's up?" asked Flash in a slightly confused way.
"We wanted to know why you were zoning out." replied Swift.
"Sorry guys, I guess I'm still a little hung up on this Twilight thing." answered Flash.
Thunderlane groaned; "Dear god man, you're still hung up on that? I thought you were over that girl rejecting you once you left the Bench of Depression last week."
"It's not just about the rejection. I really liked this girl back during the days leading to the Fall Formal. She seemed really nice, and I thought she was into me too. But this Twilight is completely different from the one that was at the formal. I think I still like her, and I want to make things work between us, but I can't figure out how. Do you guys know how hard it is to have a girl you like, but you also have no idea what she thinks of you or how to approach her?" All Flash got in response from this question was a cold look from Swift who raised his eyebrow. "Oh right...sorry Swift."
After a few seconds of silence, Thunderlane quickly changed the subject; "Hey guys, did you remember the assignment the ELA teacher gave us for homework?"
"Yeah, I copied it onto my phone." said Swift who reached into his pant's pocket, only to find it wasn't in there. Swift quickly checked his other pockets on his pants and hoodie; no dice. "Which is now missing, great." said Swift.
"Swift, didn't you borrow my charger to charge your phone in Trig. class before the test?" asked Thunderlane.
Swift let out a short grunt as he face palmed. "Damn , I must've forgotten it. I need to get it back." said Swift as he got out of his chair and began to walk out of the room before Flash spoke up.
"Dude, just wait until lunch is over and then get it."
"It's a new phone, and Tunderlane's charger, I don't want to take any chances." replied Swift as he walked out of the cafeteria. Swift quickly walked down the hall to the Trigonometry room that was a short walk from the cafeteria. Swift remembered from previous occasions that the Trigonometry teacher never bothered to lock his door when he went to the Teacher's Lounge. Swift slipped into the room and quickly walked to where he plugged his phone in to charge. He unplugged the charger and his phone and stuffed both into the pockets of his hoodie. Swift turned around to leave the room, until something caught his eye, there was another student in the room. Swift recognized the student as the new girl Twilight Sparkle. She was sitting at the far end of the room by a window reading what looked like a text book. Swift wondered why the new girl was sitting alone in what he believed to be the dullest room in the school and slowly approached her.
"Hey, Twilight was it?"
Twilight looked up from the book to see Swift looking at her. "Yes, who are you?"
"I'm Swift Justice, we have chemistry together."
"Oh, right."
"What are you doing here in the Trig room?" curiously asked Swift.
Twilight sighed, clearly annoyed by Swift's presence. "I came here to get some peace and quiet so I can read If you don't mind." said Twilight who tried nothing to hide the harsh tone in her voice.
"Hey, what's your problem?"
"I don't have a problem! It's everyone else in this school has a problem!" replied Twilight in a very angry voice. Swift was taken aback from the sudden outburst from the normally quiet transfer student. Swift was about to leave the room, he turned before Twilight spoke again."Wait!"
Swift turned back to Twilight, who closed the textbook she was reading. "Yeah?"
"Look, sorry I sounded a bit harsh. I didn't mean it towards you, I'm just having a bit of a rough time lately."
"A rough time? Why?" asked Swift.
"It's a long story, you wouldn't want to hear it." answered Twilight.
"Sure I would!" said Swift as he sat on the desk chair next to Twilight. "What's up?"
Twilight looked out the window to her left as she answered. "Well, It's just that.... I've been having a rough time these last couple of weeks. My parents went overseas for business, so I had to transfer schools so I could stay with family. I have a brother, but he didn't live near my old school so when I moved in with him and his new wife. I wasn't upset when I left. Honestly I didn't have many friends back at Crystal Academy, so I wasn't too devastated when I had to transfer. What upset me happened after I started going to school here."
"What upset you?" piqued in Swift.
"Well apparently, there was a girl who went to this school who looked a lot like me. There was a video taken of her acting like a complete and utter moron in the library. She was picking up books with her mouth, hitting a keyboard with her fists, getting blinded by a copier, and acting like a buffoon! And now for some reason, everyone here keeps asking me "Hey, are you that girl from the video a few weeks ago?". Or I hear stuff like "Hey, it's that spaz from the video." or stuff like "What's the Princess doing back?" That one doesn't even make sense! It didn't bother me at first, but being asked about it all week is slowly gnawing on my last nerve!" Twilight looked angry again for a moment before looking sad again. "I thought that maybe going to this new school would be a good thing. A fresh start, ya know? Maybe try to make a few friends here. Although that's kind of hard when the students here won't shut up about a stupid viral video."
Swift took a while before speaking up. "While I can't relate with the video thing, I get where you're coming from with being the new student."
Twilight turned her head to look at Swift. "You do?" Twilight asked in a surprised tone.
Swift nodded. "Yeah, you see, my family and I moved here my first year of middle school. I didn't know anybody here, and I transferred almost halfway through the year. I didn't make much of an attempt of trying to make friends. I was a really shy little kid back then, only ever speaking when spoken to, and I felt I didn't fit in with the kids that went there. That was until one day when I got bullied by one of the bigger kids. I took the tongue lashing he gave me, and I was pretty sure he was gonna try to beat me up. I was really scared, until someone else spoke up. It was another kid about my age, he told off the bully, and the two got into a fist fight. I was really scared, and didn't move from the wall the the bully pushed me up against. It kept going until the kid punched the bully really hard in the mouth. I think he punched out a loose tooth or something, because the bully ran away crying. The kid walked up to me, and asked me if I was ok, even though it should've been me asking him that question after the fight. He helped me up and I asked him why he helped me. He said he didn't like seeing other kids get bullied because he was bullied when he was in grade school. After that, he got in trouble for hurting the bully who acted like a victim. In a rare show of bravery for me at the time, I spoke up and said the bully was bullying me until the kid told him off, and the bully threw the first punch. The adults realized I was telling the truth and the bully got suspended. After that the kid asked me "Why did you speak up? I thought you were mute or something." and I told him "Well, you helped me, so I helped you. Isn't that the kind of thing friends do for each other?" The rest is history, I went through middle school, and overcame my shyness."
"What happened with the kid?" curiously asked Twilight.
"That kid's name was Thunderlane, and now he's my best friend." said Swift. " My point is, there can be some jerks out there, but there are also some really great people out there, and those people will definitely be you friend, but you gotta take the first step and give them a chance."
"Well.." said Twilight sheepishly; "There was a few girls who invited me to have lunch with them later."
"That's great! You should do it!" encouraged Swift.
"You think so?"
"Like I said, sometimes good friends only need one chance." replied Swift.
"I think you're right." said Twilight
Twilight grabbed her book, and made way towards the door, stopping when she was about to leave. "Oh, and Swift."
Twilight gave Swift a warm smile. "Thanks, It was nice having someone to talk to about this."
"No problem Twilight!" said Swift who gave Twilight a big ear to ear grin. Twilight giggled as she left the room. Swift slowly followed suit, feeling a bit of pride puff up in his chest. I think I just made a difference in someone's life today. thought Swift as he returned to the cafeteria for the last five minutes of the period.
"What took you so long?" asked Thunderlane.
"Oh, just stopped and chatted with someone." said Swift as he gave Thunderlane his charger and the ela assignment.
As school was ending that day, Swift and Thunderlane were about to leave when a voice called out.
"Hey Swift!" Swift turned around to see Twilight running towards him and stopping close to him.
"What's up Twilight?" asked Swift.
"You were right, I had lunch with those girls, and they're really nice! We're going to some place called Sugar Cube Corner now. Oh! That's them over there!" Swift turned his head towards the main foyer of the school to see five girls waving at Twilight. Swift recognized Pinkie Pie of course, he also recognized Applejack and Rarity, his sister was friends with their sisters, and he's seen them enough times to know who they were. He saw Rainbow Dash, he knew it was her instantly because Scootaloo went into great detail about how awesome she was on a regular basis. He also saw one girl he didn't recognize, a pink haired girl who was standing behind RD who was giving a small wave. Swift turned back to Twilight.
"That's awesome Twilight!"
"Yeah, and I just wanted to thank you again for before." said Twilight who slightly blushed ( Swift didn't notice, but Thunderlane did) before running up to meet the group of girls.
Thunderlane had a shocked look on his face. "What happened there?" he asked Swift.
"I gave the new girl a bit of encouragement. And it worked out great!" replied Swift with a grin.
Thunderlane took a look at the departing group of girls who were all talking about something. He saw Twilight turn her head around and give Swift a little wave with her fingers, which Swift returned with a small wave. "So you encouraged her huh?" asked Thunderlane.
"That's what friends do right?" said Swift.
Thunderlane took one last look at the group of girls before giving a smug grin. Yeah, friends, I wonder what the new girl thinks about it as.
Good, funny, and I'm interested to see where it gose, but you need to take your time, a few days or so, to look over it again and fix any grammar problems, oh, and if your going to do author notes, it would be a bad idea to delegate your last one before you add a new one.
3953689 thanks!
I liked what I read so far. I'm always game for comedic romance.
If you need an OC to ask out Rarity to help yours ask out Pinkie, I got you.
3953839 thanks! I'll keep that in mind.
do you think you could tell me what you liked so far? Does Swift seem a bit Gary Stu-ish to you right now?
3954001 I don't think that's the problem. He reminded me of Clyde (my OC) in my series as he also seemed to just 'hit it off' with a character after talking for a while.
In my personal opinion, I don't think you can label those sort of things as "Gary Stu" because you also had a build up to it and it wasn't all of a sudden with like one or two sentences. As long as there's some backbone, I'm content.
3954267 thanks! That helps a lot! This is my first time I've ever really written an OC character. I'm used to writing pre-existing characters so I already have an idea on how they act. So I was worried about actually building a character. And maybe Rarity could make a passing remark on her boyfriend maybe.
3954422 Anytime friend! I'll be sticking around until the end of this so just have fun with it! It's your story and OC after all. If you want to incorporate Clyde into this, I'll be happy to help you again. More ClydexRarity is always good for me.
3954480 great, happy you like the story! Maybe Clyde could make a cameo somewhere, I'd just need you to pm me about his character.