Twilight has been in Ponyville for two years now. Under Princess Celestia's instruction she has investigated and wrote on the magic that is friendship. Her studious nature has made sure she kept up to what would be her normal curriculum, but recently she has begun to find advances spells far to difficult for her to use. To compensate she has been going to sleep later and waking up earlier. Spike seems to be getting distant as Twilight gets further enveloped in her studies and her friends are beginning to worry about her. But it seems that Pinkie Pie is there to save the day when she knocks on her friends doors before dawn to tell them that there is a new pony in town, and they "Have to be the first to greet him."
Dear celestia
another twilight?
Strange, why didn't Twilight question this pony? No ponyelse has a dragon...
No pony in "Ponyville" maybe. It is never really explained or adequately explored. But In season one episode 23 "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" You see the entrance exam for Twilight Sparkle is to hatch a dragon egg. Now considering this is a school, one we can assume is the highest caliber, we can assume that this is a standardized entrance exam. I always assumed that they served as a familiar, companion, and general assistant. Which as you can see is what I have gone with for this story. I also wrote this before the newest episode "Dragon Quest" where we learn not much is known about dragons.
Edit: Also why Peewee is not in this chapter.
339558 so is that the idea? To give twilight a friend she can relate to?
341374 wait. he? Shit. I didn't get the gender
Haha it's alright, I did say he had an androgynous face. A fair mistake.
341538 I wa assuming it to be a girl because the name sounded feminine.
Now officially a prereader
To think, Twilight almost ended up like that.
Heh. I can't really comment or else I might release spoilers about the next chapter .
363082 then she was sent to ponyville, made sOme friends. Then became kickass ^^
I predict that tawny and twilight will be shipped.
Guh. Someone should notice this story. I mean it really deserves more attention
Holy shit you update fast
450640 I wonder this story is shipping story (haven't started yet)
493039 only me and slurpy know that. Sit tight!
Only because I know there are people who want to be reading it and not waiting for an update.
493125 *evil guy*
I spent some tie reading from first chapter to now, I like it so far. Good pacing on this story, you don't jump into anything quick.
Tracked and thumbs up for motivation.
Thank you sir. I'm glad you find it to your liking. I have no intention of doing the 'jump cuts' that some stories do. Considering what you think so far I'm excited to see what you think of chapter twelve.
If you have any other comments or criticism’s I would be glad to hear them. I’m always looking to grow in ability.