• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 26th, 2021


Just another brony trying to figure out my special talent. Can I be a crusader now???


When Connor, a teenage thief on the streets of New York, discovers an ancient and mysterious mirror in a back alley, he is plunged into a bizzare and, in all honesty, unwanted world of dragons, mythical beasts, and talking ponies. Now, Connor has to deal with a shadowy organization known as "The Grandchildren", his own habitual kleptomania, and the threat of imprisonment on the Moon, all while he seeks out the mysterious "Trickster", the only being who can possibly get him back to Earth.

Not your average Human-in-Equestria story..

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Author here. I originally made this in google docs, so if there's anything that didn't transfer over right, just let me know, allright?

Wait, so when using humans, do you put in OC or Other in the character tags?

907463 hmm... good question. I put OC because he is an original character.

Not bad...certainly seen worse beginnings.

Now, what happens next?

You have my attention. Pray you do not disappoint me. :trixieshiftleft:


Okay, I just read the story. This is awesome, and you should totally keep going. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Favoriting.

I am going to like it for now because you used my name as the main character making me interested. Also I am busy at the moment so I cant read the story. I'll read it later and tell you how it is.

After reading this chapter I feel that it was a good start. Need to read more to decide if I like it or not so i will follow.

Am i the only one who noticed that the title is a possible Skyrim reference? :derpyderp2:

907460 YOU MUST WRIGHT MORE OF THIS!!! :D:pinkiehappy:

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