• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 12,118 Views, 1,810 Comments

A New Home III: The Quest for the Lost Locket - APoeticHeart

Toby is suddenly teleported to the Equestria Girls Universe in search of his missing locket.

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Chapter 17: Redemption

As morning arrived in Canterlot City, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were making their way to school. Diamond had a scowl on her face and stomped her heeled boots against the pavement. Silver Spoon had a look of nervousness, afraid to speak to her friend when she was in such a bad mood.

She bit her lip and looked from side to side, thinking about what to talk about. She looked up at the clear, blue sky as the sun shined brightly, and a smirk crept across her lips “It sure is a beautiful day today, isn’t it Diamond?” Her smirk turned into an awkward smile as she looked over at the angered teen princess.

“Shut up!” Diamond snarled at Silver Spoon and shook her head frustrated. Her brows furrowed in anger “I had that little brat where I wanted him, right in my clutches.” She held out her hands out balled up into fists and sighed angrily “But that goody two shoes Sunset Shimmer had to interfere along with her gang of happy go lucky idiots.” She gritted her teeth in annoyance.

Silver Spoon reluctantly reached out a hand to touch at her shoulder “Don’t worry Diamond you’ll get that little twerp another time. He won’t even see it coming and his friends won’t be there to help him.” She snickered at her thought.

Diamond stopped in her tracks and a slow, evil grin formed on her face “No Silver, not another time. I’m going to finally get him once and for all, and make him wish that he never stepped foot into my school.” She let out a low pitched chuckle.

“What do you mean Diamond? How are we… Ah!” Silver was cut off as Diamond forcefully grabbed her hand, pulling the grey toned girl toward her.

Diamond’s eyes grew wide and her mischievous smile revealed her pearly white teeth “Stop asking such idiotic questions!” Silver Spoon whimpered under Diamond’s glare as Diamond continued “Now let’s go to the chemistry lab first, because I know exactly what we can use to knock the little shrimp out to begin with.” She turned and walked toward the school pulling Silver Spoon behind her.

One block away walking to school were Sunset Shimmer, Toby, and the girls who were all so happy that they had their little friend back. Sunset held his hand as they walked along the sidewalk and ruffled at his hair playfully “I’m so glad that we got you out of that orphanage in time, because you know what buddy?” She gave him a big grin.

He looked up at her curiously “What Sunset?” he asked with wonder in his eyes.
She crouched down to eye level with him and placed her hand on his shoulder “Well buddy, if I recall, tonight at midnight you’ll be able to return home.” She gave him a warm smile.

Toby blinked his eyes and looked at her in her eyes with a hopeful smile “Really Sunset Shimmer? You mean I finally get to see my momma and my aunties again?” His heart started pounding with glee at the fact that he’d be reunited with his family.

Sunset nodded her head and wrapped the little boy up in her arms, pulling him toward her in a warm embrace. She rubbed up and down his back soothingly “Yes you will Toby!” She looked up at the others who all gave him warm smile.

“Oh, darling I’m so happy that you’ll going to be reunited with your loved ones again!” Rarity placed a hand on his back and patted it “And for the special occasion dear, I’m going to be working on a cute little outfit for you tonight, how does that sound?”

He looked up at her “You don’t have to do that Rarity. Just you and everyone else being my friend is all that matters.” He gave each of them a warm smile.

Rarity shook her index finger at him “Tut, tut my dear. I insist on making you an outfit for your last night here with us. Don’t you fret your precious little head about it, okay?” She leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, causing him to blush.

“Ah’m confused, Ah thought our little buddy was already home.” The group turned toward Applebloom who was standing with the other two young teen girls in the back.

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement “Yeah Toby isn’t your home with Sunset?” She looked at him softly, yet with concern.

Toby looked at the three “Well… I.” He was cut off as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Applejack looking down at him with a warm smile.

“Sugarcube, Ah think the girls ought to know why ya are really here.” She looked at her sister and the other two “Let’s discuss it while we’re on our way to school shall we?” Everyone nodded in agreement as Toby decided to start his tale again.

After they arrived at the school, the three girls were in shock and sadness at their friend’s story. They stopped at the entrance and gave him a big warm hug to let him know that they will always be there for him. They released the embrace while everyone was ready to go into school.

Before they entered Toby pulled gently on Sunset’s hand “Sunset, girls, would it be okay if I maybe talk to Fluttershy for a little bit alone?”

Sunset looked at the others who gave a firm nod, and then she looked down at her little friend “Of course buddy. You know where to meet us after class, right?” Toby nodded up at her.

“We’ll see you two later at lunch, okay Flutters?” Rainbow Dash reached down to ruffle at Toby’s head and smirked at Fluttershy who gave a nod.

“Bye Toby!” They said altogether as one by one they entered the school.

Fluttershy stood quietly for a while with her hands crossed against her tummy. She bit her lower lip and looked down at Toby “Um… what would you like to talk about sweetie?” She gave him a warm smile and reached to grab his hand so she could walk him to class.

A small swallow traveled down his throat as he looked up at her “Fluttershy, you aren’t mad at me for asking how you would feel about being a mommy, are you?” He gave a nervous smile.

She noticed the nervousness he shown and crouched down “Oh sweetheart, of course I’m not mad at you for asking such a question like that.” She stroked at his cheek “Um… but I’m curious as to why would you ask me to be a mommy.” She gave him a warm smile, but looked at him curiously.

He looked at her and returned the smile “Well Fluttershy, my friend and classmate in Mister Discord’s class, Noi is an orphan.” Fluttershy gasped as she looked at the boy to continue “And she’s been living at the orphanage ever since she was a baby.” He frowned at the thought of his friend not having a family “She told me that she was left on the steps of the orphanage by her own mommy and daddy, because they didn’t want her.” He felt tears threaten to escape as Fluttershy pulled him into a soft embrace.

“Shh… please don’t cry sweetie, it’s okay.” She tried to speak as soothingly as she could to calm him down. They were in the middle of the hallway causing some students to stare, but they could tell it was a private moment so they moved on with their business. She gently pulled him out of the hug and wiped away his tears “That’s better now Toby.” She stood up and held his hand in hers “Um… if I’m right in guessing, would you like for me to be a mommy to Noi?”

“Yes Fluttershy, I think you would make a great mommy. Not only because you look like my momma, but you are very sweet and loving.”

She felt tears threaten to escape from her own eyes “Um… well thank you Toby that means a lot to me.” She gave him a warm smile, but sighed heavily “Um… I really don’t know if I could be a mommy though sweetie, because… um… I’m a teenager.” She gave a frown, but Toby placed a hand on her shoulder.

“That doesn’t matter Fluttershy. As long as you can show love and care for someone that is all that matters.” He gave her a reassuring smile. He thought for a bit “Will you maybe think about it? I just don’t want to see Noi do without a family.” He gave a hopeful smile.

Fluttershy sighed and nodded “Alright Toby, I will think it over. Just don’t be upset with me if I say no though okay?” She gave a pleading smile.

He gently wrapped his arms around her neck in a warm hug “I could never be mad at you Fluttershy, because you’re my friend.” He gently pulled away from her and the hug “Thank you for thinking about it though Fluttershy. I just want Noi to be happy and know that she is cared for like me.”

Fluttershy reached up to stroke at his hair and stood up “That is what makes you the sweetest little boy my friends and I have ever met Toby.” She gave him a warm, bright smile “Now you run along to class and we will meet you at lunch, okay sweetheart?”

He nodded up at her “Okay Fluttershy, have a good day” He gave a warm smile before waving at her and heading off to class. She returned the wave and smiled warmly at him.

It looks like I have a lot to think about.

As he passed by the lockers heading toward Mister Discord’s class, Toby felt a hand placed on his shoulder and he stopped in his tracks. He turned to look up to see Silver Spoon grinning down at him “S-Silver Spoon what are you doing?” A swallow of nervousness traveled down his throat as his legs started to shake.

Silver Spoon shook a finger at him “Shh… shh… don’t be afraid little guy, I’m not going do anything to hurt you. I’m just here to ask if you could do me a favor.” She gently released her hand from his shoulder and gave a hopeful smile.

He looked up at her and calmed his shaking “What kind of favor Silver Spoon? I got to get to class so Mister Discord won’t get mad at me.”

“Don’t worry sugar it won’t take long at all. Could you follow me first though Toby?” she gave him a tender smile and took his little hand in his.

He sighed softly “Okay Silver Spoon.’ He walked beside her down the hall.

She led him toward the auditorium “I can’t thank you enough Toby for helping me practice for my piano recital in a couple weeks. I felt so bad that you couldn’t make the choir, but I could tell you were a good little piano player.” She gave him a big grin and pinched at his cheek.

He nodded “You’re welcome Silver Spoon. I don’t mind helping at… Mmph!” without warning he was grabbed from behind and something shoved in his face covering his nose. An arm wrapped around him and pulled him into something. He frantically struggled as he tilted his head back, and his eyes shot open with fear as he looked up at the evil grinning face of Diamond Tiara.

“Hello twerp!” She cackled as she held the cloth against his face “Just breathe it in deep you little brat. Soon you’re going to be in dream world and then the real fun will begin.” She felt him squirm in her arms.

He whimpered as he struggled, but his wiggling slowly waned as he became weaker. His eyes started to feel heavy as his arms fell down by his sides. Before his eyes closed he looked up see the two sinister girls grinning down at him as Silver Spoon waved a hand at him “Goodnight you little runt. When you wake up, you will regret ever stepping foot into our school.” She cackled as Toby’s eyes finally closed.

Diamond turned the passed out child around and lifted him up onto her shoulder. She smirks at how light he was “Wow Silver Spoon! He is as light as he looks, I could carry him around all day like this.” She giggled as she strutted slowly down the aisle of the auditorium, the little boy motionless on her shoulders “Get the rope Silver Spoon.” Silver nodded and walked up on stage behind the curtain, and retrieved a thick piece of rope.

Diamond walked up on stage and pulled a wooden chair in the middle of the stage. She set Toby down in it staring intently at him You got me a whole month of detention you little nuisance! And because of you, my father decided to cut off my allowance for a whole week. Ooh, I promise when I’m done with you this time, you’re going to wish you were never born! She gritted her teeth and gave a lowly laugh.

As the day went by, lunch arrived and Sunset Shimmer along with the girls was enjoying their usual time together. They were talking amongst themselves and enjoying a good-hearted laugh when Noi walked up to the table “Excuse me girls, but you are friends of Toby, right?” She gave a soft smile.

They nodded altogether “Yes darling we are, and you must be Noi. Our dear little friend has told us about how you defended him that day at recess when that brute of a lady Gilda’s sister started bullying him.” Rarity huffed at the memory.

Noi nodded, but then looked concerned “Well, I haven’t seen him in class this morning. Did he come to school today?” An expression of shock and panic ran across each of their faces.

“Yes he did, he walked to school with all of us, and then we left him with Fltutershy.” Sunset spoke and looked at Fluttershy “Do you remember seeing him before you left for class Fluttershy?”

The timid girl nodded “Um… of course Sunset. I even walked with him to the hallway where the younger kids’ classes were.” A frown formed on her face.

“I wonder where the little guy’s at.” Rainbow sighed heavily.

“Wait yall, ya don’t think that rotten core of an apple Diamond Tiara has anything to do with this, do ya?” Applejack scratched at her head as the girls gasped.

“Oh no, that mean meanie pants better not lay a finger on my cute little cupcake’s head!” Pinkie Pie snarled as she stood up “Girls, I think we should go find out what’s going on with Toby.” She pounded a fist into her hand.

Sunset nodded in agreement “She’s right girls, let’s go!” With that the group, along with Noi exited the cafeteria.

Meanwhile in the auditorium Toby was slowly starting to stir from his unconsciousness. He blinked his eyes open groggily and tried to get up, but found himself unable to move. His eyes snapped open in fear as he looked down to find a thick rope wrapped around him, and he started to frantically struggle within his binds.

“W-where am I? Someone help!” He cried out wiggling furiously within the rope but unable to do anything.

“Aw… is the little baby scared?” The voice of Diamond Tiara could be heard from behind the frightened boy as he stopped his struggling.

“Whose there? Please let me go, I am scared!” He turned his head back and forth to see the owner of the voice when of a sudden a hand crept onto his shoulder. He looked at the hand and slowly traced his gaze up to look at the grinning face of Diamond Tiara “D-Diamond Tiara?” A tone of panic escaped his lips.

“That’s right you little brat, it’s me!” Her brows furrowed with anger as she forced the wooden chair he was tied to on its legs, and turned it to face her. She lowered her head down with her face just centimeters away from his “Do you know what I’m going to do to you, you little runt?” Her hot breath washed over the face of Toby as he couldn’t help but shed a couple tears.

He whimpered “Please Diamond, just let me go. I promise I…”

“Shut up!” Diamond yelled in his face and grabbed it with her hand, cupping his chin. She sneered “You’ve cost me my allowance, my perfect attendance, and most of all you waste of space, you’ve cost me my reputation!” She turned her head and spat on the stage.

Silver Spoon watched from behind the curtain and laughed evilly you’ll learn that Diamond and I the top dogs here twerp. She grinned at the sight before her.

“Diamond please, I never meant to do any of that to you.” He sobbed as he looked into her eyes “I just want to get back home to my momma and family.” His tears flowed freely down his cheeks.

Diamond straightened up and looked at him confused, but shakes the confusion away immediately. She smirks at the fright in his eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks “Don’t worry you turd, I’m not going to do anything to take you away from your family. I’m just going to make sure you don’t ever mess with me again!” She looked down to see the golden chain of his locket “Ah… and I think I’m going to start with this.” She reached down and yanked the locket from around his neck.

Toby looked in horror as the girl forcefully took away his mommy’s locket. He shook his head frantically “No Diamond, please no!” He cried out and begged.

She held the locket by the chain and let it rotate around “What? Do you want this ugly thing that you call fine jewelry?” She let out a lowly laugh “Give me a break. Silver Spoon, give me the hammer.” With that, Silver Spoon came from behind the curtain with a regular sized steel hammer. She dropped the locket onto the floor and placed her hand against her lips “Oops… Aww… I’m sorry, I have such bad butter fingers.” She giggled evilly.

Toby gasped as he saw his locket fall to the wooden floor, landing with a thud. He whimpered “Please Diamond, don’t break it!” He clutched his eyes shut tight and turned his head away, afraid that the only remembrance of his mommy would be destroyed.

Diamond quirked her eyebrow at the trembling child “Why, what is so important about a useless piece of gold? I mean, I can understand a picture of your mother in it, but just imagine if this locket was smashed flat enough to make a fine gold coin.” She smirked as she lifted the hammer up in the air “Say goodbye to your memories you little bug.”

“Diamond Stop!” the three figures on stage turned to see Sunset, the girls, and the two principals standing at the entrance of the auditorium. They made their way down the aisle “Diamond, leave the poor boy alone and give him his locket back.’ Sunset said as she glared at the girl with rage.

Diamond snarled at the fact that she was caught again, but smirked wickedly “You all stop or I will mash this worthless piece of gold to bits!” They stopped in their tracks and looked at Toby tied in the chair, gasping.

“No Diamond Tiara, please!” he cried out. He looked at her with pleading eyes “Please Diamond Tiara, don’t crush it. It’s the only thing I have to remember my mommy by!” His lips quivered as his tears continued to flow. The girls looked sadly at the poor child tied to the chair, their hearts breaking at the sight.

Diamond stopped the hammer in midair and turned to the boy with a confused look “Wait… what do you mean the last thing?” She slowly stood up and held the hammer by her side “Aw… does your dear mommy not love you anymore shrimp? Did she decide to give this to you so you can have a little shred of hope that she ever did?” She cackled, causing even Silver Spoon to gasp at her comments.

“That’s enough you jerk!” Rainbow yelled out “How dare you say things like that to a child. He has that locket because…”

“N-no Rainbow Dash, it’s okay, I can tell.” Toby gave a quivering smile to the cyan girl and turned his attention back to Diamond “Diamond, please it’s the last thing my mommy gave to me before… before she died.” He lowered his head and shook with sobs.

Diamond froze and dropped the hammer on the stage with a loud thud. Silver Spoon and everyone else jumped a bit as the sound echoed throughout the auditorium, but Diamond stared wide-eyed at the tied up boy. A swallow traveled down her throat as she stared at him “Wait, you mean you lost your mommy?” For once a hint of sympathy could be heard in her tone.

He lifted his head up to look at her as the last remaining tears escaped the corner of his eyes. He nodded and sniffled “Y-yes, she died when I was only five years old.”

Diamond simply stood there shocked at what she heard. She blinked her eyes and glanced back and forth, biting her lip. She then looked at Toby with a look of sincerity and concern on her face as she slowly leaned down to pick up the locket and looked at it “Uh… Toby, how did you lose your mother?” She asked with a softened tone and slowly approached the child.

Principal Celestia looked on confused along with the others, but Luna placed a hand on her shoulder “I think I know what’s going on sister. Do you remember when Mr. Rich first enrolled Diamond into our school?”

Celestia nodded “Oh, of course, how could I forget. I remember him telling us about his wife, Diamond’s mother passing after giving birth to her.” Luna nodded with a frown as the girls before them gasped.

“Oh dear, I didn’t know that happened to the poor girl.” Rarity turned to look on stage “I always thought she was just a stuck up little princess who always got what she wanted because her daddy is rich.”

Applejack scratched her head, but a frown crept across her face. She looked at Sunset curiously “Uh Sunset, before ya turned good and all after that Twilight girl came, ya were friends with Diamond Tiara, right?”

With a heavy sigh Sunset nodded “Yes I was Applejack, we were so tight. She was actually the one that taught me how to gain what I wanted, and at the time it was popularity and power.” A feeling of shame coursed through her veins.

“Um… Sunset… Um… Did you know about the passing of Diamond’s mother… um… if it’s okay for me to ask?” Fluttershy bit her lip nervously.

Sunset sighed heavily as she looked onto the stage to see Diamond start to approach the child “Yes, but she confided in me to keep it a secret, so I never told anyone.” She frowned and turned to the girls “One day when we were walking home from school, she told me how her father told the story of how her mother was too weak to live through Diamond’s birth.” A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye.

“Wow that is a real bummer.” Rainbow scratched the back of her neck and looked at Sunset “Do you think that is why she acts all high and mighty?” Sunset simply nodded as Rainbow and the others watched as Diamond started to untie Toby.

Back on stage, Diamond pulled the little boy to her after untying him, giving him a warm hug and knelt down to his height. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, and for the first time in two years she released true, raw emotion. After she heard how Toby’s mom died, she immediately felt a pain of guilt strike at her heart.

“Oh Toby, I… I…” She couldn’t speak as the guilt of torturing the little boy ate at her. She used a hand to rub up and down his back to try and calm him down. She laid her head on his shoulder, hugging him warmly “I… I am so sorry Toby for what I’ve done to you.” She held him close as Silver Spoon came out from behind the curtain.

She knelt down beside Diamond and wrapped arm around Toby’s back “I’m sorry too Toby, I’ve been such a terrible person to you. We’ve should have taken the chance to get to know you instead of treating you cruelly.”

Toby soon calmed his sobbing and gently wrapped his arms around Diamond’s and Silver’s neck “It’s okay Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, I forgive you both.” He sniffled and gave a little smile/

Diamond slowly pulled Toby away from the hug and both her and Silver Spoon looked at him with shock and confusion. She swallowed deeply “Forgive us? How can you forgive us after such horrible things we put you through Toby?”

“Forgiving others was always a lesson my mommy taught that will help heal your heart when it’s broken by someone.” He gives a warm smile to the two girls.

Diamond reached up and stroked at his hair as her eyes were glassy with tears. She looked into his eyes with a tearful smile “You are truly a very special little boy Toby, and I know your mommy is very proud of the young boy she raised.” Finally shedding her thick skin she gently leaned in and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead.

The girls and sisters walked down the aisle way toward the stage “Ms. Diamond, I commend you on your current actions, but you and Ms. Spoon are still going to have to serve your months’ worth of detention.” Celestia looked at the two teen girls.

Diamond stood up with a soft smile to Toby then looked at Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. She sighed heavily “Yes Ma’am, I understand, and I am willing to pay for my cruelty towards this precious child.” She placed her hand gently on his shoulder.

“I am too Ms. Celestia.” Silver Spoon nodded firmly as the two girls shared a smile of warmth at each other.

Diamond gently lowered her hand down to Toby “Here you go Toby, this belongs to you.” She gently placed his locket back in his hand before her and Silver Spoon exited the stage and walked up the aisle way.

Toby smiled softly as he looked up at Principal Celestia “Ms. Celestia, if it’s okay, could I maybe come back to the auditorium tonight around eleven o’ clock?” He gave a hopeful smile.

Celestia looked at him curiously, but returned the smile and nodded “Well Mr. Mason, I don’t see no problem with it, but why at such a late time? Shouldn’t you be in bed at that time?”

He nodded “I know Ms. Celestia, but I want to do something special for my friends.” He looked up at all of them “Sunset, girls, will it be okay if I do something special for you tonight before I go home?” They all nodded with a warm smile.

“Well, shall we all go back to our classes?” Luna asked as everyone complied and followed behind the two principals.

While following behind his friends Toby had a warm smile on his face. He cupped his locket in his hands and looked down at it. He opened the locket to look at the picture of his mother.

Mommy, the song I’m going to play for them is the one you sang to me on the last night you tucked me in.

Author's Note:

Songs that Toby possibly could play for his final night with his friends:

- My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion

- I'll Be - Reba Mcentire

- I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston

- Lean on Me - Bill Withers

- Angels Among Us - Alabama

- Other (List whatever song you think he will play.)

The song would be revealed in Chapter 19