• Published 30th Apr 2013
  • 9,046 Views, 626 Comments

Lunar Phases - Dusk Writer

Five Score Divided by Four? Where have I heard that before? Psh, sounds like some cheesy title to a fanfic. What is this itching?! Wait, since when have I had Luna's cutie mark on my thigh?

  • ...

2. Dreamtime

I drift through the black darkness of my unconscious, a simple thought causing me to drift in the direction I wish. It’s odd, as I can tell I’m asleep, but it doesn’t feel like a dream.

A light appears above me, so begin to drift towards it, noting that it grows brighter as I get closer. Soon, the light envelops me completely and wholly as I step out into my room. Looking down at my body, I find that I look much more like a bluish shadow with limbs than an actual physical body.

I hear breathing and turn suddenly, startled, only to find my own sleeping body lying completely uncovered on top of the bed. Looking down at my back, I see a type of misty, black cord attached to my body.

I walk out onto the balcony and look up into the sky. I stand there in shock at the beauty of the figures in the sky for a few seconds. What looks like glowing, golden sand forms curving lines that that twist and spiral through the night sky.

I turn back and walk out of my apartment, just phasing through the door when I try to touch it. I float through the hallway and stop at the door to one of my less, favorable neighbors. I grin mentally as I pass through their door; excited to see what secrets they keep.

However, as soon as I float through the wooden door, I’m immediately pulled towards their bedroom where I see the golden sand flowing towards his forehead but turning black just as it goes inside. My neighbor has a look of discomfort on his face, wincing every so often. Practically on instinct, I reach out and touch the flowing sand.

But instead of feeling grains like I thought, it feels much more like I put my hand into one of those mist machines. The sand begins pulling me with it, and in no time I find myself pulled into his forehead.

I open my eyes and look around, seeing a small room with a table in the center. A single light is all that illuminates the wooden furniture. Sitting at the table is my neighbor, and across from him is someone who looks like an older version of him, possibly his father.

The two sit quietly for a few seconds before the father jumps up and punches his son in the face. The son falls out of the chair, trying to get as far away as possible from his assaulter. His father instead elects to walk around the table, pick him up with both hands gripping his collar, and begin yelling at him incoherently.

I watch in horror as he starts punching the son in the face repeatedly. Once I have seen enough, though, I quickly grab the father’s arm as it comes back up for another punch. I throw him behind me onto the wooden table. As he gets up to come at me, I simply wave my hand (it’s like I’ve done this before!) and speak in a voice much like my own, but more deep and powerful.

The father bursts into black smoke and dissipates as I turn back to my neighbor and help him. I stare at his face, noticing that there is no bruising. Huh, I guess he can’t get bruised in his dreams. I help him sit down into one of his more comfortable chairs that appeared out of the darkness.

As I sit down into the chair across from his, I notice his eyes haven’t left me the entire time. I look around, then down at myself, noticing just now that I am wearing a pair of black sweats and a navy blue t-shirt with a crescent moon on it. However, I’m walking around barefooted.

I look back at him to see him stuttering and pointing a finger at me. Am I that odd looking?

“Y-y-you’re my neighbor! W-what’re you doing here?” His voice goes to squeaky levels as he drops his finger, still staring.

“Well, yes, I am your neighbor. What I am doing here, I have no flipping idea! One moment I’m sleeping peacefully (I lied!) and the next I’m floating through the apartment into your room. I saw you getting beat up by that guy and decided to stop him. Who was he by the way?” I am now insanely curious, both at who the man was (presumably his father) and how I am taking this so well! I swear it’s like I’ve done this before, but I can’t tell where! It’s super irritating!

“The man you saw was my father.” Bingo! “And he beat me continuously as a child.” The man’s quivering voice shook me into a more serious mood. I mean this was my neighbor that constantly acted like Mr. Tough Guy; this was really unusual for him.

“Is he still alive?” I ask, letting a bit of a dangerous hint bleed into my voice. No matter who it is, they don’t deserve to be punished like that as a child.

My neighbor quickly replies, “No! He died a few years ago, but I’m still kind of scared of him.” His quivering voice twists my heart, and more anger for the man’s father burns within me.

I turn my voice to a much softer tone, almost like talking to a child, but with a more respectful tone. “You no longer need to fear him. He has no control over your life, and now, no control over your dreams. You can go live your life, and now with no fear.”

He looks up at me with a new hope burning in his eyes, and I feel, not proud of what I had done, but happy. It wasn’t an achievement or a hard competition needing to be done. It was just me, doing what had to be done.

I feel a tug at my back, and I’m quickly being drawn backwards by the misty cord. He watches me go as his dream dissolves around him. I yell back to him, "Let go of your fear!" I can only hope he heard me.

My eyes shoot open and I grab the sides of my bed. What just happened? I'm pretty sure that was a dream, but it just felt so real! Besides, it's not like I would actually get Luna's cutie mark. I glance at the clock and see it's only about five in the morning.

I sit up slowly, looking at the calendar. Good, it's a Friday, so I don't have to work today. I saunter over to where my robe hangs on the hook and make sure to avoid looking in the mirror; I want to keep these details from my dream as long as possible and not absolutely destroy my hopes.

I walk into the kitchen and open the pantry, smiling at how full they look. I fix myself another simple PB&J, making sure to lather on extra of both. I slowly saunter back into my living room, where Destiny Three is just waiting for me to play it.

However, I walk past the television and game consoles to collect the mail that had just been delivered (it gets delivered really early). Seeing only bills and trash in the bundle until I get to the last letter, I toss all the others down onto the floor as I take my time opening the letter from my friend.

Dear John,

I know you may have been wondering about me recently, but just to let you know, I am fine. I feel like we should get together so I can help you with what you should do with your future. In fact, you could come work under me at the recycling facility. It is much better than whatever you're doing now.
Your Friend

I crumple up the letter and toss it into the nearby trashcan. Yet again, they misunderstand who I am, what I want to do, and constantly try to control me. I feel the anger bubbling up within my chest, and I'm about ready to snap when someone knocks at my door.

The anger immediately dissipates into the depression of being misunderstood my entire life. I pull the robe closely around me once more and walk to the door, placing a neutral look on my face. I unbolt and unlock my door, and un-anti-bitch my mood, and slowly swing the door open.

Standing there is my unfavorable neighbor whose dream I had a dream of last night. He's standing in front of me with a suitcase, a suit, and one of the older classy hats. That's odd, he has a smile on his face. Probably planning to rape me. I mean, yeah I’m a guy, but you never know.

Instead of raping me, however, he reaches out with a hand and takes my own into his hearty and strong handshake. "I know this'll sound kind of weird, but last night I saw you in my dream, and you dispelled the nightmare I was having and freed me from my fear. I only came to thank you before I left to pursue my dreams." He starts to turn away, then stops and turns back, "Also, the light blue in your hair, is...interesting."

Without another word, he turns and walks away into the elevator, the silver doors closing behind him. I stand there for a few more seconds, trying to process what just happened.

Wait, did he just say, BLUE HAIR!? I run back to my room, almost knocking over several things on my way. I tumble into view of the mirror, and as he said, my hair is now a very subtle hint of blue. It hasn't changed length, but it's now thicker and more feathery at the same time. It’s at this moment my long bangs decide to fall into my eyes and disrupt my vision.

I violently shove them out of my eyes and quickly disrobe myself and pull down the boxers. Sure enough, Luna’s cutie mark is there, just as sharp and vibrant as ever.

Is it possible that someone is just trying to play a prank on me? I quickly dismiss the thought as I remember that I’m alone in this world, I continually think to myself bitterly. I grab a rag and get it to a nice, warm dampness (Bow Chicka Bow Wow) and begin scrubbing vigorously at the offending mark.

After five minutes, the mark is still there, but now with a ring of red skin around it. Maybe Twilight or somepony good in magic could help me out.

Wait, what?

Did I just think somepony instead of somebody? And did I just think of Twilight Sparkle as though she was real? Wow, I really need some help. I lean in closer to make sure my eyes haven't changed at all.

Good, they still appear to be the same, and they probably just look slightly bigger because of the mirror being distorted. I go over to the balcony window and look at the Muscatine, Iowan sky.

The sun hasn't yet come up all of the way, and I chuckle to myself. Celestia must be pretty tired...this morning.

Okay, what in the f-ing world!? I mean first, I think of Twilight Sparkle like she's real, and now Celestia!? I think I really need to see a therapist. I stomp back through my room and into the living room, determined to have some part of this morning be normal.

I quickly grab the scissors and, with practiced hands, slice open the plastic on my new game. I almost jump onto the leather cushions of my three-seater couch and turn on the flat screen T.V. I immediately mute it and place my Turtle Beach X1000s onto my ears and prepare for epicness.

The Xbox dashboard pops and I hit the play game option for Destiny Three. As expected, I hear the familiar "Ba-dink!" of the Xbox live service telling me that there is an update for this game. The kicker is that it's a hundred mega byte download.

I growl in frustration and hit the confirm button, standing up to go to my computer while I waited for the update to finish. I simply go to fimfiction and read some more of the fanfictions I have under my "Read Later" tab.

Finally, about ten minutes later, I look up to see the loading screens. I almost leap from my computer chair to the couch as I don my headset once more. I excitedly press the start button and select my hard drive to begin play.

The intro begins playing and the narrator’s deep voice comes in, telling the story of what happened between the second and third games. After that ends about ten minutes later, I begin to play through the tutorial section.

I’m training a new recruit alongside my best friend, when suddenly an explosion rips apart the nearby wall. I shove the recruit down behind a barrier and fire a few shots at the oncoming aliens before ducking behind some cover myself.

As I scream at my ally for another clip, one of the new aliens jumps at him from the shadows. It uses the long, sharp claws at the end of its skinny limbs to throw itself through the air and tackle him. I watch him grab its throat and they tumble into the shadows.

I look after him in shock, but quickly shake it off so I can help the recruit drive off the oncoming aliens. A strange chirping noise sounds through the air and the aliens fall back. I grab the recruit by the shoulder and shake out of the stupor of his first battle.

He looks at me with hope in his eyes and we run off into the shadows to help my friend. We find him, breathing heavily under the now dead alien. As we drag it off of him, I realize he’s not going to make it. The creature’s claws had gutted him like a fish, and he was smiling since he knew he wasn’t going to make it.

I hold his hand as he goes, promising to make sure no harm comes to his family, and as his eyes close, he dies with a smile on his face.

I immediately pause the game and run to the bathroom, tears running down my face. Once in there, I sit down onto the toilet seat and let the tears run freely. However, along with my sadness, I feel confusion; why am I so emotional right now? I haven’t cried from a video game since Cortana had died in Halo Four, yet here I am, crying even harder about a character I’ve only known for two full games.

What is happening to me?

I don't know how long I sit in the bathroom, almost panicking at the different reasons I can think of as to why I'm changing. Th-this is only a partial change. It has to be! I know I don't get out that much, almost not at all, but what will I do?

Well, I suppose I could always just stay inside until the changes run their course and I return to normal. My optimistic side pokes up again and I smile, wiping away the dried up tears. Well, since that seems to be the case, I'll just go back to my game and not freak out anymore today.

I stand and start walking out of the bathroom, when my foot slips on the tiled floor and I fall hard, hitting the back of my head on the bath tub. I don't have any time to think anything as I fall unconscious for the second time that day.

This time, I don't go into my dreamtime ability. Instead, this time I just touch down onto a cool, grassy plain. A moo from behind me makes me turn around to see several cows just standing there, eating grass.

It's weird. I think I hear a kind of funky tune in the background, but I'm not sure. Suddenly, the music becomes obvious and the cows all start shaking their head together, in sync with the odd beat.

I can't even begin to describe what happens in the next few minutes. I'm seriously beginning to question as to whether I actually hit my head, or took several shots of heroin and cocaine.

Finally, the dream (nightmare?) ended and shifted to the black abyss. However, no matter how long I wait, the dream doesn't change. I wonder if I could get some music since it's my dream.

And my subconscious, being the troll that it is, plays elevator music while I wait to wake up. After what feels like thirty minutes of waiting, the blackness seems to crack and then shatter around me. Finally!

I slowly open my eyes, making sure that I don't end up blinding myself. Standing up and rubbing my head, I quickly glance into the mirror and do a double take. My hair is about an inch longer and is now a much more vibrant shade of blue, kind of like cobalt.

I simply sigh and accept the new change, walking slowly out of my bathroom while holding a hand to my head. I glance at the clock in the kitchen as I walk past. It's about six right now, so I was unconscious for about twelve hours.

Strange, I don't seem to have gotten any actual rest I think as I yawn. I remember about my game that has been playing ever since I ran into the bathroom earlier this morning. I quickly jog into the living room and shut off the Xbox that is close to overheating.

After sighing in relief, I walk over to my computer and open my webcam to see what I look like now. Sure enough, my hair is a definite light blue, and there flecks of azure color in my eyes. I save a picture for later reference.

I lean back and think about what appears to be happening. Am I actually turning into Luna? So far as I know, I am going to fully transform into the pony, although I have no idea how long that will take for it to complete.

After thinking for a few more moments, I open forums on several different sites and type the same message into each of them.

To any whom it may concern,

So, have any of you who are reading this post have a cutie mark appear on the side of your legs recently? I could definitely use some as I appear to be turning into a pony. Any help is appreciated.
Sincerely Needing Help,
We are the Meta

I finish typing my screen name and shut off the computer; there’s nothing else I really want to do on there anyways. I lean back and attempt to fight off another yawn, failing miserably.

Might as well go to bed I guess, perhaps I’ll be back to normal by morning and this will all be over like a bad dream. It kind of feels like I’m lying to myself, but I wouldn’t do that, right?

Author's Note:

Alright, second chapter out in two days! I believe the next one will take a little longer because I have to discuss some things with my friends.