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New story idea · 4:12am Dec 23rd, 2019

Ok, I’m working on a new story, it’s a human spike displacement story, but there’s a catch. So I’m only going to ask one question. Who knows about combustion man from Avatar the last Airbender?

Report TAD2 · 273 views · #New idea

New idea for a story. · 3:53pm May 19th, 2020

Sparkle's home for imaginary friends? I don't know if it possible or if it already done, but Spike is Mac, Peewee is blue, Pinkie is Coco, Wilt is AJ, Trouble Shoes is Ed, Garble is Terence. Twilight is Franky, Naysay is Hareimen, and Twilight Velvet is Madam Foster. If your interested let me know, I grew up with that show and I felt nostalgic so I started watching it. I'm willing to give it a shot.

Report TAD2 · 201 views · #New idea

New Story Idea · 5:09am Jan 16th, 2017

I just thought of one of the most interesting story ideas ever, and this time it isn't displaced for once. Well actually I got two ideas, but I'll keep one of them secret for now. Anyways, what if some random pony had a sentient shadow that manipulate other shadows. I got this idea through a game called shadow puppeteer, at first I thought it was interesting, then I thought of the implications of it and my mind went boom. Everyone has a shadow that is connected to themselves, but this sentient

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Report Gypsybard · 299 views · #new idea

Preview Displaced: Enter Majin Kase(Kaa- Say) · 12:23am Nov 3rd, 2019

It has been 1000 years since the imprisonment of Nightmare Moon. Luna has returned, the nations of the world at peace across the known world. With the elements now having chosen their bearers, the world was abuzz. Such powerful artifacts are not simply ignored by all as Equestrians would think. That power would spark one to return, and see these new heroes for himself...

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My friends, I need your help! · 11:29pm Jul 5th, 2015

I need some help coming up with Ideas for fanfictions, guys. With several fanfics of mine cancelled, I'm in need of new and awesome ideas!


Aftermath: A short, experiment in isolated storytelling. · 2:36am Aug 13th, 2019

Just posted a new one-shot entitled Aftermath. This is something new and experimental when it comes to perspective, approach, length and subject; for me at least. With no full beginning and no full end, it's an examination of a set moment in time that people will hopefully find impactful. Given that this is something I'm testing the waters with, I'm really looking for feedback on this so if I attempt something along the lines again I know what to stick with and what some people may not find all

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Planing to return to writing. · 2:28am May 3rd, 2023

For the moment I'm Putting A Haunted Nursery on hiatus, I'm to stubborn to give the story to someone else, I've done that too much, but I'll be working on some more short stories, some that will have probably one chapter to maybe 3 chapters, I want to try my hands at age regression, I hate that I don't have many of those.

Report Matt11 · 127 views · #Writing #new ideas

Idea for a story based on a tabletob miniatures game (Dystopian Legions) · 11:40pm Feb 21st, 2017

Just an idea that has been floating around in my head for a little while. It's not really developed, and the story has yet to form in my mind, but, considering that I was fortunate enough to get three non-starter packs for the game Dystopian Legions for Christmas, along with a starter pack on the way (which contains the actual rule book, dice, and other stuff I need to play) and plans to get paint and glue to

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MLP:FiM - reVerse · 7:48pm Nov 17th, 2015

I have to admit that sometimes the ways I get an Idea are not quite the straight-forward ones.
This time I lay in bed and didn't really want to get up (early mornings are somehow the best to relax a bit more) and I imagined Luna climbing up the tower and entering her sister's room at night.

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Anarchy Digi Log · 6:39pm Oct 6th, 2015

Hello subscribers. Anarchy here!

So, I've been having a couple of new ideas lately! Since it's the Hallow's Month, I thought I'd start of a bit... darker. Aside from InFamous and Rebooted MOE, I'm doing my first dark/sad/adventure fic. There will be some comic scenes, but no comedy tag. This stuff is supposed to make your heart twist as you read... If I do it right.:twilightsheepish: If you know and love Code Lyoko, you'll enjoy this.

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Done! · 6:42am Nov 2nd, 2015

Well, then.
Here it is - the first Fimfiction I ever wrote. Even the first fanfiction.
But not the first story at all - though the first story that I began and finished in english.

I tried to have it fall into known canon as much as I could, but I am sure that there are details that do not, and maybe in the future will not meet those requirements - especially since canon is in flux for everypo- ... everybody.

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Nova Digi Log: Epic Rap Battles of Equestria · 12:47am May 30th, 2016

An open story I'll be posting. The plan is I have different people write up rap battles for characters. Battles can be 1v1, team vs team, or free for all between multiple. As they come in, they'll be posted each week. I know it's been done before, but those stories seemed to have faded into the black. So I decided to do my own.:pinkiehappy:

If you're interested, let me know in the comments below by commenting your any of your favorite Overwatch characters.:pinkiehappy:

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Report Nova Arc · 264 views · #Digi Log #New Idea

Upcoming story idea · 10:42pm Jul 24th, 2023

After deciding to cancel the Arabus Fanfiction, I have been kind of stuck in a creative sense on what I want to write. But funnily enough, memes shot inspiration straight into my brain. Needless to say I have a new idea I'm working on that will be placed in an alt universe inspired by the Manga/Anime Tokyo Revengers by Ken Wakui. It's a great read and watch if you have the time. I like this idea a lot so hopefully it'll reflect in writing.

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Some Updates on Joker's Wild and some other stuff · 7:16pm Jul 14th, 2015

So, I have been told by some people that Twenty-Four THOUSAND words is a little bit more than what people are used to reading, and people would rather have the satisfaction of several chapters than have to refer to the book mark, so I am going to be spliting chapter 2 into 2 parts. I just wanted to say something so people don't think there is a new chapter and then get annoyed when they find out they have already read that part.

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ATTENTION: NEW IDEAS · 7:28am Aug 20th, 2017

I came into some new ideas for the Forever Inferno storyline. So it might take a wee bit longer until I can straighten things out in Chapter one and two. Also, life is getting in the way of my writing so I hope everyone who is enjoying the story can be patient with me. As you all can obviously see, there is no deadlines on these chapters.


Another Idea, since I don't have too many of those · 1:20am Dec 28th, 2019

Humanized or Anthro. Not quite sure yet

Rainbow Dash is an aspiring mage at Celestia and Luna's University of Magic and Science but has been having trouble keeping up with the latest material and her grades are starting to suffer. In order to prove her worth she does something reckless. A summoning.

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I LIVE AGAIN!! So update time. · 4:48am Mar 25th, 2021

Greetings everyone, late night today. Sorry for the absence and silence. Life has been so "fun". Dealing with family health issues, a new job, managing said new job, writing, and DnD is hard. However, I have gotten it down and also looked back at what I had set up for the story.

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New Idea: midnightwolfGX's Dreams · 5:57pm Oct 8th, 2018


Nova Digi Log: My New Morning Jam · 11:26pm Aug 29th, 2016

My new morning kickstart! Freaking love this song!:raritystarry:

Anywho, I've decided to get back on MoE and HG. I will also be doing a new fix fairly soon, but I'll let you vote: cyberpunk or superhero? Your choice, but I want to focus on one, so let me know which one you're more eager to see.

That's it for now. As always, stay awesome, all!:raritywink:



I found an Old Fic idea! · 6:42am Jul 19th, 2020

Well, I was browzing in my One Drive folder, and lo and behold, I found a fanfiction idea for an Undertale/Naruto crossover. How interesting! I nearly completely forgot about it! I hammered out a chapter from the rough idea I had and turns out a friend loves what I did with it.

If only I can finish one of these damned stories to start with...

Viewing 1 - 20 of 34 results