
Viewing 1 - 20 of 47 results

Rewrite · 1:28am Jul 14th, 2019

Hey my fellow brownies, I'm currently going to rewrite Dishonored Magic because of the weak story writing. This is because I like the idea of the story and now I'm more experienced in writing so I'm gonna try to make this better. Also, it's just a hassle to do this to the, not so, original story... Yes, that story was also a Rewrite... Somewhat.

Report Blacklight Brony · 273 views · #Heads up

New "Metacritic Monday" to those who missed the early release. · 7:55pm Apr 18th, 2016

You can catch the episode by clicking here.

Enjoy, and be sure to comment! :twilightsmile:


Fogged Bank · 10:50pm Aug 2nd, 2018

Important heads-up to those who are supporting folks on Patreon: Your pledges may not have gone through. Patreon moved the address that accepts them across the Atlantic without telling anyone, and banks' automatic fraud detection systems are throwing a fit. Check your inbox and/or junk folder for an email from Patreon with the subject line "(username), we ran into a an issue trying to process your pledge on Patreon", or just go to your payment settings. Rejiggering it a little should do the

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A Heads Up in July · 10:10pm May 12th, 2017

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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Just a Heads-Up · 12:55am Jul 19th, 2017

Just a heads-up, everyone. I recently got a weird email from one of my Gmail accounts, saying that another unknown to me email account was using mine as a recovery account. While this was likely due to a typo on the other end and is nothing to worry about, I will be changing passwords after I finish doing a few virus scans. In the meantime, if you are sent any suspicious-looking links from me, DO NOT click on them, and please let me know ASAP. Thank you!


Going to be out. · 4:33pm May 21st, 2016

As the title says, this after noon I will be out of town. I know it's a bit late to say this, I should have said something sooner. Hope all of you have a good day, I will be back by the end of today somewhere between 11 to midnight. If anyone needs to talk to me leave a PM and I'll will reply as soon as I can, those of you who have my email it will be the same.

I'll more than likely be in an area with little to no service. Have fun and I wish all of you the best.


I'm Back. · 10:29pm Dec 27th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pagasisters,

Since I've came back from my family's vacation over Christmas, I'm not only glad for the relaxation, but for being a little more refreshed. I saw the new Star Wars movie, at my share of Kristy Kreams (which isn't in my town by-the-way) and have experienced fifty-sixty degree weather that's away from snow storms and subzero temperatures here in Idaho.

So with that in mind, I'll be getting back to work on my writings.

It's pretty good to be home.

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Watch Out · 5:40am Mar 21st, 2018

Hey, all,

This is just a heads up. There is a user on DeviantArt that has many usernames, but just about all of them — if not all of them — have Sepulchre, GinaCarpini, or some sort of funerary term in them. They have a reputation of spamming people with extremely foul comments and impersonating accounts. They showed up in my friend's Picarto stream, which is how they choose their next victims.

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Thanksgiving Vacation · 11:01pm Nov 16th, 2016

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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Going on Vacation · 4:47pm Jul 29th, 2018

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

I think I should inform you that between July 31st to August 10th, I will go going on vacation in which involves lots of driving. This time around, my family and I are heading towards Vancouver with no idea what to expect from the city besides being pretty and having Asian food.

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Heads Up. · 5:27am Dec 20th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

just that some of you know, starting tomorrow, me and my family will be heading down to Arizona for two weeks. This means that I probably won't be doing any updates on my stories, and even more uncertain if I'll be writing anything. However, this doesn't mean that I won't pop up on this site to check up and maybe comment once in a while.

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Multiverse Madness!! My Crossover Fanfic and a special announcement of fans of the Multiverse! · 8:57pm Feb 22nd, 2016

I had just been to the London Super Comic-Con last weekend, and it was the best day I've ever had!

When I was there, I came up to a stand of comic creators who introduced me to an awesome turbo-tastic graphic novel series, Parallel Worlds: Dream Collide!

Check out the trailer for it down here:

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An Unfortunate Situation · 4:56am Feb 10th, 2019

Hey, everyone,

It is unfortunate that I have to write this, but a situation has arisen with a member of the brony community named Spectrum Heat/HS Network/realhsnetwork. I will not go into full detail myself, so the short version is that he has manipulated young women into relationships with him and more. If you want the long version, you can read the post by koneko1999 on Tumblr (warning: discussions of grooming, manipulation, and more; read at your own discretion).

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So I'm making another story. · 11:01am Aug 7th, 2016

I'm making another story.
I'll say two things about it will be dark and there will be TwiDash.
I'm not going to say more or else I'll spoil it.
There is no release date for it yet since I'm going to write in entire story in one go.
It will be around 5 chapters long with each one supposedly around 4,000/8,000 words long.

I'll post one more blog announcing its finished before I do the final read trough it and correct any errors I see.

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"My Little World" To Be Continued · 2:23am April 18th

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

I know it's been a while, but while I had some time I figured to let you all be aware of what's going on.

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Vacation · 4:06pm Aug 8th, 2019

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

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So... I'm in the Hospital · 5:30pm May 17th, 2020

Okay, before anyone starts to panic - I don't have the virus, I'm not dying, but I did find out something that I didn't know about until yesterday.

Over the past couple of weeks or probably a month, I noticed that I wasn't getting enough sleep at night, due to having to get up and going to the bathroom. Honestly, I thought it might be a sleeping problem or something. What I didn't know, was that my dad noticed that my clothing was becoming loose.

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I've Done a Cameo Again. · 1:24am Jun 13th, 2017

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Recently, I brought Harmonic Trotivari back for a chapter in a cameo for a friend’s story. “The Regular” by Milo_Chalks. Thought I let you guys know.

Singed your fellow writer and closeted Brony,

- CrackedInkWell.


A new Event Horizon · 5:18pm Jan 17th, 2018

I'm redoing Event Horizon for what is hopefully the final time.

Just an update.


BLITZ Update · 5:23pm Jan 17th, 2016

I'm sorry if you've been waiting for a new chapter to come out, but life right now is making it difficult for me to work on BLITZ whenever I can. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on the story, it just might be a few more days before I release the chapter.

This is just a heads-up on why it's taking me so long to get this chapter finished and uploaded. Thank you all very much for the support!

Viewing 1 - 20 of 47 results