Gusty the Great · 10:34pm May 22nd, 2019
- Has a horn
- Has wavy hair that seems to flow even when there's no wind
- Apparently flew away from Mt. Everhoof before teleporting away
I'm calling it now: Gusty's an alicorn.
I'm calling it now: Gusty's an alicorn.
070 Frenemies Talk: Season 5 Index
Exactly what the title says. Below the break you'll find a convenient list of links leading to the reviews Gulheru and I did together (it may come in handy to reminisce in fifty years' time I guess). We certainly weren't alone during that endeavor! See for yourself all the wonderful people we've met and asked to join the fun along the way!
If these two characters were father and daughter, it would explain a lot.
(Season 9 spoilers below the cut)
Greetings everyone,
so, there was still one more thing to do before calling Frenemies Talk done for this season. And it simply had to be a contest, because humanity only really grows when competing and being challenged. And so, we have gathered who we could, we have pitied episodes against one another and what did we get?
Well, check it out here!
Stay tuned,
056 Frenemies Talk: Made in Manehattan feat. HapHazred
Frenemies Talk, Chapter XV: Made in Manehattan
Oh, what an episode! Rarity, Applejack, Manehattan, yay! And a Friendship problem to solve! Oh my, the community feels detached and is not really a community, whatever shall we do?!
Frenemies Talk, Chapter I: The Cutie Map
Greetings everyone,
The new season has begun! And with it, new content, new villains, new adventures and perils. A proper moment to become more active. And active we wish to be. This blog post is, as it happens, done by "us" - me and my dearest friend, Prane.
040 Frenemies Talk: Appleoosa's Most Wanted
Who is a bigger failure? The embodiment of misfortune, or the three who after four seasons still can't figure out what they're good at? In this blog we will address this, and much more! Have a talk where The Good, The Bad, and both of them Ugly as heck discuss the recently aired episode.
They serve spoilers to S5EP06 in here, partner. Don't go in if you don't know the way out!
Frenemies Talk, Chapter XIII: Canterlot Boutique
They thought us gone... they thought us defeated and cast into oblivion. But we have survived... and in the shadows we plotted... watching... waiting... holding our breaths... And now... it is high time we return... to take what is ours...
... wearing the glamorous Rarity's Royal Regalia! :squeal:
More behind schedule than usual, I was away all weekend for J-PopCon. But let’s get too it!
As usual I’ve kept spoilers for upcoming episodes at a minimum, although been contacted by people insisting I would be liking this one even before it officially aired. All I know is it’ll be containing the Fowl Four for some enemy bonding.
Let’s do this!
A bit late given EFNW, but I can now cover the latest check-in with the Equestrian chapter of the Legion of Doom.
An Evil League of Evil forms as baddies come together to stop The Good Guys. It's an old trope dating back to the earliest days of serial fiction, but there's something extra special about the way MLP is using it this season.
054 Frenemies Talk: Canterlot Boutique
037 Frenemies Talk: Bloom and Gloom feat. ChaoticLightning
Slightly delayed, but still full of loose thoughts, possible sources of inspiration, and screencaps with oh-so-smart captions! Enjoy!
Spoilers to S05EP04 inside. Enter at your own risk.