Oh come on! · 3:59am Jun 12th, 2015
So I've been a little cross with my friend right now, mostly because she said something that kinda upset me. So basically what was happening is that we were doodling ponies (she's also into mlp), cats, and other random things, when suddenly she said, "Hey Starry (i'm not putting down meh real name), you have the equivilant amount of money as Diamond Tiara." I kinda just stared at her for a couple of seconds when she said that. I mean, seriously?! Did she actually just say that? I asked her to explain further, and heres her explanation,"Well, you have a really big house. It's a mansion!" First off, if my house was a mansion, then I would have a stupidly huge room that I didn't have to share, and there would still be around five more guest rooms leftover. I've been to a mansion before, I do not live in a mansion. I can sort of get where she's coming from, I mean I do live in a pretty big house, but c'mon Steampunk (thats the name of her oc)! So apparantly she used to live in a two room apartment for four years of her life with her brother and her parents in New York, so that's probably where she's coming from. I think the reason why I'm cross at her is because she used DIAMOND TIARA as the pony she compared me to. Rude! Seriously, Diamond Tiara WEARS A FREAKING DIAMOND TIARA TO SCHOOL! My mom gets mad at me if I lose clothes from Target! Annoying! The only reason why we have a huge house is because of how many people live in my house. So I have a little sister and a twin brother, and both of my parents. But you might be saying, Starry, that's only five pplz! Well hush yo mouth, em not dun yet. I also have two nephews and a niece that come over every day, a big sister that comes over every day, a big brother that lives in the seperate guest house that we for some reason have, a big brother that comes over and stays the night every other weekend, and my little sis and bro bro both like having sleepover ever SINGLE WEEKEND! So we kind of need the space. And besides, Steampunk may have to share her room, but her current room is stupidly huge. She and her brother both have their own seperate loft that they sleep in. Her house is still pretty big/nice. So that feels nice to get out.
What if she said Silver Spoon instead?
3141087 Still
3143287 How about Twilight because a castle is big like a mansion, or Celestia or maybe even LUNA!
3143311 It is kinda a touchy subject being called filthy rich.
3143389 oh
3143706 yeah... Toots!
3143924 XP