It's coming...
Now for revisions.
Have you ever started writing, and just gained momentum as you went? For me, it was the fact that the first scene was just awful. The second a little better, and so on. So that means I have the most to touch up on the first, right? Right?
Well, first scene is touched up now. I think the chapter has 12 scenes or something. The story will jump to the mane six for a while, plus Spike and GlimGlam... and... Maud?!
Whelp...I've finally finished the preliminary editing and the pre-readers are off and running. Hopefully, the first few chapters should be ready for your viewing by the end of the week. I'm aiming for a Halloween release Halloween is cool, okay. Anyway, things are finally approaching a head and the story should be out
So as you noticed, no new story last week. Combination of my editing-pet having IRL issues and having to take their time, and waiting on awesome Mani-art for the cover. Both of those are now done. I'm going to go through, double check stuff, do a bit of tweaking and touching up the story, then it's good to go. Expect it to go up sometime middle of the week. Oh and, for a little teaser...
One more day...
Reminder: If you're been waiting for my version of the story "Caught and Punished" I've mentioned on other blogs about it, it's going to be out in just 2 more days!
Keyboard has been fixed for a while now, and quarantine has given me plenty of time to write!
Just had to share 'cause I'm excited... Action, drama, comedy, stunning revelations... It's all there and I'm stoked.
...have the next comic installment
And so is your doomGet ready to party!
The Goddess hears every scream and every sigh.