
Viewing 1 - 20 of 112 results

Who's laughing now · 2:58pm Oct 8th, 2019

It has come.The motion picture about the most dangerous and most deadly villain of all time.The villain of laughs .The man of the purple suit. THE JOKER .After reading recent news of this beautiful movie.I decided that I want to write a fic about it ,but I might need help.Will you guys give me ideas ? .I

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Report Blackraven · 254 views · #joker

Agent of Chaos Update And The Plan So Far · 9:58pm Jul 7th, 2016

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! I have a little update for you all on my latest addition to my good friend PyraFlare's Nightmare-Verse and my new Joker Displaced, Agent of Chaos.

First off, my Joker will be an anti-hero like Red Hood. Secondly, Joker will have the design of the Arkham Origins Joker, but he'll sound like Mark Hamill's Joker. Third, my Joker will be driving the Arkham Knight Joker Mobile from the start. Fourth, here's the wonderful toys the Nightmare-Verse Mr.J will have:

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Report The Phantom Joker · 300 views · #Joker

Agent of Chaos: The Plan Part 2 · 12:32am Jul 8th, 2016

Joker again. Now, I'm sure there's at least a couple of you out there who are wondering why I decided to have Thunderlane meet his last laugh right out of the gate. Well, a few days ago, I came across several stories that depicted Thunderlane as a real slimeball who slipped mares roofies before having his way with them. Personally, in my canon, Thunderlane is actually a good guy, even though I've only used him in one story. But, the aforementioned stories have given me an opinion of him that's

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Apparently The Sinestro Joker blocked me Part 2 · 7:23pm Mar 5th, 2017

Same story, next chapter

Hal laughed. “Oh, look at you, thinking you can instill fear in me. Hate to break it to you, but as of now, I do the instilling of fear around here,” he said with just as much contempt.


“You mean Extraequestrians?”

Because their language definitely wouldn't have root words from previous languages!

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Coming Eventually: The Joke's On You · 1:52pm Apr 9th, 2017

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I've had the old gears a-turning in my brain again, and wouldn't you know it, out popped an idea for a Persona 5 Displaced story, starring, you guessed it:

Well, enough gab, time for the long description. Be sure to let me know how to improve it.

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Mark Hamill on Scooby-Doo Joker Laugh · 9:09pm Mar 29th, 2023

Almost forgot that Mark Hamill voice the Joker in Batman - The Animated Series.


Coming Eventually: Agent of Chaos · 7:17pm Jul 3rd, 2016

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, it looks like My Metal Skin is a no-go. Apparently, PyraFlare thinks my planned story is "too similar" to his story, The Metal Condition. Honestly, I call bullshit/shenanigens on that one, but Pyra's my friend, albeit a rather frustrating one as of late, so I'm just going say screw it and scrap the project.

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Apparently The Sinestro Joker blocked me · 7:07pm Mar 5th, 2017

For In Brightest Night, In Darkest Day by The Sinestro Joker

“Attention glowing yellow-and-black thing. This is the Ponyville Police. You have five seconds to put Fluttershy down and to get down on your knees with your hands behind your head or we will open fire!”

Because the police don't give a fuck about diplomacy, amirite?

“And who taught you your fashion sense? You’re wearing far too much yellow, it’s giving me a bit of an eyesore,”

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You know what occurred to me today? · 6:33pm Jun 25th, 2022

How is it that not one single cop shot Joker in the head? It's not like every cop in Gotham City graduated from the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy.

Report CaptainPinkiePie · 147 views · #Batman #Joker

Agent of Chaos is now Why So Serious? · 9:26pm Jul 9th, 2016

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, after giving it a little thought, I've decided calling an anti-hero Joker story "Agent of Chaos" is a bit contradictive. So, I've decided to re-name the story, "Why So Serious?" Also, in case you were all wondering, my Joker is going to look like this:

But, he's going to sound like this:

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I did a thing for Batman Day · 12:19am Sep 23rd, 2019

For my Sound Design class this semester, one of our earliest assignments was to pick any monologue we wanted and record it in the sound booth. My choice was the Joker's eulogy from the Batman: The Animated Series episode "The Man Who Killed Batman".

Looking back, I might have been a little bit too enthusiastic at the beginning, but what can I say? I was having a blast in there. :twilightsmile:

Also, voice reveal. Sort of.


Happy Birthday Joker · 3:21am Apr 26th, 2018

Hey everybody today is jokers birthday, the joker is one of my favouritie batman villains and is now 78 years old today.

The jokers has had some incredible actors playing him over the years Mark Hamil, Jack Nicholson,Heath Leger, Cameron Monahan in Gotham.

The joker will always be the crown prince of crime and the man who laughs will live on through out the century's

Happy birthday M.J



Whoa! Looking A Little Why So Serious There, Joker! · 10:52am Apr 29th, 2019

I regret nothing. This is what happens when you call yourself "Joker" and leave calling cards all over the place. Also, I'm currently playing my way through Persona 5. Wether this means a Persona 5 project is coming out, we'll see, work's been murder lately.


The senistro joker · 9:27pm Jan 21st, 2017

Recently (the pst couple weeks) one of my favorite authors, the senistro joker, has been geting dislikes, for no reson, and groups adding his storys to the groups dasinged to rip people down he almost quit writing because of this. Now his friend hopelight already made there fans awaer of this and SJ has stated his hate for this a multitude of times. Im here to say i saport SJ and hope that whoevers doing this either stops or to quote hopelight get found and guted like a fish. becausethey are

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The plot thickens! · 10:09pm Feb 6th, 2016

It's been a while since my last update, but I've been quite happy with my progress on Joker's Wild. Chapter 4 is up to 19k words at the moment, and I am debating with myself on whether I can make cut the chapter off there and finish the arch over 5 and 6. Make them shorter chapters, meaning they come out quicker, which makes you guys happier. So much fun stuff is happening in it. It gets a little bit crazy but the characters are all a ton of fun, and I guarantee it won't be like any other FOE

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Riddle me this.... · 1:29am May 27th, 2022

Who is cute, attractive, purple, and ruggedly handsome all the way?


Why So Serious: The Villains of The Story · 12:49am Jul 10th, 2016

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I've got the short and long descriptions, as well as the profile picture, which would be this:

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New Joker's Wild · 1:30am Aug 28th, 2016

Welcome for anybody who is new to watching me, sorry that this probably is of minimal interest to you. I'll have to see what I can do about making shorter one shots. Friendship Doesn't Pay the Bills was fun but it was long, and I feel like that is because I have a tendency to write involved shenanigans. I am glad people liked it, as it was a step back from my usual stuff. I'll have to keep throwing out more stuff like that.

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Book Review: The Batman Murders · 10:20pm Aug 26th, 2018

I love used bookstores. Sometimes, you can find real unexpected treasures in them. There’s one in particular I like to visit with my dad, called “Mr. K’s Used Books” that has turned up a lot of nice treats in my visits.

One of these, a Batman novel from 1990, was a particular surprise discovery.

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Joker Review · 3:28pm Apr 9th, 2020

You know, it's been a rough couple of days since I... finally found something positive to watch and review. Joker is... honestly really good.


There is no punchline. ... It's not a joke. And yes, I am making a reference cause goddamn I loved this movie. I don't know how the rest of ya'll feel but hey, we've all got our opinions and takes, it's okay. So yeah, I'm talking about this movie today.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 112 results