
Viewing 161 - 180 of 391 results

Lil' update. · 8:47pm Aug 29th, 2016

Hello again, just a little blog kinda thing because I feel like I should do these more often. So far I've just done follow-ups and apologise, which with my quality of fics is normally the same thing, but you guys seem to like them for whatever reason. I feel like if I just try and do blogs for the hell of it, I won't constantly be putting up Follow-ups a couple minutes before I put up the next fic, in a kind of panicked 'oh crap I forgot' kind of thing.

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"Dear White People" by FreeQuency (Recorded Live at the Individual World Poetry Slam Finals in Washington) · 5:58pm Jan 14th, 2017

FreeQuency performing at the Individual World Poetry Slam Finals in Washington, D.C.

Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa is a Kenyan born, New Orleans based spoken word artist, organizer and youth worker. Known for her social justice work and poetry, FreeQuency has been described as 'challenging', 'dynamic', and it has been said on numerous occasions that "the room isn't the same after hearing FreeQuency spit".

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normally i don't like bringing light to bad shit · 10:58pm Nov 12th, 2016

But well this:

So 1) This thread is kind of pointless and because OP specifically placed the spotlight on Christianity, 90% of the commenters discussed nothing else but Christianity and how they perceived the religion to perceive their non-straight sexualities. This is biased being brewed right thanks to OP.

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Because you guys were worth practicing the piano for... · 2:48pm Jul 14th, 2015


On further note... something I'm guilty of. · 8:15am Oct 19th, 2015

Well... 20 years... in the next few days it'll be 20 years I've spent on this Earth. "Was any of it well spent" , I ask myself. Well for some years, yes I believe it was, but others I feel were wasted. However in one of those years were a few months where I was the absolutely the lowest person you'll ever meet. I didn't show that shitty side of myself on the internet during those times so you followers wouldn't know. However I think right now I should just grow up and admit what wrong I've done

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nicknack is a pinkie hater in denial · 7:31am Apr 14th, 2016

He is go look at his Taking care of animals fic and Heart of gold feathers of steel fic are all clear signs he has a pinkie hateboner why wont he just admit he hates pinkie and be done with it? he has her being a serial killer and he has gilda having a seething hatred for her being justified in griffon the brush off. hes using his writing to

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Wanderer D needs help. · 8:29pm May 31st, 2016

I rarely do these things but the cause I feel is good. Wanderer D is a good friend of mine and needs help funding himself to do a year course to help him have a brighter future and to look after his boy. I understand everyone is broke and everyone is struggling but if we all throw in a dollar each we can help a good guy and loving father out.

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A sequel to suns desire. · 5:24pm Sep 3rd, 2015

From the asshole that brought you "The Sun's Desire". And the same asshole that brought you "The Moon's Lust," I now present three new stories.

"The Heart's Sin"

"Will You Walk into my Parlour? "

Celestia's fetish

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hmmmmm · 9:51pm Dec 31st, 2017

I've never been to a con, but damn this shit is scary

Please read that blog. It's really important.
I know I don't usually post serious stuff here, but I have more followers here than on my serious blog account. And this needs a stronger signal boost than ~40 people.


more thought · 10:28am Oct 7th, 2016

What if when you die you forget everything and move to the next person, such that every single person who ever lived is just a single person who keeps forgetting all their previous lives. If so, what number would you or I be?


What's the German Word for a Mixture of Accomplishment, Annoyance, and Horniness? · 8:57am Mar 4th, 2018

>tfw clop is so much easier to write than real fics

Seriously though, I can crank out 1000+ words of clop in one sitting, and take an hour to write one sentence of pretty much anything else. I don't like it.

In a absolutely, completely, %100 unrelated note, there will be a new "story" coming up soon. It's complete cancer, but then, if you're here for anything but the cheapest of smut, you're in the wrong place.


Progress report · 8:53pm Sep 14th, 2016

The chapter is coming along nicely. I've got a few things going on for the next few days, so it might not be up till next week sometime, but I do plan to go ahead and try to push it out this week.

If you hadn't noticed, I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule, but I'm doing what I can to bring this chapter out as soon as possible, while maintaining my standard quality.

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The Problem With Calling Companies 'Faceless' · 3:20pm Jul 6th, 2019

Now and again (Or always depending on what papers you read or websites you're on) you find instances of big-name corporations screwing people over for this and that, buying-out, copyright, product placement, executive meddling, etr.
But that's not it.

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My “Ponies After People” essay · 2:29pm Jun 22nd, 2019

With the disappearance of the United States federal government and state governments, all antitrust laws have disappeared as well. Imagine you are a greedy pony character that becomes a very wealthy robber baron in a new Gilded Age. This new Gilded Age creates a high concentration of wealth for the few, while creating an era of abject poverty and inequality for millions, along with many other problems.

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New story · 3:51am Mar 16th, 2019

i wrote a sad one-shot the other day, and it’s already gotten a lot of attention

i’m super jazzed that folks like it, so if you like my writing in Family Tree, check it out. it is sad though, so watch out.

Now Hiring


Racists... honestly. · 2:23am Jun 18th, 2022

Racists of any race tend to all be the same crazy losers with the same basic views. Strange how people, who hate those who are different from themselves, have so much in common without knowing it.

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Toxic is toxic · 6:42am Feb 25th, 2020


Friendship is Ambient Drone Music · 1:48pm May 5th, 2021

brb getting this tattoo'd on my forehead

Crooked House

Some follow-up for you!

The cover is a crop from Francis Bacon's unnerving painting, "Head VI." Love the cube in that picture. Very good angles. Lots of strong vibes.

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A food pyramid for dragon nutrition for the Ponies after People Universe · 12:24pm Sep 25th, 2019

According to Gemstones of the World by Walter Schumann, there are 200 types of gemstones in the world. Yesterday, I bought these boxes of mixed gemstones at Jay Cooke State Park’s Office and Gift Shop. For less than twenty dollars, I purchased three boxes of gemstones that could make three meals for a young dragon.

I bought gifts at Jay Cooke State Park’s Office and Gift Shop

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Iron Lung is not as bleak of a setting as people think (sorry) · 5:33pm February 21st

Viewing 161 - 180 of 391 results