
Viewing 141 - 160 of 822 results

Trixie Lulamoon in the Hyperverse · 9:45am Jul 29th, 2016

In advance of the storylet coming up today*, here's some background information on Trixie in the Hyperverse as I assume now. If we get more "real background" information from the show, it's subject to change, save for those parts that have or will pop up in an actual story. Please note that some sexual topics are discussed below the break, and that this is not as refined as my stories usually would be. It's my belief that reading either this or Hunting Season is not necessarily to enjoy The

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Actually, I'm Dead - Autopsy: Anatomy lesson · 5:42am Dec 15th, 2015

Well, look at that, I'm doing these again. Sorry for the lack of an editorial on Chapter 13, but because I've been too busy with university, I couldn't come up with anything on time before publishing Chapter 14.

Now, let's get down to business. What the hell is Trixie's body now? Well, let's break it down, part by part.

The canon so far

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Probably the oldest scene I've written · 7:33am Sep 24th, 2016

Hello everyone, how have you been?

Sorry for the late radio silence, I've been going through some stuff. The usual university Alps finding kinds of things, plus other real life situations. However, I am coming back to work on my story (and the cancellation of the others), so that means I'm doing some cleanup in the unpublished chapters.

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Actually, I'm Dead: Deathbed · 10:02pm Jan 23rd, 2017

I actually can't believe it.

We... we made it!

Nightwalker and I... managed to go through... the entire story and now... we're HOURS away.... from publishing it.

Ho-ly monday to friday sun of a bastich. I can't believe this. I'm actually cycling the stages of mourning right now. I don't want to think it's over. I would like it to go on. My mind is a turmoil of whatthefuckery. AGH! What am I even doing?!

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Actually, I'm Dead: Halloween Event · 3:22am Oct 5th, 2016

You know, I hate deadlines because I'm terrible with them and in the end it leaves everyone disappointed. However, there's also an utility in deadlines as it gives me an extra reason to work harder and push myself further. It's a double edged knife with no handle. A full on glory or death tactic. And, since I'm getting kinda desperate to get those two last chapters out of my system, into the computer and published for you guys to read, we may as well try.

So, what's going to happen now?

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Actually, I'm Death: Halloween Countdown (3) · 1:38am Oct 17th, 2016

Yep, we're getting somewhere.

Second Act finished (edition pending).
Scene transition in edition.
Third Act's skeleton finished.
New dialogue for Third Act.

Yeah, it's been a hard week this one, so I'll leave the report on the mechanical side.

See you next week.


Behind the Scenes of Writing Legacy of the Greatest · 7:54am Jun 30th, 2016

As I've said in a previous story of mine where I detailed a lot of behind-the-scenes development, below is basically me rambling on about things that didn’t make it in the story, things that got changed, and so on. I always think Word of God interviews and the like are cool, but similarly dislike it when authors dripfeed stuff (see: J.K. Rowling and her releasing new tidbits nearly a decade after the Harry Potter series is done). Feel free to ask anything as well in the comments, and I’ll try

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Great and Powerful Musings · 8:27am Nov 30th, 2014

I hate being up this late at night. Or this early in the morning. Either way, I should be sleeping, but I'm awake, so here I am, talking ponies at two thirty in the anti-matter.

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What am I working on? · 5:17am Jul 23rd, 2017

Hello everyone. This is something I haven't done in a while, mostly out of fear to imposing deadlines I won't be able to deliver. However, I think that you, my readers, deserve better than radio silence. So, here's the recap of the stuff I spend the night awake.

Actually, I'm Dead 2: I, Monster

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I, Monster: Slight delay. Q&A Session · 6:05am Sep 2nd, 2017

Well, that. I don't know how much else to say beyond that. Due to (maybe) unforeseen stuff (forgot the word that goes here). Very sorry, guys, please don't be mad... beyond the reasonable.

So, in order to compensate the legion of people that was surely staying awake, waiting for chapter five (all three of you), I'll hold a Q&A session in real time (probably).

So, ask away, and you shall receive answers (yeah, sure).

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New Story In a Couple Hours · 9:19pm Apr 24th, 2018

That is a happening thing. Get ready.


Actually, I'm Dead: Finally an ultimate edit for chapter one · 4:38am Aug 22nd, 2016

Well, I may not be updating anytime soon (long story for another blogpost), but Nightwalker is in top form hese days. How much? Well, he just fully edited the discussed and rushed first chapter of the fic, effectively making it some percentage more readable than it was before. so check it out and thank the one and only Nightwalker for saving you from the eyes-bleed-inducing grammar.

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What "The Last Illusion" is Not About · 4:30am Apr 16th, 2016

Those of us that have read about Trixie and Ditzy Doo eventually become aware of a few patterns.
Trixie is conceited and egotistical. But through some heroic arc or trial, finds herself softening her brash and forthright exterior. She confronts her own insecurities, and in doing so becomes stronger than she was before. And she ends the self-centered streak that is her obnoxiously announcing her own name everywhere she goes.
This does not happen in my story.

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Just an Idea · 8:29pm Jan 18th, 2020

Hey gang,

So I was thinking about The Power Bimbos, and I was wondering your thoughts on making Trixie's outfit similar to Zatanna's from DC. Initially, her outfit was essentially like this, and I do think it works for her, but I believe a costume based on the magician's would be a fun little nod.

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Delays and Holidays · 7:21pm Mar 26th, 2019

We're getting to April soon, and that means I'm probably going to go away for a bit. I've been invited Germany for a week to see my parents' new place.

Of course, that means I'm likely going to miss a week or two of StarTrix during that time. My laptop and notepad will be going with, so I can keep producing hoars words, but I don't intend on posting until I come back (with pictures again, possibly).

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Trixie's Truth · 12:02pm Nov 2nd, 2019


Being Special · 11:45pm Nov 3rd, 2020

When Cozy was chatting with Princess Luna earlier in my story and she told Luna how she didn't want to be special or different, in reality, that was really me saying that I actually don't want to be transgender... I often wonder, why can't I just be like everypony else you know? Why do I have to be different? I sometimes cry actually because the truth is, I didn't want any of this! I didn't want to lose my wife and life after all, but it happened! Slowly over time, everything decayed... Years

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Trapped in stone · 2:12pm Oct 27th, 2020

In Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story, being trapped in stone is my metaphor for knowing you're transgender and not being able to do anything about it. When she asks Trixie if she can go back to being in stone again, that was me briefly pondering if I should just stop my transition and go back to pretending to be male again... Well, it occurs to me that that made me very unhappy, but at the same time, at least I didn't have all of these worries and anxieties? But the truth I'm starting to

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Crowd Sourcing: What might Poison Joke do to Trixie? · 1:11am Nov 29th, 2019

Trixie's Threeway Trouble is about to reach the Bridle Gossip episode. Now what? :rainbowderp:

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A New Story · 10:06am May 19th, 2016

In case you weren't paying attention, I recently released a one-shot about Trixie and her run-in with a genie. It was a quick write (only about an hour, new record for me) and an even quicker read.

Give it a look, yeah?

Report chillbook1 · 207 views · #New Story #Trixie #Genie
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