
Viewing 141 - 160 of 273 results

Possible No Update 7/30/17 · 4:10am Jul 24th, 2017


Update: New Job, Getting a House and More. · 12:43am Mar 15th, 2020

So the new chapter is slowly being written, I just got transferred from days to nights so most of my writing time has been thrown out the window. So i'm slowly writing more.

Some other updates, I just found out that my credit score is really really good, so if I'm frugal with my money and plan accordingly I'll be out of my father's house and into my own in two-three months. Hopefully everything works out.

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Quick Update: College Sucks! · 5:33am Aug 19th, 2015

Blog time, once again! This will just be a quick update to explain my new writing schedule just to show why my story updates will be very slow for a while. Basically, thanks to the school year starting, my college classes have put a lot of strain on and stolen a majority of the time I usually put into writing. During summer break, I was writing every day, for about six hours a day, and because of that, I was able to get out a new chapter every three days or so. My college classes take up almost

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help with life stuff · 2:56am May 20th, 2020

henlo everypony. we didn't really know where else to post this, but we figured this was worth a shot.

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Report darf · 447 views · #help #real life #cooking #eating #food #pls

Serious Updates · 8:49pm Nov 20th, 2019

Hey fimfiction. Long time, no see.

Sorry I haven’t been on to give you your usual dose of feels. I had a mental breakdown and quit my job and spent the last 9 days in the hospital.

But you guys are coming in on the middle of things. Let me tell you what happened.

Last Saturday I went out with my bestie for a night of drinks and dinner. It was great fun. I took the next day off work to get right with myself. And then I went to work on Monday.

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Moving Blog · 6:00pm May 28th, 2022

Disclaimer!- I won't be moving OFFICIALLY until July. Late July. The reason for posting this blog now, is to hopefully raise enough money that I can pay the last month's rent, so that my fiance Dreams of Ponies, can focus on the house stuff. I don't like asking for help, like I'm REALLY bad at it, but I know with groceries and needing some stuff on Amazon for the move, I could use a bit of a helping hoof.

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We Write What We Know: Random Thoughts On My Writing Style For Familial Relationships · 4:46pm May 11th, 2022

So... while reading some other works of fanfiction (not MLP, as I'm presently on a historical fiction kick), I've remembered something that I keep burying/ignoring.

WARNING: the rest of this is my ramblings about my personal family.

I have two ways of writing the fathers of my characters. Either they are absent/negligent (only occasionally are they outright abusive in any way)... or they are amazing paragons of paternal virtue.

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So my job is being full retarded · 10:25pm Jan 20th, 2017

Like two days ago, I clocked in at 10:50 P.m. (the time I'm supposed to be there by) and I get some whole spiel with a few other people from the Department Manager about how being late is bad and youll miss the team lead meeting which is at the start of the shift(which I didn't!) And that ended up leaving me in a ' I wouldn't piss on this building if it was on fire' mood all night:ajbemused:

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Turns out my last post was unnecessary · 1:45am Sep 16th, 2016

And i have my telephone back within a day XD


about the last blog.... · 3:51am Mar 12th, 2016

With the rather simplistic nature of the whole thing, i feel like im obliged to clarify what i meant a little more than what i said in the comments.

First off, im just going to say right off the bat, im not suicidal or anything. Saying im always tired as of late was literal; as of the last few weeks, ive been getting horrendous sleep and its just making me feel.... meh.

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tell you mom happy mothers day becuase next year, you could be like me · 6:08pm May 8th, 2016

im going to get a drink....


WELCOME TO LORDRAN!! · 3:41am Sep 29th, 2015

I bought dark souls 1 a couple ago and needless to say...... The Taraus daemon is the bane of my existence at the moment

Is just happy I don't have to deal with Knight Artorias..... I couldn't handle the feels :ajsleepy:


Update (Also Real Life) · 11:38pm Apr 19th, 2018

I've been focusing less on FiMFiction as my real life has gotten hectic and unmanageable. However, recently I've started to delve back into fics, and am even posting regularly on my Youtube.

If you're interested in supporting either of those, go ahead and drop a dollar in my Patreon. The less I have to worry about paying a debt or getting my next meal, the better.

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Yay! I gotta work Halloween · 9:02pm Oct 26th, 2015

I learned my work schedule for next week and I'm working on the 31st and I work the night shift

And the pic is actually my costume kinda:eeyup: plus the fact I've burned the hell out of myself recently


We Need to Talk About This · 11:38pm May 29th, 2020

I hate mixing politics with ponies—I come here to take a break from the real world, not have current headlines shoved in my face all over again.

But this needs to be brought up.

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Happy news! (And a little bit of 'meh' news!) · 11:11am Dec 4th, 2020

I'm pregnant! I'm 20 weeks along. Looking at an April arrival!

This will be my second child. I find myself thinking fondly of Pinkie Pie in the series finale. Motherhood really is magic.

Oh but enough about that... Ya'll want writing updates, right?

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I hit the jackpot! · 5:32pm Aug 16th, 2021

A True Story about love, luck, and timing.

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Happy Thanksgiving! Here's some stuff that doesn't have anything to do with Horse or Horse Words! · 5:44am Nov 27th, 2015

I had a happy one. It was quiet. It was me and the cats. I am thankful for naps, which I don't get to take enough of. I've got lots of grading to do, but today I actually spent some time on the couch just letting my cats use me as furniture and petting them. It was great, except that my girl is so affectionate that she has to pat me on the face with her paw, which contains a punch of dirty hypodermics, so I had to get up and get Neosporin and trim her claws, and then we resumed.

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Walking strong and placeing an "open" sign · 7:27am Oct 30th, 2017

There has been a crap ton of things that have been happening as of late.

I mean, most of it real life stuff and I don't think I should really get into that as I'm not really too sure if anyone really minds reading that kind of dramatic blah.

either way though, good stuff to at least note is:

I got a replacement computer, so no more typing from a wireless keyboard connected to my phone. yay!

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Important things: Net Neutrality · 8:55pm Dec 17th, 2017

So, I normally wouldn't post a blog about this sort of thing, but I think it deserves mentioning, and I know a lot of people have posted blogs about this already, but hey, it's also worth repeating.

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Viewing 141 - 160 of 273 results