
Viewing 121 - 140 of 395 results

Plot Bunny Theater: Happy Birthday, Twilight · 12:37am Dec 8th, 2019

Every year, on her birthday, Princess Twilight Sparkle receives a visitor in a funny blue box. The Doctor, or Doctor Whooves. Every year, at the same time. They have tea, maybe a jump to another time or place, and then they return.

Finally, a thousand years after the events of the MLP Finale, Twilight finally asks the question.

Twilight: "... How do you do it?"

Doctor: "Hm?"

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Plot Bunny Theater: Earth Ponies Are Badass · 12:07am Dec 19th, 2019

Twilight wants to learn more about Earth Pony magic. She hears about an Earth Pony convention that's rather exclusive where many experts in Earth pony magics do meet. She gets to go because she's a princess and she's best friends with Pinkie Pie and Applejack, whose families go to the convention every year. It's for magic demonstrations and tournaments. Rainbow Dash gets dragged along.

Dash: "Ugh... This is gonna be soooo boring."

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Plot Bunny Theater: Undead of Equestria · 12:44am Dec 23rd, 2019

I just put together a short list of a few types of Undead (or close enough) that might work in Equestria. And allow you some interesting enemies to deal with:

Here are a few undead types that could work in Equestria:

-A Lich. A body with the soul forcibly bound to it and locked onto this plane of existence. The physical body still deteriorates though so it's not a pretty picture.

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Plot Bunny Theater: What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me... · 7:42pm Jan 20th, 2020

Let's say that Twilight Sparkle's battle with Starlight Glimmer produced one more timeline: One where things didn't exactly go wrong, but they did go very differently.

Twilight in this case gives Rainbow Dash a boost to get through Starlight's interference. The Sonic Rainboom still happens, which is good. The bad news?

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Changeling Queen stays for next chapter? Vote yes or no. · 12:17pm Jan 20th, 2022

Heads up for next chapter, there will be a massive reveal of the rules of multi-universal travel. However, I'm in a dilemma. The direction of the story and the location for the following chapter will depend on whether or not Changeling Queen Twilight stays for the whole chapter or not.

If Queen Twilight stays, the Archivist will take them to her Universe where all six bearers of harmony are immortal and the Queen will be given a bigger roll for the near future.

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Plot Bunny Up For Adoption #1 · 7:42pm February 17th

Hey, all! Long time no post...

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Even though the people who like the Sequel Trilogy are a minority (or at least I hope they are) · 7:57pm Aug 2nd, 2022

Can someone who does like these movies please explain why you like them? Especially The Rise of PalpatineSkywalker.


Free Worldbuilding and Lore · 8:39pm Jan 1st, 2020

As part of my other projects, here is a list of almost everything my friends and I have come up with for magic and abilities in Equestria among the ponies. Feel free to use these for your own stories, suggest your own, or put together snippets for the E3 fanfic project. And here we go!

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Being a Better Writer: Nailing the Last Third · 10:24pm Mar 15th, 2021

Hello readers, and welcome back to another installment of Being a Better Writer! A little late today, as my morning ended up running a little long. But still here on Monday, so that’s what counts.

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Being a Better Writer: Character Fridging · 10:28pm Feb 7th, 2022

Welcome back readers! It’s another Monday and that means it’s time for another installment of Being a Better Writer! We’ve got an interesting (and surprisingly volatile) topic for you today, one that very likely may prove quite useful to you, but first, before we get that, two quick news reminders.

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One-shot plot bunny: yay or nay? · 7:15pm May 24th, 2017

Recently I have gotten a comment on one of my stories, "Her Inner Demons", by KnightMysterio:

The way you wrote it, if Twilight hadn't become Midnight, then a more realistic... and more fatal... revenge scenario would have occurred.

This tidbit has gotten my brain gears suddenly working. I wrote in response:

You know, I just imagined an AU scenario where Sci-Twi just... flips off and does a school shooting in Crystal Prep Academy.



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Don't you just HATE that? · 4:37pm Sep 5th, 2015

So I just completed writing and editing several future scenes for Equestrylvania. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, and get started on the scene that would connect them all so I can finally start publishing more chapters, and then



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Being a Better Writer: Character Development, Worldbuilding, or Empty Fluff? · 10:31pm Jan 28th, 2019

Hey readers! Welcome back to Being a Better Writer, the regular Monday feature where we talk about writing ins and outs!

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Sunset Shimmer Goes to Hell now on accelerated publication schedule · 3:24am Mar 24th, 2017

A few unsavory plot holes got in the way of me publishing earlier, but I've cleared them all out.

The final draft is complete.

I will be publishing the the remaining nine chapters over the next two weeks. Following that, I will publish the short-story epilogue/sequel, Prance, in short order.

Keep an eye on your FimFiction feed for notifications!

And feel free to comment.


Plot Bunny Theater: Twilight's Preferences · 4:38am Feb 15th, 2020

As it turns out, Twilight Sparkle hasn't shown any real interest in males of her species for a very simple reason. She's not a lesbian... Though she might be bisexual. No, the reason is:

Twilight Sparkle isn't into males of her own species. She's into males of other species. She has an interspecies fetish, to the point she can't get aroused by pony stallions.

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Plot Bunny Theater: Just Friends · 5:33pm Mar 15th, 2020

So, as it turns out, Twilight Sparkle isn't quite the innocent mare she seems to be. Back in Canterlot, she did have a coltfriend and a marefriend! Flash Sentry and Moondancer. That said, it really was little more than an arrangement of "sexual release partners", friends with benefits at best. Twilight kind of forgot about them after she went to Ponyville, but Flash and Moondancer both had some issues after she left.

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Being a Better Writer: Cliffhangers · 11:06pm Aug 27th, 2018


Plot Bunny Theater: Have you Ever Heard the Tragedy of King Sombra? · 1:21pm May 26th, 2020

Deep in the Canterlot Archives sits a small, unassuming black pyramid-shaped artifact. Left alone, it has been collecting dust for centuries. But one day, the princess's own apprentice Twilight Sparkle happens across it. She is briefly interested, but is then distracted by finding her actual quarry... Until she hears a voice in her head.

"Hello...? Is anypony out there? Anyone? Please... It's been so long... I'm so alone..."

"What? Who are you?"

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WE NEED MORE TWIMAC! · 4:34am Jul 27th, 2020

Yeah the show is over and yeah Big Mac was married off to Sugar Belle, but three factors still keep Twimac viable:

1: MLP:FiM was still intended as a children's show and romance for the main characters was more or less verboten save for hints in the movie and the ending episode.

2: Sugar Belle is such a non-entity compared to other characters that she can easily be ignored.

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An Apology, a Celebration to Our Show and Fandom, and Story Scraps Part 1 · 4:34am Oct 14th, 2019

Well, this is embarrassing.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 395 results