
Viewing 21 - 40 of 304 results

Hello my FIM Friends it is time for the eye test. · 4:57pm Jun 23rd, 2015

Green stands for playing games.
Cyan stands for reading FIM Fiction books.
Purple stands for Ideas.
Red stands for shipping Ideas.
Yellow stands for relaxing

Sorry I haven't post a signal post yet because my mind is going crazy like this video here.
This is also happens when you can't think of any ideas when it is rushed. So I decide not to post any of the chapters.

Report Rye Snoot · 275 views · #Mind is blown

Health Update · 4:50am Sep 23rd, 2020

I actually got out of the hospital more than a week ago, but things have been hectic since I've had to catch up on a lot of life stuff, not to mention that my body is still recovering from treatments and such. Nonetheless, I'm slowly getting better, even if I'm feeling super tired and have to go to various doctor appointments about 3 times a week. No idea when I'll be able to get out of my health hiatus thing, but it's still looking like, at the very least, a fair distance away.

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in my mind · 8:39pm Jul 26th, 2015

Report mrkillwolf666 · 388 views · #my mind

Finally Figured It Out · 3:47am Mar 3rd, 2016

I figured out why I haven't gotten inspiration for 34 Hiatus Chapters about Trump.

Because I already have 150+ chapters.

My parody of Twilight IS TRUMP.

Report milesprower06 · 835 views · #mind blown

Whaaaat? · 7:38pm Jun 10th, 2016

Okay, so I was watching this thing where the people on TV said that color was an illusion. They also said that our eyes can identify what an object is doing with shadows and shades. They even said that when we see something with our eyes, our body creates an illusion of it that we can experience, like pain. They also said that our eyes identify things based on our previous experiences in our past.

I was just like :pinkiegasp: the whole time. Did any of you all know that?


Random Ideas #3 · 3:18am Dec 3rd, 2012

What if two people had their mind switched, but not their bodies?

Example: Person A's mind is stuck in Person B, but still controls Person A. Therefore, Person A still controls the same body, but receives sensory signals from Person B's body. Same for Person B, who now looks through Person A's eyes at his body, which B still controls.


Whew! What a day! · 7:17am Apr 5th, 2021

If I didn't make a blog post about what happened yesterday, my face would've turned redder and I would've cried myself to sleep. Fortunately, upon noticing several errors in their "review", I got a laugh out of it and made a clapback ICYMI.

A big thank you to the following users who stood up for me:

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Yet Another Update... Again! · 7:27am May 18th, 2018

I'm reaching a bit of a lull in my outside commissions, and I should have some free writing time after this weekend. As stated in my last blog post, I'll be aiming at writing up the next chapter for Rainbooms on the Mind, and depending on how things go after that's done, I'll see if I can at least start working on the last chapter for Derpy's Reward.


mind fuckery 101 · 5:05pm Feb 14th, 2016

How to mind fuck someone, simply say this

"The one doing the talking, to ones self is talking to himself, or is it talking that's doing ones self, or is talking, talking itself?"

now who can translate what I said.

PS I'm bored once again.


Progress Update · 3:36am Dec 16th, 2017

I've been bogged down by work since Derpy's Reward was released, and things are probably going to stay like this for about another week. There also has not been any actual writing since then, except some more planning out for the second part of Derpy's Reward. When I do get some more time, I'll start writing out the next chapter for Rainbooms On the Mind first

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New Story: Rainbooms On the Mind · 11:14pm Oct 12th, 2016

Here we go again on another of Kevin's unique pairings! Rainbooms On the Mind features Natalya, one of the griffon flyers in the aerial relay race of the Equestria Games, and her quest to prove that she's the best flyer. Too bad for her that Rainbow Dash is going to make that tough for her, in more ways than one.


Yet Another Progress Update · 1:17am Mar 17th, 2018

I finally pushed out the first of two continuation chapters for Derpy's Reward. Apologies for taking so long, but things have been busy. Besides real life stuff, I've also been doing some other writing stuff outside of pony, and some of it are actually commissions. While writing pony words for fun is nice, it's also kind of nice to get some money to stuff food into my facehole. Don't worry though, I'm still writing pony words, just at a reduced rate.

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Writing Update · 12:54am Jul 13th, 2015

So those of you who are dying for me to write the next shameless hypnosis-filled chapter of Spellbinding Suitor will have to wait... I'm starting something big. (Also anyone who's still waiting on my Hunger Games fic, Friendship Is Monotone, or Family of Chaos those will stay on hiatus for a few months if not more). I have a Digimon crossover in the works and I'm working hard for it to get featured. Mostly though, my first priority is Steven Multiverse and I should be publishing a new chapter

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So, Cynthia... · 8:03pm Nov 5th, 2017

Has a daughter!?!?

And it’s confirmed!?!?

Report darkstone57 · 299 views · #Pokemon #Mind Blown

Alicorns confirmed to have visited China 2000 years ago! :O · 7:44pm Mar 10th, 2020


And these are the TRADITIONAL unicorn bodies, with the slender tail that has a tuft at the end! IT CAN HAZ MUST BE REELZ!!!

"Shanhaijing (117) also mentioned Bo-horse (Chinese: 駮馬; pinyin: bómǎ), a chimera horse with ox tail, single horn, white body, and its sound like person calling."

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A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with... · 2:39am January 4th

I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

Guy in room, "The bullet?"

Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

Clouseau, "Yes, I am certain the bullet was quite insane. But we shall never know, for in killing (the name of the victim), it also managed to commit suicide."

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So... I Looked At My Youtube Feed... · 1:58pm Sep 5th, 2016

And saw this.

... my silly little alternate take on how Discord could have handled Tirek's offer now has illustrations.

I have nothing to say to this. I'll be busy picking up the pieces of my blown mind.

Maybe some of you would like to watch this, and then tell the good doctor what a fine job was done here.

Fluttershy was so adorable in this...


New Idea In The Works · 4:30pm Oct 12th, 2017

Netflix is going to be the death of me, author-wise. Honestly. Been binge watching Criminal Minds for three (going on four) days straight. Now the specifics aren't quite in the front of my mind but I may do a stand alone crossover based in the EqG universe. I haven't decided if I'll do a serial killer or abduction or something else entirely but the ideas are forming. Slowly.

I know. I know. Finish what's on your plate first but creativity sometimes sucks.


June Update · 10:19pm Jun 14th, 2018

Newest chapter of Rainbooms On the Mind is now up. Has it already been six months since the last update? Anyway, with that out of the way, I have to catch up on my non-pony commissions, but after that, I will move on to the third and final chapter for Derpy's Reward.

So sorry for making everyone wait on not one, but two fics. I'll try and word faster.


Solitude, Sweet Solitude! · 5:45pm Jul 13th, 2017

Nobody's watching? Excellent! I may bask in my liberation, away from the prying eyes of strangers and fiends. But how to use this freedom, this anonymity...

I've got it. I'll observe. I'll stay uninvolved unless something piques my interest. Nobody really pays attention to someone who is faceless, right? Great!

Viewing 21 - 40 of 304 results