
Viewing 1 - 20 of 304 results

In the Mind of · 3:08pm Apr 20th, 2017

This is going to be a new section where I analyze the works of a specific author. Believe it or not, every chosen author has to pass some criteria, these are:

-The author needs to be medium-recognizable or even unknown.
-Have a decent amount of stories in his/her resume. (10 at least).
-I must have read 70-80% of their work previously (so no, I can't do Jay-the-Brony because I don't have the time to read more than 200 stories)

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Report Smashology · 304 views · #In the Mind of

In the Mind of: DisneyFanatic2364 · 4:30pm Aug 31st, 2017

This analysis is just my personal opinion on the work of DisneyFanatic2364, not a review. Is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive analysis of her work. This analysis may contain spoilers from her works.

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Report Smashology · 1,033 views · #In the Mind of

In the mind of: Magpiepony · 3:48pm May 31st, 2017

This analysis is just my personal opinion on the work of Magpiepony, not a review. Is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive analysis of her work. This analysis may contain spoilers from her works.

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Report Smashology · 521 views · #In the Mind of

In the Mind of: Vanilla Mocha · 5:11pm Dec 13th, 2017

This analysis is just my personal opinion on the work of Vanilla Mocha, not a review. Is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive analysis of her work. This analysis may contain spoilers from her works.

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Report Smashology · 312 views · #In the Mind of

In the Mind of: Opium4TmassS · 4:24pm Apr 20th, 2017

This analysis is just my personal opinion on the work of Opium4TmassS, not a review. Is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive analysis of his work. This analysis may contain spoilers from his works.

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Report Smashology · 308 views · #In the Mind of

In the Mind of: Sparkletop Rainbows · 4:19pm Sep 29th, 2017

This analysis is just my personal opinion on the work of Sparkletop Rainbows, not a review. Is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive analysis of her work. This analysis may contain spoilers from her works.

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Report Smashology · 375 views · #In the Mind of

Reaction to Today Episode. (No Spoilers) · 3:19am Oct 11th, 2015

Report Dash Attack · 289 views · #mind blown

July Update · 6:54pm Jul 7th, 2019

So it's now July 7th, and for those who might be interested, it's actually my birthday. :yay:

But you're probably more interested in my pony word news, so let's move onto that.

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September Update · 2:17am Sep 5th, 2019

Unfortunately, I don't have much else to report except that I'm super busy. I've got a bunch of commissioned writing and work that has to be done, and although I've been doing bits and pieces of the next chapter of Rainbooms on the Mind, I just don't have the time right now to really work on it. It's hard to say when the next chapter will finally be done, and I'm sorry for making my readers wait so long between chapters. Still, even with the show's finale approaching, I have no intentions of

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Happy Hearth's Warming · 10:55pm Dec 24th, 2018

Happy Holidays to you all!

Just wanted to give a quick update on things. I've had to do a bit of commissioned writing since the last chapter of Rainbooms On the Mind, but that's been taken care. After Christmas passes, I should be able to start poking at Chapter 23, so there should not be a terribly long wait that has plagued the last few chapters. Thanks for sticking around, and have a Happy New Year!


November Update · 4:49am Nov 27th, 2019

Hey, guys, and an early Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it. Work has calmed down, and I finally have some time off. I do have a commission waiting on me to start on, but I really want to work on Rainbooms On the Mind first because that fic is in sore need of an update. I already have been chipping away at the upcoming chapter, so even though I'll need a day or two off because of the Thanksgiving holiday, it should not be too long before I can finally give you guys more pony words.

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October Update + Post-show Plan · 10:59pm Oct 13th, 2019

Hey, everyone. I'm sorry to say that I'm still busy with work and commissions, so I haven't made much progress on the next chapter for Rainbooms on the Mind. Even worse news is that work will be picking up after next week, further reducing my free time to write horse words, until around Thanksgiving. I want to apologize again to readers of Rainbooms on the Mind, as well as ones who are waiting on bonus chapters for some of my other fics.

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Holiday Break · 11:21pm Nov 24th, 2016

Happy Holidays as well as Happy-Whatever-Else-You-Celebrate!

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Am I Making It? · 10:42pm Jun 30th, 2016

Today I was jumping between tabs, glancing at my recently activated Facebook page, checking to see if Fluffymixer had responded to my request —see previous post for info— and making sure I didn't lose an online argument with my marefriend over which is better, cats or dogs, when I stopped, realizing that I had a notification on my Fimfiction account.

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Happy Hearts and Hooves Day · 4:59am Feb 15th, 2019

Happy Valentines to all! Whether you have a special someone or not, I hope that you have lots of love in your life.

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November Update · 5:06am Nov 27th, 2018

Hey everypony! My crazy work schedule of working every single day and with more than a few 12-14 hour workdays had ended right before Thanksgiving. On a related note, Happy Belated Thanksgiving! The good news is that after spending the last few days catching up on some other stuff, I'm back to writing, focusing on finishing up Chapter 22 for Rainbooms on the Mind. The bad news is that I also caught a cold over the weekend, so that's going to slow down things. Still, it should not take too long

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October Update · 3:20am Oct 29th, 2018

Hey, guys. Just want to let everypony know that a good portion of the next chapter of Rainbooms on the Mind has been worked out. Unfortunately, my work schedule has left me with very little free time, as in no days off at all and having to work overtime. I'll try and chip away at the chapter when I can, but I'll be stuck on this hectic work schedule for about 2-3 more weeks.


Come Sail Away, Come Sail Away, Come and Sail Away with Me! · 6:50am Jun 19th, 2017

Hi, Tempest! Um, what's going on there... in chapter 3? Creepy.

So, I'm Going on a little trip...
I will be on a lovely ship taking a lovely cruise up to Alaska, so I'll be offline for 8 days... The trip is a break very much needed!
Here ya go:

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Report Sparkle Cola · 357 views · #Mind control

Health Hiatus · 8:07pm Aug 30th, 2020

Hey, guys. Long story short, I got sent to the hospital at the beginning of August due to health complications. I’m fine, but treatment has exhausted me. I’m not sure when I’ll get out, nor when I’ll have the energy to write again, so I’m afraid that I’m going on hiatus. When I do get better, I will resume working on finishing Rainbooms On the Mind, followed by the next bonus chapter for Derpy’s Reward.

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May Update · 5:55am May 25th, 2019

Hey, guys. Just needed to toss out an update that I've been busy with all sorts of stuff. Besides the usual outside commission work, I've been commissioned to do some Bronycon related stuff, although I can't really say anything much about that yet. For those reading Rainbooms On the Mind, I apologize for the delay, especially since the story is currently at a bit of a cliffhanger. The good news is that while I'm busy with other stuff, I still managed to hammer out a bit of the next chapter, and

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 304 results