
Viewing 21 - 40 of 229 results

Be safe, guys · 4:19am Mar 18th, 2020

It has been a long few months already. Truthfully, I don't know if I'll have a home come summer since things are so precarious. But to remind the masses, I do want to say this:

1. Love your nieighbor: Acting like everyone around you is disgusting will not help thing. Love without thought. Care without worrying who or what they are. It is all you can do.

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Operation Eradicate Doubt · 4:56am Jun 13th, 2015

Hello to whoever may read this!

The Amateur is devoted to exploring the medium afforded by My Little Pony fanfiction and pushing all its elements to their breaking points. However, a long time has passed between the recent chapter and the last one-- 4 months! Such a gap without a compelling reason why should fall squarely on the wings of the writer.

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The recent ep gave me some ideas · 10:08pm Jul 31st, 2016

So after watching the recent episode, which was hilarious in it's own meta way, I got a couple ideas for a convention chapter for AR2. So far, my idea is just what would happen if Derring and Ahuizota went to a convention for the books he wrote. I don't know if RD will be there, and if it will be regular or r63 RD.

However, it's going to have to wait as several other fics are biting my ankles for me to work on them. I'll try to sneak in some words where i can, but don't expect it soon.


Group Collab · 2:49am Jul 6th, 2016

Hello all my pretties, I have news for you! I did a thing, apparently I'm part of a group collab now. So why don't you give it some support? My name is in the credits so that's cool, also ironically it will be my OC Hot Shot's first appearance on this website, and I'm not the one publishing it. But that doesn't matter, GO CHECK IT

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The end is nigh... · 7:00pm Mar 10th, 2019

I saw the trailer for the Friendship is Magic Season 9 premiere, and I have to admit that it's made me extremely depressed. Well, even more depressed than I usually am.

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Taking part 4 of Frightmare Night down for a bit · 7:14pm Jun 13th, 2016

Okay, some of you may have noticed Frightmare Night's newest chapter got taken down for a bit. Don't worry, I'm just preforming some edits to improve the length as 1,200 words is not good enough, it needs to have at least 300 more words in it before I'll go and put it back up.


I'm feeling sleealksnf;'fjnfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff · 12:54am Mar 16th, 2016


Failed Moderation · 1:36pm Jul 11th, 2015

My story failed moderation so I deleted it.

I'm just gonna right something else. Not a crossover though. Whe whole reason it failed was their wasn't enough MLP, and too much other.



I'm probably giving up songwriting permanently · 5:44pm Oct 19th, 2022

The reason being that after years of trying to think of some great lyrics and music for them (and reading a lot both yesterday and somewhat today), I've finally realized that most of the concepts and ideas that I've made over the years were bad and not as well-thought-out as I thought. Not just for songwriting, but for writing in general. While there is a possibility that I might get back to writing after I take a possibly indefinite break, I'm not sure when or how.

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Canterlot Chronicles on Hiatus · 5:56am Jun 20th, 2017

Its on Hiatus until I can figure out how I want to advance the plot XD


Sent into Submission! · 2:06pm Dec 19th, 2015

I just sent my new Christmas story into submission! :twilightsmile:

Edit: It's approved and tagged below. ^^

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Just a little something to say. · 2:06am Oct 6th, 2023

Sometimes, life can throw a curveball your way. Sometimes it hits you in the face, knocks you to the ground, and mocks you. There are things going on in this world, evil things, and sometimes it seems people turn a blind eye to it. It's better to stay in disbelief, because these things are so horrible, that it is unfathomable that our society is falling so low. We see it in our education systems, teaching children lewd and disgusting topics on intercourse and queerness. We see it in our

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LOL Rainbowz · 11:27pm Jun 26th, 2015


What do you guys think? · 1:11am Dec 23rd, 2016

I'm starting to get the idea that my MLP/Rebels crossover is not going to work out because it doesn't make any sense. :fluttercry::applecry: What do you guys think? Do you think I should just scrap the crossover and start over?


Going to be very busy! · 9:23pm Feb 6th, 2018

Well, I'm now president of our township Republican Club... continuing the trend to me to end up in charge of everything I volunteer for unless I flee before it's too late.

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Downvotes and You: Help the Authors out · 10:07am Mar 9th, 2018

Can ask something of folks?

If you need to drop a downvote, please talk to the author? If you don't like the story, if you don't like the direction, even if you don't like the author themselves, please drop a comment or, if you're not feeling too confident, make a private message.

We can only get better if you give us feedback.

And obviously (I mean, considering where we are and the nature of the fandom!), try to do it constructively and politely if possible.

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My Best Mate · 6:39pm Jul 11th, 2015

So, my best friend, Prince Conjure, has been trying to get his feet wet in the world of fanfic-ing for ages now. One of his stories, Nisarga, cleared moderation for the first time, and I told him that I'd tell some folks about it.

Well, consider yourselves told about it.

It's an anthro-adventure revolving around Sweetie Belle and an original character called Bumi. Trust me, it's quite an interesting read, and I hope you guys will find the time to give him a peek.

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I'm starting to give up on my ideals. · 3:26pm Jan 14th, 2022

After doing some web surfing and experience, I'm starting to get the feeling that my ideals will never work or were just bad to begin with. Now I finally realize the truth about my ideals.

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I don't normally condone shilling for kickstarter projects due to my skinflint nature... · 7:43pm Aug 6th, 2021

But have ya'll seen this?
Pokemon, but with variant ponies. No direct ties to the show so it has a better than nill chance of actually going all the way through.
I'm kinda excited, not gonna lie.


24,074 · 6:15pm Sep 20th, 2019

I'm a little delirious right now.

The first draft for What They Expect to Give is done at 24,074 words. That's 62 pages.

In the end, I have decided to split this update into two chapters. BUT all that means is that I get the story out to you guys faster.

Guys, I'm so nervouscited.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 229 results