24,074 · 6:15pm Sep 20th, 2019
I'm a little delirious right now.
The first draft for What They Expect to Give is done at 24,074 words. That's 62 pages.
In the end, I have decided to split this update into two chapters. BUT all that means is that I get the story out to you guys faster.
Guys, I'm so nervouscited.
(I would have tagged my story in this post, but I don't want to spam people who aren't already following me. I figure if they wanted to see my silly posts all the time, they'd do a full follow. I should have waited before tagging my last post. This is a bigger, better update.)
I know I already had a volunteer, but if anyone wants to proofread the new material, please hit me up!
Sometimes, depending on the story, it's a good idea to split things up. Of course, some people just keep going and tried putting it all in one chapter. Those ones are massive to read through
Whatever floats your boat though
You're absolutely right! Sometimes, a chapter is just a little too long. There's a good stopping point around half-way through. The two chapters will still be on the husky side, but I figured it's (literally) been a year since I last updated. Maybe long would be appreciated.
Maybe. It just depends. Still, do what you think is best. I think your readers will appreciate it