
Viewing 21 - 40 of 162 results

In commemoration of Annoy Squidward Day · 9:55pm Feb 15th, 2021

I made a Casting Call for a series of SFM shorts:

Though, if it weren't for being down for maintenance because the developer of that particular software is a Kubrickian-level perfectionist, I wouldn't need to do a casting call. :rainbowlaugh:


Working on an Undertale Musical! · 1:07am Mar 5th, 2017

(Yes, I will update my stories. Eventually.)

So I got inspired by Undertale the Musical recently, so I had the idea to do one of my own—except incorperating the Narrator Chara theory in it, so Frisk and Chara are main characters.:twilightsmile: I've written the song lyrics myself, and it will follow the story of the True Pacifist Route, also with the Anomaly/Player included as a character (with two separate voices—one representing Pacifist and one Genocide).

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So i'm getting an interview · 5:08pm Aug 31st, 2021

So today i was just sent a request to do an interview for the Bar Cast, and i'm taking it so on saturday night around 7 o'clock eastern time, and I'll be on there if you want to ask questions and want to know whats going on with me and have some fun, well come to this link subscribe and get ready to have a lot of fun, who knows what could happen. madness i say, MADNESS!!


Wolfenstein The New Order: Reenacted by Ponies cast. · 6:13pm Jun 24th, 2016

Here’s my list of ponies who would play the characters from Wolfenstein the New Order, in order of appearance.

Big Macintosh – William J. Blazkowicz.

Spitfire – Fergus Reid.

Rainbow Dash – Probst Wyatt III (He is listed third, even though he didn't actually appear until B.J. and Fergus go into the cockpit of the bomber he is on, because his voice is heard on the radio.)

Soarin’ – Prendergast

Blonde Pony – Blondie (Because his name was really self explanatory)

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Casting Call · 8:58pm May 19th, 2020

As you know, I've been working on this animated series called TAWOTA. And for those not in the know, every character in TAWOTA is on the autism spectrum. While a part of me does wonder if it's a bit too soon to make a casting call, I figured I'd do it now anyway just to be safe. And to get more of a variety in choice, of course.

List of characters:

Character descriptions and lines:

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Fantasy Voice Casting: Ranma 1/2 Hypothetical Remake · 9:18pm Oct 14th, 2018

So I've been thinking:

If a new Ranma 1/2 anime came out, a fair chunk of the English dub cast would need to be recast, due to the original cast either having left voice work, being too busy, or having died. Also, even though some important characters' voices are (or appear to be) still in the business, it'd be a good idea to refresh some important characters with new voices just to shake things up.

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Casting Call! · 8:23am Jan 29th, 2021

I've opened auditions for an audio drama miniseries to be released for Halloween this October.

Auditions for both Voice Actors and Artists!

Deadline is Friday 12th February 2021 (11:59PM - PST)


The cast for the upcoming live-action Little Mermaid · 1:03am Jul 16th, 2021

Other cast members include:
Jude Akuwudike as Grimsby
Noma Dumezweni as Carlotta
Jessica Alexander
Russell Balogh
Adrian Christopher
Emily Coates


the FINAL cast of the Singing Heart · 11:19pm Aug 24th, 2016

Here it is! The complete cast of the Singing Heart!


Update considering current events. · 12:04pm Mar 31st, 2020

Hey all Magma here.

So just wanted to provide an update on how and where I been, I know everyone is quite scared about the COVID-19 virus and how so many confirmed cases are going on but so far I haven't caught it and I hope none of you guys or anyone else gets it too and are doing well. I am currently in self isolation which has been really trying these past weeks and I have been working a few things here and there.

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Have a gander at this VA list I made for my S9 redux · 4:15am Sep 26th, 2019


Casting Call! · 10:13pm Nov 18th, 2020 Hey guys! I'm doing a holiday special on my YouTube channel. Auditions end on December 2nd at 11:59pm Mountain time.


Casting call! (c/o The Autistic Pony) · 6:46pm Apr 7th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

So, my friend ajvasquezbrony28 (AKA The Autistic Pony on YouTube) recently did a review of my fic "Pride of the Apples". Here's the vid:

It seems he loved the fic so much, he is now currently asking for auditions for an upcoming dramatic reading for the story! :yay::yay::yay:

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Updates may be slow this month · 8:58pm Apr 10th, 2016

I think I posted the last blog to late in the day so like no one saw. I hurt my left thumb about a week ago picking up a heavy bag. It got swollen but calmed quickly so I didn't bother going to see a doctor. Yesterday I finally went to Urgency Care because it kept hurting more and more and was going into my wrist. Doctor says I have something called Game keeper's thumb. A torn tendon. So I'm supposed to call the local orthopedic tomorrow and I have to wear this...

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Casting Call! · 5:44pm Aug 3rd, 2020


Previous notable roles of The Owl House voice cast · 12:30pm Jun 13th, 2021

Wendie Malick (Edalyn Clawthorne)
The Emperor's New Groove - Chicha
Brother Bear 2 - Aunt Siqiniq
BoJack Horseman - Beatrice Horseman
Close Enough - Deborah Trickle

Alex Hirsch (King and Hooty)
Gravity Falls - Grunkle Stan, Soos Ramirez, Bill Cipher
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Ben Fotino
Big City Greens - Wyatt
Amphibia - The Curator, Frog Soos

Issac Ryan Brown (Gus Porter)
Raven's Home - Booker Baxter-Carter

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Just a Signal Boost for Bar Cast · 5:15pm Jan 19th, 2018

Hey guys, Takarashi282 here. This isn't an update really, more of a signal boost for a podcast community that has been demonetized by YouTube due to changes in policy. They need 1,000 subscribers to continue charity work, and they're just shy a couple people.

I know that there are only just above fifty of you here, even less so who view my blogs, but if you can help fellow bronies out, then that'd be awesome.

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Casting of Assault on Aurora · 7:37pm Sep 9th, 2015

Here is my expected cast for the upcoming AoA:

For Assault on Arkhoof:

Bruce Wayne/Batman: Twilight Sparkle/Mare Do Well

Floyd Lawton/Deadshot: Applejack/Buck Shot OR Gilda/Eagle Eye

Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn: Pinkemena Diane Pie/Pinkie Pie

George Harkness/Captain Boomerang: Rainbow Dash/Ricochette

Eric Needham/Black Spider: Lightning Dust/Black Lightning**

Nanaue/King Shark: Spike/Dragon King

Louise Lincoln/Killer Frost: Rarity Belle/Killer Crystal

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Crystalis' World Guide Part 1: Welcome to Seilleanna · 11:26pm Nov 5th, 2015

So as a way to drum up inspiration for myself down the line, I've decided that I want to start officially writing down details about the fantasy world that I wish to write about. My own original story which revolves around the Cast weapons that appear in a few of my stories. I hope you all enjoy this little peek into a world that has been slowly shaped in my heart for a great many years of daydreaming.

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Thinking About Midnight Blade's Voice Actor · 8:41pm Mar 13th, 2018

You know, I've been thinking.
I had Vigo Mortessen down as Midnight's Dream Cast Voice Actor but I'm not quite sure now.
I mean, I loved him in Lord of the Rings and he's good in a lot of other stuff but I haven't that much reference to fully make judgement on that.

Thinking about it, I have an alternative for my dream voice actor for Midnight Blade

Liam Freakin' Neeson!

He has the right pitch, can balance effectively between deadly serious to messing about.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 162 results