
Viewing 261 - 280 of 514 results

The Road Home - Update Complete · 4:49pm Oct 8th, 2015

PSA for those of you who like to wait until stories are complete before diving in. The Road Home is now complete at 15 chapters and ~99.5K words. It is a story that got so much longer than anticipated, but in the end I feel that was for it's benefit. In any case, I hope those of you that have been waiting will enjoy the story, and that those of you that have been reading along will find the ending up to the standards set by

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Nightmare Night Part 17 - Update and Teaser · 6:14pm Jul 17th, 2019

Work has proceeded apace on the next Nightmare Night chapter ever since the last one was released, and the next one now stands unfinished at a whopping 12k words with still more to be written.

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Nightmare Night chapter 16 underway... · 6:08pm Jun 11th, 2019

Three out of four/possibly five sections and 4200 words are already written; 7500 words seems the most likely total at this point. I'm aiming for a weekend release with Sunday being the most likely day. Sorry to take so long on this one, but work has been a diamond dog mother and then I was on vacation to Las Vegas for a couple weeks. How was it? Weather was spectacular, cool and even a bit rainy at times with the desert in full bloom. Unfortunately, I suffered a drought at the poker tables and

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Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk released + Why it's a special story · 1:37pm Nov 5th, 2016

Heya everypony!:rainbowwild:

As you may all be aware (or if not, you can look on my user page), I've released my third story, Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk. It is only the prologue chapter for now, but other chapters will be released throughout the months. Here's a link to the story: Ponies at Dawn, Monsters at Dusk

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Episode 28 of Doctor and Ditzy’s Science Theater is done · 10:14am Oct 31st, 2017

Hey again. Happy Halloween/Nightmare Night! This is my famous Halloween episode I do every year. Okay, fine. I'm lying. It's a normal episode, but it does have some horror based elements. Good enough right? Next year I will try to actually do one. It will have a horror story and horror based story segments! I will have to actually plan things out for once. Hey, I might be able to pull it off. Miracles can happen!

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The Mare in White · 9:04pm Nov 1st, 2018

Hey everypony!

So, the other day, I posted a story titled The Mare in White. It's a story I wrote for a Nightmare Night party where Twilight and Spike are looking for a ghost in a small remote town. I'm noticing that it doesn't have that many views, which makes me sad, because the people who've read it are telling me they love it. I posted the chapters late at night, so I'm wondering if maybe my followers didn't see it, thus, I am linking it again.

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New UtM chapter on the way... · 8:54pm Nov 29th, 2017

The next chapter of Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night will release this weekend depending on how fast it gets finished and how quickly my prereaders can complete their pass. The chapter currently stands at around 6000 words and will end with another sexual corruption... or actually two! Want a teaser...?

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Contest Update · 8:00pm Apr 26th, 2019

Wow... Ok guys, I've been looking over these entries and...

I don't know how I'm going to pick any winners.

All of these are really good in their own way. I feel like I might just scrap the "single-winner" concept of a contest and go with an "everypony wins" type ending here. Honestly, everypony worked hard, and I actually like those sorts of scenarios better, but I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do to make that meaningful at some point...

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February writing plans · 5:11pm Feb 1st, 2019

In one word: Firefly. The objective of this coming month is to finish off the Battle of Epsilon and the first day of war. But I haven't stopped thinking about Nightmare Night, or other things I might be writing, including my anthro novel. I've also had a few other idea bunnies running around my head, but I'd think long and hard before starting them given my other obligations.

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New Gilda chapter 4000 words long and growing... · 6:46pm Oct 26th, 2020

Given the way it's developing, it's possible I'll split it into multiple chapters before all is said and done. I'll come around with a teaser when release day gets closer, but until then... I'm going to shamelessly attempt to entice some fresh Midnight Rising readers over to Nightmare Night with an excerpt. If you liked Midnight in Midnight Rising, wait until you get a load of her in Nightmare Night, as the Friendship Map summons Sunset and Sci-Twi to the pony realm

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It turns out that... · 12:27pm Aug 1st, 2020

I accidentally overwrote chapter 5 of Temptations and Transformations with chapter 8 when I published the latter. If you're a new reader and were confused—which is likely since the three inside mail worker characters hadn't been introduced yet—my sincerest apologies. It's fixed now, so feel free to go back and read the proper content. Thanks to Cobalt Ravenscroft for pointing it out.

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A couple post-release notes... · 3:42pm Mar 2nd, 2021

For Midnight Rising, which I'm pleased to say both featured, and garnered four new likes! :yay:

First, with my sincerest apologies, I initially neglected to link the picture of Ember I used and failed to properly credit the artist. So let me take care of that now:

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You Love it · 3:43pm Oct 30th, 2016


Weekly update · 8:35pm Mar 9th, 2021

Well, there are several things to discuss this week, but before I do anything else, let me give a huge shout-out and congratulations to AJ_Aficionado, whose entry into the Found out February clopfic contest soared to #1 on the feature list, and took home the $200 top prize! It was a smashing success, as he played the site's meta game and won it, finding the perfect slot to submit his story in that all but ensured it took off.

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New Adult Story by AJ_Aficionado · 8:46pm Jul 8th, 2020

It's a bit of a special-interest work, but for those of you who are into it, he's written this story to help christen the brand new earplay folders of the My Little Fetish group. And trust me, it's a doozie.

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Happy Halloween! · 2:25pm Oct 30th, 2021

You will get a new Nightmare Night chapter tonight or tomorrow morning. The second chapter, unfortunately, is only half-finished and might take another week. The main issue this time is work--I have a slew of intensive online training modules to go through, and I’m way behind on them. It’s a good skill to know, so I’ll do it, for the sake of my next job if my current one. For those curious, I’m learning about The Cloud, which is something all pegasus programmers would no doubt know how

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Batty Reviews: Luna Eclipsed · 8:45pm Oct 7th, 2018

To kick off the spooky season, Empress Batty looks at the episode that gave us the concept of Nightmare Night. And also properly introduced us to Princess Luna.


Prereads in on C&C Chapter 37... · 7:26pm Oct 30th, 2023

All but one, anyway. So far, the chapter seems to be a hit, leaving us on schedule for a Halloween night release. It'll be a shorter chapter (around 9k words) than those I've released earlier in the year, but that's because it’s a prelude to a much longer and more intense one to come.

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Nightmare Night in April 2023 - The Annual Horror Writeoff begins again! · 2:38am Apr 5th, 2023

It's April, which means it's time for the annual Horror Write-Off I run every year, Nightmare Night in April!

The event is simple: in order to encourage more horror writing, I hold a write-off event in which anyone can submit a Horror Story, to be compiled by April 30th, the opposite day of the year from Halloween!

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Another fanfic reading · 11:18pm Oct 8th, 2019

Just letting people know that I have uploaded another fanfic reading. The story is "How to play with the ponies' by Opium4TmassS. if you take the time to watch, I hope you enjoy it ^_^ Thank you!

Viewing 261 - 280 of 514 results