
Viewing 221 - 240 of 1,447 results

What should I do? · 7:33pm Jul 2nd, 2015

For the next chapter, I’m having a little bit of writer’s block. I have a few slightly different plans for the next chapter, and I’ve decided to ask you what interests you all the most.

The next chapter will be the return home and a lead in to a timeskip leading up to the next big events. What I want to know is which version you want:

A: Emphasis on the return trip itself (A1 - the conversation or A2 - the scenery)

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Report wille179 · 401 views · #ask #writer's block

Being a Better Writer: Setting Sights Higher · 9:16pm Aug 3rd, 2015

Today's topic, despite its lateness, is one that I feel is important. It's not a long topic, nor do I think it will take much time to discuss, but it's something that needs to be said.

Set your sights higher.

In fairness, that's a good statement ... but it's also pretty vague. So, what am I actually talking about? Let's start with a little backstory.

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Story update: My Idiot · 5:35pm Jan 9th, 2016

New chapter has been added!

Hope you guys enjoy this one.

This chapter is the longest one so far, so I hope it keeps you occupied long enough. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, better get on to writing the next chapter...


No rest for the weary.


So again, enjoy, comment and up-vote!

Till next time.

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Writer's Workshop: The Art of Writing · 5:56pm Jan 13th, 2016

So, I had this really great workshop written up about "building up" stories versus "building down" stories, but then my computer bugged out, and I had to restart it. I lost everything. :raritydespair: So now I'm gonna do a completely different one instead! This one's been a long time coming, which is a shame, considering how important it is. Friends, let's talk about figurative language!


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write write write write write · 11:27pm Jan 13th, 2016

I want to write

I need to write

I find it hard to write

Why is it so hard to write? It used to be easy before


what do I do


No more writers block · 2:46pm Nov 17th, 2016

You read it correctly. I am finally getting back to work. As always I'll be on Queen Twilight Sparkle for the time being. In the next chapter you'll find out what happens to Twilight.

Keep an eye out for some new cover art for the story. And an upcoming event with the help of...someone on Youtube. No spoilers just yet.


Top Five Weakest Writers of FiM · 5:07pm Nov 17th, 2016

These Top Ten and Top Five lists are winding down, but I wanted to end them on a positive note and not a negative one. So today we're going to look at the five writers who just haven't been able to click with the show for one reason or another, and tomorrow we'll take a look at the five writers who've managed to either pull out the most consistent streaks of writing or cranked out some of the best episodes of the show. Like every list, this one is not official by any means,

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Writer's Workshop: For the Bible Tells Me So · 4:43am Jan 7th, 2017

No, this isn't a post about the use of Biblical allegories (though I definitely need to do that some time). This is more about a story planning tool to help you keep track of all of the information in your story. I'm sure there are tons of different terms for it, but the one I've latched onto is the "story bible." Basically, a story bible is a compendium of all of the important facts about your story. Let's go over a few of the things you should have in it:

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Writer's Workshop: The Long and the Short of It · 2:30am Jul 8th, 2016

This'll be a companion piece to my other workshop I put out today. When you set out on a new story, do you plan ahead of time how long it's going to be? By this, I don't necessarily mean the number of chapters or the order of the plot points. I literally mean, how many words is your story going to be? When you eventually put pen to paper, you'll need to know how much you intend to write. If you don't do this, have you considered that you might be writing too much or too little? There's a tempo

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Writer's Workshop: Know Your Place · 10:47pm Feb 26th, 2017

Today, I'd like to talk about genre--what it means, how it applies to stories, and what you can do to improve your story's genre. A lot of this will be based off of Shawn Coyne's Story Grid, which you can find for free on his website if you're interested.

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Writer's Workshop: Nice-Guy Main Characters · 12:35am Apr 8th, 2017

Oh, sure, I could use a nice literary term like "cipher," but why not use the most inflammatory term I can think of? :rainbowlaugh: Let's talk about bland, faceless characters and how to give them the color and flair they need to be interesting characters.

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Being a Better Writer: Taxes · 9:23pm Feb 14th, 2017

Fair warning, this is not going to be a happy post. A lot of times I try to deliver good news or positive vibes with my posts, but today? Well, today you're probably going to leave unhappy. You'll see why in a bit.

So, you've been published! Your book is out in the wild, selling copies and making you dough! Success! You're on the way to riches, watching with glee and satisfaction as money slowly funnels into your bank accounts or arrives in publisher's checks.

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Random Ramblings CXXXII · 5:50am Feb 15th, 2017

So, in my neck of the woods (Central Time Zone), there's still 10 minutes left in Valentine's Day, so I just wanted to write something quick.

I had to keep myself occupied as this is the first time in eight years that I've not had a lovely lady to share the day with, since (as I've mentioned before), I got dumped last fall after a very long relationship.

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Writer's Workshop: Quirks and Quandaries · 3:23pm Mar 24th, 2016

In my review of "Look Before You Sleep," I claimed that most of the episode felt pretty same-y. Most of it boils down to a single idea: Applejack is brash and dirty, while Rarity is refined and clean. It just keeps banging on that same idea over and over again. To punctuate the idea, I coined "the dialogue game," where you simply replace whatever a character is saying with a statement of their character trait; in "Look Before You Sleep," that'd be "I'm messy!" and "I'm snooty!" over and over

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Seeing Your Own Flaws · 10:31am May 5th, 2016

Once in an indeterminate while, a writer sits at her desk that bears the weight of her writing instruments, and considers their worth.

In this moment, she tries to free herself from the nagging sensation of ego, of arrogance, of self-assured construction of her safe reality and concentrates on herself instead of her writing for once. She knows that this is a hard task, for writing is a part of her identity as much as anything else, and recently, it weighs deeply in her mind.

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Interview with Bugsydor · 1:55am Apr 17th, 2016

Another interview, this time with a Bugsydor.

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Writer's Workshop: A Simple Four-Part Story Model · 2:03pm Apr 18th, 2016

Quick update for you guys. I've been crazy busy recently, but I thought I'd share a simple model I created for one of my clients that can help you understand how stories work. It's a quick little thing that looks like this:

1. What is the problem?
2. What is the solution?
3. At the start of the story, why can't the characters do the solution?
4. At the end of the story, why can the characters do the solution?

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Interview with FanOfMostEverything · 11:24pm Apr 24th, 2016


im no writer · 1:35pm May 10th, 2016

hey!:pinkiegasp: 10 followers and no stories yet?!:facehoof:
cant say im not motivated im no good at writing, but i still have the passion to write something.:twilightsmile:

that being said hoping i could find my mojo on making just a one-shot fic!:moustache:

on a side note:
dang! the brutal difficulty on ponyvania is a killer!:trollestia:
ive died more or less 12 times already and with and without using water of life.....:ajsleepy:

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Commission info · 2:39am Apr 8th, 2016

Commission Pricing is as follows.

$5 per 1000 words, minimum 3000 words.

Extreme subjects may have a difference in price but I'm willing to discuss that privately.

I have a minimum daily quota of 1000 words a day per customer.

Examples of my Commissioned works: Male/Male Scalies M/F F/F MLP Commission Pokemon M/F Ferals

Current Commissions

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 1,447 results