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Group Admin

Alright, since, in practice, the casual thread seems to be random enough that having an actual on-topic conversation there seems out of place, I'm opening this thread to supplement it.

Basically, if you want to discuss fanfics you're writing, fanfics you are reading, universe construction of fanfics you are working on, plot ideas, or, in short, anything that has to do with mlp fanfiction, this is the thread for it.

Not that you can't post it in a new thread if you want, but this one is official.

Group Admin

Lemme say there seems to be a lack of fics over these 2 things:

1: AU based around altered events in the royal wedding. (And yes, i am fixated on that episode.)
2: fics that actually look over pinkie's mind which, to me, is the one of these 2 that needs A LOT more attention.

Some fics may have gotten under my radar. Which was admittedly small for a good amount of time.

I'm just done with the sequel to Trial of Faux Pas. It centers around a single changeling foal who gets adopted by Lyra and Bon Bon. He sets up a little lemonade stand as part of a school assignment, selling a drink he used to get in his hive and that turns out to be really popular. He's trying to fit in, and most ponies like him, but Apple Bloom immediately treats him a little... snappy/bad. She thinks he's putting something in his drink that's brainwashing ponies, and that he's lying about being an orphan.

The main conflict is between Apple Bloom and the foal, named Bastion. However, the motivations behind the conflict are seen from the eyes of observers, so it's not crystal clear who is in the right. Both Bastion and Apple Bloom are (supposed to be :scootangel:) identifiable. And as always, there's loads of changeling headcanon in it.

Now, with it being finished (and it being the thing I worked on when I got stuck on Foal in Any Other Skin) I wonder if I should wait 'till I have cover art to publish. I know it'll get more hits that way, so I intend to do just that. But what would be better:
-Lyra sitting in her human posture on a couch, with a little changeling next to her in the same posture, clearly napping. So that's head back, mouth open and eyes closed, while Lyra looks at him with a smile and Bon Bon is leaning over the couch as well. Big "D'aww" factor, then, and I'd show what the OC looks like.

-A bottle labelled 'Red Nectar', which clearly contains the fluid the story is named after: Changeling Blood. This would be simpler, but it wouldn't portray the OC at all.

Which would get more hits, do you think?

Group Admin


As regards the first, I still strongly recommend reading Post Nuptials, which happens immediately after the wedding, and addresses some of my issues with it. And part of Mendacity alters events that happened during the wedding.

As far as Pinkie's mind, ever read Silent Ponyville? Most of that happens in Pinkies mind. And Enabling, while not precisely falling into that category, is probably worthy of note as being hella weird.

Let's see, other worthy of note Pinkie stories:
What's In A Name - Pinkie has amnesia, and can't remember anything since before getting her cutie mark.
Internal Conflict - Has two rather different Pinkie Pies in it.
When They Found Us - I am he, and you are me, and we are all Pinkie. Or something like that.
Her Own Pony - AU to the end of Two Many Pinkie Pies; one of the clones gets away. I highly enjoy this one.

Group Admin

789823 already read post nuptials, its good but not in the exact vein of what i mean.

And thanks for the list but oh god now im buried in all these things i wanna read...

Group Admin


Probably the first, though I'd also suggest a little changeling running a lemonade stand, with a bunch of fillies and colts lined up to buy lemonade. And maybe Apple Bloom somewhere in the foreground, looking at the stand and scowling.

That'd have the D'Aww factor, and also establish the plot fairly clearly.

Group Admin


Yeah, can appreciate that. For what it's worth, three of the last four are oneshots.

Group Admin

Just gonna make this....


For the base lets do the most vague and open ended thing we can:
magic can do ANYTHING. if you have enough power and knowledge to do it.

Magical power to do/create whatever you wish, and knowledge to know how to direct it.
For the opening let us focus on 2 of the biggest magical events in the show:
Twilight's Magic Overload: for this event i will explain my thoughts over how Twilight gains and holds power. as the predestined element of magic she has access to the magic of the planet itself. the way she accesses it is most-likely one of these 2 ways.

By her magical font regaining itself faster than she uses it, creating a massive pool of magical power that is ever expanding and unending.

Her magical font and that of Equus are one and the same.

her Overload can be explained via this: EX: like in the beginning of the naruto manga, Twilight was unaware of exactly how much magic she needed to interact with the egg itself, therefore she began at low and slowly cranked it up. unfortunately in doing so she made it look as though she was struggling to use any magic, while she was actually focusing in doing the exact opposite. the rainboom happens, and she becomes panicked, unleashing an unfocused magical charge on EVERYTHING.

The Sonic Rainboom: this is in complete support of my 'Magic Is In The Air' and also explains (partially) the odd effects that a rainbow seems to have when consumed.

in our world, we are abe to break the sound barrier several times over. so what makes breaking it once so special? well, what is the most noticeable difference between our world and theirs? asides from the existence of colorful talking equines, of course. it's the subject of these theories. Magic. when she breaks the sound barrier the air around her, which is soaked in the latent magical energy of the planet -that twilight, as mentioned before, accesses- gets moved and compacted at extreme speeds. creating near solid conditions. light shines through the temporarily corporeal magic, and creates a 'Rainbow'.
this explains the affect and creation of rainbow via this: 'rainbow' is not rainbow, it is magical extract. the magical extract is sent into the air and manipulated by a team of pegasi \ a unicorn. this also means that rainbow can be an Extreme magical steroid

and that, ladies and gentleman, are some of my thoughts on magic.

Group Admin


I suppose I could post some of my own thoughts on magic. They may contradict yours, but, well, different headcanons...

One of the basic principles most magic users learn is that everypony has a magical core that they draw their magic from. Some have a larger magical core then others, and it's possible to expand your magical core through magical exercise.

Later, more advanced magical users learn that the magical core is an oversimplification, and that it runs all through a ponies body. It's just easier when learning magic to visualize it as coming from a core inside of you.

And even more advanced practitioners understand that there is magic in everything, and that it's just easier to use the magic inside of you.

The elements of harmony link the magic of all six bearers together into one stream through friendship.

Unicorns cast spells by channeling their magic from their magic core through their horn. Casting a spell for them is all about will, intent, focus, and how much power you are channeling. Accidentally shifting your intent and focus while radically overpowering a spell can produce highly unexpected results.

For a pegasus, the magic goes to their wings and hooves, allowing them to fly, walk on clouds, and manipulate the weather, and for earth ponies, it mainly goes to strength and growing things, though it's been known to focus in other ways, such as with Pinkie.

If a pony uses up most of their magic, it has different effects depending on the type of pony. A unicorn will be fine for a short period of time, as their body goes through it's reserves, then will be completely exhausted for days, possibly longer depending on how low their magic is.

A pegasus would be unable to fly. The effects on an earth pony are indeterminate, as it doesn't happen often. Chocolate is known to speed up the recovery process, as are certain blends of tea Zecora is able to brew. It'd mostly be treated with bedrest, and lots of liquids, though.

And of course, there would be different schools of magic. See D & D, Harry Potter, etc.

That's probably enough for now, anyways...

Group Admin

791375 actually, that fits well with my overall headcanon.


Fic concept:

Queen Chrysalis succeeded in taking the Crystal Empire. All of Season 3 has been fabricated by her to keep the Main Six and citizens of the Crystal Empire busy and distracted while the changelings feed off of their love. Sombra was a sub-par villain because QC is terrible at writing for villain characters and prefers to write slice of life fics instead.

Group Admin

792645 :rainbowderp:...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Anypony here know of any good fanfics about me learning magic?

I'm trying to find fanfics to add to the Sweetie Belle: Achievement of Magic group. arcum42 mentioned a few to me, but I'm trying to see if I can find more...

Does anyone know any fics that address the origins of changelings? Even if it is only backstory, I would love to see what others have done with that.

After going through a lot of changeling fics in the last week (Flitter, Affliction of the Heart 1 & 2, and Thrown Abroad) I've been really tempted to write a fic to explore their origins and behavior more fully. It would be the first fic I've ever written, and may be a bit ambitious for my first time, but I've just had SO much fun fleshing out my take on all of this!

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