Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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After reading Spike on Strike, Stallions on Strike, and Time for Spike to be a Kid!, I wonder if there are any good stories where Spike speaks up concerning how the Mane Six treat him, both here and elsewhere on the web?

There is one where the town figures it out and they confront them while spike learns to be a kid

Already mentioned that one, it's Time for Spike to be a Kid!

No it’s a different one I think Cheerilee finds him first and then he’s placed in Lyra and bonbons care

Ah, Spike's custody. Already read that.

Yep. Spike the Fairy's better than Spike's Turnabout.

Not exactly what you were asking for, but this kinda explores the topic...

EA Friend of A Friend
Twilight is away and Spike rapidly becomes bored. Luckily, he has five other awesome friends to hang out with. Doesn't he?
8686 · 17k words  ·  1,200  15 · 17k views

--Sweetie Belle

Not Spike, but how about one where Applejack does the calling out?The Missing Element by David Silver

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