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Everyone can have a personal preference. But in my second story, I paid more attention to Cadence. Although I collected all four princesses at the beginning of the plot.

What second story???

And for me, Chrysalis is top of the list, followed by Celestia, Twilight, Luna , and Cadence

I gotta go with Twilight given her adorkableness.


[Adult story embed hidden]

In terms of appearance, personality, and general stability… Luna.

Agreed with you there on that my friend

So yeah Luna would be my choice

Dat plot....

Princess Luna for me. I'd munch that moon pie all night.

Chrysalis... or as I affectionately call her Chrissy. I paid a lot of attention to her in my first story. right up until she was born, who was her famous mother. (that was my point of view) The same goes for Princess Amira.

Chrysalis could take the shape of my dream girl so she's my favourite, then Twilight, then Cadence, then Luna and then Celestia.

You'll include queen Chrysalis, but leave out queen Novo, princess Sky Star, and/or Silverstream?!
Yes, I know that Silverstream is a bit of a stretch.
You won't even include Princess Amore?! The original pink ruler of the Crystal Empire?

I'm joking about the hippogriffs.
Novo seems a bit prickly, and the younger ones would probably be a bit much.

There's very little about Amore. She's kinda the OG "calm and wise princess", but not really much else.

Princess Luna.
Nuff said.


All of the princesses are sexy in their own way.

Except Flurry Heart, but I've seen some pics that manage to make it work.

Luna is my waifu
Cadence is a close second
Chrysalis is admittedly sexy
And celestia is very kind

Luna hands down

Either Luna or mirror-Chrysalis.

Hmmmm... Celestia would win on all around attractiveness, but specifically for physical intimacy Cadance ranks up there as "oh, she's hot..."

Celestia seems like the type to surprise you, because she's got such a potential wealth of experience to choose from, and because she's got that impish side that could finally be freed when all the trappings of office and propriety are removed.

Cadance, by virtue of her comparative youth and openness, seems like you'd have to expect high energy going in, because that's exactly what you'd get.

Cadence is a MILF, so that's an easy choice.

1. Cadance
2. Chrysalis
3. Luna
4. Celestia
5. Twilight

Not sure to be honest. From a purely physical aspect they aren't terribly different from each other, barring Chrysalis. I feel like putting a changeling in a contest of physical attraction is cheating a bit since they can become whatever. I like most of them on an emotional and intellectual level outside of Twilight.

That said I'm going to cheat myself. Chrysalis is my top pick. Barring changelings I would pick Daybreaker then Nightmare Moon. I put Celestia, Luna and Cadance all about the same level. Twilight is last for me.

Def cadence. Thats why shes not an incel like the other three.

Celestia for me. Between her fur, her mane and tail, her eyes, and her personality, Celestia is one of the best.

In my opinion, Cadance tops the list with first place, then there would be Chrysalis, but Celestia, Luna and Twilight are on the same level for me.

It's pretty interesting to me that Celestia seems to be the least popular princess. Poor girl.

She's technically in a three-way tie for my pick for hottest princess.

My personal scale would be something like:

  1. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight (I am real bad at picking favorites.)
  2. Chrysalis (Giger waifu lol.)
  3. Cadence (She's decently hot, but I'm not into cuck shit.)
  4. Flurry Heart (Even setting aside the foalcon aspect, her "bug-eyed lolipop with giant wings" design is off-putting to me.)

Luna hands, and hooves down.

It's so easy to understand her having to overcome her past mistakes. And watching her mentor the CMC was just so nice.

Don’t you mean hoofs down.

He’ll yes. My friend.

High five or high hoof or appendage

Obviously Luna. My God, she is gorgeous.

I noticed that many people like her. But mostly they are all young people, not older than thirty years. (this is just my personal observation and opinion)


I agree. Celestia seems to be the most underappreciated by fans. Luna the most underappreciated by the show.

I put my vote for Celestia. She has vast knowledge that can surprise you.
Second is twilight, but mostly because I'm intrigued what things she might be suppressing in her mind. She and Luna are the most likely to be the least experienced in sex. Like they have all this unrealized potential that is waiting to be discovered and ... released to the wide world by someone.

My pony crush was Princess of the Moon. But the other three (and chrysalis) are all easily attractive as well. And each have amazing quailities falling in love with. Although the bug queen is a heart broken desperate, I think we can all agree she was still tameable.

Back to my original statement however, Luna my choice.

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