The Conversion Bureau 1,318 members · 389 stories
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Group Admin

Alright, as I've said in the now-locked Regarding the Anti-TCB group thread, this thread's purpose is to allow friendly discussion of anything and everything. From politics to ponies to religion to just why the potion is purple, all topics are welcome. The only rules are the ones posted on the frontpage. Don't be rude to each other, and remember, we're all readers (and some writers) of pony fanfictions. We've gotten along really well thus far, let's prove we can keep it going.

To get us started, I'm going to ask the question that's itched the back of my brain since I read my first TCB story.

Why is that potion purple?

Uh... purple is a magical colour?

it is purple because that is always the color of artificial grape (the flavor) it is impossible to have it be artificial grape and not have it be purple.


Because it's purple flavored. Yeah, they say artificial grape, but that really just means purple flavored. That's right. Purple is a flavor now. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Here's another question. If you take the potion, and it turns out to be limed flavored, how much trouble are you in? :pinkiecrazy:

536898 That depends on whether anypony figures out you're really a changeling now.


Best answer is... best! :pinkiehappy: Someone write a fic with lime flavored potion that turns you into a changeling... unless someone already did and I'm not aware of it.

Group Admin

Not to my knowledge, anyway. I think it'd be pretty cool to do, either as an action fic, or a psychoanalysis of the Convert as they try to hold onto their original identity :rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

Would be more pleasant than how my Changelings come into existence :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Potion is purple because:

A: Twilight is purple :twilightsmile:
B: Purple and Pony both start with P :eeyup:
C; Purple Pony Potion. We love alliteration. :yay:

What happens to all the Earth animals once they get hit by the barrier?

Group Admin

That, sir, is a wonderful question. In my 'verse, the non-sentient lifeforms are unaffected. For the reason why, it's hinted at in What Separates Us, as well as in my upcoming fic Project Thesan.

I also hated it when I was originally asked that, because I realized that by the rules I'd come up with for my 'verse, I realized that there was a new path not available in other 'verses, and so to be faithful to the 'verse I had to follow it :pinkiecrazy:

So, now this group has a social thread too?

Starman Ghost looked from pro-TCB to anti-TCB, then back from anti-TCB to pro-TCB. But already it was impossible to tell which was which.

One thing I've always wondered is why is in TCBs that Luna tends to take the backseat to Celestia when it comes to the Equestrian intrusion into the human world. I mean you see her every now and then but almost always it's Celestia that either plays the role of the Big Bad or Big Good depending on the story.

536896>>536911 This and this.

536933 In the Gammaverse most life on earth is already extinct due to a science experiment gone wrong decades prior to Equestria and Earth coming into contact. As for any matter that crosses the barrier in option Gamma, it's torn apart to it's base subatomic particles so that some of the distinctly "Equestrian"/"Magic" particles can be integrated, then it reforms into basic elements or compounds. A human crossing the barrier would be reduced to carbon dust.

I know Gammaverse ponies don't have estrus, and I know Chatoyance ponies do, what about other TCB universes?

I know that in Chatoyance's TCB fics anesthetic is added to potions in order to knock people out. What about other universes? Are does the knock out effect come from anesthetic, or is it built into the potion itself?


Yay its finnally all TCB... or is it?

Comment posted by CloudTwister deleted Dec 13th, 2012
Group Admin

Ah, such a nice feeling, isn't it?

I'm actually giving a bigger role to Luna in my upcoming story, as the chief architect behind Project Thesan from the Equestrian side of things.

My ponies do have estrus, though it is controllable in all but a few cases. Converts occasionally have a tougher time with it, and sometimes "flash pink" (or go into estrus soon after Conversion)

As for the anasthetic, I have my Conversion process be a two-stage injection. The first is the anasthetic, followed by the actual serum. Then the attending unicorn casts the transformation spell to supercharge the serum and allow it to work in fifteen minutes instead of half a day.

Group Admin

Do it filly! :rainbowlaugh:

Tonight I need no sleep as My people need me.
By that I mean the Changelings of course:pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

I actually do want to revisit the thread I left hanging from What Separates Us

Im actually a little green as to what is discussed here having been unable to get down and dirty and reading fics like I would like to

Group Admin

Heh, no worries. Just a hanging plot thread :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

This needs more ponies.

Group Contributor

Hmm, I guess we could say this...
"We're not so different, you and I."

Also, potion is purple because it's secretly all a scheme by the Saints to seize control of the world, somehow. Prove me wrong.

Group Contributor

If that were true the Potion would be Black with a Gold label

... what?

Potion's purple because TCB is a G4 fanfic. It would be pink if it were G3.

It's Purple because the Third Street Saints are secretly using it as an alternate to drug pushing... they still do the drug pushing but there's some big money in that pony stuff.

Because its grape flavored, and maybe since you are agreeing to become a subject of Celsetia upon taking it, the purple is a symbol of royalty. :scootangel:

Or its just that colour since Blaze said it was? :twilightblush:

Question: what other types of stories on here are people interested besides TCB?

Actually, now that I said it I'd like an AU where the serum was created by drug-lords to stimulate the ultimate high. Think about it, Equestria's a pretty trippy place... :trollestia:

I have an AU in mind where the Ponies and Equestria are replaced with Giant Robots. Possibly of a ZOIDS type of deal.

Oh Brave new world, that hath such people in it....

Group Contributor

Adventure, Comedy. Slice of life, if it has that comedy tag.

HiE can go choke on a big fat one, the number of HiE fics I've read that didn't make me want to commit seppuku out of sheer disgust I can count on one hand. And I dislike shipping simply because reading romance where there is no romance in the series is a little awkward.

Also, can we keep religious talk/insults to religions out of this forum? I've noticed it's come up a lot, and it's fucking ridiculous. Can we all agree to that?

Group Admin

Works for me

Comment posted by TheCrazyMan deleted Dec 14th, 2012

Religious talk? As in "Hallelujah! Prepare Yourselves for Jesus Christ God Almighteeee!"

or that alicorn !=! goddess battle of headcanons? ...probably not.

Anyway, I bet you're saying people shouldn't be rude and start declaring the superiority of their creed or the opposite of others'. But if you truly meant everyone should stay out of certain topics entirely I'd disagree and say most everything is free game as long as one follows the rules and the voice of common sense.

I think from the tone he meant insults and aggressiveness about religion. And it probably is a good idea to stay away from it altogether unless it's quick clarifications that take no more than a post or two, or at least not a debate about it. People in both the TCB and ACB groups tend to get a little worked up when mud starts flying, myself included (although I'm a little more sarcastic than "lol ur teh dumb an stoopid"), so it's better to not approach the issue at all.

*sits next to boredhooman*

Let us talk about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Group Contributor

536933 "What happens to all the Earth animals once they get hit by the barrier?"

I'm sure it is different for each author's take on the subject, but in my stories, most animals survive, but are changed by the barrier into Equestrian equivalents. Earth mutie-rats become bunnies and squirrels, for example, or even birds. They change for the same reason that waste-dumps become clean ponds or apartment buildings become Equestrian-styled tudor cottages - the metachaosis layer of the Barrier.

(Yes, the metachaosis layer is related to the fact of Discord, and one day I may write about the how and why of it. It has been mentioned several times in my stories.)

The metachaosis layer rapidly reconfigures terrestrial matter into Equestrian forms, following a set of algorithmic spells woven into it. It can handle unalive matter easily, and can deal with relatively simple forms of life - plants, small animals and such - in effective ways.

However, it cannot handle the hypercomplex issues of microtubules within advanced animal brains well. The upper limit is probably cats or dogs. Beyond that, animals don't tend to survive. As the neurology increases in complexity, the field fails, and cannot restructure a creature fast enough to avoid the cells burning out from the thaumatic radiation.

If, in my stories, creatures such as apes and dolphins still existed, they would be toast. Burned to the same crisp as humans encountering the Barrier, and for the exact same reasons. Flies can become Equestrian butterflies, but the metachaosis layer just can't cope with a brain capable of full self awareness and a complex personal identity. The process simply isn't fast or complex enough.

Fortunately, or horrifically, most animal and plant life is already extinct on my earth, the result of the single greatest extinction event in the history of the planet - the Holocine Extinction. You are currently experiencing that event, by the way.

Everything about my future earth is based on real events and real decisions and real science, simply taken to their logical conclusions.

So, animals other than Man are fairly easily handled by the Barrier in my stories, and they come out the other side Changed. But, being simpler animals than Man, they don't mind, and simply live on.


Something just occurred to me. In the original, wasn't the purple stuff the anaesthetic?

Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this. I blame you Cloud, damn you. :pinkiecrazy:

Hi, my name is Demon Eyes Laharl. I'm a member of the Anti-TCB group. Happy to meet you all. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

*glomps Demon Eyes* howdy! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy:


Tired. Just got back from a camp trip. Lots of things happened, lol. I'll try to hang out in both places equally.

Now, sleep calls. Later man.

Group Admin

Later bro. Seeya around :twilightsmile:


I think I just got blocked or kicked out of a group. I didn't even post anything, just an introduction. weird

Group Admin

Which group?


It was an anti group.... What was it...?

Ah. Anti clop group.

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