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I rewatched this movie this morning, and honestly…this is a lot better than I remembered it being. I didn’t think too highly of it when I first watched it, but I now have a big appreciation of it…for what it is.

The only thing I don’t like about this episode are the cringeworthy lines Anakin said to Padme. I forgot how borderline creepy he was in this.

What do you guys think?

A Man Undercover
Group Contributor

As someone who hasn’t seen the prequel trilogy, at least not yet, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask:

Do you think the prequel trilogy’s depiction of Anakin’s origins cheapens the surprise of Darth Vader turning out to be Luke’s father in “The Empire Strikes Back”? Or the complete opposite?

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eh, not my favorite, mainly because the foreshadowing of the dark turns to come was wholly obvious, and it distresses me a little.

Group Contributor

In my opinion, this is almost as bad as the Phantom Menace.

Even Evil Has Standards
Group Contributor

I love the fight between Dooku and Yoda. Christopher Lee is the show stealer.

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7971333 All of the creepy lines Ani has with Padme is where the belief most of the fan base has that Padme was mind tricked into loving Ani

Subject 19
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Aside from the bad romance scenes, I think the movie is great! I remember seeing it as a kid in theaters and loving it! I loved the action and Obi Wan unraveling the mystery behind Jango and the clones I thought was really interesting. Thankfully Revenge of the Sith handled the romance well enough and ended the prequels with a thunderous applause!:trollestia:

Group Contributor

I mostly watch it for the scene with the Reek, Acklay and Nexu.

Group Contributor

Only if you watch them in the wrong order.

Basically, you HAVE to watch the original trilogy first before you watch the prequels.

A Man Undercover
Group Contributor

I was wondering about that.

Whenever I took into account how different the styles of both trilogies are from one another, and how many various installments were set during the prequel trilogy, I was beginning to think it’d make more sense for people to get acquainted with the original trilogy first before seeing the prequels.

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It presented a little more about the teacher-student bond between Obi-Wan and Anakin, as well as the young Jedi's relationship with Padmé which went against the principles of the Jedi Order; to this, add the tragic moment where Anakin's mother dies, wich fueling the hatred and anger that would later take its toll on him. And the glorious deployment of the Clone Army near the end of the film.

A great improvement from its predecessor.

Group Contributor

Well, Lucas himself stated you should watch them in Chronological order.

A Man Undercover
Group Contributor

Do you mean watch the prequels before the original trilogy? Or the other way around?

Boof Man
Group Contributor

I've always liked the prequals, especially attack of the clones, but I think it was because I thought Kamino and the battle of Geonosis were cool lol
Revenge of the Sith always made me feel anxious tho

Group Contributor

Prequels before

Group Contributor

Most of the movie was this dull, boring slog. Most of the actors gave flat, almost blank performances, which is a shame as they're good actors. The only good parts is the duel between Count Dooku and Yoda, and when the Jedi council and the clones shows up to take the fight to the droid army. For this I blame George Lucas as he had near total control of everything in the prequel trilogy. George Lucas is a great director, a great cinematographer, a good writer, but he needs someone to come in to knock off the rough edges of his scripts and polish them up. That's why the original trilogy was so great, he understood his weaknesses and shortcomings as a writer and a filmmaker, so he knew to bring people in who could help bolster where he was weakest. The problem is when someone sees a lot of success, they often fall prey to that success and think that everything they'll put out is going to be gold.

The prequel trilogy isn't bad by any stretch, but when you compare them to the original trilogy, you see where they really fall short. Now when you compare them to the sequel trilogy, the prequel trilogy looks like gold.

Spazz Kid
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Group Contributor

I misread the title. I thought it said, Attack of the Clowns. :rainbowlaugh:

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Honestly, most of the prequel hate is completely overblown. The prequels just weren't what the fans were expecting. If you ignore the more clunky dialogue scenes, they are pretty well written films.

Also the clunky dialogue scenes are wonderful memes.

Group Contributor

Not the worst Star Wars movie of all time, but still pretty mediocre in my opinion.

I do like it more than The Phantom Menace and there are a lot of cool moments in it, but the story as a whole is just not very engaging and the pacing feels off most of the time.

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