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Comments ( 33 )
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We all got em, so what's yours? :pinkiehappy:

Main characters being awesome at fighting for purely no reason other than being main characters. Im sorry, but Rarity canĀ“t beat five royal guards at once in hoof-to-hoof combat.

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People complaining about work people do for free, but never offering any help

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Being a loner, among other things.

Being annoying when I'm trying to help...
Talking with people who have no reason to be upset, yet are still mad about something...
Questions with unsolvable answers...
My english...

5734520 In terms of writing, I hate spoilers in comments. It's not hard to block that, is it?

But, as far as general life goes, I hate people who struggle to understand personal space. If you pop my bubble, I might just swing on you.

5734520 Seeing people stand around and chit-chat when they're supposed to be working, particularly when it keeps me from doing my job.

People who cross the double white line when driving, especially when coming onto or coming off of an exit. Seriously, how hard is it to wait the two seconds till it goes open or down to a single? There are no cars even in that lane! Just be patient!

5734528 Yeah, I had that issue with my first fic. :twilightblush: Thankfully had a reader point it out and they ended up being my editor. I guess in response to that my pet peeve is when people lie to you, saying you did good when in actuality you didn't do that great.

5734537 Exactly. They're doing it out of the kindness of their heart, you can't really complain when they are choosing to help you. Don't like what they're doing? Then do it yourself free - loader. I always feel guilty if I don't repay an act of kindness, even if the other person says I don't need to.

5734545 But that's something we can fix ourselves. :twilightsmile: Think pet peeve is something someone else does that is out of our control. We can't change how others act, just how we respond to them.

5734548 All except that last one are good. Sometimes we want to help so much that we end up getting in the way. People nowadays seem to be so touchy, that when you want to have a discussion about a topic, they have to make it into a bloody scream fest. There are just some questions I believe can't be and shouldn't be answered. You're English is fine, and as mention to Jongo, that's something that can be fixed. Yeah it may take some work, but think of it as one less gripe you have about yourself. :pinkiehappy:

5734550 Yeah or that one person that was first to read it and then starts to discuss points of the story before anyone else can read it. Second one is understandable too. You'd think it'd be easy to tell when someone's uncomfortable with how close you are, but I guess people like to live in their own little worlds.

5734551 Can totally relate to that. I was naive to think that that problem would go away in college, but there have been a couple of groups to where I had to do most of the work because they couldn't shut up about their own personal drama. :twilightangry2:

5734558 That can be frustrating, especially when the idea behind the story is good. I know when I started out writing, I didn't pay attention to the small details and regretted it. I'm still not the best at describing what happens in a certain scene but am working at it. I think that's why comments are so important, to let the writer know what they're doing good and what they need to work on. :twilightsmile:

5734563 I hate people that lane change at the last second. I'm like, come on people, even if you've never been on this stretch of road before, there was a sign half a mile back that said this was your exit or only one lane to exit. :facehoof:

5734578 Thanks... I really needed that :twilightsmile:

5734656 You're welcome. :raritywink:

5734520 People that reproduce without thinking of their gene quality. They're not cursing just the next generations, but all generations down the line with their bad genes. How can they not see the harm they're unleashing upon the world?

5734520 Characters who refuse to f'kin' think. Also if I'm working with someone and I constantly see the same errors in their work with no effort to get better. Also, guacamole.

5734520 The list is long and grueling.

But one that stands out is when they write characters in an OOC manner without explanation or reason.

5734520 Holier-than-thou attitude, and people who can't stand a little amount of darkness in stories and have to act like the moral police because of it :facehoof:

Morons (Your Inspector Gadgets, Lola Bunnies (from the newer show. Is it wrong that i liked the first version?) ) and Drag (When i saw "Orchard Blossom" i said "NOPE" and X'd the video.)

Talking about my pet peeves.

Ohhhhh, noooooooooooo.

5734730 Lol, I can't stand people that have kids and don't take care of them. Why did you want them and deal with 9 months of that if you're gonna just mistreat them. :flutterrage:

5734859 Good points save that last one. I :heart: guacamole!

5734907 Immediate or just an explanation in general? Like if the author wants to keep the reason delayed till a big reveal? I did that in my story and ended up explaining it a few chapters later.

5734908 I can see how those two link to each other. Life is not all rainbows and sunshine, something mlp has done a good job in a girl's[b/] show. I was surprised when Tirek went on his rampage. Also to your first point, yeah, who gives other people the right to judge? They don't know the person's background or what they've been through.

5734916 It depends on how it's done. I actually like the old pink panther movies (with Peter Sellers, not Steve Martin) and his stupidity still gets me to crack up. Even after watching it a few times, I still have hope he will prevail over his own stupidity, but I can see your point about it getting annoying at times. Like come on, someone can't get that lucky all the time.

5734965 I'm sorrieeee! :fluttercry: Then again, you chose to reply to this forum. :trixieshiftleft:

5735005 No, an explanation later is good enough. But let me tell you the rest of the Peeves so you get a laugh.

1. Turning without a signal in the highway.

2. Not noticing the obvious.

3. Talking shit behind my back.

4. Sonic Fan Art.

5. Naruto Fan Art.

6. Call of Duty Players.

7. Republicans.

8. Fascists.

9. Naruto Fans and Bleach Fans.

10. Weeaboos.

11. Dane Cook.

12. Hipsters.

13. Regetoneros (It's local thing, they are like the white guys that talk and act like gangsta rapers without having the slightest idea of what they are doing.)

14. The Ku Klux Klan.

15. Moral Guardians.

16. Lawyers.

17. Bankers.

18. Mormons.

19. Scientologists.

20. Evangelicals.

21. Trying to steal your friends girl.

22. Whining over stupid shit.

23. Being a douche bag.

24. Supporting your friends douche bag activities.

25. Calling Bronie's Pedophiles.

26. Calling me a moron.

27. Overall Uncalled For Dickery.

28. Justin Bieber, and His Horde of Fangirls.

29. The Twilight Novels.

30. Fifty Shade of Gray Novels.

31. The Maze Runner Movies.

32. The Aragon Books, and Movie.

33. The Star Wars Prequels.

34. Rec-Cons.

35. 90's Anti-Heroes

36. The Alvin and the Chipmunks live action movies.

37. Bad Shipping Fanfics.

38. Bad OC's.

39. Un-Ironic Bad Writing in general. (The Irony doesn't escape me.)

40. My Home Islands Political Situation and the hordes of morons that obsess over it.

That should cover it. I think.

Oh, I just found another one. You know when you have a bowl of cereal and you push down some of the cereal to get it milked up and some of the cereal falls out? Yeah, that's really annoying.


I can't stand people that have kids and don't take care of them.

Well, I actually don't care much about that. In a few generations, the lack of care will be forgotten. The genes, however, will remain.

A mother with genetic heart disorder having a kid and taking good care of it is evil in my eyes. A genius who walks out the door when the baby is born is an :scootangel: in my eyes. You have to think of the long-term effects, not some fluke that will vane in one generation.

5735005 Personally, characters of that trope done right are idiots. (Like Homer Simpson, Pinky, Pinkie Pie (kind of), Lotsa Heart from Care Bears, Snails, as we recently found out, If you've read some of the books, Amelia Bedelia counts, Zu Xhu from Dynasty Warriors....) They will be generally klutzy, dim-witted, may not always be on the ball, but will occasionally have a flash of brilliance or are at least likeable.

Morons, however, lack any redeeming factors, are defined by that character trait or generally make you want to facepalm whenever they're on screen at worst. (Patrick Star and Spongebob nearly all of the time, Peter Griffin most of the time, Chris Griffin ALL the time, Inspector Gadget, Cosmo, Beavis and Butthead, Stimpy, most animated characters in the last few years from any show with a dumb name (I'm looking at YOU, Squidbillies, Almost Naked Animals, Ed, Edd and Eddy, and MANY more.))

5735043 That's quite a list. :pinkiegasp:

5735775 Uh, never had that problem, but I can picture it in my mind. Would be annoying, especially getting milk on the counter when you move the bowl to the table. :facehoof:

5735956 Ok, thanks for explaining that better. :twilightsmile: Yeah I can totally agree with you there. Having taken some medical related classes and seeing a few diseases, it makes me wonder why make that child suffer when you know there's like a 60% chance of them inheriting your disease. Then again that radical idea is pretty much Darwinism, "survival of the fittest" and what not. But I guess that what's the greatest thing about being human, we have the ability to understand what our choices can lead to for the future, but sadly as you mentioned, not all of us use that ability. :ajsleepy:

5735975 Lol, shoulda seen my Christmas avatar. It was Spongebob.:twilightblush: I think I love that show just because of the excessive stupidity. Eh but to each their own, right? :twilightsmile:

5736253 Told ya, and I think I pissed someone off, because I got a downvote there that is just poking the back of my mind. Let's add a number 41.

41. Down-voting Without a reply. :rainbowlaugh:

5736269 Eh, downvotes on comments I don't really mind. Downvotes on my stories I do mind, since I obviously spent more time on thaem than I would a comment. It's ok to downvote my stuff if you don't like it, but at least just tell me what you didn't like. If it was something I could fix: pacing, character development, story flow I can and will try to fix that. If you're just downvoting because you don't like that type of story I won't know what I did wrong unless you tell me. Yes I wrote in my bio that I write for myself, but if I can improve on the things I can fix, I don't mind that at all.

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Getting the last word every time.

5736253 Also, betrayal. I can't stand backstabbers.
*Commence Rant!*
Bartrend (Dragon Age 2 (my fave of the series, btw)), Benny (Total Recall), Lance Vance (GTA Vice City), Atlas (Bioshock), Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park), Cypher (The Matrix) Edgar Ross (Red Dead Redemption), Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Underground) I. Freakin'. Hate. TRAITORS!

5736275 Oh I almost forgot!

42. Jehovah's Witnesses!

And it's cool.

5736278 Well, we'll see about that. :raritywink:

5736314 But backstabbers just make it that much more interesting. Also sometimes it helps move the story forward. Without their treachery the heroes wouldn't have a challenge. :raritywink:

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