• Member Since 7th Aug, 2014

Sky Blue CMC

"You're not a burden, my love" Simon comforted his partner, Prince Lucian. "You're all 7,634,420,069,142,002,387,487,862,912 stars in my sky, Luce. And I love how brightly you shine"

Sky Blue's Tales 4 stories
  • Sky Blue's Tales 4 stories - 0 unread chapters All the stories that have my main OC, Sky Blue, in them.
    Created by Sky Blue CMC
    - April, 2017
Found 1 stories in 25ms
Total Words: 6,858
Estimated Reading: 27 minutes



  • Featured 23743 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Life. Death. Two clearly different things. Reality. Dreams. As different as light and darkness. But how different are they really? Sky Blue, orphaned middle child of the Blue family, needs to know. She's been having the same dream every night. But...

...suddenly, she stops dreaming altogether. She sees the shadow that haunted her for seven years... the shadow of her mother's killer.

Contains spoilers for season 6 finale, LoE, and some headcanons. Thou hast been warned.

Cover art designed by yours truly and RavenTheGhost. but mostly Raven.

PM me for the password... if you're Level 3 or higher, I'll tell you. (200+ Star Points)

(I might add more to the long description later, but the short one has 250 characters in it already.)

Chapters (5)